// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Preprocessing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects; using osu.Framework.Utils; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Skills { /// /// Represents the skill required to press keys with regards to keeping up with the speed at which objects need to be hit. /// public class Speed : OsuStrainSkill { private const double single_spacing_threshold = 125; private const double angle_bonus_begin = 5 * Math.PI / 6; private const double pi_over_4 = Math.PI / 4; private const double pi_over_2 = Math.PI / 2; private const double rhythm_multiplier = 2.5; private const int history_time_max = 3000; // 3 seconds of calculatingRhythmBonus max. private double skillMultiplier => 1375; private double strainDecayBase => 0.3; private double currentTapStrain = 1; private double currentMovementStrain = 1; private double currentRhythm = 1; protected override int ReducedSectionCount => 5; protected override double DifficultyMultiplier => 1.04; private const double min_speed_bonus = 75; // ~200BPM private const double max_speed_bonus = 45; // ~330BPM private const double speed_balancing_factor = 40; protected override int HistoryLength => 32; public Speed(Mod[] mods) : base(mods) { } /// /// Calculates a rhythm multiplier for the difficulty of the tap associated with historic data of the current . /// private double calculateRhythmBonus(DifficultyHitObject current) { if (current.BaseObject is Spinner) return 0; int previousIslandSize = -1; double rhythmComplexitySum = 0; int islandSize = 0; bool firstDeltaSwitch = false; for (int i = Previous.Count - 2; i > 0; i--) { DifficultyHitObject currObj = Previous[i - 1]; DifficultyHitObject prevObj = Previous[i]; DifficultyHitObject prevPrevObj = Previous[i + 1]; double currHistoricalDecay = Math.Max(0, (history_time_max - (current.StartTime - currObj.StartTime))) / history_time_max; // scales note 0 to 1 from history to now if (currHistoricalDecay != 0) { currHistoricalDecay = Math.Min(currHistoricalDecay, (double)(Previous.Count - i) / Previous.Count); // either we're limited by time or limited by object count. double currDelta = Math.Max(25, currObj.DeltaTime); double prevDelta = Math.Max(25, prevObj.DeltaTime); double prevPrevDelta = ((OsuDifficultyHitObject)prevPrevObj).StrainTime; double effectiveRatio = Math.Min(prevDelta, currDelta) / Math.Max(prevDelta, currDelta); if (effectiveRatio > 0.5) effectiveRatio = 0.5 + (effectiveRatio - 0.5) * 10; // large buff for 1/3 -> 1/4 type transitions. effectiveRatio *= Math.Sqrt(100 / ((currDelta + prevDelta) / 2)) * currHistoricalDecay; // scale with bpm slightly and with time if (firstDeltaSwitch) { if (Precision.AlmostEquals(prevDelta, currDelta, 15)) { islandSize++; // island is still progressing, count size. } else { if (islandSize > 6) islandSize = 6; if (Previous[i - 1].BaseObject is Slider) // bpm change is into slider, this is easy acc window effectiveRatio *= 0.25; if (Previous[i].BaseObject is Slider) // bpm change was from a slider, this is easier typically than circle -> circle effectiveRatio *= 0.5; if (previousIslandSize == islandSize) // repeated island size (ex: triplet -> triplet) effectiveRatio *= 0.25; if (prevPrevDelta > prevDelta + 10 && prevDelta > currDelta + 10) // previous increase happened a note ago, 1/1->1/2-1/4, dont want to buff this. effectiveRatio *= 0.125; rhythmComplexitySum += effectiveRatio; previousIslandSize = islandSize; // log the last island size. if (prevDelta * 1.25 < currDelta) // we're slowing down, stop counting firstDeltaSwitch = false; // if we're speeding up, this stays true and we keep counting island size. islandSize = 0; } } else if (prevDelta > 1.25 * currDelta) // we want to be speeding up. { // Begin counting island until we change speed again. firstDeltaSwitch = true; islandSize = 0; } } } return Math.Sqrt(4 + rhythmComplexitySum * rhythm_multiplier) / 2; //produces multiplier that can be applied to strain. range [1, infinity) } private double tapStrainOf(DifficultyHitObject current, double speedBonus) { if (current.BaseObject is Spinner) return 0; var osuCurrObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current; return speedBonus / osuCurrObj.StrainTime; } private double movementStrainOf(DifficultyHitObject current, double speedBonus) { if (current.BaseObject is Spinner) return 0; var osuCurrObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current; double distance = Math.Min(single_spacing_threshold, osuCurrObj.TravelDistance + osuCurrObj.JumpDistance); double angleBonus = 1.0; if (osuCurrObj.Angle != null) { double angle = osuCurrObj.Angle.Value; if (angle < pi_over_2) angleBonus = 1.25; else if (angle < angle_bonus_begin) angleBonus = 1 + Math.Pow(Math.Sin(1.5 * (angle_bonus_begin - angle)), 2) / 4; } return (angleBonus * speedBonus * Math.Pow(distance / single_spacing_threshold, 3.5)) / osuCurrObj.StrainTime; } private double strainDecay(double ms) => Math.Pow(strainDecayBase, ms / 1000); protected override double CalculateInitialStrain(double time) => (currentMovementStrain + currentTapStrain * currentRhythm) * strainDecay(time - Previous[0].StartTime); protected override double StrainValueAt(DifficultyHitObject current) { double speedBonus = 1.0; double deltaTime = Math.Max(max_speed_bonus, current.DeltaTime); if (deltaTime < min_speed_bonus) speedBonus = 1 + 0.75 * Math.Pow((min_speed_bonus - deltaTime) / speed_balancing_factor, 2); currentRhythm = calculateRhythmBonus(current); double decay = strainDecay(current.DeltaTime); currentTapStrain *= decay; currentTapStrain += tapStrainOf(current, speedBonus) * skillMultiplier; currentMovementStrain *= decay; currentMovementStrain += movementStrainOf(current, speedBonus) * skillMultiplier; return currentMovementStrain + currentTapStrain * currentRhythm; } } }