// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Humanizer; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Timing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Configuration; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables.Pieces; using osu.Game.Storyboards; using osuTK; using static osu.Game.Tests.Visual.OsuTestScene.ClockBackedTestWorkingBeatmap; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests { [TestFixture] public class TestSceneSliderSnaking : TestSceneOsuPlayer { [Resolved] private AudioManager audioManager { get; set; } private TrackVirtualManual track; protected override bool Autoplay => autoplay; private bool autoplay; private readonly BindableBool snakingIn = new BindableBool(); private readonly BindableBool snakingOut = new BindableBool(); private const double duration_of_span = 3605; private const double fade_in_modifier = -1200; protected override WorkingBeatmap CreateWorkingBeatmap(IBeatmap beatmap, Storyboard storyboard = null) { var working = new ClockBackedTestWorkingBeatmap(beatmap, storyboard, new FramedClock(new ManualClock { Rate = 1 }), audioManager); track = (TrackVirtualManual)working.Track; return working; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load(RulesetConfigCache configCache) { var config = (OsuRulesetConfigManager)configCache.GetConfigFor(Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance()); config.BindWith(OsuRulesetSetting.SnakingInSliders, snakingIn); config.BindWith(OsuRulesetSetting.SnakingOutSliders, snakingOut); } private DrawableSlider slider; [SetUpSteps] public override void SetUpSteps() { } [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] [TestCase(2)] public void TestSnakingEnabled(int sliderIndex) { AddStep("enable autoplay", () => autoplay = true); base.SetUpSteps(); AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => track.IsRunning); double startTime = hitObjects[sliderIndex].StartTime; retrieveDrawableSlider(sliderIndex); setSnaking(true); ensureSnakingIn(startTime + fade_in_modifier); for (int i = 0; i < sliderIndex; i++) { // non-final repeats should not snake out ensureNoSnakingOut(startTime, i); } // final repeat should snake out ensureSnakingOut(startTime, sliderIndex); } [TestCase(0)] [TestCase(1)] [TestCase(2)] public void TestSnakingDisabled(int sliderIndex) { AddStep("have autoplay", () => autoplay = true); base.SetUpSteps(); AddUntilStep("wait for track to start running", () => track.IsRunning); double startTime = hitObjects[sliderIndex].StartTime; retrieveDrawableSlider(sliderIndex); setSnaking(false); ensureNoSnakingIn(startTime + fade_in_modifier); for (int i = 0; i <= sliderIndex; i++) { // no snaking out ever, including final repeat ensureNoSnakingOut(startTime, i); } } [Test] public void TestRepeatArrowDoesNotMoveWhenHit() { AddStep("enable autoplay", () => autoplay = true); setSnaking(true); base.SetUpSteps(); // repeat might have a chance to update its position depending on where in the frame its hit, // so some leniency is allowed here instead of checking strict equality checkPositionChange(16600, sliderRepeat, positionAlmostSame); } [Test] public void TestRepeatArrowMovesWhenNotHit() { AddStep("disable autoplay", () => autoplay = false); setSnaking(true); base.SetUpSteps(); checkPositionChange(16600, sliderRepeat, positionDecreased); } private void retrieveDrawableSlider(int index) => AddStep($"retrieve {(index + 1).ToOrdinalWords()} slider", () => slider = (DrawableSlider)Player.DrawableRuleset.Playfield.AllHitObjects.ElementAt(index)); private void ensureSnakingIn(double startTime) => checkPositionChange(startTime, sliderEnd, positionIncreased); private void ensureNoSnakingIn(double startTime) => checkPositionChange(startTime, sliderEnd, positionRemainsSame); private void ensureSnakingOut(double startTime, int repeatIndex) { var repeatTime = timeAtRepeat(startTime, repeatIndex); if (repeatIndex % 2 == 0) checkPositionChange(repeatTime, sliderStart, positionIncreased); else checkPositionChange(repeatTime, sliderEnd, positionDecreased); } private void ensureNoSnakingOut(double startTime, int repeatIndex) => checkPositionChange(timeAtRepeat(startTime, repeatIndex), positionAtRepeat(repeatIndex), positionRemainsSame); private double timeAtRepeat(double startTime, int repeatIndex) => startTime + 100 + duration_of_span * repeatIndex; private Func positionAtRepeat(int repeatIndex) => repeatIndex % 2 == 0 ? (Func)sliderStart : sliderEnd; private List sliderCurve => ((PlaySliderBody)slider.Body.Drawable).CurrentCurve; private Vector2 sliderStart() => sliderCurve.First(); private Vector2 sliderEnd() => sliderCurve.Last(); private Vector2 sliderRepeat() { var drawable = Player.DrawableRuleset.Playfield.AllHitObjects.ElementAt(1); var repeat = drawable.ChildrenOfType>().First().Children.First(); return repeat.Position; } private bool positionRemainsSame(Vector2 previous, Vector2 current) => previous == current; private bool positionIncreased(Vector2 previous, Vector2 current) => current.X > previous.X && current.Y > previous.Y; private bool positionDecreased(Vector2 previous, Vector2 current) => current.X < previous.X && current.Y < previous.Y; private bool positionAlmostSame(Vector2 previous, Vector2 current) => Precision.AlmostEquals(previous, current, 1); private void checkPositionChange(double startTime, Func positionToCheck, Func positionAssertion) { Vector2 previousPosition = Vector2.Zero; string positionDescription = positionToCheck.Method.Name.Humanize(LetterCasing.LowerCase); string assertionDescription = positionAssertion.Method.Name.Humanize(LetterCasing.LowerCase); addSeekStep(startTime); AddStep($"save {positionDescription} position", () => previousPosition = positionToCheck.Invoke()); addSeekStep(startTime + 100); AddAssert($"{positionDescription} {assertionDescription}", () => { var currentPosition = positionToCheck.Invoke(); return positionAssertion.Invoke(previousPosition, currentPosition); }); } private void setSnaking(bool value) { AddStep($"{(value ? "enable" : "disable")} snaking", () => { snakingIn.Value = value; snakingOut.Value = value; }); } private void addSeekStep(double time) { AddStep($"seek to {time}", () => track.Seek(time)); AddUntilStep("wait for seek to finish", () => Precision.AlmostEquals(time, Player.DrawableRuleset.FrameStableClock.CurrentTime, 100)); } protected override IBeatmap CreateBeatmap(RulesetInfo ruleset) => new Beatmap { HitObjects = hitObjects }; private readonly List hitObjects = new List { new Slider { StartTime = 3000, Position = new Vector2(100, 100), Path = new SliderPath(PathType.PerfectCurve, new[] { Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(300, 200) }), }, new Slider { StartTime = 13000, Position = new Vector2(100, 100), Path = new SliderPath(PathType.PerfectCurve, new[] { Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(300, 200) }), RepeatCount = 1, }, new Slider { StartTime = 23000, Position = new Vector2(100, 100), Path = new SliderPath(PathType.PerfectCurve, new[] { Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(300, 200) }), RepeatCount = 2, }, new HitCircle { StartTime = 199999, } }; } }