// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Newtonsoft.Json; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Replays.Legacy; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Replays; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Replays.Types; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; namespace osu.Game.Online.Spectator { public class SpectatorStreamingClient : Component, ISpectatorClient { /// /// The maximum milliseconds between frame bundle sends. /// public const double TIME_BETWEEN_SENDS = 200; private HubConnection connection; private readonly List watchingUsers = new List(); public IBindableList PlayingUsers => playingUsers; private readonly BindableList playingUsers = new BindableList(); private readonly IBindable apiState = new Bindable(); private bool isConnected; [Resolved] private IAPIProvider api { get; set; } [CanBeNull] private IBeatmap currentBeatmap; [Resolved] private IBindable currentRuleset { get; set; } [Resolved] private IBindable> currentMods { get; set; } private readonly SpectatorState currentState = new SpectatorState(); private bool isPlaying; /// /// Called whenever new frames arrive from the server. /// public event Action OnNewFrames; /// /// Called whenever a user starts a play session. /// public event Action OnUserBeganPlaying; /// /// Called whenever a user finishes a play session. /// public event Action OnUserFinishedPlaying; [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { apiState.BindTo(api.State); apiState.BindValueChanged(apiStateChanged, true); } private void apiStateChanged(ValueChangedEvent state) { switch (state.NewValue) { case APIState.Failing: case APIState.Offline: connection?.StopAsync(); connection = null; break; case APIState.Online: Task.Run(connect); break; } } private const string endpoint = "https://spectator.ppy.sh/spectator"; private async Task connect() { if (connection != null) return; connection = new HubConnectionBuilder() .WithUrl(endpoint, options => { options.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {api.AccessToken}"); }) .AddNewtonsoftJsonProtocol(options => { options.PayloadSerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore; }) .Build(); // until strong typed client support is added, each method must be manually bound (see https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/15198) connection.On(nameof(ISpectatorClient.UserBeganPlaying), ((ISpectatorClient)this).UserBeganPlaying); connection.On(nameof(ISpectatorClient.UserSentFrames), ((ISpectatorClient)this).UserSentFrames); connection.On(nameof(ISpectatorClient.UserFinishedPlaying), ((ISpectatorClient)this).UserFinishedPlaying); connection.Closed += async ex => { isConnected = false; playingUsers.Clear(); if (ex != null) await tryUntilConnected(); }; await tryUntilConnected(); async Task tryUntilConnected() { while (api.State.Value == APIState.Online) { try { // reconnect on any failure await connection.StartAsync(); // success isConnected = true; // resubscribe to watched users var users = watchingUsers.ToArray(); watchingUsers.Clear(); foreach (var userId in users) WatchUser(userId); // re-send state in case it wasn't received if (isPlaying) beginPlaying(); break; } catch { await Task.Delay(5000); } } } } Task ISpectatorClient.UserBeganPlaying(int userId, SpectatorState state) { if (!playingUsers.Contains(userId)) playingUsers.Add(userId); OnUserBeganPlaying?.Invoke(userId, state); return Task.CompletedTask; } Task ISpectatorClient.UserFinishedPlaying(int userId, SpectatorState state) { playingUsers.Remove(userId); OnUserFinishedPlaying?.Invoke(userId, state); return Task.CompletedTask; } Task ISpectatorClient.UserSentFrames(int userId, FrameDataBundle data) { OnNewFrames?.Invoke(userId, data); return Task.CompletedTask; } public void BeginPlaying(GameplayBeatmap beatmap) { if (isPlaying) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot invoke {nameof(BeginPlaying)} when already playing"); isPlaying = true; // transfer state at point of beginning play currentState.BeatmapID = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.OnlineBeatmapID; currentState.RulesetID = currentRuleset.Value.ID; currentState.Mods = currentMods.Value.Select(m => new APIMod(m)); currentBeatmap = beatmap.PlayableBeatmap; beginPlaying(); } private void beginPlaying() { Debug.Assert(isPlaying); if (!isConnected) return; connection.SendAsync(nameof(ISpectatorServer.BeginPlaySession), currentState); } public void SendFrames(FrameDataBundle data) { if (!isConnected) return; lastSend = connection.SendAsync(nameof(ISpectatorServer.SendFrameData), data); } public void EndPlaying() { isPlaying = false; currentBeatmap = null; if (!isConnected) return; connection.SendAsync(nameof(ISpectatorServer.EndPlaySession), currentState); } public virtual void WatchUser(int userId) { if (watchingUsers.Contains(userId)) return; watchingUsers.Add(userId); if (!isConnected) return; connection.SendAsync(nameof(ISpectatorServer.StartWatchingUser), userId); } public void StopWatchingUser(int userId) { watchingUsers.Remove(userId); if (!isConnected) return; connection.SendAsync(nameof(ISpectatorServer.EndWatchingUser), userId); } private readonly Queue pendingFrames = new Queue(); private double lastSendTime; private Task lastSend; private const int max_pending_frames = 30; protected override void Update() { base.Update(); if (pendingFrames.Count > 0 && Time.Current - lastSendTime > TIME_BETWEEN_SENDS) purgePendingFrames(); } public void HandleFrame(ReplayFrame frame) { if (frame is IConvertibleReplayFrame convertible) pendingFrames.Enqueue(convertible.ToLegacy(currentBeatmap)); if (pendingFrames.Count > max_pending_frames) purgePendingFrames(); } private void purgePendingFrames() { if (lastSend?.IsCompleted == false) return; var frames = pendingFrames.ToArray(); pendingFrames.Clear(); SendFrames(new FrameDataBundle(frames)); lastSendTime = Time.Current; } } }