Falls into the age-old trap of attempting to retrieve an item from realm
without first ensuring that realm is in an up-to-date state.
Consider this scenario:
- Editor is entered from main menu, causing it to create a new beatmap
from its async `load()` method.
- Editor opens correctly, then main thread performs a file operations on
the same beatmap.
- Main thread is potentially not refreshed yet, and will result in `null`
instance when performing the re-fetch in `performFileOperation`.
I've fixed this by using the safe implementation inside `RealmLive<T>`.
Feels like we want this is one place which is always used as the correct
On a quick search, there are 10-20 other usages of `Realm.Find<T>` which
could also have similar issues, but it'll be a bit of a pain to go
through and fix each of these. In 99.9% of cases, the accesses are on
instances which couldn't have just been created (or the usage of
recently-imported/created is blocked by realm subscription flows, ie.
baetmap import) so I'm not touching them for now.
Something to keep in mind when working with realm going forward though.