// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.Color4Extensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Colour;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering.Vertices;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shaders;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Utils;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Graphics;

namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Skinning
    public abstract partial class SmokeSegment : Drawable, ITexturedShaderDrawable
        // fade anim values
        private const double initial_fade_out_duration = 4000;

        private const double re_fade_in_speed = 3;
        private const double re_fade_in_duration = 50;

        private const double final_fade_out_speed = 2;
        private const double final_fade_out_duration = 8000;

        private const float initial_alpha = 0.6f;
        private const float re_fade_in_alpha = 1f;

        private readonly int rotationSeed = RNG.Next();

        // scale anim values
        private const double scale_duration = 1200;

        private const float initial_scale = 0.65f;
        private const float final_scale = 1f;

        // rotation anim values
        private const double rotation_duration = 500;

        private const float max_rotation = 0.25f;

        public IShader? TextureShader { get; private set; }

        protected Texture? Texture { get; set; }

        private float height => Texture?.DisplayHeight * 0.165f ?? 3;

        private float width => Texture?.DisplayWidth * 0.165f ?? 3;

        protected readonly List<SmokePoint> SmokePoints = new List<SmokePoint>();

        private float pointInterval => width * 7f / 8;

        private double smokeStartTime { get; set; } = double.MinValue;

        private double smokeEndTime { get; set; } = double.MaxValue;

        private float totalDistance;
        private Vector2? lastPosition;

        private void load(ShaderManager shaders)
            TextureShader = shaders.Load(VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE_2, FragmentShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE);

        protected override void LoadComplete()

            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both;

            LifetimeStart = smokeStartTime = Time.Current;

            totalDistance = pointInterval;

        public void AddPosition(Vector2 position, double time)
            lastPosition ??= position;

            float delta = (position - (Vector2)lastPosition).LengthFast;
            totalDistance += delta;
            int count = (int)(totalDistance / pointInterval);

            if (count > 0)
                Vector2 increment = position - (Vector2)lastPosition;

                Vector2 pointPos = (pointInterval - (totalDistance - delta)) * increment + (Vector2)lastPosition;
                increment *= pointInterval;

                totalDistance %= pointInterval;

                if (SmokePoints.Count == 0 || SmokePoints[^1].Time <= time)
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        SmokePoints.Add(new SmokePoint
                            Position = pointPos,
                            Time = time,
                            Angle = RNG.NextSingle(0, 2 * MathF.PI),

                        pointPos += increment;


            lastPosition = position;

        public void FinishDrawing(double time)
            smokeEndTime = time;

            double initialFadeOutDurationTrunc = Math.Min(initial_fade_out_duration, smokeEndTime - smokeStartTime);
            LifetimeEnd = smokeEndTime + final_fade_out_duration + initialFadeOutDurationTrunc / re_fade_in_speed + initialFadeOutDurationTrunc / final_fade_out_speed;

        protected override DrawNode CreateDrawNode() => new SmokeDrawNode(this);

        protected override void Update()


        protected struct SmokePoint
            public Vector2 Position;
            public double Time;
            public float Angle;

            public struct UpperBoundComparer : IComparer<SmokePoint>
                public int Compare(SmokePoint x, SmokePoint target)
                    // By returning -1 when the target value is equal to x, guarantees that the
                    // element at BinarySearch's returned index will always be the first element
                    // larger. Since 0 is never returned, the target is never "found", so the return
                    // value will be the index's complement.

                    return x.Time > target.Time ? 1 : -1;

            public struct LowerBoundComparer : IComparer<SmokePoint>
                public int Compare(SmokePoint x, SmokePoint target)
                    // Similar logic as UpperBoundComparer, except returned index will always be
                    // the first element larger or equal

                    return x.Time < target.Time ? -1 : 1;

        protected class SmokeDrawNode : TexturedShaderDrawNode
            protected new SmokeSegment Source => (SmokeSegment)base.Source;

            protected double SmokeStartTime { get; private set; }
            protected double SmokeEndTime { get; private set; }
            protected double CurrentTime { get; private set; }

            private readonly List<SmokePoint> points = new List<SmokePoint>();
            private IVertexBatch<TexturedVertex2D>? quadBatch;
            private float width;
            private float height;
            private Vector2 drawSize;
            private Texture? texture;
            private int rotationSeed;
            private int firstVisiblePointIndex;

            // anim calculation vars (color, scale, direction)
            private double initialFadeOutDurationTrunc;
            private double firstVisiblePointTimeAfterSmokeEnded;

            private double initialFadeOutTime;
            private double reFadeInTime;
            private double finalFadeOutTime;

            public SmokeDrawNode(ITexturedShaderDrawable source)
                : base(source)

            public override void ApplyState()

                width = Source.width;
                height = Source.height;
                drawSize = Source.DrawSize;
                texture = Source.Texture;

                SmokeStartTime = Source.smokeStartTime;
                SmokeEndTime = Source.smokeEndTime;
                CurrentTime = Source.Clock.CurrentTime;

                rotationSeed = Source.rotationSeed;

                initialFadeOutDurationTrunc = Math.Min(initial_fade_out_duration, SmokeEndTime - SmokeStartTime);
                firstVisiblePointTimeAfterSmokeEnded = SmokeEndTime - initialFadeOutDurationTrunc;

                initialFadeOutTime = Math.Min(CurrentTime, SmokeEndTime);
                reFadeInTime = CurrentTime - initialFadeOutDurationTrunc - firstVisiblePointTimeAfterSmokeEnded * (1 - 1 / re_fade_in_speed);
                finalFadeOutTime = CurrentTime - initialFadeOutDurationTrunc - firstVisiblePointTimeAfterSmokeEnded * (1 - 1 / final_fade_out_speed);

                double firstVisiblePointTime = Math.Min(SmokeEndTime, CurrentTime) - initialFadeOutDurationTrunc;
                firstVisiblePointIndex = ~Source.SmokePoints.BinarySearch(new SmokePoint { Time = firstVisiblePointTime }, new SmokePoint.LowerBoundComparer());
                int futurePointIndex = ~Source.SmokePoints.BinarySearch(new SmokePoint { Time = CurrentTime }, new SmokePoint.UpperBoundComparer());

                points.AddRange(Source.SmokePoints.Skip(firstVisiblePointIndex).Take(futurePointIndex - firstVisiblePointIndex));

            protected sealed override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

                if (points.Count == 0)

                quadBatch ??= renderer.CreateQuadBatch<TexturedVertex2D>(200, 4);

                if (points.Count > quadBatch.Size && quadBatch.Size != IRenderer.MAX_QUADS)
                    int batchSize = Math.Min(quadBatch.Size * 2, IRenderer.MAX_QUADS);
                    quadBatch = renderer.CreateQuadBatch<TexturedVertex2D>(batchSize, 4);

                texture ??= renderer.WhitePixel;
                RectangleF textureRect = texture.GetTextureRect();




                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                    drawPointQuad(renderer, points[i], textureRect, i + firstVisiblePointIndex);


            protected Color4 ColourAtPosition(Vector2 localPos) => DrawColourInfo.Colour.HasSingleColour
                ? ((SRGBColour)DrawColourInfo.Colour).Linear
                : DrawColourInfo.Colour.Interpolate(Vector2.Divide(localPos, drawSize)).Linear;

            protected virtual Color4 PointColour(SmokePoint point)
                var color = Color4.White;

                double timeDoingFinalFadeOut = finalFadeOutTime - point.Time / final_fade_out_speed;

                if (timeDoingFinalFadeOut > 0 && point.Time >= firstVisiblePointTimeAfterSmokeEnded)
                    float fraction = Math.Clamp((float)(timeDoingFinalFadeOut / final_fade_out_duration), 0, 1);
                    fraction = MathF.Pow(fraction, 5);
                    color.A = (1 - fraction) * re_fade_in_alpha;
                    double timeDoingInitialFadeOut = initialFadeOutTime - point.Time;

                    if (timeDoingInitialFadeOut > 0)
                        float fraction = Math.Clamp((float)(timeDoingInitialFadeOut / initial_fade_out_duration), 0, 1);
                        color.A = (1 - fraction) * initial_alpha;

                    if (point.Time > firstVisiblePointTimeAfterSmokeEnded)
                        double timeDoingReFadeIn = reFadeInTime - point.Time / re_fade_in_speed;

                        if (timeDoingReFadeIn > 0)
                            float fraction = Math.Clamp((float)(timeDoingReFadeIn / re_fade_in_duration), 0, 1);
                            fraction = 1 - MathF.Pow(1 - fraction, 5);
                            color.A = fraction * (re_fade_in_alpha - color.A) + color.A;

                return color;

            protected virtual float PointScale(SmokePoint point)
                double timeDoingScale = CurrentTime - point.Time;
                float fraction = Math.Clamp((float)(timeDoingScale / scale_duration), 0, 1);
                fraction = 1 - MathF.Pow(1 - fraction, 5);
                return fraction * (final_scale - initial_scale) + initial_scale;

            protected virtual Vector2 PointDirection(SmokePoint point, int index)
                double timeDoingRotation = CurrentTime - point.Time;
                float fraction = Math.Clamp((float)(timeDoingRotation / rotation_duration), 0, 1);
                fraction = 1 - MathF.Pow(1 - fraction, 5);
                float angle = fraction * getRotation(index) + point.Angle;

                return new Vector2(MathF.Sin(angle), -MathF.Cos(angle));

            private float getRotation(int index) => max_rotation * (StatelessRNG.NextSingle(rotationSeed, index) * 2 - 1);

            private void drawPointQuad(IRenderer renderer, SmokePoint point, RectangleF textureRect, int index)
                Debug.Assert(quadBatch != null);

                var colour = PointColour(point);
                if (colour.A == 0)

                float scale = PointScale(point);
                if (scale == 0)

                var dir = PointDirection(point, index);
                var ortho = dir.PerpendicularLeft;
                dir *= scale * width;
                ortho *= scale * height;

                var localTopLeft = point.Position - ortho - dir;
                var localTopRight = point.Position - ortho + dir;
                var localBotLeft = point.Position + ortho - dir;
                var localBotRight = point.Position + ortho + dir;

                quadBatch.Add(new TexturedVertex2D(renderer)
                    Position = localTopLeft,
                    TexturePosition = textureRect.TopLeft,
                    Colour = Color4Extensions.Multiply(ColourAtPosition(localTopLeft), colour),
                quadBatch.Add(new TexturedVertex2D(renderer)
                    Position = localTopRight,
                    TexturePosition = textureRect.TopRight,
                    Colour = Color4Extensions.Multiply(ColourAtPosition(localTopRight), colour),
                quadBatch.Add(new TexturedVertex2D(renderer)
                    Position = localBotRight,
                    TexturePosition = textureRect.BottomRight,
                    Colour = Color4Extensions.Multiply(ColourAtPosition(localBotRight), colour),
                quadBatch.Add(new TexturedVertex2D(renderer)
                    Position = localBotLeft,
                    TexturePosition = textureRect.BottomLeft,
                    Colour = Color4Extensions.Multiply(ColourAtPosition(localBotLeft), colour),

            protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)