// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Extensions.LocalisationExtensions; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Game.Online.Chat; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.Listing; using osu.Game.Resources.Localisation.Web; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.ChannelList { public partial class ChannelList : Container { public Action? OnRequestSelect; public Action? OnRequestLeave; public IEnumerable Channels => groupFlow.Children .OfType() .SelectMany(channelGroup => channelGroup.ItemFlow) .Select(item => item.Channel); public readonly ChannelListing.ChannelListingChannel ChannelListingChannel = new ChannelListing.ChannelListingChannel(); private readonly Dictionary channelMap = new Dictionary(); public ChannelGroup AnnounceChannelGroup { get; private set; } = null!; public ChannelGroup PublicChannelGroup { get; private set; } = null!; public ChannelGroup TeamChannelGroup { get; private set; } = null!; public ChannelGroup PrivateChannelGroup { get; private set; } = null!; private OsuScrollContainer scroll = null!; private SearchContainer groupFlow = null!; private ChannelListItem selector = null!; private TextBox searchTextBox = null!; [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(OverlayColourProvider colourProvider) { Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = colourProvider.Background6, }, scroll = new OsuScrollContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, ScrollbarAnchor = Anchor.TopRight, ScrollDistance = 35f, Child = groupFlow = new SearchContainer { Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Children = new Drawable[] { new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Padding = new MarginPadding { Horizontal = 10, Top = 8 }, Child = searchTextBox = new ChannelSearchTextBox { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, } }, // cross-reference for icons: https://github.com/ppy/osu-web/blob/3c9e99eaf4bd9e73d2712f60d67f5bc95f9dfe2b/resources/js/chat/conversation-list.tsx#L13-L19 AnnounceChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup(ChatStrings.ChannelsListTitleANNOUNCE.ToUpper(), FontAwesome.Solid.Bullhorn, false), PublicChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup(ChatStrings.ChannelsListTitlePUBLIC.ToUpper(), FontAwesome.Solid.Comments, false), selector = new ChannelListItem(ChannelListingChannel), TeamChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup(ChatStrings.ChannelsListTitleTEAM.ToUpper(), FontAwesome.Solid.Users, false), PrivateChannelGroup = new ChannelGroup(ChatStrings.ChannelsListTitlePM.ToUpper(), FontAwesome.Solid.Envelope, true), }, }, }, }; searchTextBox.Current.BindValueChanged(_ => groupFlow.SearchTerm = searchTextBox.Current.Value, true); searchTextBox.OnCommit += (_, _) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTextBox.Current.Value)) return; var firstMatchingItem = this.ChildrenOfType().FirstOrDefault(item => item.MatchingFilter); if (firstMatchingItem == null) return; OnRequestSelect?.Invoke(firstMatchingItem.Channel); }; selector.OnRequestSelect += chan => OnRequestSelect?.Invoke(chan); updateVisibility(); } public void AddChannel(Channel channel) { if (channelMap.ContainsKey(channel)) return; ChannelListItem item = new ChannelListItem(channel) { CanLeave = channel.Type != ChannelType.Team }; item.OnRequestSelect += chan => OnRequestSelect?.Invoke(chan); if (item.CanLeave) item.OnRequestLeave += chan => OnRequestLeave?.Invoke(chan); ChannelGroup group = getGroupFromChannel(channel); channelMap.Add(channel, item); group.AddChannel(item); updateVisibility(); } public void RemoveChannel(Channel channel) { if (!channelMap.TryGetValue(channel, out var item)) return; ChannelGroup group = getGroupFromChannel(channel); channelMap.Remove(channel); group.RemoveChannel(item); updateVisibility(); } public ChannelListItem GetItem(Channel channel) { if (!channelMap.TryGetValue(channel, out var item)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); return item; } public void ScrollChannelIntoView(Channel channel) => scroll.ScrollIntoView(GetItem(channel)); private ChannelGroup getGroupFromChannel(Channel channel) { switch (channel.Type) { case ChannelType.Public: return PublicChannelGroup; case ChannelType.PM: return PrivateChannelGroup; case ChannelType.Announce: return AnnounceChannelGroup; case ChannelType.Team: return TeamChannelGroup; default: return PublicChannelGroup; } } private void updateVisibility() { AnnounceChannelGroup.Alpha = AnnounceChannelGroup.ItemFlow.Any() ? 1 : 0; TeamChannelGroup.Alpha = TeamChannelGroup.ItemFlow.Any() ? 1 : 0; } public partial class ChannelGroup : FillFlowContainer { private readonly bool sortByRecent; public readonly ChannelListItemFlow ItemFlow; public ChannelGroup(LocalisableString label, IconUsage icon, bool sortByRecent) { this.sortByRecent = sortByRecent; Direction = FillDirection.Vertical; RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X; AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y; Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = 8 }; Children = new Drawable[] { new FillFlowContainer { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, Direction = FillDirection.Horizontal, Spacing = new Vector2(5), Children = new Drawable[] { new OsuSpriteText { Text = label, Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = 18, Bottom = 5 }, Font = OsuFont.Torus.With(size: 12, weight: FontWeight.SemiBold), }, new SpriteIcon { Icon = icon, Size = new Vector2(12), }, } }, ItemFlow = new ChannelListItemFlow(sortByRecent) { Direction = FillDirection.Vertical, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y, }, }; } public partial class ChannelListItemFlow : FillFlowContainer { private readonly bool sortByRecent; public ChannelListItemFlow(bool sortByRecent) { this.sortByRecent = sortByRecent; } public void Reflow() => InvalidateLayout(); public override IEnumerable FlowingChildren => sortByRecent ? base.FlowingChildren.OfType().OrderByDescending(i => i.Channel.LastMessageId ?? long.MinValue) : base.FlowingChildren.OfType().OrderBy(i => i.Channel.Name); } public void AddChannel(ChannelListItem item) { ItemFlow.Add(item); if (sortByRecent) { item.Channel.NewMessagesArrived += newMessagesArrived; item.Channel.PendingMessageResolved += pendingMessageResolved; } ItemFlow.Reflow(); } public void RemoveChannel(ChannelListItem item) { if (sortByRecent) { item.Channel.NewMessagesArrived -= newMessagesArrived; item.Channel.PendingMessageResolved -= pendingMessageResolved; } ItemFlow.Remove(item, true); } private void pendingMessageResolved(LocalEchoMessage _, Message __) => ItemFlow.Reflow(); private void newMessagesArrived(IEnumerable _) => ItemFlow.Reflow(); protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); foreach (var item in ItemFlow) { item.Channel.NewMessagesArrived -= newMessagesArrived; item.Channel.PendingMessageResolved -= pendingMessageResolved; } } } private partial class ChannelSearchTextBox : BasicSearchTextBox { protected override bool AllowCommit => true; public ChannelSearchTextBox() { const float scale_factor = 0.8f; Scale = new Vector2(scale_factor); Width = 1 / scale_factor; } } } }