// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Audio.Sample; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions.Color4Extensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Drawables; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Online; using osu.Game.Online.Rooms; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Match; using osu.Game.Screens.Play.HUD; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.DailyChallenge { public partial class DailyChallengeIntro : OsuScreen { public override bool DisallowExternalBeatmapRulesetChanges => true; public override bool? ApplyModTrackAdjustments => true; private readonly Room room; private readonly PlaylistItem item; private Container introContent = null!; private Container topTitleDisplay = null!; private Container bottomDateDisplay = null!; private Container beatmapBackground = null!; private Box flash = null!; private FillFlowContainer beatmapContent = null!; private Container titleContainer = null!; private bool beatmapBackgroundLoaded; private bool animationBegan; private IBindable starDifficulty = null!; [Cached] private readonly OverlayColourProvider colourProvider = new OverlayColourProvider(OverlayColourScheme.Plum); [Cached] private readonly OnlinePlayBeatmapAvailabilityTracker beatmapAvailabilityTracker = new OnlinePlayBeatmapAvailabilityTracker(); private bool shouldBePlayingMusic; [Resolved] private BeatmapManager beatmapManager { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private RulesetStore rulesets { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private MusicController musicController { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved] private SessionStatics statics { get; set; } = null!; private Sample? dateWindupSample; private Sample? dateImpactSample; private Sample? beatmapWindupSample; private Sample? beatmapImpactSample; private SampleChannel? dateWindupChannel; private SampleChannel? dateImpactChannel; private SampleChannel? beatmapWindupChannel; private SampleChannel? beatmapImpactChannel; private IDisposable? duckOperation; public DailyChallengeIntro(Room room) { this.room = room; item = room.Playlist.Single(); ValidForResume = false; } protected override BackgroundScreen CreateBackground() => new DailyChallengeIntroBackgroundScreen(colourProvider); [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(RulesetStore rulesets, BeatmapDifficultyCache difficultyCache, BeatmapModelDownloader beatmapDownloader, OsuConfigManager config, AudioManager audio) { const float horizontal_info_size = 500f; StarRatingDisplay starRatingDisplay; IBeatmapInfo beatmap = item.Beatmap; Ruleset ruleset = rulesets.GetRuleset(item.Beatmap.Ruleset.ShortName)!.CreateInstance(); InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { beatmapAvailabilityTracker, introContent = new Container { Alpha = 0f, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Shear = new Vector2(OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Children = new Drawable[] { titleContainer = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new Drawable[] { topTitleDisplay = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.CentreRight, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, CornerRadius = 10f, Masking = true, X = -10, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { Colour = colourProvider.Background3, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new OsuSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Text = "Today's Challenge", Margin = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = 10f, Vertical = 5f }, Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Font = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 32, weight: FontWeight.Light, typeface: Typeface.TorusAlternate), }, } }, bottomDateDisplay = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, CornerRadius = 10f, Masking = true, X = 10, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { Colour = colourProvider.Background3, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new OsuSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Text = room.Name.Split(':', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries).Last(), Margin = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = 10f, Vertical = 5f }, Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Font = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 32, weight: FontWeight.Light, typeface: Typeface.TorusAlternate), }, } }, } }, beatmapContent = new FillFlowContainer { AlwaysPresent = true, // so we can get the size ahead of time Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Alpha = 0, Scale = new Vector2(0.001f), Spacing = new Vector2(10), Children = new Drawable[] { beatmapBackground = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Size = new Vector2(horizontal_info_size, 150f), CornerRadius = 20f, BorderColour = colourProvider.Content2, BorderThickness = 3f, Masking = true, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { Colour = colourProvider.Background3, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, flash = new Box { Colour = Color4.White, Blending = BlendingParameters.Additive, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Depth = float.MinValue, } } }, new Container { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Width = horizontal_info_size, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, CornerRadius = 10f, Masking = true, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { Colour = colourProvider.Background3, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new FillFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, Padding = new MarginPadding(5f), Children = new Drawable[] { new TruncatingSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), MaxWidth = horizontal_info_size, Text = beatmap.BeatmapSet!.Metadata.GetDisplayTitleRomanisable(false), Padding = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = 5f }, Font = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 26), }, new TruncatingSpriteText { Text = $"Difficulty: {beatmap.DifficultyName}", Font = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 20, italics: true), MaxWidth = horizontal_info_size, Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, }, new TruncatingSpriteText { Text = $"by {beatmap.Metadata.Author.Username}", Font = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 16, italics: true), MaxWidth = horizontal_info_size, Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, }, starRatingDisplay = new StarRatingDisplay(default) { Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Margin = new MarginPadding(5), Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, } } }, } }, new Container { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, Width = horizontal_info_size, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, CornerRadius = 10f, Masking = true, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { Colour = colourProvider.Background3, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, new ModFlowDisplay { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), Current = { Value = item.RequiredMods.Select(m => m.ToMod(ruleset)).ToArray() }, } } } } }, } } }; starDifficulty = difficultyCache.GetBindableDifficulty(beatmap); starDifficulty.BindValueChanged(star => { if (star.NewValue != null) starRatingDisplay.Current.Value = star.NewValue.Value; }, true); LoadComponentAsync(new OnlineBeatmapSetCover(beatmap.BeatmapSet as IBeatmapSetOnlineInfo) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, FillMode = FillMode.Fit, Scale = new Vector2(1.2f), Shear = new Vector2(-OsuGame.SHEAR, 0f), }, c => { beatmapBackground.Add(c); beatmapBackgroundLoaded = true; updateAnimationState(); }); if (config.Get(OsuSetting.AutomaticallyDownloadMissingBeatmaps)) { if (!beatmapManager.IsAvailableLocally(new BeatmapSetInfo { OnlineID = beatmap.BeatmapSet!.OnlineID })) beatmapDownloader.Download(beatmap.BeatmapSet!, config.Get(OsuSetting.PreferNoVideo)); } dateWindupSample = audio.Samples.Get(@"DailyChallenge/date-windup"); dateImpactSample = audio.Samples.Get(@"DailyChallenge/date-impact"); beatmapWindupSample = audio.Samples.Get(@"DailyChallenge/beatmap-windup"); beatmapImpactSample = audio.Samples.Get(@"DailyChallenge/beatmap-impact"); } public override void OnEntering(ScreenTransitionEvent e) { base.OnEntering(e); beatmapAvailabilityTracker.SelectedItem.Value = item; beatmapAvailabilityTracker.Availability.BindValueChanged(availability => { if (shouldBePlayingMusic && availability.NewValue.State == DownloadState.LocallyAvailable) DailyChallenge.TrySetDailyChallengeBeatmap(this, beatmapManager, rulesets, musicController, item); }, true); this.FadeInFromZero(400, Easing.OutQuint); updateAnimationState(); playDateWindupSample(); } public override void OnSuspending(ScreenTransitionEvent e) { this.FadeOut(800, Easing.OutQuint); base.OnSuspending(e); } private void updateAnimationState() { if (!beatmapBackgroundLoaded || !this.IsCurrentScreen()) return; if (animationBegan) return; beginAnimation(); animationBegan = true; } private void beginAnimation() { using (BeginDelayedSequence(200)) { introContent.Show(); const float y_offset_start = 260; const float y_offset_end = 20; topTitleDisplay .FadeInFromZero(400, Easing.OutQuint); topTitleDisplay.MoveToY(-y_offset_start) .MoveToY(-y_offset_end, 300, Easing.OutQuint) .Then() .MoveToY(0, 4000); bottomDateDisplay.MoveToY(y_offset_start) .MoveToY(y_offset_end, 300, Easing.OutQuint) .Then() .MoveToY(0, 4000); using (BeginDelayedSequence(150)) { Schedule(() => { playDateImpactSample(); playBeatmapWindupSample(); duckOperation?.Dispose(); duckOperation = musicController.Duck(new DuckParameters { RestoreDuration = 1500f, }); }); using (BeginDelayedSequence(2750)) { Schedule(() => { duckOperation?.Dispose(); }); } } using (BeginDelayedSequence(1000)) { beatmapContent .ScaleTo(3) .ScaleTo(1f, 500, Easing.In) .Then() .ScaleTo(1.1f, 4000); using (BeginDelayedSequence(100)) { titleContainer .ScaleTo(0.4f, 400, Easing.In) .FadeOut(500, Easing.OutQuint); } using (BeginDelayedSequence(240)) { beatmapContent.FadeInFromZero(280, Easing.InQuad); using (BeginDelayedSequence(300)) { Schedule(() => { shouldBePlayingMusic = true; DailyChallenge.TrySetDailyChallengeBeatmap(this, beatmapManager, rulesets, musicController, item); ApplyToBackground(bs => ((RoomBackgroundScreen)bs).SelectedItem.Value = item); playBeatmapImpactSample(); }); } using (BeginDelayedSequence(400)) flash.FadeOutFromOne(5000, Easing.OutQuint); using (BeginDelayedSequence(2600)) { Schedule(() => { statics.SetValue(Static.DailyChallengeIntroPlayed, true); if (this.IsCurrentScreen()) this.Push(new DailyChallenge(room)); }); } } } } } private void playDateWindupSample() { dateWindupChannel = dateWindupSample?.GetChannel(); dateWindupChannel?.Play(); } private void playDateImpactSample() { dateImpactChannel = dateImpactSample?.GetChannel(); dateImpactChannel?.Play(); } private void playBeatmapWindupSample() { beatmapWindupChannel = beatmapWindupSample?.GetChannel(); beatmapWindupChannel?.Play(); } private void playBeatmapImpactSample() { beatmapImpactChannel = beatmapImpactSample?.GetChannel(); beatmapImpactChannel?.Play(); } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { resetAudio(); base.Dispose(isDisposing); } private void resetAudio() { dateWindupChannel?.Stop(); dateImpactChannel?.Stop(); beatmapWindupChannel?.Stop(); beatmapImpactChannel?.Stop(); duckOperation?.Dispose(); } private partial class DailyChallengeIntroBackgroundScreen : RoomBackgroundScreen { private readonly OverlayColourProvider colourProvider; public DailyChallengeIntroBackgroundScreen(OverlayColourProvider colourProvider) : base(null) { this.colourProvider = colourProvider; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { AddInternal(new Box { Depth = float.MinValue, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = colourProvider.Background5.Opacity(0.6f), }); } } } }