// Copyright (c) 2007-2018 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Difficulty { public class ManiaPerformanceCalculator : PerformanceCalculator { private Mod[] mods; private int countGeki; private int countKatu; private int count300; private int count100; private int count50; private int countMiss; public ManiaPerformanceCalculator(Ruleset ruleset, IBeatmap beatmap, Score score) : base(ruleset, beatmap, score) { } public override double Calculate(Dictionary categoryDifficulty = null) { mods = Score.Mods; countGeki = Convert.ToInt32(Score.Statistics[HitResult.Perfect]); countKatu = Convert.ToInt32(Score.Statistics[HitResult.Ok]); count300 = Convert.ToInt32(Score.Statistics[HitResult.Great]); count100 = Convert.ToInt32(Score.Statistics[HitResult.Good]); count50 = Convert.ToInt32(Score.Statistics[HitResult.Meh]); countMiss = Convert.ToInt32(Score.Statistics[HitResult.Miss]); if (mods.Any(m => !m.Ranked)) return 0; // Custom multipliers for NoFail double multiplier = 1.1; // This is being adjusted to keep the final pp value scaled around what it used to be when changing things if (mods.Any(m => m is ModNoFail)) multiplier *= 0.9; if (mods.Any(m => m is ModEasy)) multiplier *= 0.5; double strainValue = computeStrainValue(); double accValue = computeAccuracyValue(); double totalValue = Math.Pow( Math.Pow(strainValue, 1.1) + Math.Pow(accValue, 1.1), 1.0 / 1.1 ) * multiplier; if (categoryDifficulty != null) { categoryDifficulty["Strain"] = strainValue; categoryDifficulty["Accuracy"] = accValue; } return totalValue; } private double computeStrainValue() { IEnumerable scoreIncreaseMods = new ManiaRuleset().GetModsFor(ModType.DifficultyIncrease); double scoreMultiplier = 1.0; foreach (var m in mods.Where(m => !scoreIncreaseMods.Contains(m))) scoreMultiplier *= m.ScoreMultiplier; // Score after being scaled by non-difficulty-increasing mods double scaledScore = Score.TotalScore; // Scale score up, so it's comparable to other keymods scaledScore *= 1.0 / scoreMultiplier; // Obtain strain difficulty double strainValue = Math.Pow(5 * Math.Max(1, Attributes["Strain"] / 0.0825) - 4.0, 3.0) / 110000.0; // Longer maps are worth more strainValue *= 1.0 + 0.1 * Math.Min(1.0, totalHits / 1500.0); if (scaledScore <= 500000) strainValue = 0; else if (scaledScore <= 600000) strainValue *= (scaledScore - 500000) / 100000 * 0.3; else if (scaledScore <= 700000) strainValue *= 0.3 + (scaledScore - 600000) / 100000 * 0.35; else if (scaledScore <= 800000) strainValue *= 0.65 + (scaledScore - 700000) / 100000 * 0.20; else if (scaledScore <= 900000) strainValue *= 0.85 + (scaledScore - 800000) / 100000 * 0.1; else strainValue *= 0.95 + (scaledScore - 900000) / 100000 * 0.05; return strainValue; } private double computeAccuracyValue() { double hitWindow300 = (Beatmap.HitObjects.First().HitWindows.Great / 2 - 0.5) / TimeRate; if (hitWindow300 <= 0) return 0; // Lots of arbitrary values from testing. // Considering to use derivation from perfect accuracy in a probabilistic manner - assume normal distribution double accuracyValue = Math.Pow(150.0 / hitWindow300 * Math.Pow(Score.Accuracy, 16), 1.8) * 2.5; // Bonus for many hitcircles - it's harder to keep good accuracy up for longer accuracyValue *= Math.Min(1.15, Math.Pow(totalHits / 1500.0, 0.3)); return accuracyValue; } private double totalHits => countGeki + countKatu + count300 + count100 + count50 + countMiss; } }