// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Extensions; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Taiko; using osu.Game.Tests.Resources; using osu.Game.Users; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.SongSelect { public partial class TestSceneBeatmapRecommendations : OsuGameTestScene { [Resolved] private IRulesetStore rulesetStore { get; set; } [SetUpSteps] public override void SetUpSteps() { base.SetUpSteps(); AddStep("populate ruleset statistics", () => { Dictionary rulesetStatistics = new Dictionary(); rulesetStore.AvailableRulesets.Where(ruleset => ruleset.IsLegacyRuleset()).ForEach(rulesetInfo => { rulesetStatistics[rulesetInfo.ShortName] = new UserStatistics { PP = getNecessaryPP(rulesetInfo.OnlineID) }; }); API.LocalUser.Value.RulesetsStatistics = rulesetStatistics; }); decimal getNecessaryPP(int? rulesetID) { switch (rulesetID) { case 0: return 336; // recommended star rating of 2 case 1: return 928; // SR 3 case 2: return 1905; // SR 4 case 3: return 3329; // SR 5 default: return 0; } } } [Test] public void TestPresentedBeatmapIsRecommended() { List beatmapSets = null; const int import_count = 5; AddStep("import 5 maps", () => { beatmapSets = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < import_count; ++i) { beatmapSets.Add(importBeatmapSet(Enumerable.Repeat(new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo, 5))); } }); AddAssert("all sets imported", () => ensureAllBeatmapSetsImported(beatmapSets)); presentAndConfirm(() => beatmapSets[3], 2); } [Test] public void TestCurrentRulesetIsRecommended() { BeatmapSetInfo catchSet = null, mixedSet = null; AddStep("create catch beatmapset", () => catchSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new CatchRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddStep("create mixed beatmapset", () => mixedSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new TaikoRuleset().RulesetInfo, new CatchRuleset().RulesetInfo, new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddAssert("all sets imported", () => ensureAllBeatmapSetsImported(new[] { catchSet, mixedSet })); // Switch to catch presentAndConfirm(() => catchSet, 1); AddAssert("game-wide ruleset changed", () => Game.Ruleset.Value.Equals(catchSet.Beatmaps.First().Ruleset)); // Present mixed difficulty set, expect current ruleset to be selected presentAndConfirm(() => mixedSet, 2); } [Test] public void TestBestRulesetIsRecommended() { BeatmapSetInfo osuSet = null, mixedSet = null; AddStep("create osu! beatmapset", () => osuSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddStep("create mixed beatmapset", () => mixedSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new TaikoRuleset().RulesetInfo, new CatchRuleset().RulesetInfo, new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddAssert("all sets imported", () => ensureAllBeatmapSetsImported(new[] { osuSet, mixedSet })); // Make sure we are on standard ruleset presentAndConfirm(() => osuSet, 1); // Present mixed difficulty set, expect ruleset with highest star difficulty presentAndConfirm(() => mixedSet, 3); } [Test] public void TestSecondBestRulesetIsRecommended() { BeatmapSetInfo osuSet = null, mixedSet = null; AddStep("create osu! beatmapset", () => osuSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddStep("create mixed beatmapset", () => mixedSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new TaikoRuleset().RulesetInfo, new CatchRuleset().RulesetInfo, new TaikoRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddAssert("all sets imported", () => ensureAllBeatmapSetsImported(new[] { osuSet, mixedSet })); // Make sure we are on standard ruleset presentAndConfirm(() => osuSet, 1); // Present mixed difficulty set, expect ruleset with second highest star difficulty presentAndConfirm(() => mixedSet, 2); } [Test] public void TestCorrectStarRatingIsUsed() { BeatmapSetInfo osuSet = null, maniaSet = null; AddStep("create osu! beatmapset", () => osuSet = importBeatmapSet(new[] { new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo })); AddStep("create mania beatmapset", () => maniaSet = importBeatmapSet(Enumerable.Repeat(new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo, 10))); AddAssert("all sets imported", () => ensureAllBeatmapSetsImported(new[] { osuSet, maniaSet })); // Make sure we are on standard ruleset presentAndConfirm(() => osuSet, 1); // Present mania set, expect the difficulty that matches recommended mania star rating presentAndConfirm(() => maniaSet, 5); } private BeatmapSetInfo importBeatmapSet(IEnumerable difficultyRulesets) { var rulesets = difficultyRulesets.ToArray(); var beatmapSet = TestResources.CreateTestBeatmapSetInfo(rulesets.Length, rulesets); var importedBeatmapSet = Game.BeatmapManager.Import(beatmapSet); Debug.Assert(importedBeatmapSet != null); importedBeatmapSet.PerformWrite(s => { for (int i = 0; i < rulesets.Length; i++) { var beatmap = s.Beatmaps[i]; beatmap.StarRating = i + 1; beatmap.DifficultyName = $"SR{i + 1}"; } }); return importedBeatmapSet.Value; } private bool ensureAllBeatmapSetsImported(IEnumerable beatmapSets) => beatmapSets.All(set => set != null); private void presentAndConfirm(Func getImport, int expectedDiff) { AddStep("present beatmap", () => Game.PresentBeatmap(getImport())); AddUntilStep("wait for song select", () => Game.ScreenStack.CurrentScreen is Screens.Select.SongSelect); AddUntilStep("recommended beatmap displayed", () => Game.Beatmap.Value.BeatmapInfo.MatchesOnlineID(getImport().Beatmaps[expectedDiff - 1])); } } }