// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Framework.Threading; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Play { /// /// Simple that resumes after 800ms. /// public partial class DelayedResumeOverlay : ResumeOverlay { private const float outer_size = 200; private const float inner_size = 150; private const float progress_stroke_width = 7; private const float progress_size = inner_size + progress_stroke_width / 2f; private const double countdown_time = 3000; protected override LocalisableString Message => string.Empty; private ScheduledDelegate? scheduledResume; private int? countdownCount; private double countdownStartTime; private bool countdownComplete; private Drawable outerContent = null!; private Container innerContent = null!; private Container countdownComponents = null!; private Drawable countdownBackground = null!; private SpriteText countdownText = null!; private CircularProgress countdownProgress = null!; public DelayedResumeOverlay() { Anchor = Anchor.Centre; Origin = Anchor.Centre; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { // todo: this shouldn't define its own colour provider, but nothing in Player screen does, so let's do that for now. var colourProvider = new OverlayColourProvider(OverlayColourScheme.Blue); Add(outerContent = new Circle { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Size = new Vector2(outer_size), Colour = colourProvider.Background6, }); Add(innerContent = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new[] { countdownBackground = new Circle { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Size = new Vector2(inner_size), Colour = colourProvider.Background4, }, countdownComponents = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new Drawable[] { countdownProgress = new CircularProgress { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Size = new Vector2(progress_size), InnerRadius = progress_stroke_width / progress_size, RoundedCaps = true }, countdownText = new OsuSpriteText { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, UseFullGlyphHeight = false, AlwaysPresent = true, Font = OsuFont.Torus.With(size: 70, weight: FontWeight.Light) } } } } }); } protected override void PopIn() { this.FadeIn(); // The transition effects. outerContent.FadeIn().ScaleTo(Vector2.Zero).Then().ScaleTo(Vector2.One, 200, Easing.OutQuint); innerContent.FadeIn().ScaleTo(Vector2.Zero).Then().ScaleTo(Vector2.One, 400, Easing.OutElasticHalf); countdownComponents.FadeOut().Delay(50).FadeTo(1, 100); // Reset states for various components. countdownBackground.FadeIn(); countdownText.FadeIn(); countdownProgress.FadeIn().ScaleTo(1); countdownComplete = false; countdownCount = null; countdownStartTime = Time.Current; scheduledResume?.Cancel(); scheduledResume = Scheduler.AddDelayed(() => { countdownComplete = true; Resume(); }, countdown_time); } protected override void PopOut() { this.Delay(300).FadeOut(); outerContent.FadeOut(); countdownBackground.FadeOut(); countdownText.FadeOut(); if (countdownComplete) { countdownProgress.ScaleTo(2f, 300, Easing.OutQuint); countdownProgress.FadeOut(300, Easing.OutQuint); } else countdownProgress.FadeOut(); scheduledResume?.Cancel(); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); updateCountdown(); } private void updateCountdown() { double amountTimePassed = Math.Min(countdown_time, Time.Current - countdownStartTime) / countdown_time; int newCount = 3 - (int)Math.Floor(amountTimePassed * 3); countdownProgress.Progress = amountTimePassed; countdownProgress.InnerRadius = progress_stroke_width / progress_size / countdownProgress.Scale.X; if (countdownCount != newCount && newCount > 0) { countdownText.Text = Math.Max(1, newCount).ToString(); countdownText.ScaleTo(0.25f).Then().ScaleTo(1, 200, Easing.OutQuint); outerContent.Delay(25).Then().ScaleTo(1.05f, 100).Then().ScaleTo(1f, 200, Easing.Out); } countdownCount = newCount; } } }