// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications; using osu.Game.Updater; using osuTK; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.UserInterface { [TestFixture] public class TestSceneNotificationOverlay : OsuManualInputManagerTestScene { private NotificationOverlay notificationOverlay = null!; private readonly List progressingNotifications = new List(); private SpriteText displayedCount = null!; public double TimeToCompleteProgress { get; set; } = 2000; [SetUp] public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero); TimeToCompleteProgress = 2000; progressingNotifications.Clear(); Children = new Drawable[] { notificationOverlay = new NotificationOverlay { Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origin = Anchor.TopRight }, displayedCount = new OsuSpriteText() }; notificationOverlay.UnreadCount.ValueChanged += count => { displayedCount.Text = $"unread count: {count.NewValue}"; }; }); [Test] public void TestForwardWithFlingRight() { bool activated = false; SimpleNotification notification = null!; AddStep("post", () => { activated = false; notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!", Activated = () => activated = true, }); }); AddStep("start drag", () => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notification.ChildrenOfType().Single()); InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left); InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notification.ChildrenOfType().Single().ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre + new Vector2(500, 0)); }); AddStep("fling away", () => { InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left); }); AddAssert("was not closed", () => !notification.WasClosed); AddAssert("was not activated", () => !activated); AddAssert("is not read", () => !notification.Read); AddAssert("is not toast", () => !notification.IsInToastTray); AddStep("reset mouse position", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero)); AddAssert("unread count one", () => notificationOverlay.UnreadCount.Value == 1); } [Test] public void TestDismissWithoutActivationFling() { bool activated = false; SimpleNotification notification = null!; AddStep("post", () => { activated = false; notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!", Activated = () => activated = true, }); }); AddStep("start drag", () => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single()); InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left); InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre + new Vector2(-500, 0)); }); AddStep("fling away", () => { InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left); }); AddUntilStep("wait for closed", () => notification.WasClosed); AddAssert("was not activated", () => !activated); AddStep("reset mouse position", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero)); AddAssert("unread count zero", () => notificationOverlay.UnreadCount.Value == 0); } [Test] public void TestProgressNotificationCantBeFlung() { bool activated = false; ProgressNotification notification = null!; AddStep("post", () => { activated = false; notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", Activated = () => activated = true, }); progressingNotifications.Add(notification); }); AddStep("start drag", () => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single()); InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left); InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre + new Vector2(-500, 0)); }); AddStep("attempt fling", () => { InputManager.ReleaseButton(MouseButton.Left); }); AddUntilStep("was not closed", () => !notification.WasClosed); AddUntilStep("was not cancelled", () => notification.State == ProgressNotificationState.Active); AddAssert("was not activated", () => !activated); AddStep("reset mouse position", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero)); AddUntilStep("was completed", () => notification.State == ProgressNotificationState.Completed); } [Test] public void TestDismissWithoutActivationCloseButton() { bool activated = false; SimpleNotification notification = null!; AddStep("post", () => { activated = false; notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!", Activated = () => activated = true, }); }); AddStep("click to activate", () => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay .ChildrenOfType().Single() .ChildrenOfType().Single()); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); }); AddUntilStep("wait for closed", () => notification.WasClosed); AddAssert("was not activated", () => !activated); AddStep("reset mouse position", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero)); AddAssert("unread count zero", () => notificationOverlay.UnreadCount.Value == 0); } [Test] public void TestDismissWithoutActivationRightClick() { bool activated = false; SimpleNotification notification = null!; AddStep("post", () => { activated = false; notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!", Activated = () => activated = true, }); }); AddStep("click to activate", () => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single()); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Right); }); AddUntilStep("wait for closed", () => notification.WasClosed); AddAssert("was not activated", () => !activated); AddStep("reset mouse position", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero)); } [Test] public void TestActivate() { bool activated = false; SimpleNotification notification = null!; AddStep("post", () => { activated = false; notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!", Activated = () => activated = true, }); }); AddStep("click to activate", () => { InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single()); InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left); }); AddUntilStep("wait for closed", () => notification.WasClosed); AddAssert("was activated", () => activated); AddStep("reset mouse position", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(Vector2.Zero)); } [Test] public void TestPresence() { AddAssert("tray not present", () => !notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddAssert("overlay not present", () => !notificationOverlay.IsPresent); AddStep(@"post notification", sendBackgroundNotification); AddUntilStep("wait tray not present", () => !notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddUntilStep("wait overlay not present", () => !notificationOverlay.IsPresent); } [Test] public void TestPresenceWithManualDismiss() { AddAssert("tray not present", () => !notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddAssert("overlay not present", () => !notificationOverlay.IsPresent); AddStep(@"post notification", sendBackgroundNotification); AddStep("click notification", () => notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().TriggerClick()); AddUntilStep("wait tray not present", () => !notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single().IsPresent); AddUntilStep("wait overlay not present", () => !notificationOverlay.IsPresent); } [Test] public void TestProgressClick() { ProgressNotification notification = null!; AddStep("add progress notification", () => { notification = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(notification); progressingNotifications.Add(notification); }); AddStep("hover over notification", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().Single())); AddStep("left click", () => InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left)); AddAssert("not cancelled", () => notification.State == ProgressNotificationState.Active); AddStep("right click", () => InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Right)); AddAssert("cancelled", () => notification.State == ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled); } [Test] public void TestCompleteProgress() { ProgressNotification notification = null!; AddStep("add progress notification", () => { notification = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(notification); progressingNotifications.Add(notification); }); AddUntilStep("wait completion", () => notification.State == ProgressNotificationState.Completed); AddAssert("Completion toast shown", () => notificationOverlay.ToastCount == 1); AddUntilStep("wait forwarded", () => notificationOverlay.ToastCount == 0); } [Test] public void TestCompleteProgressSlow() { ProgressNotification notification = null!; AddStep("Set progress slow", () => TimeToCompleteProgress *= 2); AddStep("add progress notification", () => { notification = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(notification); progressingNotifications.Add(notification); }); AddUntilStep("wait completion", () => notification.State == ProgressNotificationState.Completed); AddAssert("Completion toast shown", () => notificationOverlay.ToastCount == 1); AddUntilStep("wait forwarded", () => notificationOverlay.ToastCount == 0); AddAssert("only one unread", () => notificationOverlay.UnreadCount.Value == 1); } [Test] public void TestCancelProgress() { ProgressNotification notification = null!; AddStep("add progress notification", () => { notification = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(notification); progressingNotifications.Add(notification); }); AddWaitStep("wait 3", 3); AddStep("cancel notification", () => notification.State = ProgressNotificationState.Cancelled); } [Test] public void TestReadState() { SimpleNotification notification = null!; AddStep(@"post", () => notificationOverlay.Post(notification = new BackgroundNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!" })); AddUntilStep("check is toast", () => notification.IsInToastTray); AddAssert("light is not visible", () => notification.ChildrenOfType().Single().Alpha == 0); AddUntilStep("wait for forward to overlay", () => !notification.IsInToastTray); setState(Visibility.Visible); AddAssert("state is not read", () => !notification.Read); AddUntilStep("light is visible", () => notification.ChildrenOfType().Single().Alpha == 1); setState(Visibility.Hidden); setState(Visibility.Visible); AddAssert("state is read", () => notification.Read); AddUntilStep("light is not visible", () => notification.ChildrenOfType().Single().Alpha == 0); } [Test] public void TestUpdateNotificationFlow() { bool applyUpdate = false; AddStep(@"post update", () => { applyUpdate = false; var updateNotification = new UpdateManager.UpdateProgressNotification { CompletionClickAction = () => applyUpdate = true }; notificationOverlay.Post(updateNotification); progressingNotifications.Add(updateNotification); }); checkProgressingCount(1); waitForCompletion(); UpdateManager.UpdateApplicationCompleteNotification? completionNotification = null; AddUntilStep("wait for completion notification", () => (completionNotification = notificationOverlay.ChildrenOfType().SingleOrDefault()) != null); AddStep("click notification", () => completionNotification?.TriggerClick()); AddUntilStep("wait for update applied", () => applyUpdate); } [Test] public void TestBasicFlow() { setState(Visibility.Visible); AddStep(@"simple #1", sendHelloNotification); AddStep(@"simple #2", sendAmazingNotification); AddStep(@"progress #1", sendUploadProgress); AddStep(@"progress #2", sendDownloadProgress); checkProgressingCount(2); setState(Visibility.Hidden); AddRepeatStep(@"add many simple", sendManyNotifications, 3); waitForCompletion(); AddStep(@"progress #3", sendUploadProgress); checkProgressingCount(1); checkDisplayedCount(33); waitForCompletion(); } [Test] public void TestImportantWhileClosed() { AddStep(@"simple #1", sendHelloNotification); AddAssert("toast displayed", () => notificationOverlay.ToastCount == 1); AddAssert("is not visible", () => notificationOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Hidden); checkDisplayedCount(1); AddStep(@"progress #1", sendUploadProgress); AddStep(@"progress #2", sendDownloadProgress); checkProgressingCount(2); checkDisplayedCount(3); } [Test] public void TestUnimportantWhileClosed() { AddStep(@"background #1", sendBackgroundNotification); AddAssert("Is not visible", () => notificationOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Hidden); checkDisplayedCount(1); AddStep(@"background progress #1", sendBackgroundUploadProgress); checkProgressingCount(1); waitForCompletion(); checkDisplayedCount(2); AddStep(@"simple #1", sendHelloNotification); checkDisplayedCount(3); } [Test] public void TestError() { setState(Visibility.Visible); AddStep(@"error #1", sendErrorNotification); AddAssert("Is visible", () => notificationOverlay.State.Value == Visibility.Visible); checkDisplayedCount(1); } [Test] public void TestSpam() { setState(Visibility.Visible); AddRepeatStep("send barrage", sendBarrage, 10); } [Test] public void TestServerShuttingDownNotification() { AddStep("post with 5 seconds", () => notificationOverlay.Post(new ServerShutdownNotification(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))); AddStep("post with 30 seconds", () => notificationOverlay.Post(new ServerShutdownNotification(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))); AddStep("post with 6 hours", () => notificationOverlay.Post(new ServerShutdownNotification(TimeSpan.FromHours(6)))); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); progressingNotifications.RemoveAll(n => n.State == ProgressNotificationState.Completed); if (progressingNotifications.Count(n => n.State == ProgressNotificationState.Active) < 3) { var p = progressingNotifications.Find(n => n.State == ProgressNotificationState.Queued); if (p != null) p.State = ProgressNotificationState.Active; } foreach (var n in progressingNotifications.FindAll(n => n.State == ProgressNotificationState.Active)) { if (n.Progress < 1) n.Progress += (float)(Time.Elapsed / TimeToCompleteProgress); else n.State = ProgressNotificationState.Completed; } } private void checkDisplayedCount(int expected) => AddUntilStep($"Displayed count is {expected}", () => notificationOverlay.UnreadCount.Value == expected); private void sendDownloadProgress() { var n = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Downloading Haitai...", CompletionText = "Downloaded Haitai!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(n); progressingNotifications.Add(n); } private void sendUploadProgress() { var n = new ProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(n); progressingNotifications.Add(n); } private void sendBackgroundUploadProgress() { var n = new BackgroundProgressNotification { Text = @"Uploading to BSS...", CompletionText = "Uploaded to BSS!", }; notificationOverlay.Post(n); progressingNotifications.Add(n); } private void setState(Visibility state) => AddStep(state.ToString(), () => notificationOverlay.State.Value = state); private void checkProgressingCount(int expected) => AddAssert($"progressing count is {expected}", () => progressingNotifications.Count == expected); private void waitForCompletion() => AddUntilStep("wait for notification progress completion", () => progressingNotifications.Count == 0); private void sendBarrage() { switch (RNG.Next(0, 5)) { case 0: sendHelloNotification(); break; case 1: sendAmazingNotification(); break; case 2: sendUploadProgress(); break; case 3: sendDownloadProgress(); break; case 4: sendErrorNotification(); break; } } private void sendAmazingNotification() { notificationOverlay.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = @"You are amazing" }); } private void sendHelloNotification() { notificationOverlay.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!" }); } private void sendBackgroundNotification() { notificationOverlay.Post(new BackgroundNotification { Text = @"Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay!" }); } private void sendErrorNotification() { notificationOverlay.Post(new SimpleErrorNotification { Text = @"Rut roh!. Something went wrong!" }); } private void sendManyNotifications() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) notificationOverlay.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = @"Spam incoming!!" }); } private class BackgroundNotification : SimpleNotification { public override bool IsImportant => false; } private class BackgroundProgressNotification : ProgressNotification { public override bool IsImportant => false; } } }