// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.Extensions.ExceptionExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterfaceV2; using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer; using osu.Game.Online.Rooms; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Match.Components; using osuTK; using Container = osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers.Container; namespace osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Multiplayer.Match { public partial class MultiplayerMatchSettingsOverlay : RoomSettingsOverlay { private MatchSettings settings = null!; protected override OsuButton SubmitButton => settings.ApplyButton; [Resolved] private OngoingOperationTracker ongoingOperationTracker { get; set; } = null!; protected override bool IsLoading => ongoingOperationTracker.InProgress.Value; public MultiplayerMatchSettingsOverlay(Room room) : base(room) { } protected override void SelectBeatmap() => settings.SelectBeatmap(); protected override OnlinePlayComposite CreateSettings(Room room) => settings = new MatchSettings(room) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, RelativePositionAxes = Axes.Y, SettingsApplied = Hide }; protected partial class MatchSettings : OnlinePlayComposite { private const float disabled_alpha = 0.2f; public override bool IsPresent => base.IsPresent || Scheduler.HasPendingTasks; public Action? SettingsApplied; public OsuTextBox NameField = null!; public OsuTextBox MaxParticipantsField = null!; public MatchTypePicker TypePicker = null!; public OsuEnumDropdown<QueueMode> QueueModeDropdown = null!; public OsuTextBox PasswordTextBox = null!; public OsuCheckbox AutoSkipCheckbox = null!; public RoundedButton ApplyButton = null!; public OsuSpriteText ErrorText = null!; private OsuEnumDropdown<StartMode> startModeDropdown = null!; private OsuSpriteText typeLabel = null!; private LoadingLayer loadingLayer = null!; public void SelectBeatmap() => selectBeatmapButton.TriggerClick(); [Resolved] private MultiplayerMatchSubScreen matchSubScreen { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private IRoomManager manager { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private MultiplayerClient client { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private OngoingOperationTracker ongoingOperationTracker { get; set; } = null!; private readonly IBindable<bool> operationInProgress = new BindableBool(); private readonly Room room; private IDisposable? applyingSettingsOperation; private Drawable playlistContainer = null!; private DrawableRoomPlaylist drawablePlaylist = null!; private RoundedButton selectBeatmapButton = null!; public MatchSettings(Room room) { this.room = room; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OverlayColourProvider colourProvider, OsuColour colours) { InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = colourProvider.Background4 }, new GridContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, RowDimensions = new[] { new Dimension(), new Dimension(GridSizeMode.AutoSize), }, Content = new[] { new Drawable[] { new OsuScrollContainer { Padding = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = OsuScreen.HORIZONTAL_OVERFLOW_PADDING, Vertical = 10 }, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new[] { new FillFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Spacing = new Vector2(0, 10), Children = new[] { new Container { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Padding = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = WaveOverlayContainer.WIDTH_PADDING }, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Children = new Drawable[] { new SectionContainer { Padding = new MarginPadding { Right = FIELD_PADDING / 2 }, Children = new[] { new Section("Room name") { Child = NameField = new OsuTextBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, TabbableContentContainer = this, LengthLimit = 100, }, }, // new Section("Room visibility") // { // Alpha = disabled_alpha, // Child = AvailabilityPicker = new RoomAvailabilityPicker // { // Enabled = { Value = false } // }, // }, new Section("Game type") { Child = new FillFlowContainer { AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Spacing = new Vector2(7), Children = new Drawable[] { TypePicker = new MatchTypePicker { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, }, typeLabel = new OsuSpriteText { Font = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 14), Colour = colours.Yellow }, }, }, }, new Section("Queue mode") { Child = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 40, Child = QueueModeDropdown = new OsuEnumDropdown<QueueMode> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X } } }, new Section("Auto start") { Child = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 40, Child = startModeDropdown = new OsuEnumDropdown<StartMode> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X } } } }, }, new SectionContainer { Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight, Padding = new MarginPadding { Left = FIELD_PADDING / 2 }, Children = new[] { new Section("Max participants") { Alpha = disabled_alpha, Child = MaxParticipantsField = new OsuNumberBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, TabbableContentContainer = this, ReadOnly = true, }, }, new Section("Password (optional)") { Child = PasswordTextBox = new OsuPasswordTextBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, TabbableContentContainer = this, LengthLimit = 255, }, }, new Section("Other") { Child = AutoSkipCheckbox = new OsuCheckbox { LabelText = "Automatically skip the beatmap intro" } } } } }, }, playlistContainer = new FillFlowContainer { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Width = 0.5f, Depth = float.MaxValue, Spacing = new Vector2(5), Children = new Drawable[] { drawablePlaylist = new DrawableRoomPlaylist { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = DrawableRoomPlaylistItem.HEIGHT }, selectBeatmapButton = new RoundedButton { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, Height = 40, Text = "Select beatmap", Action = () => { if (matchSubScreen.IsCurrentScreen()) matchSubScreen.Push(new MultiplayerMatchSongSelect(matchSubScreen.Room)); } } } } } } }, }, }, new Drawable[] { new Container { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, Y = 2, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = colourProvider.Background5 }, new FillFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Spacing = new Vector2(0, 20), Margin = new MarginPadding { Vertical = 20 }, Padding = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = OsuScreen.HORIZONTAL_OVERFLOW_PADDING }, Children = new Drawable[] { ApplyButton = new CreateOrUpdateButton { Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre, Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre, Size = new Vector2(230, 55), Enabled = { Value = false }, Action = apply, }, ErrorText = new OsuSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre, Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre, Alpha = 0, Depth = 1, Colour = colours.RedDark } } } } } } } }, loadingLayer = new LoadingLayer(true) }; TypePicker.Current.BindValueChanged(type => typeLabel.Text = type.NewValue.GetLocalisableDescription(), true); RoomName.BindValueChanged(name => NameField.Text = name.NewValue, true); Type.BindValueChanged(type => TypePicker.Current.Value = type.NewValue, true); MaxParticipants.BindValueChanged(count => MaxParticipantsField.Text = count.NewValue?.ToString(), true); RoomID.BindValueChanged(roomId => playlistContainer.Alpha = roomId.NewValue == null ? 1 : 0, true); Password.BindValueChanged(password => PasswordTextBox.Text = password.NewValue ?? string.Empty, true); QueueMode.BindValueChanged(mode => QueueModeDropdown.Current.Value = mode.NewValue, true); AutoStartDuration.BindValueChanged(duration => startModeDropdown.Current.Value = (StartMode)(int)duration.NewValue.TotalSeconds, true); AutoSkip.BindValueChanged(autoSkip => AutoSkipCheckbox.Current.Value = autoSkip.NewValue, true); operationInProgress.BindTo(ongoingOperationTracker.InProgress); operationInProgress.BindValueChanged(v => { if (v.NewValue) loadingLayer.Show(); else loadingLayer.Hide(); }); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); drawablePlaylist.Items.BindTo(Playlist); drawablePlaylist.SelectedItem.BindTo(CurrentPlaylistItem); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); ApplyButton.Enabled.Value = Playlist.Count > 0 && NameField.Text.Length > 0 && !operationInProgress.Value; } private void apply() { if (!ApplyButton.Enabled.Value) return; hideError(); Debug.Assert(applyingSettingsOperation == null); applyingSettingsOperation = ongoingOperationTracker.BeginOperation(); TimeSpan autoStartDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)startModeDropdown.Current.Value); // If the client is already in a room, update via the client. // Otherwise, update the room directly in preparation for it to be submitted to the API on match creation. if (client.Room != null) { client.ChangeSettings( name: NameField.Text, password: PasswordTextBox.Text, matchType: TypePicker.Current.Value, queueMode: QueueModeDropdown.Current.Value, autoStartDuration: autoStartDuration, autoSkip: AutoSkipCheckbox.Current.Value) .ContinueWith(t => Schedule(() => { if (t.IsCompletedSuccessfully) onSuccess(room); else onError(t.Exception?.AsSingular().Message ?? "Error changing settings."); })); } else { room.Name.Value = NameField.Text; room.Type.Value = TypePicker.Current.Value; room.Password.Value = PasswordTextBox.Current.Value; room.QueueMode.Value = QueueModeDropdown.Current.Value; room.AutoStartDuration.Value = autoStartDuration; room.AutoSkip.Value = AutoSkipCheckbox.Current.Value; if (int.TryParse(MaxParticipantsField.Text, out int max)) room.MaxParticipants.Value = max; else room.MaxParticipants.Value = null; manager.CreateRoom(room, onSuccess, onError); } } private void hideError() => ErrorText.FadeOut(50); private void onSuccess(Room room) => Schedule(() => { Debug.Assert(applyingSettingsOperation != null); SettingsApplied?.Invoke(); applyingSettingsOperation.Dispose(); applyingSettingsOperation = null; }); private void onError(string text) => Schedule(() => { Debug.Assert(applyingSettingsOperation != null); // see https://github.com/ppy/osu-web/blob/2c97aaeb64fb4ed97c747d8383a35b30f57428c7/app/Models/Multiplayer/PlaylistItem.php#L48. const string not_found_prefix = "beatmaps not found:"; if (text.StartsWith(not_found_prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ErrorText.Text = "The selected beatmap is not available online."; CurrentPlaylistItem.Value.MarkInvalid(); } else { ErrorText.Text = text; } ErrorText.FadeIn(50); applyingSettingsOperation.Dispose(); applyingSettingsOperation = null; }); } public partial class CreateOrUpdateButton : RoundedButton { [Resolved(typeof(Room), nameof(Room.RoomID))] private Bindable<long?> roomId { get; set; } = null!; protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); roomId.BindValueChanged(id => Text = id.NewValue == null ? "Create" : "Update", true); } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OsuColour colours) { BackgroundColour = colours.YellowDark; } } private enum StartMode { [Description("Off")] Off = 0, [Description("30 seconds")] Seconds30 = 30, [Description("1 minute")] Seconds60 = 60, [Description("3 minutes")] Seconds180 = 180, [Description("5 minutes")] Seconds300 = 300 } } }