// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Edit { public class BindableBeatDivisor : BindableInt { public static readonly int[] PREDEFINED_DIVISORS = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 }; public const int MINIMUM_DIVISOR = 1; public const int MAXIMUM_DIVISOR = 64; public Bindable<BeatDivisorPresetCollection> ValidDivisors { get; } = new Bindable<BeatDivisorPresetCollection>(BeatDivisorPresetCollection.COMMON); public BindableBeatDivisor(int value = 1) : base(value) { ValidDivisors.BindValueChanged(_ => updateBindableProperties(), true); BindValueChanged(_ => ensureValidDivisor()); } /// <summary> /// Set a divisor, updating the valid divisor range appropriately. /// </summary> /// <param name="divisor">The intended divisor.</param> /// <param name="preferKnownPresets">Forces changing the valid divisors to a known preset.</param> /// <returns>Whether the divisor was successfully set.</returns> public bool SetArbitraryDivisor(int divisor, bool preferKnownPresets = false) { if (divisor < MINIMUM_DIVISOR || divisor > MAXIMUM_DIVISOR) return false; // If the current valid divisor range doesn't contain the proposed value, attempt to find one which does. if (preferKnownPresets || !ValidDivisors.Value.Presets.Contains(divisor)) { if (BeatDivisorPresetCollection.COMMON.Presets.Contains(divisor)) ValidDivisors.Value = BeatDivisorPresetCollection.COMMON; else if (BeatDivisorPresetCollection.TRIPLETS.Presets.Contains(divisor)) ValidDivisors.Value = BeatDivisorPresetCollection.TRIPLETS; else ValidDivisors.Value = BeatDivisorPresetCollection.Custom(divisor); } Value = divisor; return true; } private void updateBindableProperties() { ensureValidDivisor(); MinValue = ValidDivisors.Value.Presets.Min(); MaxValue = ValidDivisors.Value.Presets.Max(); } private void ensureValidDivisor() { if (!ValidDivisors.Value.Presets.Contains(Value)) Value = 1; } public void SelectNext() { var presets = ValidDivisors.Value.Presets; if (presets.Cast<int?>().SkipWhile(preset => preset != Value).ElementAtOrDefault(1) is int newValue) Value = newValue; } public void SelectPrevious() { var presets = ValidDivisors.Value.Presets; if (presets.Cast<int?>().TakeWhile(preset => preset != Value).LastOrDefault() is int newValue) Value = newValue; } protected override int DefaultPrecision => 1; public override void BindTo(Bindable<int> them) { // bind to valid divisors first (if applicable) to ensure correct transfer of the actual divisor. if (them is BindableBeatDivisor otherBeatDivisor) ValidDivisors.BindTo(otherBeatDivisor.ValidDivisors); base.BindTo(them); } protected override Bindable<int> CreateInstance() => new BindableBeatDivisor(); /// <summary> /// Retrieves the appropriate colour for a beat divisor. /// </summary> /// <param name="beatDivisor">The beat divisor.</param> /// <param name="colours">The set of colours.</param> /// <returns>The applicable colour from <paramref name="colours"/> for <paramref name="beatDivisor"/>.</returns> public static Color4 GetColourFor(int beatDivisor, OsuColour colours) { switch (beatDivisor) { case 1: return Color4.White; case 2: return colours.Red; case 4: return colours.Blue; case 8: return colours.Yellow; case 16: return colours.PurpleDark; case 3: return colours.Purple; case 6: return colours.YellowDark; case 12: return colours.YellowDarker; default: return Color4.Red; } } /// <summary> /// Get a relative display size for the specified divisor. /// </summary> /// <param name="beatDivisor">The beat divisor.</param> /// <returns>A relative size which can be used to display ticks.</returns> public static Vector2 GetSize(int beatDivisor) { switch (beatDivisor) { case 1: case 2: return new Vector2(1, 0.9f); case 3: case 4: return new Vector2(0.8f, 0.8f); case 6: case 8: return new Vector2(0.8f, 0.7f); default: return new Vector2(0.8f, 0.6f); } } /// <summary> /// Retrieves the applicable divisor for a specific beat index. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The 0-based beat index.</param> /// <param name="beatDivisor">The beat divisor.</param> /// <param name="validDivisors">The list of valid divisors which can be chosen from. Assumes ordered from low to high. Defaults to <see cref="PREDEFINED_DIVISORS"/> if omitted.</param> /// <returns>The applicable divisor.</returns> public static int GetDivisorForBeatIndex(int index, int beatDivisor, int[] validDivisors = null) { validDivisors ??= PREDEFINED_DIVISORS; int beat = index % beatDivisor; foreach (int divisor in validDivisors) { if ((beat * divisor) % beatDivisor == 0) return divisor; } return 0; } } }