// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Audio.Track; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI; using osu.Game.Scoring; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods { public abstract class ModMuted : Mod { public override string Name => "Muted"; public override string Acronym => "MU"; public override IconUsage? Icon => FontAwesome.Solid.VolumeMute; public override string Description => "Can you still feel the rhythm without music?"; public override ModType Type => ModType.Fun; public override double ScoreMultiplier => 1; } public abstract class ModMuted : ModMuted, IApplicableToDrawableRuleset, IApplicableToTrack, IApplicableToScoreProcessor where TObject : HitObject { private readonly BindableNumber mainVolumeAdjust = new BindableDouble(0.5); private readonly BindableNumber metronomeVolumeAdjust = new BindableDouble(0.5); private BindableNumber currentCombo; [SettingSource("Enable metronome", "Add a metronome beat to help you keep track of the rhythm.")] public BindableBool EnableMetronome { get; } = new BindableBool { Default = true, Value = true }; [SettingSource("Final volume at combo", "The combo count at which point the track reaches its final volume.")] public BindableInt MuteComboCount { get; } = new BindableInt { Default = 100, Value = 100, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 500, }; [SettingSource("Start muted", "Increase volume as combo builds.")] public BindableBool InverseMuting { get; } = new BindableBool { Default = false, Value = false }; [SettingSource("Mute hit sounds", "Hit sounds are also muted alongside the track.")] public BindableBool AffectsHitSounds { get; } = new BindableBool { Default = true, Value = true }; public void ApplyToTrack(ITrack track) { track.AddAdjustment(AdjustableProperty.Volume, mainVolumeAdjust); } public void ApplyToDrawableRuleset(DrawableRuleset drawableRuleset) { if (EnableMetronome.Value) { Metronome metronome; drawableRuleset.Overlays.Add(metronome = new Metronome(drawableRuleset.Beatmap.HitObjects.First().StartTime)); metronome.AddAdjustment(AdjustableProperty.Volume, metronomeVolumeAdjust); } if (AffectsHitSounds.Value) drawableRuleset.Audio.AddAdjustment(AdjustableProperty.Volume, mainVolumeAdjust); } public void ApplyToScoreProcessor(ScoreProcessor scoreProcessor) { currentCombo = scoreProcessor.Combo.GetBoundCopy(); currentCombo.BindValueChanged(combo => { double dimFactor = Math.Min(1, (double)combo.NewValue / MuteComboCount.Value); if (InverseMuting.Value) dimFactor = 1 - dimFactor; scoreProcessor.TransformBindableTo(metronomeVolumeAdjust, dimFactor, 500, Easing.OutQuint); scoreProcessor.TransformBindableTo(mainVolumeAdjust, 1 - dimFactor, 500, Easing.OutQuint); }, true); } public ScoreRank AdjustRank(ScoreRank rank, double accuracy) => rank; } }