// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI; using osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Multiplayer.Spectate; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Tests.Beatmaps.IO; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Multiplayer { public class TestSceneMultiSpectatorScreen : MultiplayerTestScene { [Resolved] private OsuGameBase game { get; set; } [Resolved] private BeatmapManager beatmapManager { get; set; } private MultiSpectatorScreen spectatorScreen; private readonly List playingUserIds = new List(); private BeatmapSetInfo importedSet; private BeatmapInfo importedBeatmap; private int importedBeatmapId; [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { importedSet = ImportBeatmapTest.LoadOszIntoOsu(game, virtualTrack: true).Result; importedBeatmap = importedSet.Beatmaps.First(b => b.RulesetID == 0); importedBeatmapId = importedBeatmap.OnlineBeatmapID ?? -1; } [SetUp] public new void Setup() => Schedule(() => playingUserIds.Clear()); [Test] public void TestDelayedStart() { AddStep("start players silently", () => { Client.CurrentMatchPlayingUserIds.Add(PLAYER_1_ID); Client.CurrentMatchPlayingUserIds.Add(PLAYER_2_ID); playingUserIds.Add(PLAYER_1_ID); playingUserIds.Add(PLAYER_2_ID); }); loadSpectateScreen(false); AddWaitStep("wait a bit", 10); AddStep("load player first_player_id", () => SpectatorClient.StartPlay(PLAYER_1_ID, importedBeatmapId)); AddUntilStep("one player added", () => spectatorScreen.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 1); AddWaitStep("wait a bit", 10); AddStep("load player second_player_id", () => SpectatorClient.StartPlay(PLAYER_2_ID, importedBeatmapId)); AddUntilStep("two players added", () => spectatorScreen.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 2); } [Test] public void TestGeneral() { int[] userIds = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(i => PLAYER_1_ID + i).ToArray(); start(userIds); loadSpectateScreen(); sendFrames(userIds, 1000); AddWaitStep("wait a bit", 20); } [Test] public void TestTimeDoesNotProgressWhileAllPlayersPaused() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); loadSpectateScreen(); sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 40); sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 20); checkPaused(PLAYER_2_ID, true); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); AddAssert("master clock still running", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsRunning); checkPaused(PLAYER_1_ID, true); AddUntilStep("master clock paused", () => !this.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsRunning); } [Test] public void TestPlayersMustStartSimultaneously() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); loadSpectateScreen(); // Send frames for one player only, both should remain paused. sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 20); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, true); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, true); // Send frames for the other player, both should now start playing. sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 20); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, false); } [Test] public void TestPlayersDoNotStartSimultaneouslyIfBufferingForMaximumStartDelay() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); loadSpectateScreen(); // Send frames for one player only, both should remain paused. sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 1000); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, true); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, true); // Wait for the start delay seconds... AddWaitStep("wait maximum start delay seconds", (int)(CatchUpSyncManager.MAXIMUM_START_DELAY / TimePerAction)); // Player 1 should start playing by itself, player 2 should remain paused. checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, true); } [Test] public void TestPlayersContinueWhileOthersBuffer() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); loadSpectateScreen(); // Send initial frames for both players. A few more for player 1. sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 20); sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 10); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, false); // Eventually player 2 will pause, player 1 must remain running. checkPaused(PLAYER_2_ID, true); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); // Eventually both players will run out of frames and should pause. checkPaused(PLAYER_1_ID, true); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, true); // Send more frames for the first player only. Player 1 should start playing with player 2 remaining paused. sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 20); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, true); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); // Send more frames for the second player. Both should be playing sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 20); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, false); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); } [Test] public void TestPlayersCatchUpAfterFallingBehind() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); loadSpectateScreen(); // Send initial frames for both players. A few more for player 1. sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 1000); sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 30); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_1_ID, false); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, false); // Eventually player 2 will run out of frames and should pause. checkPaused(PLAYER_2_ID, true); AddWaitStep("wait a few more frames", 10); // Send more frames for player 2. It should unpause. sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 1000); checkPausedInstant(PLAYER_2_ID, false); // Player 2 should catch up to player 1 after unpausing. waitForCatchup(PLAYER_2_ID); AddWaitStep("wait a bit", 10); } [Test] public void TestMostInSyncUserIsAudioSource() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); loadSpectateScreen(); assertMuted(PLAYER_1_ID, true); assertMuted(PLAYER_2_ID, true); sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 10); sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 20); checkPaused(PLAYER_1_ID, false); assertOneNotMuted(); checkPaused(PLAYER_1_ID, true); assertMuted(PLAYER_1_ID, true); assertMuted(PLAYER_2_ID, false); sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 100); waitForCatchup(PLAYER_1_ID); checkPaused(PLAYER_2_ID, true); assertMuted(PLAYER_1_ID, false); assertMuted(PLAYER_2_ID, true); sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 100); waitForCatchup(PLAYER_2_ID); assertMuted(PLAYER_1_ID, false); assertMuted(PLAYER_2_ID, true); } [Test] public void TestSpectatingDuringGameplay() { var players = new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }; start(players); sendFrames(players, 300); loadSpectateScreen(); sendFrames(players, 300); AddUntilStep("playing from correct point in time", () => this.ChildrenOfType().All(r => r.FrameStableClock.CurrentTime > 30000)); } [Test] public void TestSpectatingDuringGameplayWithLateFrames() { start(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }); sendFrames(new[] { PLAYER_1_ID, PLAYER_2_ID }, 300); loadSpectateScreen(); sendFrames(PLAYER_1_ID, 300); AddWaitStep("wait maximum start delay seconds", (int)(CatchUpSyncManager.MAXIMUM_START_DELAY / TimePerAction)); checkPaused(PLAYER_1_ID, false); sendFrames(PLAYER_2_ID, 300); AddUntilStep("player 2 playing from correct point in time", () => getPlayer(PLAYER_2_ID).ChildrenOfType().Single().FrameStableClock.CurrentTime > 30000); } private void loadSpectateScreen(bool waitForPlayerLoad = true) { AddStep("load screen", () => { Beatmap.Value = beatmapManager.GetWorkingBeatmap(importedBeatmap); Ruleset.Value = importedBeatmap.Ruleset; LoadScreen(spectatorScreen = new MultiSpectatorScreen(playingUserIds.ToArray())); }); AddUntilStep("wait for screen load", () => spectatorScreen.LoadState == LoadState.Loaded && (!waitForPlayerLoad || spectatorScreen.AllPlayersLoaded)); } private void start(int[] userIds, int? beatmapId = null) { AddStep("start play", () => { foreach (int id in userIds) { Client.CurrentMatchPlayingUserIds.Add(id); SpectatorClient.StartPlay(id, beatmapId ?? importedBeatmapId); playingUserIds.Add(id); } }); } private void sendFrames(int userId, int count = 10) => sendFrames(new[] { userId }, count); private void sendFrames(int[] userIds, int count = 10) { AddStep("send frames", () => { foreach (int id in userIds) SpectatorClient.SendFrames(id, count); }); } private void checkPaused(int userId, bool state) => AddUntilStep($"{userId} is {(state ? "paused" : "playing")}", () => getPlayer(userId).ChildrenOfType().First().GameplayClock.IsRunning != state); private void checkPausedInstant(int userId, bool state) { checkPaused(userId, state); // Todo: The following should work, but is broken because SpectatorScreen retrieves the WorkingBeatmap via the BeatmapManager, bypassing the test scene clock and running real-time. // AddAssert($"{userId} is {(state ? "paused" : "playing")}", () => getPlayer(userId).ChildrenOfType().First().GameplayClock.IsRunning != state); } private void assertOneNotMuted() => AddAssert("one player not muted", () => spectatorScreen.ChildrenOfType().Count(p => !p.Mute) == 1); private void assertMuted(int userId, bool muted) => AddAssert($"{userId} {(muted ? "is" : "is not")} muted", () => getInstance(userId).Mute == muted); private void waitForCatchup(int userId) => AddUntilStep($"{userId} not catching up", () => !getInstance(userId).GameplayClock.IsCatchingUp); private Player getPlayer(int userId) => getInstance(userId).ChildrenOfType().Single(); private PlayerArea getInstance(int userId) => spectatorScreen.ChildrenOfType().Single(p => p.UserId == userId); } }