// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.BeatmapSet.Scores; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Mods; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Scoring; using osu.Game.Users; using osuTK.Graphics; using APIUser = osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses.APIUser; namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online { public class TestSceneScoresContainer : OsuTestScene { [Cached] private readonly OverlayColourProvider colourProvider = new OverlayColourProvider(OverlayColourScheme.Blue); private TestScoresContainer scoresContainer; [SetUpSteps] public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => { Child = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre, Origin = Anchor.TopCentre, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Width = 0.8f, Children = new Drawable[] { new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = Color4.Black, }, scoresContainer = new TestScoresContainer { Beatmap = { Value = CreateAPIBeatmap() } } } }; }); [Test] public void TestNoUserBest() { AddStep("Scores with no user best", () => { var allScores = createScores(); allScores.UserScore = null; scoresContainer.Scores = allScores; }); AddUntilStep("wait for scores displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddAssert("no user best displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 1); AddStep("Load null scores", () => scoresContainer.Scores = null); AddUntilStep("wait for scores not displayed", () => !scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddAssert("no best score displayed", () => !scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddStep("Load only one score", () => { var allScores = createScores(); allScores.Scores.RemoveRange(1, allScores.Scores.Count - 1); scoresContainer.Scores = allScores; }); AddUntilStep("wait for scores not displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 1); AddAssert("no best score displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 1); } [Test] public void TestUserBest() { AddStep("Load scores with personal best", () => { var allScores = createScores(); allScores.UserScore = createUserBest(); scoresContainer.Scores = allScores; }); AddUntilStep("wait for scores displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddAssert("best score displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 2); AddStep("Load scores with personal best (null position)", () => { var allScores = createScores(); var userBest = createUserBest(); userBest.Position = null; allScores.UserScore = userBest; scoresContainer.Scores = allScores; }); AddUntilStep("wait for scores displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddAssert("best score displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 2); AddStep("Load scores with personal best (first place)", () => { var allScores = createScores(); allScores.UserScore = new APIScoreWithPosition { Score = allScores.Scores.First(), Position = 1, }; scoresContainer.Scores = allScores; }); AddUntilStep("wait for scores displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Any()); AddAssert("best score displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 1); AddStep("Scores with no user best", () => { var allScores = createScores(); allScores.UserScore = null; scoresContainer.Scores = allScores; }); AddUntilStep("best score not displayed", () => scoresContainer.ChildrenOfType().Count() == 1); } private int onlineID = 1; private APIScoresCollection createScores() { var scores = new APIScoresCollection { Scores = new List { new SoloScoreInfo { EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ID = onlineID++, User = new APIUser { Id = 6602580, Username = @"waaiiru", Country = new Country { FullName = @"Spain", FlagName = @"ES", }, }, Mods = new[] { new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModDoubleTime().Acronym }, new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModHidden().Acronym }, new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModFlashlight().Acronym }, new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModHardRock().Acronym }, }, Rank = ScoreRank.XH, PP = 200, MaxCombo = 1234, TotalScore = 1234567890, Accuracy = 1, }, new SoloScoreInfo { EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ID = onlineID++, User = new APIUser { Id = 4608074, Username = @"Skycries", Country = new Country { FullName = @"Brazil", FlagName = @"BR", }, }, Mods = new[] { new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModDoubleTime().Acronym }, new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModHidden().Acronym }, new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModFlashlight().Acronym }, }, Rank = ScoreRank.S, PP = 190, MaxCombo = 1234, TotalScore = 1234789, Accuracy = 0.9997, }, new SoloScoreInfo { EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ID = onlineID++, User = new APIUser { Id = 1014222, Username = @"eLy", Country = new Country { FullName = @"Japan", FlagName = @"JP", }, }, Mods = new[] { new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModDoubleTime().Acronym }, new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModHidden().Acronym }, }, Rank = ScoreRank.B, PP = 180, MaxCombo = 1234, TotalScore = 12345678, Accuracy = 0.9854, }, new SoloScoreInfo { EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ID = onlineID++, User = new APIUser { Id = 1541390, Username = @"Toukai", Country = new Country { FullName = @"Canada", FlagName = @"CA", }, }, Mods = new[] { new APIMod { Acronym = new OsuModDoubleTime().Acronym }, }, Rank = ScoreRank.C, PP = 170, MaxCombo = 1234, TotalScore = 1234567, Accuracy = 0.8765, }, new SoloScoreInfo { EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ID = onlineID++, User = new APIUser { Id = 7151382, Username = @"Mayuri Hana", Country = new Country { FullName = @"Thailand", FlagName = @"TH", }, }, Rank = ScoreRank.D, PP = 160, MaxCombo = 1234, TotalScore = 123456, Accuracy = 0.6543, }, } }; foreach (var s in scores.Scores) { s.Statistics = new Dictionary { { HitResult.Great, RNG.Next(2000) }, { HitResult.Good, RNG.Next(2000) }, { HitResult.Meh, RNG.Next(2000) }, { HitResult.Miss, RNG.Next(2000) } }; } return scores; } private APIScoreWithPosition createUserBest() => new APIScoreWithPosition { Score = new SoloScoreInfo { EndedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, ID = onlineID++, User = new APIUser { Id = 7151382, Username = @"Mayuri Hana", Country = new Country { FullName = @"Thailand", FlagName = @"TH", }, }, Rank = ScoreRank.D, PP = 160, MaxCombo = 1234, TotalScore = 123456, Accuracy = 0.6543, }, Position = 1337, }; private class TestScoresContainer : ScoresContainer { public new APIScoresCollection Scores { set => base.Scores = value; } } } }