using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using osu.Framework; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Drawables; using OpenTK.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using OpenTK; using osu.Framework.Cached; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Transformations; using OpenTK.Input; using osu.Framework.Input; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.MathUtils; using osu.Framework.Threading; namespace osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface { internal class TextBox : MaskingContainer { private FlowContainer textFlow; private Box background; protected Box cursor; protected Container TextContainer; internal int? LengthLimit; internal bool ResetTextOnEdit; internal string textBeforeCommit; internal virtual bool AllowClipboardExport => true; protected virtual Color4 BackgroundCommit => new Color4(249, 90, 255, 200); protected virtual Color4 BackgroundFocused => new Color4(100, 100, 100, 255); protected virtual Color4 BackgroundUnfocused => new Color4(100, 100, 100, 120); public bool ReadOnly; //BackingTextBox backingTextbox; internal delegate void OnCommitHandler(TextBox sender, bool newText); internal event OnCommitHandler OnCommit; public event OnCommitHandler OnChange; internal float SpaceWidth = 10; private Scheduler textUpdateScheduler = new Scheduler(); public override void Load() { Add(background = new Box() { Colour = BackgroundUnfocused, SizeMode = InheritMode.XY, }); Add(TextContainer = new Container() { SizeMode = InheritMode.XY }); textFlow = new FlowContainer() { Direction = FlowDirection.HorizontalOnly, //Padding = new Vector2(-SpaceWidth / 3, 0) }; cursor = new Box() { Size = Vector2.One, Colour = Color4.Transparent, SizeMode = InheritMode.Y, Alpha = 0 }; TextContainer.Add(cursor); TextContainer.Add(textFlow); } private void resetSelection() { selectionStart = selectionEnd = text.Length; cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { OnChange = null; OnCommit = null; UnbindTextbox(); base.Dispose(disposing); } private float textContainerPosX; protected virtual float TextContainerIconOffset => 0; protected string TextAtLastLayout = string.Empty; protected override void UpdateLayout() { //have to run this after children flow cursorAndLayout.Refresh(delegate { textUpdateScheduler.Update(); Vector2 cursorPos = Vector2.Zero; if (text.Length > 0) cursorPos.X = getPositionAt(selectionLeft); float cursorPosEnd = getPositionAt(selectionEnd); float cursorWidth = 2; if (selectionLength > 0) cursorWidth = getPositionAt(selectionRight) - cursorPos.X; float cursorRelativePositionInBox = (cursorPosEnd - textContainerPosX) / Width; //we only want to reposition the view when the cursor reaches near the extremities. if (cursorRelativePositionInBox < 0.1 || cursorRelativePositionInBox > 0.9) { textContainerPosX = cursorPosEnd - Width / 2; } textContainerPosX = MathHelper.Clamp(textContainerPosX, 0, Math.Max(0, textFlow.Width - Width)); TextContainer.MoveToX(TextContainerIconOffset - textContainerPosX, 300, EasingTypes.OutExpo); if (HasFocus) { cursor.ClearTransformations(); cursor.MoveTo(cursorPos, 60, EasingTypes.Out); cursor.ScaleTo(new Vector2(cursorWidth, 1), 60, EasingTypes.Out); if (selectionLength > 0) { cursor.FadeTo(0.5f, 200, EasingTypes.Out); cursor.FadeColour(new Color4(249, 90, 255, 255), 200, EasingTypes.Out); } else { cursor.FadeTo(0.5f, 200, EasingTypes.Out); cursor.FadeColour(Color4.White, 200, EasingTypes.Out); cursor.Transformations.Add(new TransformAlpha(Clock) { StartValue = 0.5f, EndValue = 0.2f, StartTime = Time, EndTime = Time + 500, Easing = EasingTypes.InOutSine, LoopCount = -1, }); } } OnChange?.Invoke(this, TextAtLastLayout != text); TextAtLastLayout = text; return cursorPos; }); } private float getPositionAt(int index) { if (index > 0) { if (index < text.Length) return textFlow.Children[index].Position.X + textFlow.Position.X; else return textFlow.Children[index - 1].Position.X + textFlow.Children[index - 1].Size.X + textFlow.Padding.X + textFlow.Position.X; } else return 0; } private int getCharacterClosestTo(Vector2 pos) { pos = textFlow.GetLocalPosition(pos); int i = 0; foreach (Drawable d in textFlow.Children) { if (d.Position.X + d.Size.X / 2 > pos.X) break; i++; } return i; } internal bool HandleLeftRightArrows = true; int selectionStart; int selectionEnd; int selectionLength => Math.Abs(selectionEnd - selectionStart); int selectionLeft => Math.Min(selectionStart, selectionEnd); int selectionRight => Math.Max(selectionStart, selectionEnd); Cached cursorAndLayout = new Cached(); private void moveSelection(int offset, bool expand) { //if (backingTextbox?.ImeActive == true) return; int oldStart = selectionStart; int oldEnd = selectionEnd; if (expand) selectionEnd = MathHelper.Clamp(selectionEnd + offset, 0, text.Length); else { if (selectionLength > 0 && Math.Abs(offset) <= 1) { //we don't want to move the location when "removing" an existing selection, just set the new location. if (offset > 0) selectionEnd = selectionStart = selectionRight; else selectionEnd = selectionStart = selectionLeft; } else selectionEnd = selectionStart = MathHelper.Clamp((offset > 0 ? selectionRight : selectionLeft) + offset, 0, text.Length); } if (oldStart != selectionStart || oldEnd != selectionEnd) { Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample(@"key-movement"); cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); } } private bool removeCharacterOrSelection(bool sound = true) { if (text.Length == 0) return false; if (selectionLength == 0 && selectionLeft == 0) return false; int count = MathHelper.Clamp(selectionLength, 1, text.Length); int start = MathHelper.Clamp(selectionLength > 0 ? selectionLeft : selectionLeft - 1, 0, text.Length - count); if (count == 0) return false; if (sound) Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample(@"key-delete"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Drawable d = textFlow.Children[start]; textFlow.Remove(d); TextContainer.Add(d); d.FadeOut(200); d.MoveToY(d.Size.Y, 200, EasingTypes.InExpo); d.Expire(); } text = text.Remove(start, count); if (selectionLength > 0) selectionStart = selectionEnd = selectionLeft; else selectionStart = selectionEnd = selectionLeft - 1; cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return true; } protected virtual Drawable AddCharacterToFlow(char c) { for (int i = selectionLeft; i < text.Length; i++) textFlow.Children[i].Depth = i + 1; Drawable ch; if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { float width = SpaceWidth / 2; switch ((int)c) { case 0x3000: //double-width space width = SpaceWidth; break; } textFlow.Add(ch = new Container() { SizeMode = InheritMode.None, Size = new Vector2(width, SpaceWidth), Depth = selectionLeft }); } else { textFlow.Add(ch = new SpriteText() { Text = c.ToString(), Depth = selectionLeft }); } return ch; } /// /// Insert an arbitrary string into the text at the current position. /// /// private void insertString(string text) { foreach (char c in text) { if (char.IsControl(c)) continue; addCharacter(c); } } private Drawable addCharacter(char c) { if (selectionLength > 0) removeCharacterOrSelection(); if (text.Length + 1 > LengthLimit) { if (background.Alpha > 0) background.FlashColour(Color4.Red, 200); else textFlow.FlashColour(Color4.Red, 200); return null; } Drawable ch = AddCharacterToFlow(c); ch.Position = new Vector2(0, SpaceWidth); ch.MoveToY(0, 200, EasingTypes.OutExpo); text = text.Insert(selectionLeft, c.ToString()); selectionStart = selectionEnd = selectionLeft + 1; cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return ch; } private string text; internal virtual string Text { get { return text; } set { if (value == text) return; textUpdateScheduler.Add(delegate { int startBefore = selectionStart; selectionStart = selectionEnd = 0; textFlow?.Clear(); text = string.Empty; foreach (char c in value) addCharacter(c); selectionStart = MathHelper.Clamp(startBefore, 0, text.Length); }, true); cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); } } public string SelectedText => selectionLength > 0 ? Text.Substring(selectionLeft, selectionLength) : string.Empty; protected override bool OnKeyDown(InputState state, KeyDownEventArgs args) { //if (!HasFocus) // return false; //if (backingTextbox?.ImeActive == true) return true; switch (args.Key) { case Key.Tab: return false; case Key.End: moveSelection(text.Length, state.Keyboard.ShiftPressed); return true; case Key.Home: moveSelection(-text.Length, state.Keyboard.ShiftPressed); return true; case Key.Left: { if (!HandleLeftRightArrows) return false; if (selectionEnd == 0) return true; int amount = 1; if (state.Keyboard.ControlPressed) { int lastSpace = text.LastIndexOf(' ', Math.Max(0, selectionEnd - 2)); if (lastSpace >= 0) amount = selectionEnd - lastSpace - 1; else amount = selectionEnd; } moveSelection(-amount, state.Keyboard.ShiftPressed); } return true; case Key.Right: { if (!HandleLeftRightArrows) return false; if (selectionEnd == text.Length) return true; int amount = 1; if (state.Keyboard.ControlPressed) { int nextSpace = text.IndexOf(' ', selectionEnd + 1); if (nextSpace >= 0) amount = nextSpace - selectionEnd; else amount = text.Length - selectionEnd; } moveSelection(amount, state.Keyboard.ShiftPressed); } return true; case Key.Enter: TriggerFocusLost(state); return true; case Key.Delete: if (selectionLength == 0) { if (text.Length == selectionStart) return true; if (state.Keyboard.ControlPressed) { int spacePos = selectionStart; while (text[spacePos] == ' ' && spacePos < text.Length) spacePos++; spacePos = MathHelper.Clamp(text.IndexOf(' ', spacePos), 0, text.Length); selectionEnd = spacePos; if (selectionStart == 0 && spacePos == 0) selectionEnd = text.Length; if (selectionLength == 0) return true; } else { //we're deleting in front of the cursor, so move the cursor forward once first selectionStart = selectionEnd = selectionStart + 1; } } removeCharacterOrSelection(); return true; case Key.Back: if (selectionLength == 0 && state.Keyboard.ControlPressed) { int spacePos = selectionLeft >= 2 ? Math.Max(0, text.LastIndexOf(' ', selectionLeft - 2) + 1) : 0; selectionStart = spacePos; } removeCharacterOrSelection(); return true; } if (state.Keyboard.ControlPressed) { //handling of function keys switch (args.Key) { case Key.A: selectionStart = 0; selectionEnd = text.Length; cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return true; case Key.C: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedText) || !AllowClipboardExport) return true; //System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(SelectedText); return true; case Key.X: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedText)) return true; //if (AllowClipboardExport) // System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(SelectedText); removeCharacterOrSelection(); return true; case Key.V: //the text is pasted into the hidden textbox, so we don't need any direct clipboard interaction here. //insertString(backingTextbox.GetPendingText()); return true; } return false; } string str = "A";// backingTextbox.GetPendingText(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { if (state.Keyboard.ShiftPressed) Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample(@"key-caps"); else Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample($@"key-press-{RNG.Next(1, 5)}"); insertString(str); return true; } return false; } protected override bool OnDrag(InputState state) { //if (backingTextbox?.ImeActive == true) return true; if (text.Length == 0) return true; selectionEnd = getCharacterClosestTo(state.Mouse.Position); if (selectionLength > 0) TriggerFocus(); cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return true; } protected override bool OnDragStart(InputState state) { //need to handle this so we get onDrag events. return true; } protected override bool OnDoubleClick(InputState state) { //if (backingTextbox?.ImeActive == true) return true; if (text.Length == 0) return true; int hover = Math.Min(text.Length - 1, getCharacterClosestTo(state.Mouse.Position)); int lastSpace = text.LastIndexOf(' ', hover); int nextSpace = text.IndexOf(' ', hover); selectionStart = lastSpace >= 0 ? lastSpace + 1 : 0; selectionEnd = nextSpace >= 0 ? nextSpace : text.Length; cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return true; } protected override bool OnMouseDown(InputState state, MouseDownEventArgs args) { //if (backingTextbox?.ImeActive == true) return true; selectionStart = selectionEnd = getCharacterClosestTo(state.Mouse.Position); cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return true; } protected override void OnFocusLost(InputState state) { UnbindTextbox(); cursor.ClearTransformations(); cursor.FadeOut(200); if (state.Keyboard.Keys.Contains(Key.Enter)) { background.Colour = BackgroundUnfocused; background.ClearTransformations(); background.FlashColour(BackgroundCommit, 400); Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample(@"key-confirm"); OnCommit?.Invoke(this, true); } else { background.ClearTransformations(); background.FadeColour(BackgroundUnfocused, 200, EasingTypes.OutExpo); } cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); } protected override bool OnFocus(InputState state) { if (ReadOnly) return false; //BindTextbox(); textBeforeCommit = Text; if (ResetTextOnEdit) Text = string.Empty; background.ClearTransformations(); background.FadeColour(BackgroundFocused, 200, EasingTypes.Out); cursorAndLayout.Invalidate(); return true; } #region Native TextBox handling (winform specific) protected void UnbindTextbox() { //backingTextbox?.Deactivate(OsuGame.Window.Form); } //protected void BindTextbox() //{ // if (backingTextbox == null) // { // backingTextbox = new BackingTextBox(); // backingTextbox.OnNewImeComposition += onImeComposition; // backingTextbox.OnNewImeResult += onImeResult; // } // backingTextbox.Activate(OsuGame.Window.Form); //} //private void onImeResult(string s) //{ // //we only succeeded if there is pending data in the textbox // if (imeDrawables.Count > 0) // { // Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample($@"key-confirm"); // foreach (Drawable d in imeDrawables) // { // d.Colour = Color4.White; // d.FadeTo(1, 200, EasingTypes.Out); // } // } // imeDrawables.Clear(); //} List imeDrawables = new List(); private void onImeComposition(string s) { //search for unchanged characters.. int matchCount = 0; bool matching = true; bool didDelete = false; int searchStart = text.Length - imeDrawables.Count; //we want to keep processing to the end of the longest string (the current displayed or the new composition). int maxLength = Math.Max(imeDrawables.Count, s.Length); for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { if (matching && searchStart + i < text.Length && i < s.Length && text[searchStart + i] == s[i]) { matchCount = i + 1; continue; } matching = false; if (matchCount < imeDrawables.Count) { //if we are no longer matching, we want to remove all further characters. removeCharacterOrSelection(false); imeDrawables.RemoveAt(matchCount); didDelete = true; } } if (matchCount == s.Length) { //in the case of backspacing (or a NOP), we can exit early here. if (didDelete) Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample($@"key-delete").Play(); return; } //add any new or changed characters for (int i = matchCount; i < s.Length; i++) { Drawable dr = addCharacter(s[i]); if (dr != null) { dr.Colour = Color4.Aqua; dr.Alpha = 0.6f; imeDrawables.Add(dr); } } Game.Audio.Sample.GetSample($@"key-press-{RNG.Next(1, 5)}"); } #endregion } }