// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI; using osu.Game.Skinning; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko.UI { public partial class DrumSampleTriggerSource : GameplaySampleTriggerSource { private const double stereo_separation = 0.2; public DrumSampleTriggerSource(HitObjectContainer hitObjectContainer, SampleBalance balance = SampleBalance.Centre) : base(hitObjectContainer) { switch (balance) { case SampleBalance.Left: AudioContainer.Balance.Value = -stereo_separation; break; case SampleBalance.Centre: AudioContainer.Balance.Value = 0; break; case SampleBalance.Right: AudioContainer.Balance.Value = stereo_separation; break; } } public virtual void Play(HitType hitType, bool strong) { TaikoHitObject? hitObject = GetMostValidObject() as TaikoHitObject; if (hitObject == null) return; var baseSample = hitObject.CreateHitSampleInfo(hitType == HitType.Rim ? HitSampleInfo.HIT_CLAP : HitSampleInfo.HIT_NORMAL); if (strong) { PlaySamples(new ISampleInfo[] { baseSample, hitObject.CreateHitSampleInfo(hitType == HitType.Rim ? HitSampleInfo.HIT_WHISTLE : HitSampleInfo.HIT_FINISH) }); } else { PlaySamples(new ISampleInfo[] { baseSample }); } } public override void Play() => throw new InvalidOperationException(@"Use override with HitType parameter instead"); protected override void ApplySampleInfo(SkinnableSound hitSound, ISampleInfo[] samples) { base.ApplySampleInfo(hitSound, samples); hitSound.Balance.Value = -0.05 + RNG.NextDouble(0.1); } } public enum SampleBalance { Left, Centre, Right } }