// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Cursor; using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Collections; using osu.Game.Database; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Overlays; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Select.Carousel { public partial class DrawableCarouselBeatmapSet : DrawableCarouselItem, IHasContextMenu { public const float HEIGHT = MAX_HEIGHT; private Action restoreHiddenRequested = null!; private Action? viewDetails; [Resolved] private IDialogOverlay? dialogOverlay { get; set; } [Resolved] private ManageCollectionsDialog? manageCollectionsDialog { get; set; } [Resolved] private RealmAccess realm { get; set; } = null!; public IEnumerable DrawableBeatmaps => beatmapContainer?.IsLoaded != true ? Enumerable.Empty() : beatmapContainer.AliveChildren; private Container? beatmapContainer; private BeatmapSetInfo beatmapSet = null!; private Task? beatmapsLoadTask; [Resolved] private BeatmapManager manager { get; set; } = null!; protected override void FreeAfterUse() { base.FreeAfterUse(); Item = null; ClearTransforms(); } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(BeatmapSetOverlay? beatmapOverlay) { restoreHiddenRequested = s => { foreach (var b in s.Beatmaps) manager.Restore(b); }; if (beatmapOverlay != null) viewDetails = beatmapOverlay.FetchAndShowBeatmapSet; } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); Debug.Assert(Item != null); // position updates should not occur if the item is filtered away. // this avoids panels flying across the screen only to be eventually off-screen or faded out. if (!Item.Visible) return; float targetY = Item.CarouselYPosition; if (Precision.AlmostEquals(targetY, Y)) Y = targetY; else // algorithm for this is taken from ScrollContainer. // while it doesn't necessarily need to match 1:1, as we are emulating scroll in some cases this feels most correct. Y = (float)Interpolation.Lerp(targetY, Y, Math.Exp(-0.01 * Time.Elapsed)); } protected override void UpdateItem() { base.UpdateItem(); Content.Clear(); beatmapContainer = null; beatmapsLoadTask = null; if (Item == null) return; beatmapSet = ((CarouselBeatmapSet)Item).BeatmapSet; DelayedLoadWrapper background; DelayedLoadWrapper mainFlow; Header.Children = new Drawable[] { // Choice of background image matches BSS implementation (always uses the lowest `beatmap_id` from the set). background = new DelayedLoadWrapper(() => new SetPanelBackground(manager.GetWorkingBeatmap(beatmapSet.Beatmaps.MinBy(b => b.OnlineID))) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, 300) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, mainFlow = new DelayedLoadWrapper(() => new SetPanelContent((CarouselBeatmapSet)Item), 100) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, }; background.DelayedLoadComplete += fadeContentIn; mainFlow.DelayedLoadComplete += fadeContentIn; } private void fadeContentIn(Drawable d) => d.FadeInFromZero(750, Easing.OutQuint); protected override void Deselected() { base.Deselected(); MovementContainer.MoveToX(0, 500, Easing.OutExpo); updateBeatmapYPositions(); } protected override void Selected() { base.Selected(); MovementContainer.MoveToX(-100, 500, Easing.OutExpo); updateBeatmapDifficulties(); } private void updateBeatmapDifficulties() { Debug.Assert(Item != null); var carouselBeatmapSet = (CarouselBeatmapSet)Item; var visibleBeatmaps = carouselBeatmapSet.Items.Where(c => c.Visible).ToArray(); // if we are already displaying all the correct beatmaps, only run animation updates. // note that the displayed beatmaps may change due to the applied filter. // a future optimisation could add/remove only changed difficulties rather than reinitialise. if (beatmapContainer != null && visibleBeatmaps.Length == beatmapContainer.Count && visibleBeatmaps.All(b => beatmapContainer.Any(c => c.Item == b))) { updateBeatmapYPositions(); } else { // on selection we show our child beatmaps. // for now this is a simple drawable construction each selection. // can be improved in the future. beatmapContainer = new Container { X = 100, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ChildrenEnumerable = visibleBeatmaps.Select(c => c.CreateDrawableRepresentation()!) }; beatmapsLoadTask = LoadComponentAsync(beatmapContainer, loaded => { // make sure the pooled target hasn't changed. if (beatmapContainer != loaded) return; Content.Child = loaded; updateBeatmapYPositions(); }); } } private void updateBeatmapYPositions() { if (beatmapContainer == null) return; if (beatmapsLoadTask == null || !beatmapsLoadTask.IsCompleted) return; float yPos = DrawableCarouselBeatmap.CAROUSEL_BEATMAP_SPACING; bool isSelected = Item?.State.Value == CarouselItemState.Selected; foreach (var panel in beatmapContainer.Children) { Debug.Assert(panel.Item != null); if (isSelected) { panel.MoveToY(yPos, 800, Easing.OutQuint); yPos += panel.Item.TotalHeight; } else panel.MoveToY(0, 800, Easing.OutQuint); } } public MenuItem[] ContextMenuItems { get { Debug.Assert(beatmapSet != null); List items = new List(); if (Item?.State.Value == CarouselItemState.NotSelected) items.Add(new OsuMenuItem("Expand", MenuItemType.Highlighted, () => Item.State.Value = CarouselItemState.Selected)); if (beatmapSet.OnlineID > 0 && viewDetails != null) items.Add(new OsuMenuItem("Details...", MenuItemType.Standard, () => viewDetails(beatmapSet.OnlineID))); var collectionItems = realm.Realm.All().AsEnumerable().Select(createCollectionMenuItem).ToList(); if (manageCollectionsDialog != null) collectionItems.Add(new OsuMenuItem("Manage...", MenuItemType.Standard, manageCollectionsDialog.Show)); items.Add(new OsuMenuItem("Collections") { Items = collectionItems }); if (beatmapSet.Beatmaps.Any(b => b.Hidden)) items.Add(new OsuMenuItem("Restore all hidden", MenuItemType.Standard, () => restoreHiddenRequested(beatmapSet))); if (dialogOverlay != null) items.Add(new OsuMenuItem("Delete...", MenuItemType.Destructive, () => dialogOverlay.Push(new BeatmapDeleteDialog(beatmapSet)))); return items.ToArray(); } } private MenuItem createCollectionMenuItem(BeatmapCollection collection) { Debug.Assert(beatmapSet != null); TernaryState state; int countExisting = beatmapSet.Beatmaps.Count(b => collection.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Contains(b.MD5Hash)); if (countExisting == beatmapSet.Beatmaps.Count) state = TernaryState.True; else if (countExisting > 0) state = TernaryState.Indeterminate; else state = TernaryState.False; var liveCollection = collection.ToLive(realm); return new TernaryStateToggleMenuItem(collection.Name, MenuItemType.Standard, s => { liveCollection.PerformWrite(c => { foreach (var b in beatmapSet.Beatmaps) { switch (s) { case TernaryState.True: if (c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Contains(b.MD5Hash)) continue; c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Add(b.MD5Hash); break; case TernaryState.False: c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Remove(b.MD5Hash); break; } } }); }) { State = { Value = state } }; } } }