// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Buffers; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Pooling; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Skinning; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Legacy; using osu.Game.Skinning; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI { [Cached] public partial class Catcher : SkinReloadableDrawable { /// <summary> /// The size of the catcher at 1x scale. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This is mainly used to compute catching range, the actual catcher size may differ based on skin implementation and sprite textures. /// This is also equivalent to the "catcherWidth" property in osu-stable when the game field and beatmap difficulty are set to default values. /// </remarks> /// <seealso cref="CatchPlayfield.WIDTH"/> /// <seealso cref="CatchPlayfield.HEIGHT"/> /// <seealso cref="IBeatmapDifficultyInfo.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY"/> public const float BASE_SIZE = 106.75f; /// <summary> /// The width of the catcher which can receive fruit. Equivalent to "catchMargin" in osu-stable. /// </summary> public const float ALLOWED_CATCH_RANGE = 0.8f; /// <summary> /// The default colour used to tint hyper-dash fruit, along with the moving catcher, its trail and after-image during a hyper-dash. /// </summary> public static readonly Color4 DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR = Color4.Red; /// <summary> /// The duration between transitioning to hyper-dash state. /// </summary> public const double HYPER_DASH_TRANSITION_DURATION = 180; /// <summary> /// Whether we are hyper-dashing or not. /// </summary> public bool HyperDashing => hyperDashModifier != 1; /// <summary> /// Whether <see cref="DrawablePalpableCatchHitObject"/> fruit should appear on the plate. /// </summary> public bool CatchFruitOnPlate { get; set; } = true; /// <summary> /// The speed of the catcher when the catcher is dashing. /// </summary> public const double BASE_DASH_SPEED = 1.0; /// <summary> /// The speed of the catcher when the catcher is not dashing. /// </summary> public const double BASE_WALK_SPEED = 0.5; /// <summary> /// The current speed of the catcher with the hyper-dash modifier applied. /// </summary> public double Speed => (Dashing ? BASE_DASH_SPEED : BASE_WALK_SPEED) * hyperDashModifier; /// <summary> /// The amount by which caught fruit should be scaled down to fit on the plate. /// </summary> private const float caught_fruit_scale_adjust = 0.5f; /// <summary> /// Contains caught objects on the plate. /// </summary> private readonly Container<CaughtObject> caughtObjectContainer; /// <summary> /// Contains objects dropped from the plate. /// </summary> private readonly DroppedObjectContainer droppedObjectTarget; public CatcherAnimationState CurrentState { get => body.AnimationState.Value; private set => body.AnimationState.Value = value; } /// <summary> /// Whether the catcher is currently dashing. /// </summary> public bool Dashing { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The currently facing direction. /// </summary> public Direction VisualDirection { get; set; } = Direction.Right; public Vector2 BodyScale => Scale * body.Scale; /// <summary> /// Width of the area that can be used to attempt catches during gameplay. /// </summary> public float CatchWidth { get; private set; } private readonly SkinnableCatcher body; private Color4 hyperDashColour = DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR; private double? lastHyperDashStartTime; private double hyperDashModifier = 1; private int hyperDashDirection; private float hyperDashTargetPosition; private Bindable<bool> hitLighting = null!; private readonly HitExplosionContainer hitExplosionContainer; private readonly DrawablePool<CaughtFruit> caughtFruitPool; private readonly DrawablePool<CaughtBanana> caughtBananaPool; private readonly DrawablePool<CaughtDroplet> caughtDropletPool; public Catcher(DroppedObjectContainer droppedObjectTarget, IBeatmapDifficultyInfo? difficulty = null) { this.droppedObjectTarget = droppedObjectTarget; Origin = Anchor.TopCentre; Size = new Vector2(BASE_SIZE); ApplyDifficulty(difficulty); InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { caughtFruitPool = new DrawablePool<CaughtFruit>(50), caughtBananaPool = new DrawablePool<CaughtBanana>(100), // less capacity is needed compared to fruit because droplet is not stacked caughtDropletPool = new DrawablePool<CaughtDroplet>(25), caughtObjectContainer = new Container<CaughtObject> { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre, // offset fruit vertically to better place "above" the plate. Y = -5 }, body = new SkinnableCatcher(), hitExplosionContainer = new HitExplosionContainer { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre, }, }; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OsuConfigManager config) { hitLighting = config.GetBindable<bool>(OsuSetting.HitLighting); } /// <summary> /// Creates proxied content to be displayed beneath hitobjects. /// </summary> public Drawable CreateProxiedContent() => caughtObjectContainer.CreateProxy(); /// <summary> /// Calculates the width of the area used for attempting catches in gameplay. /// </summary> /// <param name="scale">The scale of the catcher.</param> public static float CalculateCatchWidth(Vector2 scale) => BASE_SIZE * Math.Abs(scale.X) * ALLOWED_CATCH_RANGE; /// <summary> /// Calculates the width of the area used for attempting catches in gameplay. /// </summary> /// <param name="difficulty">The beatmap difficulty.</param> public static float CalculateCatchWidth(IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty) => CalculateCatchWidth(calculateScale(difficulty)); /// <summary> /// Determine if this catcher can catch a <see cref="CatchHitObject"/> in the current position. /// </summary> public bool CanCatch(CatchHitObject hitObject) { if (!(hitObject is PalpableCatchHitObject fruit)) return false; float halfCatchWidth = CatchWidth * 0.5f; return fruit.EffectiveX >= X - halfCatchWidth && fruit.EffectiveX <= X + halfCatchWidth; } public void OnNewResult(DrawableCatchHitObject drawableObject, JudgementResult result) { var catchResult = (CatchJudgementResult)result; catchResult.CatcherAnimationState = CurrentState; catchResult.CatcherHyperDash = HyperDashing; // Ignore JuiceStreams and BananaShowers if (!(drawableObject is DrawablePalpableCatchHitObject palpableObject)) return; var hitObject = palpableObject.HitObject; if (result.IsHit) { var positionInStack = computePositionInStack(new Vector2(palpableObject.X - X, 0), palpableObject.DisplaySize.X); if (CatchFruitOnPlate) placeCaughtObject(palpableObject, positionInStack); if (hitLighting.Value) addLighting(result, drawableObject.AccentColour.Value, positionInStack.X); } // droplet doesn't affect the catcher state if (hitObject is TinyDroplet) return; // if a hyper fruit was already handled this frame, just go where it says to go. // this special-cases some aspire maps that have doubled-up objects (one hyper, one not) at the same time instant. // handling this "properly" elsewhere is impossible as there is no feasible way to ensure // that the hyperfruit gets judged second (especially if it coincides with a last fruit in a juice stream). if (lastHyperDashStartTime != Time.Current) { if (result.IsHit && hitObject.HyperDashTarget is CatchHitObject target) { double timeDifference = target.StartTime - hitObject.StartTime; double positionDifference = target.EffectiveX - X; double velocity = positionDifference / Math.Max(1.0, timeDifference - 1000.0 / 60.0); SetHyperDashState(Math.Abs(velocity) / BASE_DASH_SPEED, target.EffectiveX); } else SetHyperDashState(); } if (result.IsHit) CurrentState = hitObject.Kiai ? CatcherAnimationState.Kiai : CatcherAnimationState.Idle; else if (!(hitObject is Banana)) CurrentState = CatcherAnimationState.Fail; if (palpableObject.HitObject.LastInCombo) { if (result.Judgement is CatchJudgement catchJudgement && catchJudgement.ShouldExplodeFor(result)) Explode(); else Drop(); } } public void OnRevertResult(JudgementResult result) { var catchResult = (CatchJudgementResult)result; CurrentState = catchResult.CatcherAnimationState; if (HyperDashing != catchResult.CatcherHyperDash) { if (catchResult.CatcherHyperDash) SetHyperDashState(2); else SetHyperDashState(); } caughtObjectContainer.RemoveAll(d => d.HitObject == result.HitObject, false); droppedObjectTarget.RemoveAll(d => d.HitObject == result.HitObject, false); } /// <summary> /// Set hyper-dash state. /// </summary> /// <param name="modifier">The speed multiplier. If this is less or equals to 1, this catcher will be non-hyper-dashing state.</param> /// <param name="targetPosition">When this catcher crosses this position, this catcher ends hyper-dashing.</param> public void SetHyperDashState(double modifier = 1, float targetPosition = -1) { bool wasHyperDashing = HyperDashing; if (modifier <= 1 || X == targetPosition) { hyperDashModifier = 1; hyperDashDirection = 0; if (wasHyperDashing) runHyperDashStateTransition(false); lastHyperDashStartTime = null; } else { hyperDashModifier = modifier; hyperDashDirection = Math.Sign(targetPosition - X); hyperDashTargetPosition = targetPosition; if (!wasHyperDashing) runHyperDashStateTransition(true); lastHyperDashStartTime = Time.Current; } } /// <summary> /// Set the scale and catch width. /// </summary> public void ApplyDifficulty(IBeatmapDifficultyInfo? difficulty) { if (difficulty != null) Scale = calculateScale(difficulty); CatchWidth = CalculateCatchWidth(Scale); } /// <summary> /// Drop any fruit off the plate. /// </summary> public void Drop() => clearPlate(DroppedObjectAnimation.Drop); /// <summary> /// Explode all fruit off the plate. /// </summary> public void Explode() => clearPlate(DroppedObjectAnimation.Explode); private void runHyperDashStateTransition(bool hyperDashing) { this.FadeColour(hyperDashing ? hyperDashColour : Color4.White, HYPER_DASH_TRANSITION_DURATION, Easing.OutQuint); } protected override void SkinChanged(ISkinSource skin) { base.SkinChanged(skin); hyperDashColour = skin.GetConfig<CatchSkinColour, Color4>(CatchSkinColour.HyperDash)?.Value ?? DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR; runHyperDashStateTransition(HyperDashing); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); var scaleFromDirection = new Vector2((int)VisualDirection, 1); body.Scale = scaleFromDirection; // Inverse of catcher scale is applied here, as catcher gets scaled by circle size and so do the incoming fruit. caughtObjectContainer.Scale = new Vector2(1 / Scale.X); // Correct overshooting. if ((hyperDashDirection > 0 && hyperDashTargetPosition < X) || (hyperDashDirection < 0 && hyperDashTargetPosition > X)) { X = hyperDashTargetPosition; SetHyperDashState(); } } private void placeCaughtObject(DrawablePalpableCatchHitObject drawableObject, Vector2 position) { var caughtObject = getCaughtObject(drawableObject.HitObject); if (caughtObject == null) return; caughtObject.RestoreState(drawableObject.SaveState()); caughtObject.Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre; caughtObject.Position = position; caughtObject.Scale *= caught_fruit_scale_adjust; caughtObjectContainer.Add(caughtObject); if (!caughtObject.StaysOnPlate) removeFromPlate(caughtObject, DroppedObjectAnimation.Explode); } private Vector2 computePositionInStack(Vector2 position, float displayRadius) { // this is taken from osu-stable (lenience should be 10 * 10 at standard scale). const float lenience_adjust = 10 / CatchHitObject.OBJECT_RADIUS; float adjustedRadius = displayRadius * lenience_adjust; float checkDistance = MathF.Pow(adjustedRadius, 2); while (caughtObjectContainer.Any(f => Vector2Extensions.DistanceSquared(f.Position, position) < checkDistance)) { position.X += RNG.NextSingle(-adjustedRadius, adjustedRadius); position.Y -= RNG.NextSingle(0, 5); } return position; } private void addLighting(JudgementResult judgementResult, Color4 colour, float x) => hitExplosionContainer.Add(new HitExplosionEntry(Time.Current, judgementResult, colour, x)); private CaughtObject? getCaughtObject(PalpableCatchHitObject source) { switch (source) { case Fruit: return caughtFruitPool.Get(); case Banana: return caughtBananaPool.Get(); case Droplet: return caughtDropletPool.Get(); default: return null; } } private CaughtObject getDroppedObject(CatchObjectState state) { var droppedObject = getCaughtObject(state.HitObject); Debug.Assert(droppedObject != null); droppedObject.RestoreState(state); droppedObject.Anchor = Anchor.TopLeft; droppedObject.Position = caughtObjectContainer.ToSpaceOfOtherDrawable(state.DisplayPosition, droppedObjectTarget); return droppedObject; } private void clearPlate(DroppedObjectAnimation animation) { int caughtCount = caughtObjectContainer.Children.Count; CatchObjectState[] states = ArrayPool<CatchObjectState>.Shared.Rent(caughtCount); try { for (int i = 0; i < caughtCount; i++) states[i] = caughtObjectContainer.Children[i].SaveState(); caughtObjectContainer.Clear(false); for (int i = 0; i < caughtCount; i++) { CaughtObject obj = getDroppedObject(states[i]); droppedObjectTarget.Add(obj); applyDropAnimation(obj, animation); } } finally { ArrayPool<CatchObjectState>.Shared.Return(states); } } private void removeFromPlate(CaughtObject caughtObject, DroppedObjectAnimation animation) { CatchObjectState state = caughtObject.SaveState(); caughtObjectContainer.Remove(caughtObject, false); var droppedObject = getDroppedObject(state); droppedObjectTarget.Add(droppedObject); applyDropAnimation(droppedObject, animation); } private void applyDropAnimation(Drawable d, DroppedObjectAnimation animation) { switch (animation) { case DroppedObjectAnimation.Drop: d.MoveToY(d.Y + 75, 750, Easing.InSine); d.FadeOut(750); break; case DroppedObjectAnimation.Explode: float originalX = droppedObjectTarget.ToSpaceOfOtherDrawable(d.DrawPosition, caughtObjectContainer).X * caughtObjectContainer.Scale.X; d.MoveToY(d.Y - 50, 250, Easing.OutSine).Then().MoveToY(d.Y + 50, 500, Easing.InSine); d.MoveToX(d.X + originalX * 6, 1000); d.FadeOut(750); break; } // Define lifetime start for dropped objects to be disposed correctly when rewinding replay d.LifetimeStart = Clock.CurrentTime; d.Expire(); } /// <summary> /// Calculates the scale of the catcher based off the provided beatmap difficulty. /// </summary> private static Vector2 calculateScale(IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty) => new Vector2(LegacyRulesetExtensions.CalculateScaleFromCircleSize(difficulty.CircleSize) * 2); private enum DroppedObjectAnimation { Drop, Explode } } }