// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.IO; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Legacy; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats { public abstract class LegacyDecoder : Decoder where T : new() { protected readonly int FormatVersion; protected LegacyDecoder(int version) { FormatVersion = version; } protected override void ParseStreamInto(LineBufferedReader stream, T output) { Section section = Section.None; string line; while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null) { if (ShouldSkipLine(line)) continue; if (line.StartsWith('[') && line.EndsWith(']')) { if (!Enum.TryParse(line[1..^1], out section)) { Logger.Log($"Unknown section \"{line}\" in \"{output}\""); section = Section.None; } OnBeginNewSection(section); continue; } try { ParseLine(output, section, line); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log($"Failed to process line \"{line}\" into \"{output}\": {e.Message}", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Important); } } } protected virtual bool ShouldSkipLine(string line) => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || line.AsSpan().TrimStart().StartsWith("//".AsSpan(), StringComparison.Ordinal); /// /// Invoked when a new has been entered. /// /// The entered . protected virtual void OnBeginNewSection(Section section) { } protected virtual void ParseLine(T output, Section section, string line) { line = StripComments(line); switch (section) { case Section.Colours: HandleColours(output, line); return; } } protected string StripComments(string line) { var index = line.AsSpan().IndexOf("//".AsSpan()); if (index > 0) return line.Substring(0, index); return line; } protected void HandleColours(TModel output, string line) { var pair = SplitKeyVal(line); bool isCombo = pair.Key.StartsWith(@"Combo"); string[] split = pair.Value.Split(','); if (split.Length != 3 && split.Length != 4) throw new InvalidOperationException($@"Color specified in incorrect format (should be R,G,B or R,G,B,A): {pair.Value}"); Color4 colour; try { byte alpha = split.Length == 4 ? byte.Parse(split[3]) : (byte)255; if (alpha == 0) alpha = 255; colour = new Color4(byte.Parse(split[0]), byte.Parse(split[1]), byte.Parse(split[2]), alpha); } catch { throw new InvalidOperationException(@"Color must be specified with 8-bit integer components"); } if (isCombo) { if (!(output is IHasComboColours tHasComboColours)) return; tHasComboColours.AddComboColours(colour); } else { if (!(output is IHasCustomColours tHasCustomColours)) return; tHasCustomColours.CustomColours[pair.Key] = colour; } } protected KeyValuePair SplitKeyVal(string line, char separator = ':') { var split = line.Split(separator, 2); return new KeyValuePair ( split[0].Trim(), split.Length > 1 ? split[1].Trim() : string.Empty ); } protected string CleanFilename(string path) => path.Trim('"').ToStandardisedPath(); protected enum Section { None, General, Editor, Metadata, Difficulty, Events, TimingPoints, Colours, HitObjects, Variables, Fonts, CatchTheBeat, Mania, } internal class LegacyDifficultyControlPoint : DifficultyControlPoint { public LegacyDifficultyControlPoint() { SpeedMultiplierBindable.Precision = double.Epsilon; } } internal class LegacySampleControlPoint : SampleControlPoint { public int CustomSampleBank; public override HitSampleInfo ApplyTo(HitSampleInfo hitSampleInfo) { var baseInfo = base.ApplyTo(hitSampleInfo); if (baseInfo is ConvertHitObjectParser.LegacyHitSampleInfo legacy && legacy.CustomSampleBank == 0) { legacy.CustomSampleBank = CustomSampleBank; } return baseInfo; } public override bool IsRedundant(ControlPoint existing) => base.IsRedundant(existing) && existing is LegacySampleControlPoint existingSample && CustomSampleBank == existingSample.CustomSampleBank; } } }