// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Text; using DiscordRPC; using DiscordRPC.Message; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Extensions; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Users; using LogLevel = osu.Framework.Logging.LogLevel; namespace osu.Desktop { internal partial class DiscordRichPresence : Component { private const string client_id = "367827983903490050"; private DiscordRpcClient client = null!; [Resolved] private IBindable ruleset { get; set; } = null!; private IBindable user = null!; [Resolved] private IAPIProvider api { get; set; } = null!; private readonly IBindable status = new Bindable(); private readonly IBindable activity = new Bindable(); private readonly Bindable privacyMode = new Bindable(); private readonly RichPresence presence = new RichPresence { Assets = new Assets { LargeImageKey = "osu_logo_lazer", } }; [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OsuConfigManager config) { client = new DiscordRpcClient(client_id) { SkipIdenticalPresence = false // handles better on discord IPC loss, see updateStatus call in onReady. }; client.OnReady += onReady; client.OnError += (_, e) => Logger.Log($"An error occurred with Discord RPC Client: {e.Code} {e.Message}", LoggingTarget.Network); config.BindWith(OsuSetting.DiscordRichPresence, privacyMode); user = api.LocalUser.GetBoundCopy(); user.BindValueChanged(u => { status.UnbindBindings(); status.BindTo(u.NewValue.Status); activity.UnbindBindings(); activity.BindTo(u.NewValue.Activity); }, true); ruleset.BindValueChanged(_ => updateStatus()); status.BindValueChanged(_ => updateStatus()); activity.BindValueChanged(_ => updateStatus()); privacyMode.BindValueChanged(_ => updateStatus()); client.Initialize(); } private void onReady(object _, ReadyMessage __) { Logger.Log("Discord RPC Client ready.", LoggingTarget.Network, LogLevel.Debug); updateStatus(); } private void updateStatus() { if (!client.IsInitialized) return; if (status.Value == UserStatus.Offline || privacyMode.Value == DiscordRichPresenceMode.Off) { client.ClearPresence(); return; } if (status.Value == UserStatus.Online && activity.Value != null) { bool hideIdentifiableInformation = privacyMode.Value == DiscordRichPresenceMode.Limited; presence.State = truncate(activity.Value.GetStatus(hideIdentifiableInformation)); presence.Details = truncate(activity.Value.GetDetails(hideIdentifiableInformation) ?? string.Empty); if (getBeatmapID(activity.Value) is int beatmapId && beatmapId > 0) { presence.Buttons = new[] { new Button { Label = "View beatmap", Url = $@"{api.WebsiteRootUrl}/beatmaps/{beatmapId}?mode={ruleset.Value.ShortName}" } }; } else { presence.Buttons = null; } } else { presence.State = "Idle"; presence.Details = string.Empty; } // update user information if (privacyMode.Value == DiscordRichPresenceMode.Limited) presence.Assets.LargeImageText = string.Empty; else { if (user.Value.RulesetsStatistics != null && user.Value.RulesetsStatistics.TryGetValue(ruleset.Value.ShortName, out UserStatistics? statistics)) presence.Assets.LargeImageText = $"{user.Value.Username}" + (statistics.GlobalRank > 0 ? $" (rank #{statistics.GlobalRank:N0})" : string.Empty); else presence.Assets.LargeImageText = $"{user.Value.Username}" + (user.Value.Statistics?.GlobalRank > 0 ? $" (rank #{user.Value.Statistics.GlobalRank:N0})" : string.Empty); } // update ruleset presence.Assets.SmallImageKey = ruleset.Value.IsLegacyRuleset() ? $"mode_{ruleset.Value.OnlineID}" : "mode_custom"; presence.Assets.SmallImageText = ruleset.Value.Name; client.SetPresence(presence); } private static readonly int ellipsis_length = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(new[] { '…' }); private string truncate(string str) { if (Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(str) <= 128) return str; ReadOnlyMemory strMem = str.AsMemory(); do { strMem = strMem[..^1]; } while (Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(strMem.Span) + ellipsis_length > 128); return string.Create(strMem.Length + 1, strMem, (span, mem) => { mem.Span.CopyTo(span); span[^1] = '…'; }); } private int? getBeatmapID(UserActivity activity) { switch (activity) { case UserActivity.InGame game: return game.BeatmapID; case UserActivity.EditingBeatmap edit: return edit.BeatmapID; } return null; } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { client.Dispose(); base.Dispose(isDisposing); } } }