// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.IO.FileAbstraction; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit.Checks.Components; using osu.Game.Storyboards; using TagLib; using File = TagLib.File; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit.Checks { public class CheckVideoResolution : ICheck { private const int max_video_width = 1280; private const int max_video_height = 720; public CheckMetadata Metadata => new CheckMetadata(CheckCategory.Resources, "Too high video resolution."); public IEnumerable PossibleTemplates => new IssueTemplate[] { new IssueTemplateHighResolution(this), new IssueTemplateFileError(this), }; public IEnumerable Run(BeatmapVerifierContext context) { var beatmapSet = context.Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapSet; var videoPaths = getVideoPaths(context.WorkingBeatmap.Storyboard); foreach (string filename in videoPaths) { string? storagePath = beatmapSet?.GetPathForFile(filename); // Don't report any issues for missing video here since another check is already doing that (CheckAudioInVideo) if (storagePath == null) continue; Issue issue; try { using (Stream data = context.WorkingBeatmap.GetStream(storagePath)) using (File tagFile = File.Create(new StreamFileAbstraction(filename, data))) { int height = tagFile.Properties.VideoHeight; int width = tagFile.Properties.VideoWidth; if (height <= max_video_height || width <= max_video_width) continue; issue = new IssueTemplateHighResolution(this).Create(filename, width, height); } } catch (CorruptFileException) { issue = new IssueTemplateFileError(this).Create(filename, "Corrupt file"); } catch (UnsupportedFormatException) { issue = new IssueTemplateFileError(this).Create(filename, "Unsupported format"); } catch (Exception ex) { issue = new IssueTemplateFileError(this).Create(filename, "Internal failure - see logs for more info"); Logger.Log($"Failed when running {nameof(CheckVideoResolution)}: {ex}"); } yield return issue; } } private List getVideoPaths(Storyboard storyboard) { var videoPaths = new List(); foreach (var layer in storyboard.Layers) { foreach (var element in layer.Elements) { if (element is not StoryboardVideo video) continue; if (!videoPaths.Contains(video.Path)) videoPaths.Add(video.Path); } } return videoPaths; } public class IssueTemplateHighResolution : IssueTemplate { public IssueTemplateHighResolution(ICheck check) : base(check, IssueType.Problem, "\"{0}\" resolution exceeds 1280x720 ({1}x{2})") { } public Issue Create(string filename, int width, int height) => new Issue(this, filename, width, height); } public class IssueTemplateFileError : IssueTemplate { public IssueTemplateFileError(ICheck check) : base(check, IssueType.Error, "Could not check resolution for \"{0}\" ({1}).") { } public Issue Create(string filename, string errorReason) => new Issue(this, filename, errorReason); } } }