// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Diagnostics; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Extensions.EnumExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Graphics { public abstract partial class ParticleSpewer : Sprite { private readonly FallingParticle[] particles; private int currentIndex; private double? lastParticleAdded; private readonly double timeBetweenSpawns; private readonly double maxDuration; /// /// Determines whether particles are being spawned. /// public readonly BindableBool Active = new BindableBool(); public override bool IsPresent => base.IsPresent && hasActiveParticles; protected virtual bool CanSpawnParticles => true; protected virtual float ParticleGravity => 0; private bool hasActiveParticles => Active.Value || (lastParticleAdded + maxDuration) > Time.Current; protected ParticleSpewer(Texture texture, int perSecond, double maxDuration) { Texture = texture; Blending = BlendingParameters.Additive; particles = new FallingParticle[perSecond * (int)Math.Ceiling(maxDuration / 1000)]; timeBetweenSpawns = 1000f / perSecond; this.maxDuration = maxDuration; } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); Invalidate(Invalidation.DrawNode); if (!Active.Value || !CanSpawnParticles) { lastParticleAdded = null; return; } // Always want to spawn the first particle in an activation immediately. if (lastParticleAdded == null) { lastParticleAdded = Time.Current; spawnParticle(); return; } double timeElapsed = Time.Current - lastParticleAdded.Value; // Avoid spawning too many particles if a long amount of time has passed. if (Math.Abs(timeElapsed) > maxDuration) { lastParticleAdded = Time.Current; spawnParticle(); return; } Debug.Assert(lastParticleAdded != null); for (int i = 0; i < timeElapsed / timeBetweenSpawns; i++) { lastParticleAdded += timeBetweenSpawns; spawnParticle(); } } private void spawnParticle() { Debug.Assert(lastParticleAdded != null); var newParticle = CreateParticle(); newParticle.StartTime = (float)lastParticleAdded.Value; particles[currentIndex] = newParticle; currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % particles.Length; } /// /// Called each time a new particle should be spawned. /// protected virtual FallingParticle CreateParticle() => new FallingParticle(); protected override DrawNode CreateDrawNode() => new ParticleSpewerDrawNode(this); #region DrawNode private class ParticleSpewerDrawNode : SpriteDrawNode { private readonly FallingParticle[] particles; protected new ParticleSpewer Source => (ParticleSpewer)base.Source; private readonly float maxDuration; private float currentTime; private float gravity; private Axes relativePositionAxes; private Vector2 sourceSize; public ParticleSpewerDrawNode(ParticleSpewer source) : base(source) { particles = new FallingParticle[Source.particles.Length]; maxDuration = (float)Source.maxDuration; } public override void ApplyState() { base.ApplyState(); Source.particles.CopyTo(particles, 0); currentTime = (float)Source.Time.Current; gravity = Source.ParticleGravity; relativePositionAxes = Source.RelativePositionAxes; sourceSize = Source.DrawSize; } protected override void Blit(IRenderer renderer) { foreach (var p in particles) { if (p.Duration == 0) continue; float timeSinceStart = currentTime - p.StartTime; // ignore particles from the future. // these can appear when seeking in replays. if (timeSinceStart < 0) continue; float alpha = p.AlphaAtTime(timeSinceStart); if (alpha <= 0) continue; var pos = p.PositionAtTime(timeSinceStart, gravity, maxDuration); float scale = p.ScaleAtTime(timeSinceStart); float angle = p.AngleAtTime(timeSinceStart); var rect = createDrawRect(pos, scale); var quad = new Quad( transformPosition(rect.TopLeft, rect.Centre, angle), transformPosition(rect.TopRight, rect.Centre, angle), transformPosition(rect.BottomLeft, rect.Centre, angle), transformPosition(rect.BottomRight, rect.Centre, angle) ); renderer.DrawQuad(Texture, quad, DrawColourInfo.Colour.MultiplyAlpha(alpha), inflationPercentage: new Vector2(InflationAmount.X / DrawRectangle.Width, InflationAmount.Y / DrawRectangle.Height), textureCoords: TextureCoords); } } private RectangleF createDrawRect(Vector2 position, float scale) { float width = Texture.DisplayWidth * scale; float height = Texture.DisplayHeight * scale; if (relativePositionAxes.HasFlagFast(Axes.X)) position.X *= sourceSize.X; if (relativePositionAxes.HasFlagFast(Axes.Y)) position.Y *= sourceSize.Y; return new RectangleF( position.X - width / 2, position.Y - height / 2, width, height); } private Vector2 transformPosition(Vector2 pos, Vector2 centre, float angle) { float cos = MathF.Cos(angle); float sin = MathF.Sin(angle); float x = centre.X + (pos.X - centre.X) * cos + (pos.Y - centre.Y) * sin; float y = centre.Y + (pos.Y - centre.Y) * cos - (pos.X - centre.X) * sin; return Vector2Extensions.Transform(new Vector2(x, y), DrawInfo.Matrix); } protected override bool CanDrawOpaqueInterior => false; } #endregion protected struct FallingParticle { public float StartTime; public Vector2 StartPosition; public Vector2 Velocity; public float Duration; public float StartAngle; public float EndAngle; public float EndScale; public float AlphaAtTime(float timeSinceStart) => 1 - progressAtTime(timeSinceStart); public float ScaleAtTime(float timeSinceStart) => (float)Interpolation.Lerp(1, EndScale, progressAtTime(timeSinceStart)); public float AngleAtTime(float timeSinceStart) => (float)Interpolation.Lerp(StartAngle, EndAngle, progressAtTime(timeSinceStart)); public Vector2 PositionAtTime(float timeSinceStart, float gravity, float maxDuration) { float progress = progressAtTime(timeSinceStart); var currentGravity = new Vector2(0, gravity * Duration / maxDuration * progress); return StartPosition + (Velocity + currentGravity) * timeSinceStart / maxDuration; } private float progressAtTime(float timeSinceStart) => Math.Clamp(timeSinceStart / Duration, 0, 1); } } }