// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using OpenTK; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Transforms; using osu.Game.Database; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Drawables; using osu.Framework.Input; using OpenTK.Input; using System.Collections; using osu.Framework.MathUtils; using System.Diagnostics; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Select { class CarouselContainer : ScrollContainer, IEnumerable { private Container scrollableContent; private List groups = new List(); private List panels = new List(); public BeatmapGroup SelectedGroup { get; private set; } public BeatmapPanel SelectedPanel { get; private set; } private List yPositions = new List(); public CarouselContainer() { DistanceDecayJump = 0.01; Add(scrollableContent = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X, }); } public void AddGroup(BeatmapGroup group) { groups.Add(group); panels.Add(group.Header); group.Header.UpdateClock(Clock); foreach (BeatmapPanel panel in group.BeatmapPanels) { panels.Add(panel); panel.UpdateClock(Clock); } computeYPositions(); } public void RemoveGroup(BeatmapGroup group) { groups.Remove(group); foreach (var p in group.BeatmapPanels) panels.Remove(p); scrollableContent.Remove(group.Header); scrollableContent.Remove(group.BeatmapPanels); computeYPositions(); } private void movePanel(Panel panel, bool advance, bool animated, ref float currentY) { yPositions.Add(currentY); panel.MoveToY(currentY, animated ? 750 : 0, EasingTypes.OutExpo); if (advance) currentY += panel.DrawHeight + 5; } /// /// Computes the target Y positions for every panel in the carousel. /// /// The Y position of the currently selected panel. private float computeYPositions(bool animated = true) { yPositions.Clear(); float currentY = DrawHeight / 2; float selectedY = currentY; foreach (BeatmapGroup group in groups) { movePanel(group.Header, group.State != BeatmapGroupState.Hidden, animated, ref currentY); if (group.State == BeatmapGroupState.Expanded) { group.Header.MoveToX(-100, 500, EasingTypes.OutExpo); var headerY = group.Header.Position.Y; foreach (BeatmapPanel panel in group.BeatmapPanels) { if (panel == SelectedPanel) selectedY = currentY + panel.DrawHeight / 2 - DrawHeight / 2; panel.MoveToX(-50, 500, EasingTypes.OutExpo); //on first display we want to begin hidden under our group's header. if (panel.Alpha == 0) panel.MoveToY(headerY); movePanel(panel, true, animated, ref currentY); } } else { group.Header.MoveToX(0, 500, EasingTypes.OutExpo); foreach (BeatmapPanel panel in group.BeatmapPanels) { panel.MoveToX(0, 500, EasingTypes.OutExpo); movePanel(panel, false, animated, ref currentY); } } } currentY += DrawHeight / 2; scrollableContent.Height = currentY; return selectedY; } public void SelectBeatmap(BeatmapInfo beatmap, bool animated = true) { foreach (BeatmapGroup group in groups) { var panel = group.BeatmapPanels.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Beatmap.Equals(beatmap)); if (panel != null) { selectGroup(group, panel, animated); return; } } } private void selectGroup(BeatmapGroup group, BeatmapPanel panel, bool animated = true) { Trace.Assert(group.BeatmapPanels.Contains(panel), @"Selected panel must be in provided group"); if (SelectedGroup != null && SelectedGroup != group && SelectedGroup.State != BeatmapGroupState.Hidden) SelectedGroup.State = BeatmapGroupState.Collapsed; group.State = BeatmapGroupState.Expanded; SelectedGroup = group; panel.State = PanelSelectedState.Selected; SelectedPanel = panel; float selectedY = computeYPositions(animated); ScrollTo(selectedY, animated); } public void Sort(FilterControl.SortMode mode) { List sortedGroups = new List(groups); switch (mode) { case FilterControl.SortMode.Artist: sortedGroups.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.BeatmapSet.Metadata.Artist, y.BeatmapSet.Metadata.Artist)); break; case FilterControl.SortMode.Title: sortedGroups.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.BeatmapSet.Metadata.Title, y.BeatmapSet.Metadata.Title)); break; case FilterControl.SortMode.Author: sortedGroups.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.BeatmapSet.Metadata.Author, y.BeatmapSet.Metadata.Author)); break; case FilterControl.SortMode.Difficulty: sortedGroups.Sort((x, y) => { float xAverage = 0, yAverage = 0; int counter = 0; foreach (BeatmapInfo set in x.BeatmapSet.Beatmaps) { xAverage += set.StarDifficulty; counter++; } xAverage /= counter; counter = 0; foreach (BeatmapInfo set in y.BeatmapSet.Beatmaps) { yAverage += set.StarDifficulty; counter++; } yAverage /= counter; if (xAverage > yAverage) return 1; else return -1; }); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } scrollableContent.Clear(false); panels.Clear(); groups.Clear(); foreach (BeatmapGroup group in sortedGroups) AddGroup(group); } /// /// Computes the x-offset of currently visible panels. Makes the carousel appear round. /// /// /// Vertical distance from the center of the carousel container /// ranging from -1 to 1. /// /// Half the height of the carousel container. private static float offsetX(float dist, float halfHeight) { // The radius of the circle the carousel moves on. const float circle_radius = 3; double discriminant = Math.Max(0, circle_radius * circle_radius - dist * dist); float x = (circle_radius - (float)Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) * halfHeight; return 125 + x; } /// /// Update a panel's x position and multiplicative alpha based on its y position and /// the current scroll position. /// /// The panel to be updated. /// Half the draw height of the carousel container. private void updatePanel(Panel p, float halfHeight) { var height = p.IsPresent ? p.DrawHeight : 0; float panelDrawY = p.Position.Y - Current + height / 2; float dist = Math.Abs(1f - panelDrawY / halfHeight); // Setting the origin position serves as an additive position on top of potential // local transformation we may want to apply (e.g. when a panel gets selected, we // may want to smoothly transform it leftwards.) p.OriginPosition = new Vector2(-offsetX(dist, halfHeight), 0); // We are applying a multiplicative alpha (which is internally done by nesting an // additional container and setting that container's alpha) such that we can // layer transformations on top, with a similar reasoning to the previous comment. p.SetMultiplicativeAlpha(MathHelper.Clamp(1.75f - 1.5f * dist, 0, 1)); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); float drawHeight = DrawHeight; // Remove all panels that should no longer be on-screen scrollableContent.RemoveAll(delegate (Panel p) { float panelPosY = p.Position.Y; bool remove = panelPosY < Current - p.DrawHeight || panelPosY > Current + drawHeight || !p.IsPresent; return remove; }); // Find index range of all panels that should be on-screen Trace.Assert(panels.Count == yPositions.Count); int firstIndex = yPositions.BinarySearch(Current - Panel.MAX_HEIGHT); if (firstIndex < 0) firstIndex = ~firstIndex; int lastIndex = yPositions.BinarySearch(Current + drawHeight); if (lastIndex < 0) lastIndex = ~lastIndex; // Add those panels within the previously found index range that should be displayed. for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndex; ++i) { Panel panel = panels[i]; if (panel.State == PanelSelectedState.Hidden) continue; // Only add if we're not already part of the content. if (!scrollableContent.Contains(panel)) { // Makes sure headers are always _below_ panels, // and depth flows downward. panel.Depth = i + (panel is BeatmapSetHeader ? panels.Count : 0); scrollableContent.Add(panel); } } // Update externally controlled state of currently visible panels // (e.g. x-offset and opacity). float halfHeight = drawHeight / 2; foreach (Panel p in scrollableContent.Children) updatePanel(p, halfHeight); } protected override bool OnKeyDown(InputState state, KeyDownEventArgs args) { int direction = 0; bool skipDifficulties = false; switch (args.Key) { case Key.Up: direction = -1; break; case Key.Down: direction = 1; break; case Key.Left: direction = -1; skipDifficulties = true; break; case Key.Right: direction = 1; skipDifficulties = true; break; } if (direction == 0) return base.OnKeyDown(state, args); SelectNext(direction, skipDifficulties); return true; } public void SelectNext(int direction = 1, bool skipDifficulties = true) { if (!skipDifficulties && SelectedGroup != null) { int i = SelectedGroup.BeatmapPanels.IndexOf(SelectedPanel) + direction; if (i >= 0 && i < SelectedGroup.BeatmapPanels.Count) { //changing difficulty panel, not set. selectGroup(SelectedGroup, SelectedGroup.BeatmapPanels[i]); return; } } int startIndex = groups.IndexOf(SelectedGroup); int index = startIndex; do { index = (index + direction + groups.Count) % groups.Count; if (groups[index].State != BeatmapGroupState.Hidden) { SelectBeatmap(groups[index].BeatmapPanels.First().Beatmap); return; } } while (index != startIndex); } public void SelectRandom() { List visibleGroups = this.groups.Where((BeatmapGroup selectGroup) => selectGroup.State != BeatmapGroupState.Hidden).ToList(); if (visibleGroups.Count < 1) return; BeatmapGroup group = visibleGroups[RNG.Next(visibleGroups.Count)]; BeatmapPanel panel = group?.BeatmapPanels.First(); if (panel == null) return; selectGroup(group, panel); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() => groups.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator(); } }