// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Game.Localisation; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Online.Chat; using osu.Game.Online.Notifications.WebSocket; using osu.Game.Tests; using osu.Game.Users; namespace osu.Game.Online.API { public partial class DummyAPIAccess : Component, IAPIProvider { public const int DUMMY_USER_ID = 1001; public Bindable<APIUser> LocalUser { get; } = new Bindable<APIUser>(new APIUser { Username = @"Local user", Id = DUMMY_USER_ID, }); public BindableList<APIRelation> Friends { get; } = new BindableList<APIRelation>(); public Bindable<UserActivity> Activity { get; } = new Bindable<UserActivity>(); public DummyNotificationsClient NotificationsClient { get; } = new DummyNotificationsClient(); INotificationsClient IAPIProvider.NotificationsClient => NotificationsClient; public Language Language => Language.en; public string AccessToken => "token"; public Guid SessionIdentifier { get; } = Guid.NewGuid(); /// <seealso cref="APIAccess.IsLoggedIn"/> public bool IsLoggedIn => State.Value > APIState.Offline; public string ProvidedUsername => LocalUser.Value.Username; public string APIEndpointUrl => "http://localhost"; public string WebsiteRootUrl => "http://localhost"; public int APIVersion => int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); public Exception? LastLoginError { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Provide handling logic for an arbitrary API request. /// Should return true is a request was handled. If null or false return, the request will be failed with a <see cref="NotSupportedException"/>. /// </summary> public Func<APIRequest, bool>? HandleRequest; private readonly Bindable<APIState> state = new Bindable<APIState>(APIState.Online); private bool shouldFailNextLogin; private bool stayConnectingNextLogin; private bool requiredSecondFactorAuth = true; /// <summary> /// The current connectivity state of the API. /// </summary> public IBindable<APIState> State => state; public DummyAPIAccess() { LocalUser.BindValueChanged(u => { u.OldValue?.Activity.UnbindFrom(Activity); u.NewValue.Activity.BindTo(Activity); }, true); } public virtual void Queue(APIRequest request) { request.AttachAPI(this); Schedule(() => { if (HandleRequest?.Invoke(request) != true) { // Noisy so let's silently allow these to succeed. if (request is ChatAckRequest ack) { ack.TriggerSuccess(new ChatAckResponse()); return; } request.Fail(new InvalidOperationException($@"{nameof(DummyAPIAccess)} cannot process this request.")); } }); } void IAPIProvider.Schedule(Action action) => base.Schedule(action); public void Perform(APIRequest request) { request.AttachAPI(this); HandleRequest?.Invoke(request); } public Task PerformAsync(APIRequest request) { request.AttachAPI(this); HandleRequest?.Invoke(request); return Task.CompletedTask; } public void Login(string username, string password) { state.Value = APIState.Connecting; if (stayConnectingNextLogin) { stayConnectingNextLogin = false; return; } if (shouldFailNextLogin) { LastLoginError = new APIException("Not powerful enough to login.", new ArgumentException(nameof(shouldFailNextLogin))); state.Value = APIState.Offline; shouldFailNextLogin = false; return; } LastLoginError = null; LocalUser.Value = new APIUser { Username = username, Id = DUMMY_USER_ID, }; if (requiredSecondFactorAuth) { state.Value = APIState.RequiresSecondFactorAuth; } else { onSuccessfulLogin(); requiredSecondFactorAuth = true; } } public void AuthenticateSecondFactor(string code) { var request = new VerifySessionRequest(code); request.Failure += e => { state.Value = APIState.RequiresSecondFactorAuth; LastLoginError = e; }; state.Value = APIState.Connecting; LastLoginError = null; request.AttachAPI(this); // if no handler installed / handler can't handle verification, just assume that the server would verify for simplicity. if (HandleRequest?.Invoke(request) != true) onSuccessfulLogin(); // if a handler did handle this, make sure the verification actually passed. if (request.CompletionState == APIRequestCompletionState.Completed) onSuccessfulLogin(); } private void onSuccessfulLogin() { state.Value = APIState.Online; } public void Logout() { state.Value = APIState.Offline; // must happen after `state.Value` is changed such that subscribers to that bindable's value changes see the correct user. // compare: `APIAccess.Logout()`. LocalUser.Value = new GuestUser(); } public void UpdateLocalFriends() { } public IHubClientConnector? GetHubConnector(string clientName, string endpoint, bool preferMessagePack) => null; public IChatClient GetChatClient() => new TestChatClientConnector(this); public RegistrationRequest.RegistrationRequestErrors? CreateAccount(string email, string username, string password) { Thread.Sleep(200); return null; } public void SetState(APIState newState) => state.Value = newState; IBindable<APIUser> IAPIProvider.LocalUser => LocalUser; IBindableList<APIRelation> IAPIProvider.Friends => Friends; IBindable<UserActivity> IAPIProvider.Activity => Activity; /// <summary> /// Skip 2FA requirement for next login. /// </summary> public void SkipSecondFactor() => requiredSecondFactorAuth = false; /// <summary> /// During the next simulated login, the process will fail immediately. /// </summary> public void FailNextLogin() => shouldFailNextLogin = true; /// <summary> /// During the next simulated login, the process will pause indefinitely at "connecting". /// </summary> public void PauseOnConnectingNextLogin() => stayConnectingNextLogin = true; protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); // Ensure (as much as we can) that any pending tasks are run. Scheduler.Update(); } } }