// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using System.Linq; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Timing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.MathUtils; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Beatmaps.Patterns.Legacy { /// /// A pattern generator for IHasDistance hit objects. /// internal class DistanceObjectPatternGenerator : PatternGenerator { /// /// Base osu! slider scoring distance. /// private const float osu_base_scoring_distance = 100; private readonly double endTime; private readonly double segmentDuration; private readonly int repeatCount; private PatternType convertType; public DistanceObjectPatternGenerator(FastRandom random, HitObject hitObject, Beatmap beatmap, Pattern previousPattern) : base(random, hitObject, beatmap, previousPattern) { ControlPoint overridePoint; ControlPoint controlPoint = Beatmap.TimingInfo.TimingPointAt(hitObject.StartTime, out overridePoint); convertType = PatternType.None; if ((overridePoint ?? controlPoint)?.KiaiMode == false) convertType = PatternType.LowProbability; var distanceData = hitObject as IHasDistance; var repeatsData = hitObject as IHasRepeats; repeatCount = repeatsData?.RepeatCount ?? 1; double speedAdjustment = beatmap.TimingInfo.SpeedMultiplierAt(hitObject.StartTime); double speedAdjustedBeatLength = beatmap.TimingInfo.BeatLengthAt(hitObject.StartTime) * speedAdjustment; // The true distance, accounting for any repeats. This ends up being the drum roll distance later double distance = distanceData.Distance * repeatCount; // The velocity of the osu! hit object - calculated as the velocity of a slider double osuVelocity = osu_base_scoring_distance * beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Difficulty.SliderMultiplier / speedAdjustedBeatLength; // The duration of the osu! hit object double osuDuration = distance / osuVelocity; endTime = hitObject.StartTime + osuDuration; segmentDuration = (endTime - HitObject.StartTime) / repeatCount; } public override Pattern Generate() { if (repeatCount > 1) { if (segmentDuration <= 90) return generateRandomHoldNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 1); if (segmentDuration <= 120) { convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack; return generateRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, repeatCount + 1); } if (segmentDuration <= 160) return generateStair(HitObject.StartTime); if (segmentDuration <= 200 && ConversionDifficulty > 3) return generateRandomMultipleNotes(HitObject.StartTime); double duration = endTime - HitObject.StartTime; if (duration >= 4000) return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.23, 0, 0); if (segmentDuration > 400 && duration < 4000 && repeatCount < AvailableColumns - 1 - RandomStart) return generateTiledHoldNotes(HitObject.StartTime); return generateHoldAndNormalNotes(HitObject.StartTime); } if (segmentDuration <= 110) { if (PreviousPattern.ColumnsFilled < AvailableColumns) convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack; else convertType &= ~PatternType.ForceNotStack; return generateRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, segmentDuration < 80 ? 1 : 2); } if (ConversionDifficulty > 6.5) { if ((convertType & PatternType.LowProbability) > 0) return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.78, 0.3, 0); return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.85, 0.36, 0.03); } if (ConversionDifficulty > 4) { if ((convertType & PatternType.LowProbability) > 0) return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.43, 0.08, 0); return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.56, 0.18, 0); } if (ConversionDifficulty > 2.5) { if ((convertType & PatternType.LowProbability) > 0) return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.3, 0, 0); return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.37, 0.08, 0); } if ((convertType & PatternType.LowProbability) > 0) return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.17, 0, 0); return generateNRandomNotes(HitObject.StartTime, 0.27, 0, 0); } /// /// Generates random hold notes that start at an span the same amount of rows. /// /// Start time of each hold note. /// Number of hold notes. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateRandomHoldNotes(double startTime, int noteCount) { // - - - - // ■ - ■ ■ // □ - □ □ // ■ - ■ ■ var pattern = new Pattern(); int usableColumns = AvailableColumns - RandomStart - PreviousPattern.ColumnsFilled; int nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(usableColumns, noteCount); i++) { while (pattern.IsFilled(nextColumn) || PreviousPattern.IsFilled(nextColumn)) //find available column nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, endTime, noteCount); } // This is can't be combined with the above loop due to RNG for (int i = 0; i < noteCount - usableColumns; i++) { while (pattern.IsFilled(nextColumn)) nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, endTime, noteCount); } return pattern; } /// /// Generates random notes, with one note per row and no stacking. /// /// The start time. /// The number of notes. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateRandomNotes(double startTime, int noteCount) { // - - - - // x - - - // - - x - // - - - x // x - - - var pattern = new Pattern(); int nextColumn = GetColumn((HitObject as IHasXPosition)?.X ?? 0, true); if ((convertType & PatternType.ForceNotStack) > 0 && PreviousPattern.ColumnsFilled < AvailableColumns) { while (PreviousPattern.IsFilled(nextColumn)) nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); } int lastColumn = nextColumn; for (int i = 0; i < noteCount; i++) { addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, startTime); while (nextColumn == lastColumn) nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); lastColumn = nextColumn; startTime += segmentDuration; } return pattern; } /// /// Generates a stair of notes, with one note per row. /// /// The start time. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateStair(double startTime) { // - - - - // x - - - // - x - - // - - x - // - - - x // - - x - // - x - - // x - - - var pattern = new Pattern(); int column = GetColumn((HitObject as IHasXPosition)?.X ?? 0, true); bool increasing = Random.NextDouble() > 0.5; for (int i = 0; i <= repeatCount; i++) { addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, column, startTime, startTime); startTime += segmentDuration; // Check if we're at the borders of the stage, and invert the pattern if so if (increasing) { if (column >= AvailableColumns - 1) { increasing = false; column--; } else column++; } else { if (column <= RandomStart) { increasing = true; column++; } else column--; } } return pattern; } /// /// Generates random notes with 1-2 notes per row and no stacking. /// /// The start time. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateRandomMultipleNotes(double startTime) { // - - - - // x - - // - x x - // - - - x // x - x - var pattern = new Pattern(); bool legacy = AvailableColumns >= 4 && AvailableColumns <= 8; int interval = Random.Next(1, AvailableColumns - (legacy ? 1 : 0)); int nextColumn = GetColumn((HitObject as IHasXPosition)?.X ?? 0, true); for (int i = 0; i <= repeatCount; i++) { addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, startTime, 2); nextColumn += interval; if (nextColumn >= AvailableColumns - RandomStart) nextColumn = nextColumn - AvailableColumns - RandomStart + (legacy ? 1 : 0); nextColumn += RandomStart; // If we're in 2K, let's not add many consecutive doubles if (AvailableColumns > 2) addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, startTime, 2); nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); startTime += segmentDuration; } return pattern; } /// /// Generates random hold notes. The amount of hold notes generated is determined by probabilities. /// /// The hold note start time. /// The probability required for 2 hold notes to be generated. /// The probability required for 3 hold notes to be generated. /// The probability required for 4 hold notes to be generated. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateNRandomNotes(double startTime, double p2, double p3, double p4) { // - - - - // ■ - ■ ■ // □ - □ □ // ■ - ■ ■ switch (AvailableColumns) { case 2: p2 = 0; p3 = 0; p4 = 0; break; case 3: p2 = Math.Max(p2, 0.1); p3 = 0; p4 = 0; break; case 4: p2 = Math.Max(p2, 0.3); p3 = Math.Max(p3, 0.04); p4 = 0; break; case 5: p2 = Math.Max(p2, 0.34); p3 = Math.Max(p3, 0.1); p4 = Math.Max(p4, 0.03); break; } Func isDoubleSample = sample => sample.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_CLAP && sample.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_FINISH; bool canGenerateTwoNotes = (convertType & PatternType.LowProbability) == 0; canGenerateTwoNotes &= HitObject.Samples.Any(isDoubleSample) || sampleInfoListAt(HitObject.StartTime).Any(isDoubleSample); if (canGenerateTwoNotes) p2 = 1; return generateRandomHoldNotes(startTime, GetRandomNoteCount(p2, p3, p4)); } /// /// Generates tiled hold notes. You can think of this as a stair of hold notes. /// /// The first hold note start time. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateTiledHoldNotes(double startTime) { // - - - - // ■ ■ ■ ■ // □ □ □ □ // □ □ □ □ // □ □ □ ■ // □ □ ■ - // □ ■ - - // ■ - - - var pattern = new Pattern(); int columnRepeat = Math.Min(repeatCount, AvailableColumns); int nextColumn = GetColumn((HitObject as IHasXPosition)?.X ?? 0, true); if ((convertType & PatternType.ForceNotStack) > 0 && PreviousPattern.ColumnsFilled < AvailableColumns) { while (PreviousPattern.IsFilled(nextColumn)) nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); } for (int i = 0; i < columnRepeat; i++) { while (pattern.IsFilled(nextColumn)) nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, endTime, repeatCount); startTime += segmentDuration; } return pattern; } /// /// Generates a hold note alongside normal notes. /// /// The start time of notes. /// The containing the hit objects. private Pattern generateHoldAndNormalNotes(double startTime) { // - - - - // ■ x x - // ■ - x x // ■ x - x // ■ - x x var pattern = new Pattern(); int holdColumn = GetColumn((HitObject as IHasXPosition)?.X ?? 0, true); if ((convertType & PatternType.ForceNotStack) > 0 && PreviousPattern.ColumnsFilled < AvailableColumns) { while (PreviousPattern.IsFilled(holdColumn)) holdColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); } // Create the hold note addToPattern(pattern, HitObject, holdColumn, startTime, endTime); int noteCount = 1; if (ConversionDifficulty > 6.5) noteCount = GetRandomNoteCount(0.63, 0); else if (ConversionDifficulty > 4) noteCount = GetRandomNoteCount(AvailableColumns < 6 ? 0.12 : 0.45, 0); else if (ConversionDifficulty > 2.5) noteCount = GetRandomNoteCount(AvailableColumns < 6 ? 0 : 0.24, 0); noteCount = Math.Min(AvailableColumns - 1, noteCount); bool ignoreHead = !sampleInfoListAt(startTime).Any(s => s.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_WHISTLE || s.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_FINISH || s.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_CLAP); int nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); var rowPattern = new Pattern(); for (int i = 0; i <= repeatCount; i++) { if (!(ignoreHead && startTime == HitObject.StartTime)) { for (int j = 0; j < noteCount; j++) { while (rowPattern.IsFilled(nextColumn) || nextColumn == holdColumn) nextColumn = Random.Next(RandomStart, AvailableColumns); addToPattern(rowPattern, HitObject, nextColumn, startTime, startTime, noteCount + 1); } } pattern.Add(rowPattern); rowPattern.Clear(); startTime += segmentDuration; } return pattern; } /// /// Retrieves the sample info list at a point in time. /// /// The time to retrieve the sample info list from. /// private SampleInfoList sampleInfoListAt(double time) { var curveData = HitObject as IHasCurve; if (curveData == null) return HitObject.Samples; double segmentTime = (endTime - HitObject.StartTime) / repeatCount; int index = (int)(segmentTime == 0 ? 0 : (time - HitObject.StartTime) / segmentTime); return curveData.RepeatSamples[index]; } /// /// Constructs and adds a note to a pattern. /// /// The pattern to add to. /// The original hit object (used for samples). /// The column to add the note to. /// The start time of the note. /// The end time of the note (set to for a non-hold note). /// The number of children alongside this note (these will not be generated, but are used for volume calculations). private void addToPattern(Pattern pattern, HitObject originalObject, int column, double startTime, double endTime, int siblings = 1) { ManiaHitObject newObject; if (startTime == endTime) { newObject = new Note { StartTime = startTime, Samples = sampleInfoListAt(startTime), Column = column, Siblings = siblings }; } else { newObject = new HoldNote { StartTime = startTime, Samples = sampleInfoListAt(startTime), EndSamples = sampleInfoListAt(endTime), Column = column, Duration = endTime - startTime, Siblings = siblings }; } pattern.Add(newObject); } } }