// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.Extensions.EnumExtensions; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Legacy; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using osu.Game.IO; using osu.Game.Rulesets; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Legacy; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats { public class LegacyBeatmapDecoder : LegacyDecoder { /// /// An offset which needs to be applied to old beatmaps (v4 and lower) to correct timing changes that were applied at a game client level. /// public const int EARLY_VERSION_TIMING_OFFSET = 24; /// /// A small adjustment to the start time of sample control points to account for rounding/precision errors. /// /// /// Compare: https://github.com/peppy/osu-stable-reference/blob/master/osu!/GameplayElements/HitObjects/HitObject.cs#L319 /// private const double control_point_leniency = 5; internal static RulesetStore? RulesetStore; private Beatmap beatmap = null!; private ConvertHitObjectParser? parser; private LegacySampleBank defaultSampleBank; private int defaultSampleVolume = 100; public static void Register() { AddDecoder(@"osu file format v", m => new LegacyBeatmapDecoder(Parsing.ParseInt(m.Split('v').Last()))); SetFallbackDecoder(() => new LegacyBeatmapDecoder()); } /// /// Whether or not beatmap or runtime offsets should be applied. Defaults on; only disable for testing purposes. /// public bool ApplyOffsets = true; private readonly int offset; public LegacyBeatmapDecoder(int version = LATEST_VERSION) : base(version) { if (RulesetStore == null) { Logger.Log($"A {nameof(RulesetStore)} was not provided via {nameof(Decoder)}.{nameof(RegisterDependencies)}; falling back to default {nameof(AssemblyRulesetStore)}."); RulesetStore = new AssemblyRulesetStore(); } offset = FormatVersion < 5 ? EARLY_VERSION_TIMING_OFFSET : 0; } protected override Beatmap CreateTemplateObject() { var templateBeatmap = base.CreateTemplateObject(); templateBeatmap.ControlPointInfo = new LegacyControlPointInfo(); return templateBeatmap; } protected override void ParseStreamInto(LineBufferedReader stream, Beatmap beatmap) { this.beatmap = beatmap; this.beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapVersion = FormatVersion; applyLegacyDefaults(this.beatmap); base.ParseStreamInto(stream, beatmap); applyDifficultyRestrictions(beatmap.Difficulty, beatmap); flushPendingPoints(); // Objects may be out of order *only* if a user has manually edited an .osu file. // Unfortunately there are ranked maps in this state (example: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/594828). // OrderBy is used to guarantee that the parsing order of hitobjects with equal start times is maintained (stably-sorted) // The parsing order of hitobjects matters in mania difficulty calculation this.beatmap.HitObjects = this.beatmap.HitObjects.OrderBy(h => h.StartTime).ToList(); postProcessBreaks(this.beatmap); foreach (var hitObject in this.beatmap.HitObjects) { applyDefaults(hitObject); applySamples(hitObject); } } /// /// Ensures that all settings are within the allowed ranges. /// See also: https://github.com/peppy/osu-stable-reference/blob/0e425c0d525ef21353c8293c235cc0621d28338b/osu!/GameplayElements/Beatmaps/Beatmap.cs#L567-L614 /// private static void applyDifficultyRestrictions(BeatmapDifficulty difficulty, Beatmap beatmap) { difficulty.DrainRate = Math.Clamp(difficulty.DrainRate, 0, 10); // mania uses "circle size" for key count, thus different allowable range difficulty.CircleSize = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset.OnlineID != 3 ? Math.Clamp(difficulty.CircleSize, 0, 10) : Math.Clamp(difficulty.CircleSize, 1, 18); difficulty.OverallDifficulty = Math.Clamp(difficulty.OverallDifficulty, 0, 10); difficulty.ApproachRate = Math.Clamp(difficulty.ApproachRate, 0, 10); difficulty.SliderMultiplier = Math.Clamp(difficulty.SliderMultiplier, 0.4, 3.6); difficulty.SliderTickRate = Math.Clamp(difficulty.SliderTickRate, 0.5, 8); } /// /// Processes the beatmap such that a new combo is started the first hitobject following each break. /// private static void postProcessBreaks(Beatmap beatmap) { int currentBreak = 0; bool forceNewCombo = false; foreach (var h in beatmap.HitObjects.OfType()) { while (currentBreak < beatmap.Breaks.Count && beatmap.Breaks[currentBreak].EndTime < h.StartTime) { forceNewCombo = true; currentBreak++; } h.NewCombo |= forceNewCombo; forceNewCombo = false; } } private void applyDefaults(HitObject hitObject) { DifficultyControlPoint difficultyControlPoint = (beatmap.ControlPointInfo as LegacyControlPointInfo)?.DifficultyPointAt(hitObject.StartTime) ?? DifficultyControlPoint.DEFAULT; if (hitObject is IHasGenerateTicks hasGenerateTicks) hasGenerateTicks.GenerateTicks = difficultyControlPoint.GenerateTicks; if (hitObject is IHasSliderVelocity hasSliderVelocity) hasSliderVelocity.SliderVelocityMultiplier = difficultyControlPoint.SliderVelocity; hitObject.ApplyDefaults(beatmap.ControlPointInfo, beatmap.Difficulty); } private void applySamples(HitObject hitObject) { SampleControlPoint sampleControlPoint = (beatmap.ControlPointInfo as LegacyControlPointInfo)?.SamplePointAt(hitObject.GetEndTime() + control_point_leniency) ?? SampleControlPoint.DEFAULT; hitObject.Samples = hitObject.Samples.Select(o => sampleControlPoint.ApplyTo(o)).ToList(); if (hitObject is IHasRepeats hasRepeats) { for (int i = 0; i < hasRepeats.NodeSamples.Count; i++) { double time = hitObject.StartTime + i * hasRepeats.Duration / hasRepeats.SpanCount() + control_point_leniency; var nodeSamplePoint = (beatmap.ControlPointInfo as LegacyControlPointInfo)?.SamplePointAt(time) ?? SampleControlPoint.DEFAULT; hasRepeats.NodeSamples[i] = hasRepeats.NodeSamples[i].Select(o => nodeSamplePoint.ApplyTo(o)).ToList(); } } } /// /// Some `BeatmapInfo` members have default values that differ from the default values used by stable. /// In addition, legacy beatmaps will sometimes not contain some configuration keys, in which case /// the legacy default values should be used. /// This method's intention is to restore those legacy defaults. /// See also: https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Client/File_formats/Osu_%28file_format%29 /// private static void applyLegacyDefaults(Beatmap beatmap) { beatmap.WidescreenStoryboard = false; beatmap.SamplesMatchPlaybackRate = false; } protected override void ParseLine(Beatmap beatmap, Section section, string line) { switch (section) { case Section.General: handleGeneral(line); return; case Section.Editor: handleEditor(line); return; case Section.Metadata: handleMetadata(line); return; case Section.Difficulty: handleDifficulty(line); return; case Section.Events: handleEvent(line); return; case Section.TimingPoints: handleTimingPoint(line); return; case Section.HitObjects: handleHitObject(line); return; } base.ParseLine(beatmap, section, line); } private void handleGeneral(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); var metadata = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata; switch (pair.Key) { case @"AudioFilename": metadata.AudioFile = pair.Value.ToStandardisedPath(); break; case @"AudioLeadIn": beatmap.AudioLeadIn = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); break; case @"PreviewTime": int time = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); metadata.PreviewTime = time == -1 ? time : getOffsetTime(time); break; case @"SampleSet": defaultSampleBank = Enum.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"SampleVolume": defaultSampleVolume = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); break; case @"StackLeniency": beatmap.StackLeniency = Parsing.ParseFloat(pair.Value); break; case @"Mode": int rulesetID = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset = RulesetStore?.GetRuleset(rulesetID) ?? throw new ArgumentException("Ruleset is not available locally."); switch (rulesetID) { case 0: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Osu.ConvertHitObjectParser(getOffsetTime(), FormatVersion); break; case 1: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Taiko.ConvertHitObjectParser(getOffsetTime(), FormatVersion); break; case 2: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Catch.ConvertHitObjectParser(getOffsetTime(), FormatVersion); break; case 3: parser = new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Mania.ConvertHitObjectParser(getOffsetTime(), FormatVersion); break; } break; case @"LetterboxInBreaks": beatmap.LetterboxInBreaks = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"SpecialStyle": beatmap.SpecialStyle = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"WidescreenStoryboard": beatmap.WidescreenStoryboard = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"EpilepsyWarning": beatmap.EpilepsyWarning = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"SamplesMatchPlaybackRate": beatmap.SamplesMatchPlaybackRate = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value) == 1; break; case @"Countdown": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Countdown = Enum.Parse(pair.Value); break; case @"CountdownOffset": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.CountdownOffset = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); break; } } private void handleEditor(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); switch (pair.Key) { case @"Bookmarks": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Bookmarks = pair.Value.Split(',').Select(v => { bool result = int.TryParse(v, out int val); return new { result, val }; }).Where(p => p.result).Select(p => p.val).ToArray(); break; case @"DistanceSpacing": beatmap.DistanceSpacing = Math.Max(0, Parsing.ParseDouble(pair.Value)); break; case @"BeatDivisor": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatDivisor = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); break; case @"GridSize": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.GridSize = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); break; case @"TimelineZoom": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.TimelineZoom = Math.Max(0, Parsing.ParseDouble(pair.Value)); break; } } private void handleMetadata(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); var metadata = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata; switch (pair.Key) { case @"Title": metadata.Title = pair.Value; break; case @"TitleUnicode": metadata.TitleUnicode = pair.Value; break; case @"Artist": metadata.Artist = pair.Value; break; case @"ArtistUnicode": metadata.ArtistUnicode = pair.Value; break; case @"Creator": metadata.Author.Username = pair.Value; break; case @"Version": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.DifficultyName = pair.Value; break; case @"Source": metadata.Source = pair.Value; break; case @"Tags": metadata.Tags = pair.Value; break; case @"BeatmapID": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.OnlineID = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value); break; case @"BeatmapSetID": beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapSet = new BeatmapSetInfo { OnlineID = Parsing.ParseInt(pair.Value) }; break; } } private void handleDifficulty(string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); var difficulty = beatmap.Difficulty; switch (pair.Key) { case @"HPDrainRate": difficulty.DrainRate = Parsing.ParseFloat(pair.Value); break; case @"CircleSize": difficulty.CircleSize = Parsing.ParseFloat(pair.Value); break; case @"OverallDifficulty": difficulty.OverallDifficulty = Parsing.ParseFloat(pair.Value); if (!hasApproachRate) difficulty.ApproachRate = difficulty.OverallDifficulty; break; case @"ApproachRate": difficulty.ApproachRate = Parsing.ParseFloat(pair.Value); hasApproachRate = true; break; case @"SliderMultiplier": difficulty.SliderMultiplier = Parsing.ParseDouble(pair.Value); break; case @"SliderTickRate": difficulty.SliderTickRate = Parsing.ParseDouble(pair.Value); break; } } private void handleEvent(string line) { string[] split = line.Split(','); // Until we have full storyboard encoder coverage, let's track any lines which aren't handled // and store them to a temporary location such that they aren't lost on editor save / export. bool lineSupportedByEncoder = false; if (Enum.TryParse(split[0], out LegacyEventType type)) { switch (type) { case LegacyEventType.Sprite: // Generally, the background is the first thing defined in a beatmap file. // In some older beatmaps, it is not present and replaced by a storyboard-level background instead. // Allow the first sprite (by file order) to act as the background in such cases. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.BackgroundFile)) { beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.BackgroundFile = CleanFilename(split[3]); lineSupportedByEncoder = true; } break; case LegacyEventType.Video: string filename = CleanFilename(split[2]); // Some very old beatmaps had incorrect type specifications for their backgrounds (ie. using 1 for VIDEO // instead of 0 for BACKGROUND). To handle this gracefully, check the file extension against known supported // video extensions and handle similar to a background if it doesn't match. if (!OsuGameBase.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLowerInvariant())) { beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.BackgroundFile = filename; lineSupportedByEncoder = true; } break; case LegacyEventType.Background: beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata.BackgroundFile = CleanFilename(split[2]); lineSupportedByEncoder = true; break; case LegacyEventType.Break: double start = getOffsetTime(Parsing.ParseDouble(split[1])); double end = Math.Max(start, getOffsetTime(Parsing.ParseDouble(split[2]))); beatmap.Breaks.Add(new BreakPeriod(start, end)); lineSupportedByEncoder = true; break; } } if (!lineSupportedByEncoder) beatmap.UnhandledEventLines.Add(line); } private void handleTimingPoint(string line) { string[] split = line.Split(','); double time = getOffsetTime(Parsing.ParseDouble(split[0].Trim())); // beatLength is allowed to be NaN to handle an edge case in which some beatmaps use NaN slider velocity to disable slider tick generation (see LegacyDifficultyControlPoint). double beatLength = Parsing.ParseDouble(split[1].Trim(), allowNaN: true); // If beatLength is NaN, speedMultiplier should still be 1 because all comparisons against NaN are false. double speedMultiplier = beatLength < 0 ? 100.0 / -beatLength : 1; TimeSignature timeSignature = TimeSignature.SimpleQuadruple; if (split.Length >= 3) timeSignature = split[2][0] == '0' ? TimeSignature.SimpleQuadruple : new TimeSignature(Parsing.ParseInt(split[2])); LegacySampleBank sampleSet = defaultSampleBank; if (split.Length >= 4) sampleSet = (LegacySampleBank)Parsing.ParseInt(split[3]); int customSampleBank = 0; if (split.Length >= 5) customSampleBank = Parsing.ParseInt(split[4]); int sampleVolume = defaultSampleVolume; if (split.Length >= 6) sampleVolume = Parsing.ParseInt(split[5]); bool timingChange = true; if (split.Length >= 7) timingChange = split[6][0] == '1'; bool kiaiMode = false; bool omitFirstBarSignature = false; if (split.Length >= 8) { LegacyEffectFlags effectFlags = (LegacyEffectFlags)Parsing.ParseInt(split[7]); kiaiMode = effectFlags.HasFlagFast(LegacyEffectFlags.Kiai); omitFirstBarSignature = effectFlags.HasFlagFast(LegacyEffectFlags.OmitFirstBarLine); } string stringSampleSet = sampleSet.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); if (stringSampleSet == @"none") stringSampleSet = HitSampleInfo.BANK_NORMAL; if (timingChange) { if (double.IsNaN(beatLength)) throw new InvalidDataException("Beat length cannot be NaN in a timing control point"); var controlPoint = CreateTimingControlPoint(); controlPoint.BeatLength = beatLength; controlPoint.TimeSignature = timeSignature; controlPoint.OmitFirstBarLine = omitFirstBarSignature; addControlPoint(time, controlPoint, true); } int onlineRulesetID = beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset.OnlineID; addControlPoint(time, new DifficultyControlPoint { GenerateTicks = !double.IsNaN(beatLength), SliderVelocity = speedMultiplier, }, timingChange); var effectPoint = new EffectControlPoint { KiaiMode = kiaiMode, }; // osu!taiko and osu!mania use effect points rather than difficulty points for scroll speed adjustments. if (onlineRulesetID == 1 || onlineRulesetID == 3) effectPoint.ScrollSpeed = speedMultiplier; addControlPoint(time, effectPoint, timingChange); addControlPoint(time, new LegacySampleControlPoint { SampleBank = stringSampleSet, SampleVolume = sampleVolume, CustomSampleBank = customSampleBank, }, timingChange); } private readonly List pendingControlPoints = new List(); private readonly HashSet pendingControlPointTypes = new HashSet(); private double pendingControlPointsTime; private bool hasApproachRate; private void addControlPoint(double time, ControlPoint point, bool timingChange) { if (time != pendingControlPointsTime) flushPendingPoints(); if (timingChange) pendingControlPoints.Insert(0, point); else pendingControlPoints.Add(point); pendingControlPointsTime = time; } private void flushPendingPoints() { // Changes from non-timing-points are added to the end of the list (see addControlPoint()) and should override any changes from timing-points (added to the start of the list). for (int i = pendingControlPoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var type = pendingControlPoints[i].GetType(); if (!pendingControlPointTypes.Add(type)) continue; beatmap.ControlPointInfo.Add(pendingControlPointsTime, pendingControlPoints[i]); } pendingControlPoints.Clear(); pendingControlPointTypes.Clear(); } private void handleHitObject(string line) { // If the ruleset wasn't specified, assume the osu!standard ruleset. parser ??= new Rulesets.Objects.Legacy.Osu.ConvertHitObjectParser(getOffsetTime(), FormatVersion); var obj = parser.Parse(line); if (obj != null) { obj.ApplyDefaults(beatmap.ControlPointInfo, beatmap.Difficulty); beatmap.HitObjects.Add(obj); } } private int getOffsetTime(int time) => time + (ApplyOffsets ? offset : 0); private double getOffsetTime() => ApplyOffsets ? offset : 0; private double getOffsetTime(double time) => time + (ApplyOffsets ? offset : 0); protected virtual TimingControlPoint CreateTimingControlPoint() => new TimingControlPoint(); } }