// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Difficulty.Preprocessing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Skills; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Difficulty.Skills { public class Movement : StrainDecaySkill { private const float absolute_player_positioning_error = 16f; private const float normalized_hitobject_radius = 41.0f; private const double direction_change_bonus = 21.0; protected override double SkillMultiplier => 900; protected override double StrainDecayBase => 0.2; protected override double DecayWeight => 0.94; protected override int SectionLength => 750; protected readonly float HalfCatcherWidth; private float? lastPlayerPosition; private float lastDistanceMoved; private double lastStrainTime; /// <summary> /// The speed multiplier applied to the player's catcher. /// </summary> private readonly double catcherSpeedMultiplier; public Movement(Mod[] mods, float halfCatcherWidth, double clockRate) : base(mods) { HalfCatcherWidth = halfCatcherWidth; // In catch, clockrate adjustments do not only affect the timings of hitobjects, // but also the speed of the player's catcher, which has an impact on difficulty // TODO: Support variable clockrates caused by mods such as ModTimeRamp // (perhaps by using IApplicableToRate within the CatchDifficultyHitObject constructor to set a catcher speed for each object before processing) catcherSpeedMultiplier = clockRate; } protected override double StrainValueOf(DifficultyHitObject current) { var catchCurrent = (CatchDifficultyHitObject)current; lastPlayerPosition ??= catchCurrent.LastNormalizedPosition; float playerPosition = Math.Clamp( lastPlayerPosition.Value, catchCurrent.NormalizedPosition - (normalized_hitobject_radius - absolute_player_positioning_error), catchCurrent.NormalizedPosition + (normalized_hitobject_radius - absolute_player_positioning_error) ); float distanceMoved = playerPosition - lastPlayerPosition.Value; double weightedStrainTime = catchCurrent.StrainTime + 13 + (3 / catcherSpeedMultiplier); double distanceAddition = (Math.Pow(Math.Abs(distanceMoved), 1.3) / 510); double sqrtStrain = Math.Sqrt(weightedStrainTime); double edgeDashBonus = 0; // Direction change bonus. if (Math.Abs(distanceMoved) > 0.1) { if (Math.Abs(lastDistanceMoved) > 0.1 && Math.Sign(distanceMoved) != Math.Sign(lastDistanceMoved)) { double bonusFactor = Math.Min(50, Math.Abs(distanceMoved)) / 50; double antiflowFactor = Math.Max(Math.Min(70, Math.Abs(lastDistanceMoved)) / 70, 0.38); distanceAddition += direction_change_bonus / Math.Sqrt(lastStrainTime + 16) * bonusFactor * antiflowFactor * Math.Max(1 - Math.Pow(weightedStrainTime / 1000, 3), 0); } // Base bonus for every movement, giving some weight to streams. distanceAddition += 12.5 * Math.Min(Math.Abs(distanceMoved), normalized_hitobject_radius * 2) / (normalized_hitobject_radius * 6) / sqrtStrain; } // Bonus for edge dashes. if (catchCurrent.LastObject.DistanceToHyperDash <= 20.0f) { if (!catchCurrent.LastObject.HyperDash) edgeDashBonus += 5.7; else { // After a hyperdash we ARE in the correct position. Always! playerPosition = catchCurrent.NormalizedPosition; } distanceAddition *= 1.0 + edgeDashBonus * ((20 - catchCurrent.LastObject.DistanceToHyperDash) / 20) * Math.Pow((Math.Min(catchCurrent.StrainTime * catcherSpeedMultiplier, 265) / 265), 1.5); // Edge Dashes are easier at lower ms values } lastPlayerPosition = playerPosition; lastDistanceMoved = distanceMoved; lastStrainTime = catchCurrent.StrainTime; return distanceAddition / weightedStrainTime; } } }