// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Localisation; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Collections; using osu.Game.Database; using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterfaceV2; using osu.Game.Online.Rooms; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Overlays.Notifications; using Realms; namespace osu.Game.Screens.OnlinePlay.Playlists { public partial class AddPlaylistToCollectionButton : RoundedButton { private readonly Room room; private IDisposable? beatmapSubscription; private IDisposable? collectionSubscription; private Live? collection; private HashSet localBeatmapHashes = new HashSet(); [Resolved] private RealmAccess realm { get; set; } = null!; [Resolved(canBeNull: true)] private INotificationOverlay? notifications { get; set; } public AddPlaylistToCollectionButton(Room room) { this.room = room; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { Action = () => { if (room.Playlist.Count == 0) return; int countBefore = 0; int countAfter = 0; Text = "Updating collection..."; Enabled.Value = false; realm.WriteAsync(r => { var beatmaps = getBeatmapsForPlaylist(r).ToArray(); var c = getCollectionsForPlaylist(r).FirstOrDefault() ?? r.Add(new BeatmapCollection(room.Name)); countBefore = c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Count; foreach (var item in beatmaps) { if (!c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Contains(item.MD5Hash)) c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Add(item.MD5Hash); } countAfter = c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Count; }).ContinueWith(_ => Schedule(() => { if (countBefore == 0) notifications?.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = $"Created new collection \"{room.Name}\" with {countAfter} beatmaps." }); else notifications?.Post(new SimpleNotification { Text = $"Added {countAfter - countBefore} beatmaps to collection \"{room.Name}\"." }); })); }; } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); // will be updated via updateButtonState() when ready. Enabled.Value = false; if (room.Playlist.Count == 0) return; beatmapSubscription = realm.RegisterForNotifications(getBeatmapsForPlaylist, (sender, _) => { localBeatmapHashes = sender.Select(b => b.MD5Hash).ToHashSet(); Schedule(updateButtonState); }); collectionSubscription = realm.RegisterForNotifications(getCollectionsForPlaylist, (sender, _) => { collection = sender.FirstOrDefault()?.ToLive(realm); Schedule(updateButtonState); }); } private void updateButtonState() { int countToAdd = getCountToBeAdded(); if (collection == null) Text = $"Create new collection with {countToAdd} beatmaps"; else if (hasAllItemsInCollection) Text = "Collection complete!"; else Text = $"Add {countToAdd} beatmaps to collection"; Enabled.Value = countToAdd > 0; } private int getCountToBeAdded() { if (collection == null) return localBeatmapHashes.Count; return collection.PerformRead(c => { int count = localBeatmapHashes.Count; foreach (string hash in localBeatmapHashes) { if (c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Contains(hash)) count--; } return count; }); } private IQueryable getCollectionsForPlaylist(Realm r) => r.All().Where(c => c.Name == room.Name); private IQueryable getBeatmapsForPlaylist(Realm r) { return r.All().Filter(string.Join(" OR ", room.Playlist.Select(item => $"(OnlineID == {item.Beatmap.OnlineID})").Distinct())); } private bool hasAllItemsInCollection { get { if (collection == null) return false; return room.Playlist.DistinctBy(i => i.Beatmap.OnlineID).Count() == collection.PerformRead(c => c.BeatmapMD5Hashes.Count); } } protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing) { base.Dispose(isDisposing); beatmapSubscription?.Dispose(); collectionSubscription?.Dispose(); } public override LocalisableString TooltipText { get { if (Enabled.Value) return string.Empty; if (hasAllItemsInCollection) return "All beatmaps have been added!"; return "Download some beatmaps first."; } } } }