// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Edit { public class EditorBeatmapProcessor : IBeatmapProcessor { public EditorBeatmap Beatmap { get; } IBeatmap IBeatmapProcessor.Beatmap => Beatmap; private readonly IBeatmapProcessor? rulesetBeatmapProcessor; /// <summary> /// Kept for the purposes of reducing redundant regeneration of automatic breaks. /// </summary> private HashSet<(double, double)> objectDurationCache = new HashSet<(double, double)>(); public EditorBeatmapProcessor(EditorBeatmap beatmap, Ruleset ruleset) { Beatmap = beatmap; rulesetBeatmapProcessor = ruleset.CreateBeatmapProcessor(beatmap); } public void PreProcess() { rulesetBeatmapProcessor?.PreProcess(); } public void PostProcess() { rulesetBeatmapProcessor?.PostProcess(); autoGenerateBreaks(); ensureNewComboAfterBreaks(); } private void autoGenerateBreaks() { var objectDuration = Beatmap.HitObjects.Select(ho => (ho.StartTime - ((ho as IHasTimePreempt)?.TimePreempt ?? 0), ho.GetEndTime())).ToHashSet(); if (objectDuration.SetEquals(objectDurationCache)) return; objectDurationCache = objectDuration; Beatmap.Breaks.RemoveAll(b => b is not ManualBreakPeriod); foreach (var manualBreak in Beatmap.Breaks.ToList()) { if (manualBreak.EndTime <= Beatmap.HitObjects.FirstOrDefault()?.StartTime || manualBreak.StartTime >= Beatmap.GetLastObjectTime() || Beatmap.HitObjects.Any(ho => ho.StartTime <= manualBreak.EndTime && ho.GetEndTime() >= manualBreak.StartTime)) { Beatmap.Breaks.Remove(manualBreak); } } double currentMaxEndTime = double.MinValue; for (int i = 1; i < Beatmap.HitObjects.Count; ++i) { var previousObject = Beatmap.HitObjects[i - 1]; var nextObject = Beatmap.HitObjects[i]; // Keep track of the maximum end time encountered thus far. // This handles cases like osu!mania's hold notes, which could have concurrent other objects after their start time. // Note that we're relying on the implicit assumption that objects are sorted by start time, // which is why similar tracking is not done for start time. currentMaxEndTime = Math.Max(currentMaxEndTime, previousObject.GetEndTime()); if (nextObject.StartTime - currentMaxEndTime < BreakPeriod.MIN_GAP_DURATION) continue; double breakStartTime = currentMaxEndTime + BreakPeriod.GAP_BEFORE_BREAK; double breakEndTime = nextObject.StartTime; if (nextObject is IHasTimePreempt hasTimePreempt) breakEndTime -= hasTimePreempt.TimePreempt; else breakEndTime -= Math.Max(BreakPeriod.GAP_AFTER_BREAK, Beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(nextObject.StartTime).BeatLength * 2); if (breakEndTime - breakStartTime < BreakPeriod.MIN_BREAK_DURATION) continue; var breakPeriod = new BreakPeriod(breakStartTime, breakEndTime); if (Beatmap.Breaks.Any(b => b.Intersects(breakPeriod))) continue; Beatmap.Breaks.Add(breakPeriod); } } private void ensureNewComboAfterBreaks() { var breakEnds = Beatmap.Breaks.Select(b => b.EndTime).OrderBy(t => t).ToList(); if (breakEnds.Count == 0) return; int currentBreak = 0; IHasComboInformation? lastObj = null; bool comboInformationUpdateRequired = false; foreach (var hitObject in Beatmap.HitObjects) { if (hitObject is not IHasComboInformation hasCombo) continue; if (currentBreak < breakEnds.Count && hitObject.StartTime >= breakEnds[currentBreak]) { if (!hasCombo.NewCombo) { hasCombo.NewCombo = true; comboInformationUpdateRequired = true; } currentBreak += 1; } if (comboInformationUpdateRequired) hasCombo.UpdateComboInformation(lastObj); lastObj = hasCombo; } } } }