// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using Newtonsoft.Json; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Legacy; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects { public abstract class CatchHitObject : HitObject, IHasPosition, IHasComboInformation, IHasTimePreempt { public const float OBJECT_RADIUS = 64; private HitObjectProperty<float> originalX; public Bindable<float> OriginalXBindable => originalX.Bindable; /// <summary> /// The horizontal position of the hit object between 0 and <see cref="CatchPlayfield.WIDTH"/>. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Only setter is exposed. /// Use <see cref="OriginalX"/> or <see cref="EffectiveX"/> to get the horizontal position. /// </remarks> [JsonIgnore] public float X { set => originalX.Value = value; } private HitObjectProperty<float> xOffset; public Bindable<float> XOffsetBindable => xOffset.Bindable; /// <summary> /// A random offset applied to the horizontal position, set by the beatmap processing. /// </summary> public float XOffset { get => xOffset.Value; set => xOffset.Value = value; } /// <summary> /// The horizontal position of the hit object between 0 and <see cref="CatchPlayfield.WIDTH"/>. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This value is the original <see cref="X"/> value specified in the beatmap, not affected by the beatmap processing. /// Use <see cref="EffectiveX"/> for a gameplay. /// </remarks> public float OriginalX { get => originalX.Value; set => originalX.Value = value; } /// <summary> /// The effective horizontal position of the hit object between 0 and <see cref="CatchPlayfield.WIDTH"/>. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This value is the original <see cref="X"/> value plus the offset applied by the beatmap processing. /// Use <see cref="OriginalX"/> if a value not affected by the offset is desired. /// </remarks> public float EffectiveX => Math.Clamp(OriginalX + XOffset, 0, CatchPlayfield.WIDTH); public double TimePreempt { get; set; } = 1000; private HitObjectProperty<int> indexInBeatmap; public Bindable<int> IndexInBeatmapBindable => indexInBeatmap.Bindable; public int IndexInBeatmap { get => indexInBeatmap.Value; set => indexInBeatmap.Value = value; } public virtual bool NewCombo { get; set; } public int ComboOffset { get; set; } private HitObjectProperty<int> indexInCurrentCombo; public Bindable<int> IndexInCurrentComboBindable => indexInCurrentCombo.Bindable; public int IndexInCurrentCombo { get => indexInCurrentCombo.Value; set => indexInCurrentCombo.Value = value; } private HitObjectProperty<int> comboIndex; public Bindable<int> ComboIndexBindable => comboIndex.Bindable; public int ComboIndex { get => comboIndex.Value; set => comboIndex.Value = value; } private HitObjectProperty<int> comboIndexWithOffsets; public Bindable<int> ComboIndexWithOffsetsBindable => comboIndexWithOffsets.Bindable; public int ComboIndexWithOffsets { get => comboIndexWithOffsets.Value; set => comboIndexWithOffsets.Value = value; } private HitObjectProperty<bool> lastInCombo; public Bindable<bool> LastInComboBindable => lastInCombo.Bindable; /// <summary> /// The next fruit starts a new combo. Used for explodey. /// </summary> public virtual bool LastInCombo { get => lastInCombo.Value; set => lastInCombo.Value = value; } private HitObjectProperty<float> scale = new HitObjectProperty<float>(1); public Bindable<float> ScaleBindable => scale.Bindable; public float Scale { get => scale.Value; set => scale.Value = value; } /// <summary> /// The seed value used for visual randomness such as fruit rotation. /// The value is <see cref="HitObject.StartTime"/> truncated to an integer. /// </summary> public int RandomSeed => (int)StartTime; protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty) { base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty); TimePreempt = (float)IBeatmapDifficultyInfo.DifficultyRange(difficulty.ApproachRate, PREEMPT_MAX, PREEMPT_MID, PREEMPT_MIN); Scale = LegacyRulesetExtensions.CalculateScaleFromCircleSize(difficulty.CircleSize); } public void UpdateComboInformation(IHasComboInformation? lastObj) { // Note that this implementation is shared with the osu! ruleset's implementation. // If a change is made here, OsuHitObject.cs should also be updated. ComboIndex = lastObj?.ComboIndex ?? 0; ComboIndexWithOffsets = lastObj?.ComboIndexWithOffsets ?? 0; IndexInCurrentCombo = (lastObj?.IndexInCurrentCombo + 1) ?? 0; if (this is BananaShower) { // For the purpose of combo colours, spinners never start a new combo even if they are flagged as doing so. return; } // At decode time, the first hitobject in the beatmap and the first hitobject after a banana shower are both enforced to be a new combo, // but this isn't directly enforced by the editor so the extra checks against the last hitobject are duplicated here. if (NewCombo || lastObj == null || lastObj is BananaShower) { IndexInCurrentCombo = 0; ComboIndex++; ComboIndexWithOffsets += ComboOffset + 1; if (lastObj != null) lastObj.LastInCombo = true; } } protected override HitWindows CreateHitWindows() => HitWindows.Empty; #region Hit object conversion // The half of the height of the osu! playfield. public const float DEFAULT_LEGACY_CONVERT_Y = 192; /// <summary> /// Minimum preempt time at AR=10. /// </summary> public const double PREEMPT_MIN = 450; /// <summary> /// Median preempt time at AR=5. /// </summary> public const double PREEMPT_MID = 1200; /// <summary> /// Maximum preempt time at AR=0. /// </summary> public const double PREEMPT_MAX = 1800; /// <summary> /// The Y position of the hit object is not used in the normal osu!catch gameplay. /// It is preserved to maximize the backward compatibility with the legacy editor, in which the mappers use the Y position to organize the patterns. /// </summary> public float LegacyConvertedY { get; set; } = DEFAULT_LEGACY_CONVERT_Y; float IHasXPosition.X => OriginalX; float IHasYPosition.Y => LegacyConvertedY; Vector2 IHasPosition.Position => new Vector2(OriginalX, LegacyConvertedY); #endregion } }