// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using JetBrains.Annotations; using osu.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Audio.Sample; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings; using osu.Framework.Input.Events; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Framework.Platform; using osu.Framework.Threading; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Input; using osu.Game.Input.Bindings; using osu.Game.Localisation; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Menu { public class ButtonSystem : Container, IStateful, IKeyBindingHandler { public event Action StateChanged; private readonly IBindable isIdle = new BindableBool(); public Action OnEdit; public Action OnExit; public Action OnBeatmapListing; public Action OnSolo; public Action OnSettings; public Action OnMultiplayer; public Action OnPlaylists; public const float BUTTON_WIDTH = 140f; public const float WEDGE_WIDTH = 20; [CanBeNull] private OsuLogo logo; /// /// Assign the that this ButtonSystem should manage the position of. /// /// The instance of the logo to be assigned. If null, we are suspending from the screen that uses this ButtonSystem. public void SetOsuLogo(OsuLogo logo) { this.logo = logo; if (this.logo != null) { this.logo.Action = onOsuLogo; // osuLogo.SizeForFlow relies on loading to be complete. buttonArea.Flow.Position = new Vector2(WEDGE_WIDTH * 2 - (BUTTON_WIDTH + this.logo.SizeForFlow / 4), 0); updateLogoState(); } else { // We should stop tracking as the facade is now out of scope. logoTrackingContainer.StopTracking(); } } private readonly ButtonArea buttonArea; private readonly MainMenuButton backButton; private readonly List buttonsTopLevel = new List(); private readonly List buttonsPlay = new List(); private Sample sampleBack; private readonly LogoTrackingContainer logoTrackingContainer; public ButtonSystem() { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both; Child = logoTrackingContainer = new LogoTrackingContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Child = buttonArea = new ButtonArea() }; buttonArea.AddRange(new Drawable[] { new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Settings, string.Empty, FontAwesome.Solid.Cog, new Color4(85, 85, 85, 255), () => OnSettings?.Invoke(), -WEDGE_WIDTH, Key.O), backButton = new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Back, @"button-back-select", OsuIcon.LeftCircle, new Color4(51, 58, 94, 255), () => State = ButtonSystemState.TopLevel, -WEDGE_WIDTH) { VisibleState = ButtonSystemState.Play, }, logoTrackingContainer.LogoFacade.With(d => d.Scale = new Vector2(0.74f)) }); buttonArea.Flow.CentreTarget = logoTrackingContainer.LogoFacade; } [Resolved(CanBeNull = true)] private OsuGame game { get; set; } [Resolved] private IAPIProvider api { get; set; } [Resolved(CanBeNull = true)] private INotificationOverlay notifications { get; set; } [Resolved(CanBeNull = true)] private LoginOverlay loginOverlay { get; set; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader(true)] private void load(AudioManager audio, IdleTracker idleTracker, GameHost host) { buttonsPlay.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Solo, @"button-solo-select", FontAwesome.Solid.User, new Color4(102, 68, 204, 255), () => OnSolo?.Invoke(), WEDGE_WIDTH, Key.P)); buttonsPlay.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Multi, @"button-generic-select", FontAwesome.Solid.Users, new Color4(94, 63, 186, 255), onMultiplayer, 0, Key.M)); buttonsPlay.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Playlists, @"button-generic-select", OsuIcon.Charts, new Color4(94, 63, 186, 255), onPlaylists, 0, Key.L)); buttonsPlay.ForEach(b => b.VisibleState = ButtonSystemState.Play); buttonsTopLevel.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Play, @"button-play-select", OsuIcon.Logo, new Color4(102, 68, 204, 255), () => State = ButtonSystemState.Play, WEDGE_WIDTH, Key.P)); buttonsTopLevel.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Edit, @"button-edit-select", OsuIcon.EditCircle, new Color4(238, 170, 0, 255), () => OnEdit?.Invoke(), 0, Key.E)); buttonsTopLevel.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Browse, @"button-direct-select", OsuIcon.ChevronDownCircle, new Color4(165, 204, 0, 255), () => OnBeatmapListing?.Invoke(), 0, Key.D)); if (host.CanExit) buttonsTopLevel.Add(new MainMenuButton(ButtonSystemStrings.Exit, string.Empty, OsuIcon.CrossCircle, new Color4(238, 51, 153, 255), () => OnExit?.Invoke(), 0, Key.Q)); buttonArea.AddRange(buttonsPlay); buttonArea.AddRange(buttonsTopLevel); buttonArea.ForEach(b => { if (b is MainMenuButton) { b.Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft; b.Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft; } }); isIdle.ValueChanged += idle => updateIdleState(idle.NewValue); if (idleTracker != null) isIdle.BindTo(idleTracker.IsIdle); sampleBack = audio.Samples.Get(@"Menu/button-back-select"); } private void onMultiplayer() { if (api.State.Value != APIState.Online) { notifications?.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = "You gotta be online to multi 'yo!", Icon = FontAwesome.Solid.Globe, Activated = () => { loginOverlay?.Show(); return true; } }); return; } OnMultiplayer?.Invoke(); } private void onPlaylists() { if (api.State.Value != APIState.Online) { notifications?.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = "You gotta be online to view playlists 'yo!", Icon = FontAwesome.Solid.Globe, Activated = () => { loginOverlay?.Show(); return true; } }); return; } OnPlaylists?.Invoke(); } private void updateIdleState(bool isIdle) { if (isIdle && State != ButtonSystemState.Exit && State != ButtonSystemState.EnteringMode) State = ButtonSystemState.Initial; } protected override bool OnKeyDown(KeyDownEvent e) { if (e.Repeat || e.ControlPressed || e.ShiftPressed || e.AltPressed || e.SuperPressed) return false; if (State == ButtonSystemState.Initial) { if (buttonsTopLevel.Any(b => e.Key == b.TriggerKey)) { logo?.TriggerClick(); return true; } } return base.OnKeyDown(e); } public bool OnPressed(KeyBindingPressEvent e) { if (e.Repeat) return false; switch (e.Action) { case GlobalAction.Back: return goBack(); case GlobalAction.Select: logo?.TriggerClick(); return true; default: return false; } } public void OnReleased(KeyBindingReleaseEvent e) { } private bool goBack() { switch (State) { case ButtonSystemState.TopLevel: State = ButtonSystemState.Initial; sampleBack?.Play(); return true; case ButtonSystemState.Play: backButton.TriggerClick(); return true; default: return false; } } private bool onOsuLogo() { switch (state) { default: return false; case ButtonSystemState.Initial: State = ButtonSystemState.TopLevel; return true; case ButtonSystemState.TopLevel: buttonsTopLevel.First().TriggerClick(); return false; case ButtonSystemState.Play: buttonsPlay.First().TriggerClick(); return false; } } private ButtonSystemState state = ButtonSystemState.Initial; public override bool HandleNonPositionalInput => state != ButtonSystemState.Exit; public override bool HandlePositionalInput => state != ButtonSystemState.Exit; public ButtonSystemState State { get => state; set { if (state == value) return; ButtonSystemState lastState = state; state = value; updateLogoState(lastState); Logger.Log($"{nameof(ButtonSystem)}'s state changed from {lastState} to {state}"); using (buttonArea.BeginDelayedSequence(lastState == ButtonSystemState.Initial ? 150 : 0)) { buttonArea.ButtonSystemState = state; foreach (var b in buttonArea.Children.OfType()) b.ButtonSystemState = state; } StateChanged?.Invoke(State); } } private ScheduledDelegate logoDelayedAction; private void updateLogoState(ButtonSystemState lastState = ButtonSystemState.Initial) { if (logo == null) return; switch (state) { case ButtonSystemState.Exit: case ButtonSystemState.Initial: logoDelayedAction?.Cancel(); logoDelayedAction = Scheduler.AddDelayed(() => { logoTrackingContainer.StopTracking(); game?.Toolbar.Hide(); logo?.ClearTransforms(targetMember: nameof(Position)); logo?.MoveTo(new Vector2(0.5f), 800, Easing.OutExpo); logo?.ScaleTo(1, 800, Easing.OutExpo); }, buttonArea.Alpha * 150); break; case ButtonSystemState.TopLevel: case ButtonSystemState.Play: switch (lastState) { case ButtonSystemState.TopLevel: // coming from toplevel to play break; case ButtonSystemState.Initial: logo.ClearTransforms(targetMember: nameof(Position)); bool impact = logo.Scale.X > 0.6f; logo.ScaleTo(0.5f, 200, Easing.In); logoTrackingContainer.StartTracking(logo, 200, Easing.In); logoDelayedAction?.Cancel(); logoDelayedAction = Scheduler.AddDelayed(() => { if (impact) logo?.Impact(); game?.Toolbar.Show(); }, 200); break; default: logo.ClearTransforms(targetMember: nameof(Position)); logoTrackingContainer.StartTracking(logo, 0, Easing.In); logo.ScaleTo(0.5f, 200, Easing.OutQuint); break; } break; case ButtonSystemState.EnteringMode: logoTrackingContainer.StartTracking(logo, lastState == ButtonSystemState.Initial ? MainMenu.FADE_OUT_DURATION : 0, Easing.InSine); break; } } } public enum ButtonSystemState { Exit, Initial, TopLevel, Play, EnteringMode, } }