// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Linq; using JetBrains.Annotations; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Audio; using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Skinning.Default; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Skinning; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables { public partial class DrawableSlider : DrawableOsuHitObject { public new Slider HitObject => (Slider)base.HitObject; public DrawableSliderHead HeadCircle => headContainer.Child; public DrawableSliderTail TailCircle => tailContainer.Child; [Cached] public DrawableSliderBall Ball { get; private set; } public SkinnableDrawable Body { get; private set; } private ShakeContainer shakeContainer; /// /// A target container which can be used to add top level elements to the slider's display. /// Intended to be used for proxy purposes only. /// public Container OverlayElementContainer { get; private set; } public override bool DisplayResult => !HitObject.OnlyJudgeNestedObjects; [CanBeNull] public PlaySliderBody SliderBody => Body.Drawable as PlaySliderBody; public IBindable PathVersion => pathVersion; private readonly Bindable pathVersion = new Bindable(); private Container headContainer; private Container tailContainer; private Container tickContainer; private Container repeatContainer; private PausableSkinnableSound slidingSample; public DrawableSlider() : this(null) { } public DrawableSlider([CanBeNull] Slider s = null) : base(s) { Ball = new DrawableSliderBall { GetInitialHitAction = () => HeadCircle.HitAction, BypassAutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, AlwaysPresent = true, Alpha = 0 }; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { AddRangeInternal(new Drawable[] { shakeContainer = new ShakeContainer { ShakeDuration = 30, RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Children = new Drawable[] { Body = new SkinnableDrawable(new OsuSkinComponentLookup(OsuSkinComponents.SliderBody), _ => new DefaultSliderBody(), confineMode: ConfineMode.NoScaling), tailContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, tickContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, repeatContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, } }, // slider head is not included in shake as it handles hit detection, and handles its own shaking. headContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both }, OverlayElementContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, }, Ball, slidingSample = new PausableSkinnableSound { Looping = true } }); PositionBindable.BindValueChanged(_ => Position = HitObject.StackedPosition); StackHeightBindable.BindValueChanged(_ => Position = HitObject.StackedPosition); ScaleBindable.BindValueChanged(scale => Ball.Scale = new Vector2(scale.NewValue)); AccentColour.BindValueChanged(colour => { foreach (var drawableHitObject in NestedHitObjects) drawableHitObject.AccentColour.Value = colour.NewValue; }, true); Tracking.BindValueChanged(updateSlidingSample); } protected override void OnApply() { base.OnApply(); // Ensure that the version will change after the upcoming BindTo(). pathVersion.Value = int.MaxValue; PathVersion.BindTo(HitObject.Path.Version); } public override void Shake() => shakeContainer.Shake(); protected override void OnFree() { base.OnFree(); PathVersion.UnbindFrom(HitObject.Path.Version); slidingSample?.ClearSamples(); } protected override void LoadSamples() { // Note: base.LoadSamples() isn't called since the slider plays the tail's hitsounds for the time being. if (HitObject.SampleControlPoint == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(HitObject)}s must always have an attached {nameof(HitObject.SampleControlPoint)}." + $" This is an indication that {nameof(HitObject.ApplyDefaults)} has not been invoked on {this}."); } Samples.Samples = HitObject.TailSamples.Select(s => HitObject.SampleControlPoint.ApplyTo(s)).Cast().ToArray(); slidingSample.Samples = HitObject.CreateSlidingSamples().Select(s => HitObject.SampleControlPoint.ApplyTo(s)).Cast().ToArray(); } public override void StopAllSamples() { base.StopAllSamples(); slidingSample?.Stop(); } private void updateSlidingSample(ValueChangedEvent tracking) { if (tracking.NewValue) slidingSample?.Play(); else slidingSample?.Stop(); } protected override void AddNestedHitObject(DrawableHitObject hitObject) { base.AddNestedHitObject(hitObject); switch (hitObject) { case DrawableSliderHead head: headContainer.Child = head; break; case DrawableSliderTail tail: tailContainer.Child = tail; break; case DrawableSliderTick tick: tickContainer.Add(tick); break; case DrawableSliderRepeat repeat: repeatContainer.Add(repeat); break; } } protected override void ClearNestedHitObjects() { base.ClearNestedHitObjects(); headContainer.Clear(false); tailContainer.Clear(false); repeatContainer.Clear(false); tickContainer.Clear(false); OverlayElementContainer.Clear(false); } protected override DrawableHitObject CreateNestedHitObject(HitObject hitObject) { switch (hitObject) { case SliderTailCircle tail: return new DrawableSliderTail(tail); case SliderHeadCircle head: return new DrawableSliderHead(head); case SliderTick tick: return new DrawableSliderTick(tick); case SliderRepeat repeat: return new DrawableSliderRepeat(repeat); } return base.CreateNestedHitObject(hitObject); } public readonly Bindable Tracking = new Bindable(); protected override void Update() { base.Update(); Tracking.Value = Ball.Tracking; if (Tracking.Value && slidingSample != null) // keep the sliding sample playing at the current tracking position slidingSample.Balance.Value = CalculateSamplePlaybackBalance(CalculateDrawableRelativePosition(Ball)); double completionProgress = Math.Clamp((Time.Current - HitObject.StartTime) / HitObject.Duration, 0, 1); Ball.UpdateProgress(completionProgress); SliderBody?.UpdateProgress(completionProgress); foreach (DrawableHitObject hitObject in NestedHitObjects) { if (hitObject is ITrackSnaking s) s.UpdateSnakingPosition(HitObject.Path.PositionAt(SliderBody?.SnakedStart ?? 0), HitObject.Path.PositionAt(SliderBody?.SnakedEnd ?? 0)); if (hitObject is IRequireTracking t) t.Tracking = Ball.Tracking; } Size = SliderBody?.Size ?? Vector2.Zero; OriginPosition = SliderBody?.PathOffset ?? Vector2.Zero; if (DrawSize != Vector2.Zero) { var childAnchorPosition = Vector2.Divide(OriginPosition, DrawSize); foreach (var obj in NestedHitObjects) obj.RelativeAnchorPosition = childAnchorPosition; Ball.RelativeAnchorPosition = childAnchorPosition; } } public override void OnKilled() { base.OnKilled(); SliderBody?.RecyclePath(); } protected override void CheckForResult(bool userTriggered, double timeOffset) { if (userTriggered || Time.Current < HitObject.EndTime) return; // If only the nested hitobjects are judged, then the slider's own judgement is ignored for scoring purposes. // But the slider needs to still be judged with a reasonable hit/miss result for visual purposes (hit/miss transforms, etc). if (HitObject.OnlyJudgeNestedObjects) { ApplyResult(r => r.Type = NestedHitObjects.Any(h => h.Result.IsHit) ? r.Judgement.MaxResult : r.Judgement.MinResult); return; } // Otherwise, if this slider also needs to be judged, apply judgement proportionally to the number of nested hitobjects hit. This is the classic osu!stable scoring. ApplyResult(r => { int totalTicks = NestedHitObjects.Count; int hitTicks = NestedHitObjects.Count(h => h.IsHit); if (hitTicks == totalTicks) r.Type = HitResult.Great; else if (hitTicks == 0) r.Type = HitResult.Miss; else { double hitFraction = (double)hitTicks / totalTicks; r.Type = hitFraction >= 0.5 ? HitResult.Ok : HitResult.Meh; } }); } public override void PlaySamples() { // rather than doing it this way, we should probably attach the sample to the tail circle. // this can only be done after we stop using LegacyLastTick. if (!TailCircle.SamplePlaysOnlyOnHit || TailCircle.IsHit) base.PlaySamples(); } protected override void UpdateInitialTransforms() { base.UpdateInitialTransforms(); Body.FadeInFromZero(HitObject.TimeFadeIn); } protected override void UpdateStartTimeStateTransforms() { base.UpdateStartTimeStateTransforms(); Ball.FadeIn(); Ball.ScaleTo(HitObject.Scale); } protected override void UpdateHitStateTransforms(ArmedState state) { base.UpdateHitStateTransforms(state); const float fade_out_time = 240; switch (state) { case ArmedState.Hit: if (SliderBody?.SnakingOut.Value == true) Body.FadeOut(40); // short fade to allow for any body colour to smoothly disappear. break; } this.FadeOut(fade_out_time).Expire(); } public override bool ReceivePositionalInputAt(Vector2 screenSpacePos) => SliderBody?.ReceivePositionalInputAt(screenSpacePos) ?? base.ReceivePositionalInputAt(screenSpacePos); private partial class DefaultSliderBody : PlaySliderBody { } } }