// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Preprocessing { public class OsuDifficultyHitObject : DifficultyHitObject { private const int normalized_radius = 50; // Change radius to 50 to make 100 the diameter. Easier for mental maths. private const int min_delta_time = 25; private const float maximum_slider_radius = normalized_radius * 2.4f; private const float assumed_slider_radius = normalized_radius * 1.6f; protected new OsuHitObject BaseObject => (OsuHitObject)base.BaseObject; /// /// Normalized distance from the end position of the previous to the start position of this . /// public double JumpDistance { get; private set; } /// /// Minimum distance from the end position of the previous to the start position of this . /// public double MovementDistance { get; private set; } /// /// Normalized distance between the start and end position of the previous . /// public double TravelDistance { get; private set; } /// /// Angle the player has to take to hit this . /// Calculated as the angle between the circles (current-2, current-1, current). /// public double? Angle { get; private set; } /// /// Milliseconds elapsed since the end time of the previous , with a minimum of 25ms. /// public double MovementTime { get; private set; } /// /// Milliseconds elapsed since the start time of the previous to the end time of the same previous , with a minimum of 25ms. /// public double TravelTime { get; private set; } /// /// Milliseconds elapsed since the start time of the previous , with a minimum of 25ms. /// public readonly double StrainTime; private readonly OsuHitObject lastLastObject; private readonly OsuHitObject lastObject; public OsuDifficultyHitObject(HitObject hitObject, HitObject lastLastObject, HitObject lastObject, double clockRate) : base(hitObject, lastObject, clockRate) { this.lastLastObject = (OsuHitObject)lastLastObject; this.lastObject = (OsuHitObject)lastObject; // Capped to 25ms to prevent difficulty calculation breaking from simultaneous objects. StrainTime = Math.Max(DeltaTime, min_delta_time); setDistances(clockRate); } private void setDistances(double clockRate) { // We don't need to calculate either angle or distance when one of the last->curr objects is a spinner if (BaseObject is Spinner || lastObject is Spinner) return; // We will scale distances by this factor, so we can assume a uniform CircleSize among beatmaps. float scalingFactor = normalized_radius / (float)BaseObject.Radius; if (BaseObject.Radius < 30) { float smallCircleBonus = Math.Min(30 - (float)BaseObject.Radius, 5) / 50; scalingFactor *= 1 + smallCircleBonus; } Vector2 lastCursorPosition = getEndCursorPosition(lastObject); JumpDistance = (BaseObject.StackedPosition * scalingFactor - lastCursorPosition * scalingFactor).Length; if (lastObject is Slider lastSlider) { computeSliderCursorPosition(lastSlider); TravelDistance = lastSlider.LazyTravelDistance; TravelTime = Math.Max(lastSlider.LazyTravelTime / clockRate, min_delta_time); MovementTime = Math.Max(StrainTime - TravelTime, min_delta_time); // Jump distance from the slider tail to the next object, as opposed to the lazy position of JumpDistance. float tailJumpDistance = Vector2.Subtract(lastSlider.TailCircle.StackedPosition, BaseObject.StackedPosition).Length * scalingFactor; // For hitobjects which continue in the direction of the slider, the player will normally follow through the slider, // such that they're not jumping from the lazy position but rather from very close to (or the end of) the slider. // In such cases, a leniency is applied by also considering the jump distance from the tail of the slider, and taking the minimum jump distance. // Additional distance is removed based on position of jump relative to slider follow circle radius. // JumpDistance is the distance beyond the s. tailJumpDistance is maximum_slider_radius since the full distance of radial leniency is still possible. MovementDistance = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(JumpDistance - (maximum_slider_radius - assumed_slider_radius), tailJumpDistance - maximum_slider_radius)); } else { MovementTime = StrainTime; MovementDistance = JumpDistance; } if (lastLastObject != null && !(lastLastObject is Spinner)) { Vector2 lastLastCursorPosition = getEndCursorPosition(lastLastObject); Vector2 v1 = lastLastCursorPosition - lastObject.StackedPosition; Vector2 v2 = BaseObject.StackedPosition - lastCursorPosition; float dot = Vector2.Dot(v1, v2); float det = v1.X * v2.Y - v1.Y * v2.X; Angle = Math.Abs(Math.Atan2(det, dot)); } } private void computeSliderCursorPosition(Slider slider) { if (slider.LazyEndPosition != null) return; slider.LazyTravelTime = slider.NestedHitObjects[slider.NestedHitObjects.Count - 1].StartTime - slider.StartTime; double endTimeMin = slider.LazyTravelTime / slider.SpanDuration; if (endTimeMin % 2 >= 1) endTimeMin = 1 - endTimeMin % 1; else endTimeMin %= 1; slider.LazyEndPosition = slider.StackedPosition + slider.Path.PositionAt(endTimeMin); // temporary lazy end position until a real result can be derived. var currCursorPosition = slider.StackedPosition; double scalingFactor = normalized_radius / slider.Radius; // lazySliderDistance is coded to be sensitive to scaling, this makes the maths easier with the thresholds being used. for (int i = 1; i < slider.NestedHitObjects.Count; i++) { var currMovementObj = (OsuHitObject)slider.NestedHitObjects[i]; Vector2 currMovement = Vector2.Subtract(currMovementObj.StackedPosition, currCursorPosition); double currMovementLength = scalingFactor * currMovement.Length; if (i == slider.NestedHitObjects.Count - 1) { // The end of a slider has special aim rules due to the relaxed time constraint on position. // There is both a lazy end position as well as the actual end slider position. We assume the player takes the simpler movement. // For sliders that are circular, the lazy end position may actually be farther away than the sliders true end. // This code is designed to prevent buffing situations where lazy end is actually a less efficient movement. Vector2 lazyMovement = Vector2.Subtract((Vector2)slider.LazyEndPosition, currCursorPosition); if (lazyMovement.Length < currMovement.Length) currMovement = lazyMovement; currMovementLength = scalingFactor * currMovement.Length; if (currMovementLength > assumed_slider_radius) { // Calculate the vector movement, regardless of final location to get the true lazy end position. currCursorPosition = Vector2.Add(currCursorPosition, Vector2.Multiply(currMovement, (float)((currMovementLength - assumed_slider_radius) / currMovementLength))); currMovementLength *= (currMovementLength - assumed_slider_radius) / currMovementLength; slider.LazyTravelDistance += (float)currMovementLength; } slider.LazyEndPosition = currCursorPosition; } else if (currMovementObj is SliderRepeat && currMovementLength > normalized_radius) { // For a slider repeat, assume a tighter movement threshold to better assess repeat sliders. currCursorPosition = Vector2.Add(currCursorPosition, Vector2.Multiply(currMovement, (float)((currMovementLength - normalized_radius) / currMovementLength))); currMovementLength *= (currMovementLength - normalized_radius) / currMovementLength; slider.LazyTravelDistance += (float)currMovementLength; } else if (currMovementLength > assumed_slider_radius) { // For a slider ticks, use the assumed slider radius for a more accurate movement assessment. currCursorPosition = Vector2.Add(currCursorPosition, Vector2.Multiply(currMovement, (float)((currMovementLength - assumed_slider_radius) / currMovementLength))); currMovementLength *= (currMovementLength - assumed_slider_radius) / currMovementLength; slider.LazyTravelDistance += (float)currMovementLength; } } slider.LazyTravelDistance *= (float)Math.Pow(1 + slider.RepeatCount / 2.5, 1.0 / 2.5); // Bonus for repeat sliders until a better per nested object strain system can be achieved. } private Vector2 getEndCursorPosition(OsuHitObject hitObject) { Vector2 pos = hitObject.StackedPosition; if (hitObject is Slider slider) { computeSliderCursorPosition(slider); pos = slider.LazyEndPosition ?? pos; } return pos; } } }