// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer; using osu.Game.Online.Rooms; using osu.Game.Online.Spectator; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Screens.Play.HUD; using osu.Game.Screens.Spectate; using osu.Game.Users; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Multiplayer.Spectate { /// /// A that spectates multiple users in a match. /// public partial class MultiSpectatorScreen : SpectatorScreen { // Isolates beatmap/ruleset to this screen. public override bool DisallowExternalBeatmapRulesetChanges => true; // We are managing our own adjustments. For now, this happens inside the Player instances themselves. public override bool? ApplyModTrackAdjustments => false; public override bool HideOverlaysOnEnter => true; /// /// Whether all spectating players have finished loading. /// public bool AllPlayersLoaded => instances.All(p => p.PlayerLoaded); protected override UserActivity InitialActivity => new UserActivity.SpectatingMultiplayerGame(Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo, Ruleset.Value); [Resolved] private OsuColour colours { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private MultiplayerClient multiplayerClient { get; set; } = null!; private IAggregateAudioAdjustment? boundAdjustments; private readonly PlayerArea[] instances; private MasterGameplayClockContainer masterClockContainer = null!; private SpectatorSyncManager syncManager = null!; private PlayerGrid grid = null!; private MultiSpectatorLeaderboard leaderboard = null!; private PlayerArea? currentAudioSource; private readonly Room room; private readonly MultiplayerRoomUser[] users; /// /// Creates a new . /// /// The room. /// The players to spectate. public MultiSpectatorScreen(Room room, MultiplayerRoomUser[] users) : base(users.Select(u => u.UserID).ToArray()) { this.room = room; this.users = users; instances = new PlayerArea[Users.Count]; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { FillFlowContainer leaderboardFlow; Container scoreDisplayContainer; InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { masterClockContainer = new MasterGameplayClockContainer(Beatmap.Value, 0) { Child = new GridContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, RowDimensions = new[] { new Dimension(GridSizeMode.AutoSize) }, Content = new[] { new Drawable[] { scoreDisplayContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y }, }, new Drawable[] { new GridContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ColumnDimensions = new[] { new Dimension(GridSizeMode.AutoSize) }, Content = new[] { new Drawable[] { leaderboardFlow = new FillFlowContainer { Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Spacing = new Vector2(5) }, grid = new PlayerGrid { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both } } } } } } } }, syncManager = new SpectatorSyncManager(masterClockContainer) { ReadyToStart = performInitialSeek, } }; for (int i = 0; i < Users.Count; i++) grid.Add(instances[i] = new PlayerArea(Users[i], syncManager.CreateManagedClock())); LoadComponentAsync(leaderboard = new MultiSpectatorLeaderboard(users) { Expanded = { Value = true }, }, _ => { foreach (var instance in instances) leaderboard.AddClock(instance.UserId, instance.SpectatorPlayerClock); leaderboardFlow.Insert(0, leaderboard); if (leaderboard.TeamScores.Count == 2) { LoadComponentAsync(new MatchScoreDisplay { Team1Score = { BindTarget = leaderboard.TeamScores.First().Value }, Team2Score = { BindTarget = leaderboard.TeamScores.Last().Value }, }, scoreDisplayContainer.Add); } }); LoadComponentAsync(new GameplayChatDisplay(room) { Expanded = { Value = true }, }, chat => leaderboardFlow.Insert(1, chat)); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); masterClockContainer.Reset(); // Start with adjustments from the first player to keep a sane state. bindAudioAdjustments(instances.First()); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); if (!isCandidateAudioSource(currentAudioSource?.SpectatorPlayerClock)) { currentAudioSource = instances.Where(i => isCandidateAudioSource(i.SpectatorPlayerClock)).MinBy(i => Math.Abs(i.SpectatorPlayerClock.CurrentTime - syncManager.CurrentMasterTime)); // Only bind adjustments if there's actually a valid source, else just use the previous ones to ensure no sudden changes to audio. if (currentAudioSource != null) bindAudioAdjustments(currentAudioSource); foreach (var instance in instances) instance.Mute = instance != currentAudioSource; } } private void bindAudioAdjustments(PlayerArea first) { if (boundAdjustments != null) masterClockContainer.AdjustmentsFromMods.UnbindAdjustments(boundAdjustments); boundAdjustments = first.ClockAdjustmentsFromMods; masterClockContainer.AdjustmentsFromMods.BindAdjustments(boundAdjustments); } private bool isCandidateAudioSource(SpectatorPlayerClock? clock) => clock?.IsRunning == true && !clock.IsCatchingUp && !clock.WaitingOnFrames; private void performInitialSeek() { // Seek the master clock to the gameplay time. // This is chosen as the first available frame in the players' replays, which matches the seek by each individual SpectatorPlayer. double startTime = instances.Where(i => i.Score != null) .SelectMany(i => i.Score.AsNonNull().Replay.Frames) .Select(f => f.Time) .DefaultIfEmpty(0) .Min(); masterClockContainer.Reset(startTime, true); } protected override void OnNewPlayingUserState(int userId, SpectatorState spectatorState) { } protected override void StartGameplay(int userId, SpectatorGameplayState spectatorGameplayState) => instances.Single(i => i.UserId == userId).LoadScore(spectatorGameplayState.Score); protected override void QuitGameplay(int userId) { RemoveUser(userId); var instance = instances.Single(i => i.UserId == userId); instance.FadeColour(colours.Gray4, 400, Easing.OutQuint); syncManager.RemoveManagedClock(instance.SpectatorPlayerClock); } public override bool OnBackButton() { if (multiplayerClient.Room == null) return base.OnBackButton(); // On a manual exit, set the player back to idle unless gameplay has finished. if (multiplayerClient.Room.State != MultiplayerRoomState.Open) multiplayerClient.ChangeState(MultiplayerUserState.Idle); return base.OnBackButton(); } } }