// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using JetBrains.Annotations; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Input; using osu.Framework.Input.Events; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit.Blueprints.HitCircles.Components; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit.Blueprints.Sliders.Components; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects; using osu.Game.Screens.Edit; using osuTK; using osuTK.Input; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit.Blueprints.Sliders { public partial class SliderPlacementBlueprint : PlacementBlueprint { public new Slider HitObject => (Slider)base.HitObject; private SliderBodyPiece bodyPiece; private HitCirclePiece headCirclePiece; private HitCirclePiece tailCirclePiece; private PathControlPointVisualiser controlPointVisualiser; private InputManager inputManager; private SliderPlacementState state; private PathControlPoint segmentStart; private PathControlPoint cursor; private int currentSegmentLength; [Resolved(CanBeNull = true)] private IPositionSnapProvider positionSnapProvider { get; set; } [Resolved(CanBeNull = true)] private IDistanceSnapProvider distanceSnapProvider { get; set; } [Resolved(CanBeNull = true)] private FreehandSliderToolboxGroup freehandToolboxGroup { get; set; } private readonly IncrementalBSplineBuilder bSplineBuilder = new IncrementalBSplineBuilder { Degree = 4 }; protected override bool IsValidForPlacement => HitObject.Path.HasValidLength; public SliderPlacementBlueprint() : base(new Slider()) { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both; HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(segmentStart = new PathControlPoint(Vector2.Zero, PathType.LINEAR)); currentSegmentLength = 1; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { bodyPiece = new SliderBodyPiece(), headCirclePiece = new HitCirclePiece(), tailCirclePiece = new HitCirclePiece(), controlPointVisualiser = new PathControlPointVisualiser(HitObject, false) }; state = SliderPlacementState.Initial; } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); inputManager = GetContainingInputManager(); if (freehandToolboxGroup != null) { freehandToolboxGroup.Tolerance.BindValueChanged(e => { bSplineBuilder.Tolerance = e.NewValue; Scheduler.AddOnce(updateSliderPathFromBSplineBuilder); }, true); freehandToolboxGroup.CornerThreshold.BindValueChanged(e => { bSplineBuilder.CornerThreshold = e.NewValue; Scheduler.AddOnce(updateSliderPathFromBSplineBuilder); }, true); } } [Resolved] private EditorBeatmap editorBeatmap { get; set; } public override void UpdateTimeAndPosition(SnapResult result) { base.UpdateTimeAndPosition(result); switch (state) { case SliderPlacementState.Initial: BeginPlacement(); double? nearestSliderVelocity = (editorBeatmap .HitObjects .LastOrDefault(h => h is Slider && h.GetEndTime() < HitObject.StartTime) as Slider)?.SliderVelocityMultiplier; HitObject.SliderVelocityMultiplier = nearestSliderVelocity ?? 1; HitObject.Position = ToLocalSpace(result.ScreenSpacePosition); // Replacing the DifficultyControlPoint above doesn't trigger any kind of invalidation. // Without re-applying defaults, velocity won't be updated. ApplyDefaultsToHitObject(); break; case SliderPlacementState.ControlPoints: updateCursor(); break; } } protected override bool OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) { if (e.Button != MouseButton.Left) return base.OnMouseDown(e); switch (state) { case SliderPlacementState.Initial: beginCurve(); break; case SliderPlacementState.ControlPoints: if (canPlaceNewControlPoint(out var lastPoint)) { // Place a new point by detatching the current cursor. updateCursor(); cursor = null; } else { // Transform the last point into a new segment. Debug.Assert(lastPoint != null); segmentStart = lastPoint; segmentStart.Type = PathType.LINEAR; currentSegmentLength = 1; } break; } return true; } protected override bool OnDragStart(DragStartEvent e) { if (e.Button != MouseButton.Left) return base.OnDragStart(e); if (state != SliderPlacementState.ControlPoints) return base.OnDragStart(e); // Only enter drawing mode if no additional control points have been placed. int controlPointCount = HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Count; if (controlPointCount > 2 || (controlPointCount == 2 && HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Last() != cursor)) return base.OnDragStart(e); bSplineBuilder.AddLinearPoint(Vector2.Zero); bSplineBuilder.AddLinearPoint(ToLocalSpace(e.ScreenSpaceMouseDownPosition) - HitObject.Position); state = SliderPlacementState.Drawing; return true; } protected override void OnDrag(DragEvent e) { base.OnDrag(e); if (state == SliderPlacementState.Drawing) { bSplineBuilder.AddLinearPoint(ToLocalSpace(e.ScreenSpaceMousePosition) - HitObject.Position); Scheduler.AddOnce(updateSliderPathFromBSplineBuilder); } } protected override void OnDragEnd(DragEndEvent e) { base.OnDragEnd(e); if (state == SliderPlacementState.Drawing) { bSplineBuilder.Finish(); updateSliderPathFromBSplineBuilder(); // Change the state so it will snap the expected distance in endCurve. state = SliderPlacementState.Finishing; endCurve(); } } protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e) { if (state == SliderPlacementState.ControlPoints && e.Button == MouseButton.Right) endCurve(); base.OnMouseUp(e); } protected override void Update() { base.Update(); updateSlider(); // Maintain the path type in case it got defaulted to bezier at some point during the drag. updatePathType(); } private void beginCurve() { BeginPlacement(commitStart: true); state = SliderPlacementState.ControlPoints; } private void endCurve() { updateSlider(); EndPlacement(true); } private void updatePathType() { if (state == SliderPlacementState.Drawing) { segmentStart.Type = PathType.BSpline(4); return; } switch (currentSegmentLength) { case 1: case 2: segmentStart.Type = PathType.LINEAR; break; case 3: segmentStart.Type = PathType.PERFECT_CURVE; break; default: segmentStart.Type = PathType.BEZIER; break; } } private void updateCursor() { if (canPlaceNewControlPoint(out _)) { // The cursor does not overlap a previous control point, so it can be added if not already existing. if (cursor == null) { HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(cursor = new PathControlPoint { Position = Vector2.Zero }); // The path type should be adjusted in the progression of updatePathType() (LINEAR -> PC -> BEZIER). currentSegmentLength++; updatePathType(); } // Update the cursor position. var result = positionSnapProvider?.FindSnappedPositionAndTime(inputManager.CurrentState.Mouse.Position, state == SliderPlacementState.ControlPoints ? SnapType.GlobalGrids : SnapType.All); cursor.Position = ToLocalSpace(result?.ScreenSpacePosition ?? inputManager.CurrentState.Mouse.Position) - HitObject.Position; } else if (cursor != null) { // The cursor overlaps a previous control point, so it's removed. HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Remove(cursor); cursor = null; // The path type should be adjusted in the reverse progression of updatePathType() (BEZIER -> PC -> LINEAR). currentSegmentLength--; updatePathType(); } } /// /// Whether a new control point can be placed at the current mouse position. /// /// The last-placed control point. May be null, but is not null if false is returned. /// Whether a new control point can be placed at the current position. private bool canPlaceNewControlPoint([CanBeNull] out PathControlPoint lastPoint) { // We cannot rely on the ordering of drawable pieces, so find the respective drawable piece by searching for the last non-cursor control point. var last = HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.LastOrDefault(p => p != cursor); var lastPiece = controlPointVisualiser.Pieces.Single(p => p.ControlPoint == last); lastPoint = last; return lastPiece.IsHovered != true; } private void updateSlider() { if (state == SliderPlacementState.Drawing) HitObject.Path.ExpectedDistance.Value = (float)HitObject.Path.CalculatedDistance; else HitObject.Path.ExpectedDistance.Value = distanceSnapProvider?.FindSnappedDistance(HitObject, (float)HitObject.Path.CalculatedDistance) ?? (float)HitObject.Path.CalculatedDistance; bodyPiece.UpdateFrom(HitObject); headCirclePiece.UpdateFrom(HitObject.HeadCircle); tailCirclePiece.UpdateFrom(HitObject.TailCircle); } private void updateSliderPathFromBSplineBuilder() { IReadOnlyList> builderPoints = bSplineBuilder.ControlPoints; if (builderPoints.Count == 0 || builderPoints[0].Count == 0) return; HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Clear(); // Iterate through generated segments and adding non-inheriting path types where appropriate. for (int i = 0; i < builderPoints.Count; i++) { bool isLastSegment = i == builderPoints.Count - 1; var segment = builderPoints[i]; if (segment.Count == 0) continue; // Replace this segment with a circular arc if it is a reasonable substitute. var circleArcSegment = tryCircleArc(segment); if (circleArcSegment is not null) { HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(circleArcSegment[0], PathType.PERFECT_CURVE)); HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(circleArcSegment[1])); } else { HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(segment[0], PathType.BSpline(4))); for (int j = 1; j < segment.Count - 1; j++) HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(segment[j])); } if (isLastSegment) HitObject.Path.ControlPoints.Add(new PathControlPoint(segment[^1])); } } private Vector2[] tryCircleArc(List segment) { if (segment.Count < 3) return null; // Assume the segment creates a reasonable circular arc and then check if it reasonable var points = PathApproximator.BSplineToPiecewiseLinear(segment.ToArray(), bSplineBuilder.Degree); var circleArcControlPoints = new[] { points[0], points[points.Count / 2], points[^1] }; var circleArc = new CircularArcProperties(circleArcControlPoints); if (!circleArc.IsValid) return null; double length = circleArc.ThetaRange * circleArc.Radius; if (length > 1000) return null; double loss = 0; Vector2? lastPoint = null; Vector2? lastVec = null; int? lastDir = null; double totalWinding = 0; // Loop through the points and check if they are not too far away from the circular arc. // Also make sure it curves monotonically in one direction and at most one loop is done. foreach (var point in points) { loss += Math.Pow((Vector2.Distance(point, circleArc.Centre) - circleArc.Radius) / length, 2); if (lastPoint.HasValue) { var vec = point - lastPoint.Value; if (lastVec.HasValue) { double dot = Vector2.Dot(vec, lastVec.Value); double det = lastVec.Value.X * vec.Y - lastVec.Value.Y * vec.X; double angle = Math.Atan2(det, dot); int dir = Math.Sign(angle); if (dir == 0) continue; if (lastDir.HasValue && dir != lastDir) return null; // Curvature changed, like in an S-shape totalWinding += Math.Abs(angle); lastDir = dir; } lastVec = vec; } lastPoint = point; } loss /= points.Count; return loss > 0.002 || totalWinding > MathHelper.TwoPi ? null : circleArcControlPoints; } private enum SliderPlacementState { Initial, ControlPoints, Drawing, Finishing } } }