// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Scoring; using osu.Game.Screens.Ranking; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Ranking { public class TestSceneScorePanel : OsuTestScene { [Test] public void TestDRank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.5, Rank = ScoreRank.D }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestCRank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.75, Rank = ScoreRank.C }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestBRank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.85, Rank = ScoreRank.B }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestARank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.925, Rank = ScoreRank.A }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestSRank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.975, Rank = ScoreRank.S }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestAlmostSSRank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.9999, Rank = ScoreRank.S }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestSSRank() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 1, Rank = ScoreRank.X }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestAllHitResults() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Statistics = { [HitResult.Perfect] = 350, [HitResult.Ok] = 200 } }; addPanelStep(score); } [Test] public void TestContractedPanel() { var score = new TestScoreInfo(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo) { Accuracy = 0.925, Rank = ScoreRank.A }; addPanelStep(score, PanelState.Contracted); } private void addPanelStep(ScoreInfo score, PanelState state = PanelState.Expanded) => AddStep("add panel", () => { Child = new ScorePanel(score) { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, State = state }; }); } }