// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using Newtonsoft.Json; using osu.Game.IO.Serialization.Converters; using osu.Game.Screens.Edit; namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps { /// /// A Beatmap containing converted HitObjects. /// public class Beatmap : IBeatmap where T : HitObject { public BeatmapInfo BeatmapInfo { get; set; } = new BeatmapInfo { Metadata = new BeatmapMetadata { Artist = @"Unknown", Title = @"Unknown", AuthorString = @"Unknown Creator", }, Version = @"Normal", BaseDifficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty() }; [JsonIgnore] public BeatmapMetadata Metadata => BeatmapInfo?.Metadata ?? BeatmapInfo?.BeatmapSet?.Metadata; public ControlPointInfo ControlPointInfo { get; set; } = new ControlPointInfo(); public List Breaks { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonIgnore] public double TotalBreakTime => Breaks.Sum(b => b.Duration); [JsonConverter(typeof(TypedListConverter))] public List HitObjects { get; set; } = new List(); IReadOnlyList IBeatmap.HitObjects => HitObjects; IReadOnlyList IBeatmap.HitObjects => HitObjects; public virtual IEnumerable GetStatistics() => Enumerable.Empty(); public double GetMostCommonBeatLength() { // The last playable time in the beatmap - the last timing point extends to this time. // Note: This is more accurate and may present different results because osu-stable didn't have the ability to calculate slider durations in this context. double lastTime = HitObjects.LastOrDefault()?.GetEndTime() ?? ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.LastOrDefault()?.Time ?? 0; var mostCommon = // Construct a set of (beatLength, duration) tuples for each individual timing point. ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.Select((t, i) => { if (t.Time > lastTime) return (beatLength: t.BeatLength, 0); var nextTime = i == ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints.Count - 1 ? lastTime : ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints[i + 1].Time; return (beatLength: t.BeatLength, duration: nextTime - t.Time); }) // Aggregate durations into a set of (beatLength, duration) tuples for each beat length .GroupBy(t => Math.Round(t.beatLength * 1000) / 1000) .Select(g => (beatLength: g.Key, duration: g.Sum(t => t.duration))) // Get the most common one, or 0 as a suitable default .OrderByDescending(i => i.duration).FirstOrDefault(); return mostCommon.beatLength; } public int ClosestSnapTime(double time, int beatDivisor, double? referenceTime = null) { var timingPoint = ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(referenceTime ?? time); var beatLength = timingPoint.BeatLength / beatDivisor; var beatLengths = (int)Math.Round((time - timingPoint.Time) / beatLength, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); return (int)(timingPoint.Time + beatLengths * beatLength); } public int ClosestSnapTime(double time, double? referenceTime = null) { return ClosestSnapTime(time, ClosestBeatDivisor(time, referenceTime), referenceTime); } public int ClosestBeatDivisor(double time, double? referenceTime = null) { double getUnsnap(int divisor) => Math.Abs(time - ClosestSnapTime(time, divisor, referenceTime)); int[] divisors = BindableBeatDivisor.VALID_DIVISORS; double smallestUnsnap = divisors.Min(getUnsnap); return divisors.FirstOrDefault(divisor => getUnsnap(divisor) == smallestUnsnap); } IBeatmap IBeatmap.Clone() => Clone(); public Beatmap Clone() => (Beatmap)MemberwiseClone(); } public class Beatmap : Beatmap { public new Beatmap Clone() => (Beatmap)base.Clone(); public override string ToString() => BeatmapInfo?.ToString() ?? base.ToString(); } }