mirror of https://github.com/ppy/osu.git synced 2025-03-12 18:47:19 +08:00

Merge branch 'master' into skin-mounting

This commit is contained in:
Bartłomiej Dach 2024-12-12 12:16:22 +09:00
commit 09d55ed306
No known key found for this signature in database
692 changed files with 14227 additions and 6512 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
name: "🔒diffcalc (do not use)"
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
description: The comparison target.
value: ${{ jobs.generator.outputs.target }}
description: The comparison spreadsheet.
value: ${{ jobs.generator.outputs.sheet }}
required: true
GENERATOR_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ inputs.id }}
GENERATOR_ENV: ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ inputs.id }}/.env
shell: bash -euo pipefail {0}
name: Run
runs-on: self-hosted
timeout-minutes: 720
target: ${{ steps.run.outputs.target }}
sheet: ${{ steps.run.outputs.sheet }}
- name: Checkout diffcalc-sheet-generator
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: ${{ inputs.id }}
repository: 'smoogipoo/diffcalc-sheet-generator'
- name: Add base environment
GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE: ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ inputs.id }}/google-credentials.json
VARS_JSON: ${{ (vars != null && toJSON(vars)) || '' }}
run: |
# Required by diffcalc-sheet-generator
cp '${{ env.GENERATOR_DIR }}/.env.sample' "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
# Add Google credentials
echo '${{ secrets.DIFFCALC_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS }}' | base64 -d > "${{ env.GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE }}"
# Add repository variables
echo "${VARS_JSON}" | jq -c '. | to_entries | .[]' | while read -r line; do
opt=$(jq -r '.key' <<< ${line})
val=$(jq -r '.value' <<< ${line})
if [[ "${opt}" =~ ^DIFFCALC_ ]]; then
optNoPrefix=$(echo "${opt}" | cut -d '_' -f2-)
sed -i "s;^${optNoPrefix}=.*$;${optNoPrefix}=${val};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add HEAD environment
run: |
sed -i "s;^OSU_A=.*$;OSU_A=${{ inputs.head-sha }};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add pull-request environment
if: ${{ inputs.pr-url != '' }}
run: |
sed -i "s;^OSU_B=.*$;OSU_B=${{ inputs.pr-url }};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add comment environment
if: ${{ inputs.pr-text != '' }}
PR_TEXT: ${{ inputs.pr-text }}
run: |
# Add comment environment
echo "${PR_TEXT}" | sed -r 's/\r$//' | { grep -E '^\w+=' || true; } | while read -r line; do
opt=$(echo "${line}" | cut -d '=' -f1)
sed -i "s;^${opt}=.*$;${line};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add dispatch environment
if: ${{ inputs.dispatch-inputs != '' }}
DISPATCH_INPUTS_JSON: ${{ inputs.dispatch-inputs }}
run: |
function get_input() {
echo "${DISPATCH_INPUTS_JSON}" | jq -r ".\"$1\""
osu_a=$(get_input 'osu-a')
osu_b=$(get_input 'osu-b')
ruleset=$(get_input 'ruleset')
generators=$(get_input 'generators')
difficulty_calculator_a=$(get_input 'difficulty-calculator-a')
difficulty_calculator_b=$(get_input 'difficulty-calculator-b')
score_processor_a=$(get_input 'score-processor-a')
score_processor_b=$(get_input 'score-processor-b')
converts=$(get_input 'converts')
ranked_only=$(get_input 'ranked-only')
sed -i "s;^OSU_B=.*$;OSU_B=${osu_b};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i "s/^RULESET=.*$/RULESET=${ruleset}/" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i "s/^GENERATORS=.*$/GENERATORS=${generators}/" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${osu_a}" != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i "s;^OSU_A=.*$;OSU_A=${osu_a};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${difficulty_calculator_a}" != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i "s;^DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_A=.*$;DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_A=${difficulty_calculator_a};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${difficulty_calculator_b}" != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i "s;^DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_B=.*$;DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_B=${difficulty_calculator_b};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${score_processor_a}" != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i "s;^SCORE_PROCESSOR_A=.*$;SCORE_PROCESSOR_A=${score_processor_a};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${score_processor_b}" != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i "s;^SCORE_PROCESSOR_B=.*$;SCORE_PROCESSOR_B=${score_processor_b};" "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${converts}" == 'true' ]]; then
sed -i 's/^NO_CONVERTS=.*$/NO_CONVERTS=0/' "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i 's/^NO_CONVERTS=.*$/NO_CONVERTS=1/' "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ "${ranked_only}" == 'true' ]]; then
sed -i 's/^RANKED_ONLY=.*$/RANKED_ONLY=1/' "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i 's/^RANKED_ONLY=.*$/RANKED_ONLY=0/' "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Query latest scores
id: query-scores
run: |
ruleset=$(cat ${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }} | grep -E '^RULESET=' | cut -d '=' -f2-)
performance_data_name=$(curl -s "https://data.ppy.sh/" | grep "performance_${ruleset}_top_1000\b" | tail -1 | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\.tar\.bz2//g')
echo "TARGET_DIR=${{ env.GENERATOR_DIR }}/sql/${ruleset}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "DATA_NAME=${performance_data_name}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "DATA_PKG=${performance_data_name}.tar.bz2" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Restore score cache
id: restore-score-cache
uses: maxnowack/local-cache@720e69c948191660a90aa1cf6a42fc4d2dacdf30 # v2
path: ${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.DATA_PKG }}
key: ${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.DATA_NAME }}
- name: Download scores
if: steps.restore-score-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
wget -q -O "${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.DATA_PKG }}" "https://data.ppy.sh/${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.DATA_PKG }}"
- name: Extract scores
run: |
tar -I lbzip2 -xf "${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.DATA_PKG }}"
rm -r "${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
mv "${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.DATA_NAME }}" "${{ steps.query-scores.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
- name: Query latest beatmaps
id: query-beatmaps
run: |
beatmaps_data_name=$(curl -s "https://data.ppy.sh/" | grep "osu_files" | tail -1 | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\.tar\.bz2//g')
echo "TARGET_DIR=${{ env.GENERATOR_DIR }}/beatmaps" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "DATA_NAME=${beatmaps_data_name}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "DATA_PKG=${beatmaps_data_name}.tar.bz2" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Restore beatmap cache
id: restore-beatmap-cache
uses: maxnowack/local-cache@720e69c948191660a90aa1cf6a42fc4d2dacdf30 # v2
path: ${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.DATA_PKG }}
key: ${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.DATA_NAME }}
- name: Download beatmap
if: steps.restore-beatmap-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
wget -q -O "${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.DATA_PKG }}" "https://data.ppy.sh/${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.DATA_PKG }}"
- name: Extract beatmap
run: |
tar -I lbzip2 -xf "${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.DATA_PKG }}"
rm -r "${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
mv "${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.DATA_NAME }}" "${{ steps.query-beatmaps.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
- name: Run
id: run
run: |
# Add the GitHub token. This needs to be done here because it's unique per-job.
sed -i 's/^GH_TOKEN=.*$/GH_TOKEN=${{ github.token }}/' "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
cd "${{ env.GENERATOR_DIR }}"
docker compose up --build --detach
docker compose logs --follow &
docker compose wait generator
link=$(docker compose logs --tail 10 generator | grep 'http' | sed -E 's/^.*(http.*)$/\1/')
target=$(cat "${{ env.GENERATOR_ENV }}" | grep -E '^OSU_B=' | cut -d '=' -f2-)
echo "target=${target}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "sheet=${link}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Shutdown
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
cd "${{ env.GENERATOR_DIR }}"
docker compose down --volumes
rm -rf "${{ env.GENERATOR_DIR }}"

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ jobs:
# Attempt to upload results even if test fails.
# https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/context-and-expression-syntax-for-github-actions#always
- name: Upload Test Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ always() }}
name: osu-test-results-${{matrix.os.prettyname}}-${{matrix.threadingMode}}
@ -114,7 +114,10 @@ jobs:
dotnet-version: "8.0.x"
- name: Install .NET workloads
run: dotnet workload install maui-android
# since windows image 20241113.3.0, not specifying a version here
# installs the .NET 7 version of android workload for very unknown reasons.
# revisit once we upgrade to .NET 9, it's probably fixed there.
run: dotnet workload install android --version (dotnet --version)
- name: Compile
run: dotnet build -c Debug osu.Android.slnf

View File

@ -103,26 +103,11 @@ permissions:
EXECUTION_ID: execution-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}
shell: bash -euo pipefail {0}
name: Save master environment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
HEAD: ${{ steps.get-head.outputs.HEAD }}
- name: Checkout osu
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: master
sparse-checkout: |
- name: Get HEAD ref
id: get-head
run: |
ref=$(git log -1 --format='%H')
echo "HEAD=https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/commit/${ref}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
name: Check permissions
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -130,7 +115,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Check permissions
run: |
ALLOWED_USERS=(smoogipoo peppy bdach frenzibyte)
ALLOWED_USERS=(smoogipoo peppy bdach frenzibyte tsunyoku stanriders)
for i in "${ALLOWED_USERS[@]}"; do
if [[ "${{ github.actor }}" == "$i" ]]; then
exit 0
@ -138,9 +123,23 @@ jobs:
exit 1
name: Run spreadsheet generator
needs: check-permissions
uses: ./.github/workflows/_diffcalc_processor.yml
# Can't reference env... Why GitHub, WHY?
id: execution-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}
head-sha: https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/commit/${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
pr-url: ${{ github.event.issue.pull_request.html_url || '' }}
pr-text: ${{ github.event.comment.body || '' }}
dispatch-inputs: ${{ (github.event.type == 'workflow_dispatch' && toJSON(inputs)) || '' }}
name: Create PR comment
needs: [ master-environment, check-permissions ]
needs: check-permissions
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && github.event.issue.pull_request }}
@ -153,244 +152,34 @@ jobs:
*This comment will update on completion*
name: Prepare directory
needs: check-permissions
runs-on: self-hosted
GENERATOR_DIR: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}
GENERATOR_ENV: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}
GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE }}
- name: Checkout diffcalc-sheet-generator
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: ${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}
repository: 'smoogipoo/diffcalc-sheet-generator'
- name: Set outputs
id: set-outputs
run: |
echo "GENERATOR_DIR=${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "GENERATOR_ENV=${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}/.env" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE=${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}/google-credentials.json" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
name: Setup environment
needs: [ master-environment, directory ]
runs-on: self-hosted
VARS_JSON: ${{ toJSON(vars) }}
- name: Add base environment
run: |
# Required by diffcalc-sheet-generator
cp '${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}/.env.sample' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
# Add Google credentials
echo '${{ secrets.DIFFCALC_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS }}' | base64 -d > "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE }}"
# Add repository variables
echo "${VARS_JSON}" | jq -c '. | to_entries | .[]' | while read -r line; do
opt=$(jq -r '.key' <<< ${line})
val=$(jq -r '.value' <<< ${line})
if [[ "${opt}" =~ ^DIFFCALC_ ]]; then
optNoPrefix=$(echo "${opt}" | cut -d '_' -f2-)
sed -i "s;^${optNoPrefix}=.*$;${optNoPrefix}=${val};" "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add master environment
run: |
sed -i "s;^OSU_A=.*$;OSU_A=${{ needs.master-environment.outputs.HEAD }};" "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add pull-request environment
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && github.event.issue.pull_request }}
run: |
sed -i "s;^OSU_B=.*$;OSU_B=${{ github.event.issue.pull_request.html_url }};" "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add comment environment
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'issue_comment' }}
COMMENT_BODY: ${{ github.event.comment.body }}
run: |
# Add comment environment
echo "$COMMENT_BODY" | sed -r 's/\r$//' | grep -E '^\w+=' | while read -r line; do
opt=$(echo "${line}" | cut -d '=' -f1)
sed -i "s;^${opt}=.*$;${line};" "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
- name: Add dispatch environment
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' }}
run: |
sed -i 's;^OSU_B=.*$;OSU_B=${{ inputs.osu-b }};' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i 's/^RULESET=.*$/RULESET=${{ inputs.ruleset }}/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i 's/^GENERATORS=.*$/GENERATORS=${{ inputs.generators }}/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.osu-a }}' != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i 's;^OSU_A=.*$;OSU_A=${{ inputs.osu-a }};' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.difficulty-calculator-a }}' != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i 's;^DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_A=.*$;DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_A=${{ inputs.difficulty-calculator-a }};' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.difficulty-calculator-b }}' != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i 's;^DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_B=.*$;DIFFICULTY_CALCULATOR_B=${{ inputs.difficulty-calculator-b }};' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.score-processor-a }}' != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i 's;^SCORE_PROCESSOR_A=.*$;SCORE_PROCESSOR_A=${{ inputs.score-processor-a }};' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.score-processor-b }}' != 'latest' ]]; then
sed -i 's;^SCORE_PROCESSOR_B=.*$;SCORE_PROCESSOR_B=${{ inputs.score-processor-b }};' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.converts }}' == 'true' ]]; then
sed -i 's/^NO_CONVERTS=.*$/NO_CONVERTS=0/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i 's/^NO_CONVERTS=.*$/NO_CONVERTS=1/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
if [[ '${{ inputs.ranked-only }}' == 'true' ]]; then
sed -i 's/^RANKED_ONLY=.*$/RANKED_ONLY=1/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
sed -i 's/^RANKED_ONLY=.*$/RANKED_ONLY=0/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
name: Setup scores
needs: [ directory, environment ]
runs-on: self-hosted
- name: Query latest data
id: query
run: |
ruleset=$(cat ${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }} | grep -E '^RULESET=' | cut -d '=' -f2-)
performance_data_name=$(curl -s "https://data.ppy.sh/" | grep "performance_${ruleset}_top_1000\b" | tail -1 | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\.tar\.bz2//g')
echo "TARGET_DIR=${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}/sql/${ruleset}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "DATA_NAME=${performance_data_name}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Restore cache
id: restore-cache
uses: maxnowack/local-cache@720e69c948191660a90aa1cf6a42fc4d2dacdf30 # v2
path: ${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}.tar.bz2
key: ${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}
- name: Download
if: steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
wget -q -nc "https://data.ppy.sh/${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}.tar.bz2"
- name: Extract
run: |
tar -I lbzip2 -xf "${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}.tar.bz2"
rm -r "${{ steps.query.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
mv "${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}" "${{ steps.query.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
name: Setup beatmaps
needs: directory
runs-on: self-hosted
- name: Query latest data
id: query
run: |
beatmaps_data_name=$(curl -s "https://data.ppy.sh/" | grep "osu_files" | tail -1 | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\.tar\.bz2//g')
echo "TARGET_DIR=${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}/beatmaps" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
echo "DATA_NAME=${beatmaps_data_name}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Restore cache
id: restore-cache
uses: maxnowack/local-cache@720e69c948191660a90aa1cf6a42fc4d2dacdf30 # v2
path: ${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}.tar.bz2
key: ${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}
- name: Download
if: steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
wget -q -nc "https://data.ppy.sh/${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}.tar.bz2"
- name: Extract
run: |
tar -I lbzip2 -xf "${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}.tar.bz2"
rm -r "${{ steps.query.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
mv "${{ steps.query.outputs.DATA_NAME }}" "${{ steps.query.outputs.TARGET_DIR }}"
name: Run generator
needs: [ directory, environment, scores, beatmaps ]
runs-on: self-hosted
timeout-minutes: 720
TARGET: ${{ steps.run.outputs.TARGET }}
- name: Run
id: run
run: |
# Add the GitHub token. This needs to be done here because it's unique per-job.
sed -i 's/^GH_TOKEN=.*$/GH_TOKEN=${{ github.token }}/' "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}"
cd "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}"
docker-compose up --build generator
link=$(docker-compose logs generator -n 10 | grep 'http' | sed -E 's/^.*(http.*)$/\1/')
target=$(cat "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_ENV }}" | grep -E '^OSU_B=' | cut -d '=' -f2-)
echo "TARGET=${target}" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Shutdown
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
cd "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}"
docker-compose down -v
name: Output info
needs: generator
name: Info
needs: run-diffcalc
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Output info
run: |
echo "Target: ${{ needs.generator.outputs.TARGET }}"
echo "Spreadsheet: ${{ needs.generator.outputs.SPREADSHEET_LINK }}"
name: Cleanup
needs: [ directory, generator ]
if: ${{ always() && needs.directory.result == 'success' }}
runs-on: self-hosted
- name: Cleanup
run: |
rm -rf "${{ needs.directory.outputs.GENERATOR_DIR }}"
echo "Target: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.outputs.target }}"
echo "Spreadsheet: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.outputs.sheet }}"
name: Update PR comment
needs: [ create-comment, generator ]
needs: [ create-comment, run-diffcalc ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ always() && needs.create-comment.result == 'success' }}
- name: Update comment on success
if: ${{ needs.generator.result == 'success' }}
if: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.result == 'success' }}
uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@fabd468d3a1a0b97feee5f6b9e499eab0dd903f6 # v2.5.0
comment_tag: ${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}
mode: recreate
message: |
Target: ${{ needs.generator.outputs.TARGET }}
Spreadsheet: ${{ needs.generator.outputs.SPREADSHEET_LINK }}
Target: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.outputs.target }}
Spreadsheet: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.outputs.sheet }}
- name: Update comment on failure
if: ${{ needs.generator.result == 'failure' }}
if: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.result == 'failure' }}
uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@fabd468d3a1a0b97feee5f6b9e499eab0dd903f6 # v2.5.0
comment_tag: ${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}
@ -399,7 +188,7 @@ jobs:
Difficulty calculation failed: ${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}
- name: Update comment on cancellation
if: ${{ needs.generator.result == 'cancelled' }}
if: ${{ needs.run-diffcalc.result == 'cancelled' }}
uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@fabd468d3a1a0b97feee5f6b9e499eab0dd903f6 # v2.5.0
comment_tag: ${{ env.EXECUTION_ID }}

View File

@ -5,33 +5,40 @@
name: Annotate CI run with test results
workflows: ["Continuous Integration"]
workflows: [ "Continuous Integration" ]
- completed
permissions: {}
contents: read
actions: read
checks: write
checks: write # to create checks (dorny/test-reporter)
name: Annotate CI run with test results
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion != 'cancelled' }}
fail-fast: false
- { prettyname: Windows }
- { prettyname: macOS }
- { prettyname: Linux }
threadingMode: ['SingleThread', 'MultiThreaded']
timeout-minutes: 5
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.repository.full_name }}
ref: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }}
- name: Download results
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
pattern: osu-test-results-*
merge-multiple: true
run-id: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }}
github-token: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Annotate CI run with test results
uses: dorny/test-reporter@v1.8.0
artifact: osu-test-results-${{matrix.os.prettyname}}-${{matrix.threadingMode}}
name: Test Results (${{matrix.os.prettyname}}, ${{matrix.threadingMode}})
name: Results
path: "*.trx"
reporter: dotnet-trx
list-suites: 'failed'

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# .NET Code Style
# IDE styles reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/fundamentals/code-analysis/style-rules/
# IDE0001: Simplify names
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0001.severity = warning
# IDE0002: Simplify member access
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0002.severity = warning
# IDE0003: Remove qualification
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0003.severity = warning
# IDE0004: Remove unnecessary cast
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0004.severity = warning
# IDE0005: Remove unnecessary imports
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0005.severity = warning
# IDE0034: Simplify default literal
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0034.severity = warning
# IDE0036: Sort modifiers
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0036.severity = warning
# IDE0040: Add accessibility modifier
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0040.severity = warning
# IDE0049: Use keyword for type name
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0040.severity = warning
# IDE0055: Fix formatting
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0055.severity = warning
# IDE0051: Private method is unused
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0051.severity = silent
# IDE0052: Private member is unused
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0052.severity = silent
# IDE0073: File header
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0073.severity = warning
# IDE0130: Namespace mismatch with folder
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0130.severity = warning
# IDE1006: Naming style
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE1006.severity = warning
#Disable operator overloads requiring alternate named methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2225.severity = none
# Banned APIs
dotnet_diagnostic.RS0030.severity = error
# Temporarily disable analysing CanBeNull = true in NRT contexts due to mobile issues.
# See: https://github.com/ppy/osu/pull/19677
dotnet_diagnostic.OSUF001.severity = none

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"recommendations": [

View File

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ M:Realms.CollectionExtensions.SubscribeForNotifications`1(System.Collections.Gen
M:System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait();Don't use Task.Wait. Use Task.WaitSafely() to ensure we avoid deadlocks.
P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result;Don't use Task.Result. Use Task.GetResultSafely() to ensure we avoid deadlocks.
M:System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait();Specify a timeout to avoid waiting forever.
M:System.Char.ToLower(System.Char);char.ToLower() changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use char.ToLowerInvariant() instead. If wanting culture-sensitive behaviour, explicitly provide CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.
M:System.Char.ToUpper(System.Char);char.ToUpper() changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use char.ToUpperInvariant() instead. If wanting culture-sensitive behaviour, explicitly provide CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.
M:System.String.ToLower();string.ToLower() changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use string.ToLowerInvariant() instead. If wanting culture-sensitive behaviour, explicitly provide CultureInfo.CurrentCulture or use LocalisableString.
M:System.String.ToUpper();string.ToUpper() changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use string.ToUpperInvariant() instead. If wanting culture-sensitive behaviour, explicitly provide CultureInfo.CurrentCulture or use LocalisableString.
M:Humanizer.InflectorExtensions.Pascalize(System.String);Humanizer's .Pascalize() extension method changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use StringDehumanizeExtensions.ToPascalCase() instead.
M:Humanizer.InflectorExtensions.Camelize(System.String);Humanizer's .Camelize() extension method changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use StringDehumanizeExtensions.ToCamelCase() instead.
M:Humanizer.InflectorExtensions.Underscore(System.String);Humanizer's .Underscore() extension method changes behaviour depending on CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Use StringDehumanizeExtensions.ToSnakeCase() instead.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# .NET Code Style
# IDE styles reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/fundamentals/code-analysis/style-rules/
is_global = true
# IDE0001: Simplify names
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0001.severity = warning
# IDE0002: Simplify member access
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0002.severity = warning
# IDE0003: Remove qualification
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0003.severity = warning
# IDE0004: Remove unnecessary cast
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0004.severity = warning
# IDE0005: Remove unnecessary imports
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0005.severity = warning
# IDE0034: Simplify default literal
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0034.severity = warning
# IDE0036: Sort modifiers
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0036.severity = warning
# IDE0040: Add accessibility modifier
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0040.severity = warning
# IDE0049: Use keyword for type name
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0040.severity = warning
# IDE0055: Fix formatting
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0055.severity = warning
# IDE0051: Private method is unused
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0051.severity = silent
# IDE0052: Private member is unused
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0052.severity = silent
# IDE0073: File header
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0073.severity = warning
# IDE0130: Namespace mismatch with folder
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0130.severity = warning
# IDE1006: Naming style
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE1006.severity = warning
# CA1305: Specify IFormatProvider
# Too many noisy warnings for parsing/formatting numbers
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1305.severity = none
# CA1507: Use nameof to express symbol names
# Flaggs serialization name attributes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1507.severity = suggestion
# CA1806: Do not ignore method results
# The usages for numeric parsing are explicitly optional
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1806.severity = suggestion
# CA1822: Mark members as static
# Potential false positive around reflection/too much noise
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1822.severity = none
# CA1826: Do not use Enumerable method on indexable collections
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1826.severity = suggestion
# CA1859: Use concrete types when possible for improved performance
# Involves design considerations
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1859.severity = suggestion
# CA1860: Avoid using 'Enumerable.Any()' extension method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1860.severity = suggestion
# CA1861: Avoid constant arrays as arguments
# Outdated with collection expressions
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1861.severity = suggestion
# CA2007: Consider calling ConfigureAwait on the awaited task
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2007.severity = warning
# CA2016: Forward the 'CancellationToken' parameter to methods
# Some overloads are having special handling for debugger
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2016.severity = suggestion
# CA2021: Do not call Enumerable.Cast<T> or Enumerable.OfType<T> with incompatible types
# Causing a lot of false positives with generics
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2021.severity = none
# CA2101: Specify marshaling for P/Invoke string arguments
# Reports warning for all non-UTF16 usages on DllImport; consider migrating to LibraryImport
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2101.severity = none
# CA2201: Do not raise reserved exception types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2201.severity = warning
# CA2208: Instantiate argument exceptions correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2208.severity = suggestion
# CA2242: Test for NaN correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2242.severity = warning
# Banned APIs
dotnet_diagnostic.RS0030.severity = error
# Temporarily disable analysing CanBeNull = true in NRT contexts due to mobile issues.
# See: https://github.com/ppy/osu/pull/19677
dotnet_diagnostic.OSUF001.severity = none

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="osu! Rule Set" Description=" " ToolsVersion="16.0">
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers">
<Rule Id="CA1016" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1028" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1031" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1034" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1036" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1040" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1044" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1051" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1054" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1056" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1062" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1063" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1067" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1707" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1710" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1714" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1716" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1717" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1720" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1721" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1724" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1801" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1806" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1812" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1814" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1815" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1819" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1822" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1823" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA2007" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA2214" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA2227" Action="None" />
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.CodeQuality.CSharp.Analyzers" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.CodeQuality.CSharp.Analyzers">
<Rule Id="CA1001" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1032" Action="None" />
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers">
<Rule Id="CA1303" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1304" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1305" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1307" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1308" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1816" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1826" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA2000" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA2008" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA2213" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA2235" Action="None" />
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.NetCore.CSharp.Analyzers" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.NetCore.CSharp.Analyzers">
<Rule Id="CA1309" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA2201" Action="Warning" />

View File

@ -18,9 +18,21 @@
<ItemGroup Label="Code Analysis">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers" Version="3.3.4" PrivateAssets="All" />
<AdditionalFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)CodeAnalysis\BannedSymbols.txt" />
<!-- Rider compatibility: .globalconfig needs to be explicitly referenced instead of using the global file name. -->
<GlobalAnalyzerConfigFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)CodeAnalysis\osu.globalconfig" />
<PropertyGroup Label="Code Analysis">
<PropertyGroup Label="Documentation">

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Please make sure you have the following prerequisites:
- A desktop platform with the [.NET 8.0 SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) installed.
When working with the codebase, we recommend using an IDE with intelligent code completion and syntax highlighting, such as the latest version of [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/), [JetBrains Rider](https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/), or [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) with the [EditorConfig](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EditorConfig.EditorConfig) and [C#](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp) plugin installed.
When working with the codebase, we recommend using an IDE with intelligent code completion and syntax highlighting, such as the latest version of [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/), [JetBrains Rider](https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/), or [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) with the [EditorConfig](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EditorConfig.EditorConfig) and [C# Dev Kit](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csdevkit) plugin installed.
### Downloading the source code

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="ppy.osu.Framework.Android" Version="2024.1009.0" />
<PackageReference Include="ppy.osu.Framework.Android" Version="2024.1206.0" />
<!-- Fody does not handle Android build well, and warns when unchanged.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ using Android.Content.PM;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Game;
using osu.Game.Screens.Play;
namespace osu.Android
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ namespace osu.Android
gameActivity.RunOnUiThread(() =>
gameActivity.RequestedOrientation = userPlaying.NewValue != LocalUserPlayingState.NotPlaying ? ScreenOrientation.Locked : gameActivity.DefaultOrientation;
gameActivity.RequestedOrientation = userPlaying.NewValue == LocalUserPlayingState.Playing ? ScreenOrientation.Locked : gameActivity.DefaultOrientation;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ using osu.Framework.Threading;
using osu.Game;
using osu.Game.Configuration;
using osu.Game.Extensions;
using osu.Game.Online;
using osu.Game.Online.API;
using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests.Responses;
using osu.Game.Online.Multiplayer;
@ -47,6 +48,9 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
private MultiplayerClient multiplayerClient { get; set; } = null!;
private LocalUserStatisticsProvider statisticsProvider { get; set; } = null!;
private OsuConfigManager config { get; set; } = null!;
@ -117,7 +121,9 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
status.BindValueChanged(_ => schedulePresenceUpdate());
activity.BindValueChanged(_ => schedulePresenceUpdate());
privacyMode.BindValueChanged(_ => schedulePresenceUpdate());
multiplayerClient.RoomUpdated += onRoomUpdated;
statisticsProvider.StatisticsUpdated += onStatisticsUpdated;
private void onReady(object _, ReadyMessage __)
@ -133,6 +139,8 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
private void onRoomUpdated() => schedulePresenceUpdate();
private void onStatisticsUpdated(UserStatisticsUpdate _) => schedulePresenceUpdate();
private ScheduledDelegate? presenceUpdateDelegate;
private void schedulePresenceUpdate()
@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
presence.State = clampLength(activity.Value.GetStatus(hideIdentifiableInformation));
presence.Details = clampLength(activity.Value.GetDetails(hideIdentifiableInformation) ?? string.Empty);
if (getBeatmapID(activity.Value) is int beatmapId && beatmapId > 0)
if (activity.Value.GetBeatmapID(hideIdentifiableInformation) is int beatmapId && beatmapId > 0)
presence.Buttons = new[]
@ -229,10 +237,8 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
presence.Assets.LargeImageText = string.Empty;
if (user.Value.RulesetsStatistics != null && user.Value.RulesetsStatistics.TryGetValue(ruleset.Value.ShortName, out UserStatistics? statistics))
presence.Assets.LargeImageText = $"{user.Value.Username}" + (statistics.GlobalRank > 0 ? $" (rank #{statistics.GlobalRank:N0})" : string.Empty);
presence.Assets.LargeImageText = $"{user.Value.Username}" + (user.Value.Statistics?.GlobalRank > 0 ? $" (rank #{user.Value.Statistics.GlobalRank:N0})" : string.Empty);
var statistics = statisticsProvider.GetStatisticsFor(ruleset.Value);
presence.Assets.LargeImageText = $"{user.Value.Username}" + (statistics?.GlobalRank > 0 ? $" (rank #{statistics.GlobalRank:N0})" : string.Empty);
// small image
@ -327,25 +333,14 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
return true;
private static int? getBeatmapID(UserActivity activity)
switch (activity)
case UserActivity.InGame game:
return game.BeatmapID;
case UserActivity.EditingBeatmap edit:
return edit.BeatmapID;
return null;
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
if (multiplayerClient.IsNotNull())
multiplayerClient.RoomUpdated -= onRoomUpdated;
if (statisticsProvider.IsNotNull())
statisticsProvider.StatisticsUpdated -= onStatisticsUpdated;

View File

@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
// Make sure that this is a laptop.
IntPtr[] gpus = new IntPtr[64];
if (checkError(EnumPhysicalGPUs(gpus, out int gpuCount)))
if (checkError(EnumPhysicalGPUs(gpus, out int gpuCount), nameof(EnumPhysicalGPUs)))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < gpuCount; i++)
if (checkError(GetSystemType(gpus[i], out var type)))
if (checkError(GetSystemType(gpus[i], out var type), nameof(GetSystemType)))
return false;
if (type == NvSystemType.LAPTOP)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
bool success = setSetting(NvSettingID.OGL_THREAD_CONTROL_ID, (uint)value);
Logger.Log(success ? $"Threaded optimizations set to \"{value}\"!" : "Threaded optimizations set failed!");
Logger.Log(success ? $"[NVAPI] Threaded optimizations set to \"{value}\"!" : "[NVAPI] Threaded optimizations set failed!");
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
uint numApps = profile.NumOfApps;
if (checkError(EnumApplications(sessionHandle, profileHandle, 0, ref numApps, applications)))
if (checkError(EnumApplications(sessionHandle, profileHandle, 0, ref numApps, applications), nameof(EnumApplications)))
return false;
for (uint i = 0; i < numApps; i++)
@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
isApplicationSpecific = true;
if (checkError(FindApplicationByName(sessionHandle, osu_filename, out profileHandle, ref application)))
if (checkError(FindApplicationByName(sessionHandle, osu_filename, out profileHandle, ref application), nameof(FindApplicationByName)))
isApplicationSpecific = false;
if (checkError(GetCurrentGlobalProfile(sessionHandle, out profileHandle)))
if (checkError(GetCurrentGlobalProfile(sessionHandle, out profileHandle), nameof(GetCurrentGlobalProfile)))
return false;
@ -258,12 +258,10 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
Version = NvProfile.Stride,
IsPredefined = 0,
ProfileName = PROFILE_NAME,
GPUSupport = new uint[32]
GpuSupport = NvDrsGpuSupport.Geforce
newProfile.GPUSupport[0] = 1;
if (checkError(CreateProfile(sessionHandle, ref newProfile, out profileHandle)))
if (checkError(CreateProfile(sessionHandle, ref newProfile, out profileHandle), nameof(CreateProfile)))
return false;
return true;
@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
SettingID = settingId
if (checkError(GetSetting(sessionHandle, profileHandle, settingId, ref setting)))
if (checkError(GetSetting(sessionHandle, profileHandle, settingId, ref setting), nameof(GetSetting)))
return false;
return true;
@ -313,7 +311,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
// Set the thread state
if (checkError(SetSetting(sessionHandle, profileHandle, ref newSetting)))
if (checkError(SetSetting(sessionHandle, profileHandle, ref newSetting), nameof(SetSetting)))
return false;
// Get the profile (needed to check app count)
@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
Version = NvProfile.Stride
if (checkError(GetProfileInfo(sessionHandle, profileHandle, ref profile)))
if (checkError(GetProfileInfo(sessionHandle, profileHandle, ref profile), nameof(GetProfileInfo)))
return false;
if (!containsApplication(profileHandle, profile, out application))
@ -332,12 +330,12 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
application.AppName = osu_filename;
application.UserFriendlyName = APPLICATION_NAME;
if (checkError(CreateApplication(sessionHandle, profileHandle, ref application)))
if (checkError(CreateApplication(sessionHandle, profileHandle, ref application), nameof(CreateApplication)))
return false;
// Save!
return !checkError(SaveSettings(sessionHandle));
return !checkError(SaveSettings(sessionHandle), nameof(SaveSettings));
/// <summary>
@ -346,20 +344,25 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
/// <returns>If the operation succeeded.</returns>
private static bool createSession()
if (checkError(CreateSession(out sessionHandle)))
if (checkError(CreateSession(out sessionHandle), nameof(CreateSession)))
return false;
// Load settings into session
if (checkError(LoadSettings(sessionHandle)))
if (checkError(LoadSettings(sessionHandle), nameof(LoadSettings)))
return false;
return true;
private static bool checkError(NvStatus status)
private static bool checkError(NvStatus status, string caller)
Status = status;
return status != NvStatus.OK;
bool hasError = status != NvStatus.OK;
if (hasError)
Logger.Log($"[NVAPI] {caller} call failed with status code {status}");
return hasError;
static NVAPI()
@ -458,9 +461,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = NVAPI.UNICODE_STRING_MAX)]
public string ProfileName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
public uint[] GPUSupport;
public NvDrsGpuSupport GpuSupport;
public uint IsPredefined;
public uint NumOfApps;
public uint NumOfSettings;
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
SYNC_NOT_ACTIVE = -194, // The requested action cannot be performed without Sync being enabled.
SYNC_MASTER_NOT_FOUND = -195, // The requested action cannot be performed without Sync Master being enabled.
INVALID_SYNC_TOPOLOGY = -196, // Invalid displays passed in the NV_GSYNC_DISPLAY pointer.
ECID_SIGN_ALGO_UNSUPPORTED = -197, // The specified signing algorithm is not supported. Either an incorrect value was entered or the current installed driver/hardware does not support the input value.
ECID_KEY_VERIFICATION_FAILED = -198, // The encrypted public key verification has failed.
FIRMWARE_OUT_OF_DATE = -199, // The device's firmware is out of date.
@ -744,4 +746,12 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
internal enum NvDrsGpuSupport : uint
Geforce = 1 << 0,
Quadro = 1 << 1,
Nvs = 1 << 2

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop
var hostOptions = new HostOptions
IPCPort = !tournamentClient ? OsuGame.IPC_PORT : null,
IPCPipeName = !tournamentClient ? OsuGame.IPC_PIPE_NAME : null,
FriendlyGameName = OsuGameBase.GAME_NAME,

View File

@ -148,15 +148,7 @@ namespace osu.Desktop.Windows
foreach (var association in uri_associations)
string getLocalisedString(LocalisableString s)
if (localisation == null)
return s.ToString();
var b = localisation.GetLocalisedBindableString(s);
return b.Value;
string getLocalisedString(LocalisableString s) => localisation?.GetLocalisedString(s) ?? s.ToString();
#region Native interop

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="System.IO.Packaging" Version="8.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="DiscordRichPresence" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Velopack" Version="0.0.630-g9c52e40" />
<PackageReference Include="Velopack" Version="0.0.915" />
<ItemGroup Label="Resources">
<EmbeddedResource Include="lazer.ico" />

View File

@ -4,28 +4,54 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring;
namespace osu.Game.Benchmarks
public class BenchmarkUnstableRate : BenchmarkTest
private List<HitEvent> events = null!;
private readonly List<List<HitEvent>> incrementalEventLists = new List<List<HitEvent>>();
public override void SetUp()
events = new List<HitEvent>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
events.Add(new HitEvent(RNG.NextDouble(-200.0, 200.0), RNG.NextDouble(1.0, 2.0), HitResult.Great, new HitObject(), null, null));
var events = new List<HitEvent>();
for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
// Ensure the object has hit windows populated.
var hitObject = new HitCircle();
hitObject.ApplyDefaults(new ControlPointInfo(), new BeatmapDifficulty());
events.Add(new HitEvent(RNG.NextDouble(-200.0, 200.0), RNG.NextDouble(1.0, 2.0), HitResult.Great, hitObject, null, null));
incrementalEventLists.Add(new List<HitEvent>(events));
public void CalculateUnstableRate()
_ = events.CalculateUnstableRate();
for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
var events = incrementalEventLists[i];
_ = events.CalculateUnstableRate();
public void CalculateUnstableRateUsingIncrementalCalculation()
HitEventExtensions.UnstableRateCalculationResult? last = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
var events = incrementalEventLists[i];
last = events.CalculateUnstableRate(last);

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="BenchmarkDotNet" Version="0.13.12" />
<PackageReference Include="BenchmarkDotNet" Version="0.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="nunit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 2,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests.Mods
Mod = new CatchModRelax(),
Autoplay = false,
PassCondition = passCondition,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests
CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="..\osu.TestProject.props" />
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings;
using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Types;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Input;
@ -54,6 +56,12 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints
private EditorBeatmap? editorBeatmap { get; set; }
private IEditorChangeHandler? changeHandler { get; set; }
private BindableBeatDivisor? beatDivisor { get; set; }
public JuiceStreamSelectionBlueprint(JuiceStream hitObject)
: base(hitObject)
@ -119,6 +127,20 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints
return base.OnMouseDown(e);
protected override bool OnKeyDown(KeyDownEvent e)
if (!IsSelected)
return false;
if (e.Key == Key.F && e.ControlPressed && e.ShiftPressed)
return true;
return false;
private void onDefaultsApplied(HitObject _)
@ -168,6 +190,50 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints
lastSliderPathVersion = HitObject.Path.Version.Value;
// duplicated in `SliderSelectionBlueprint.convertToStream()`
// consider extracting common helper when applying changes here
private void convertToStream()
if (editorBeatmap == null || beatDivisor == null)
var timingPoint = editorBeatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(HitObject.StartTime);
double streamSpacing = timingPoint.BeatLength / beatDivisor.Value;
int i = 0;
double time = HitObject.StartTime;
while (!Precision.DefinitelyBigger(time, HitObject.GetEndTime(), 1))
// positionWithRepeats is a fractional number in the range of [0, HitObject.SpanCount()]
// and indicates how many fractional spans of a slider have passed up to time.
double positionWithRepeats = (time - HitObject.StartTime) / HitObject.Duration * HitObject.SpanCount();
double pathPosition = positionWithRepeats - (int)positionWithRepeats;
// every second span is in the reverse direction - need to reverse the path position.
if (positionWithRepeats % 2 >= 1)
pathPosition = 1 - pathPosition;
float fruitXValue = HitObject.OriginalX + HitObject.Path.PositionAt(pathPosition).X;
editorBeatmap.Add(new Fruit
StartTime = time,
OriginalX = fruitXValue,
NewCombo = i == 0 && HitObject.NewCombo,
Samples = HitObject.Samples.Select(s => s.With()).ToList()
i += 1;
time = HitObject.StartTime + i * streamSpacing;
private IEnumerable<MenuItem> getContextMenuItems()
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Add vertex", MenuItemType.Standard, () =>
@ -177,6 +243,11 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit.Blueprints
Hotkey = new Hotkey(new KeyCombination(InputKey.Control, InputKey.MouseLeft))
yield return new OsuMenuItem("Convert to stream", MenuItemType.Destructive, convertToStream)
Hotkey = new Hotkey(new KeyCombination(InputKey.Control, InputKey.Shift, InputKey.F))
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit
public partial class CatchDistanceSnapProvider : ComposerDistanceSnapProvider
protected override double ReadCurrentDistanceSnap(HitObject before, HitObject after)
public override double ReadCurrentDistanceSnap(HitObject before, HitObject after)
// osu!catch's distance snap implementation is limited, in that a custom spacing cannot be specified.
// Therefore this functionality is not currently used.

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit
public partial class CatchEditorPlayfield : CatchPlayfield
// TODO fixme: the size of the catcher is not changed when circle size is changed in setup screen.
public CatchEditorPlayfield(IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty)
: base(difficulty)

View File

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit
protected override Drawable CreateHitObjectInspector() => new CatchHitObjectInspector(DistanceSnapProvider);
protected override IEnumerable<TernaryButton> CreateTernaryButtons()
=> base.CreateTernaryButtons()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Linq;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit
public partial class CatchHitObjectInspector(CatchDistanceSnapProvider snapProvider) : HitObjectInspector
protected override void AddInspectorValues(HitObject[] objects)
if (objects.Length > 0)
HitObject firstSelectedHitObject = objects.MinBy(ho => ho.StartTime)!;
HitObject lastSelectedHitObject = objects.MaxBy(ho => ho.GetEndTime())!;
HitObject? precedingObject = EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.LastOrDefault(ho => ho.GetEndTime() < firstSelectedHitObject.StartTime);
HitObject? nextObject = EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.FirstOrDefault(ho => ho.StartTime > lastSelectedHitObject.GetEndTime());
if (precedingObject != null && precedingObject is not BananaShower)
double previousSnap = snapProvider.ReadCurrentDistanceSnap(precedingObject, firstSelectedHitObject);
AddHeader("To previous");
if (nextObject != null && nextObject is not BananaShower)
double nextSnap = snapProvider.ReadCurrentDistanceSnap(lastSelectedHitObject, nextObject);
AddHeader("To next");

View File

@ -2,16 +2,22 @@
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit
public partial class DrawableCatchEditorRuleset : DrawableCatchRuleset
private EditorBeatmap editorBeatmap { get; set; } = null!;
public readonly BindableDouble TimeRangeMultiplier = new BindableDouble(1);
public DrawableCatchEditorRuleset(Ruleset ruleset, IBeatmap beatmap, IReadOnlyList<Mod>? mods = null)
@ -28,6 +34,30 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Edit
TimeRange.Value = gamePlayTimeRange * TimeRangeMultiplier.Value * playfieldStretch;
protected override void LoadComplete()
editorBeatmap.BeatmapReprocessed += onBeatmapReprocessed;
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
if (editorBeatmap.IsNotNull())
editorBeatmap.BeatmapReprocessed -= onBeatmapReprocessed;
private void onBeatmapReprocessed()
if (Playfield is CatchEditorPlayfield catchPlayfield)
protected override Playfield CreatePlayfield() => new CatchEditorPlayfield(Beatmap.Difficulty);
public override PlayfieldAdjustmentContainer CreatePlayfieldAdjustmentContainer() => new CatchEditorPlayfieldAdjustmentContainer();

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects
public sealed override HitSampleInfo With(Optional<string> newName = default, Optional<string> newBank = default, Optional<string?> newSuffix = default, Optional<int> newVolume = default)
public sealed override HitSampleInfo With(Optional<string> newName = default, Optional<string> newBank = default, Optional<string?> newSuffix = default, Optional<int> newVolume = default, Optional<bool> newEditorAutoBank = default)
=> new BananaHitSampleInfo(newVolume.GetOr(Volume));
public bool Equals(BananaHitSampleInfo? other)

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@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
/// <summary>
/// Width of the area that can be used to attempt catches during gameplay.
/// </summary>
public readonly float CatchWidth;
public float CatchWidth { get; private set; }
private readonly SkinnableCatcher body;
@ -142,10 +142,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
Size = new Vector2(BASE_SIZE);
if (difficulty != null)
Scale = calculateScale(difficulty);
CatchWidth = CalculateCatchWidth(Scale);
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
@ -312,6 +309,17 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
/// <summary>
/// Set the scale and catch width.
/// </summary>
public void ApplyDifficulty(IBeatmapDifficultyInfo? difficulty)
if (difficulty != null)
Scale = calculateScale(difficulty);
CatchWidth = CalculateCatchWidth(Scale);
/// <summary>
/// Drop any fruit off the plate.
/// </summary>

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
private readonly CatchComboDisplay comboDisplay;
private readonly CatcherTrailDisplay catcherTrails;
public readonly CatcherTrailDisplay CatcherTrails;
private Catcher catcher = null!;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
Children = new Drawable[]
catcherContainer = new Container<Catcher> { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both },
catcherTrails = new CatcherTrailDisplay(),
CatcherTrails = new CatcherTrailDisplay(),
comboDisplay = new CatchComboDisplay
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.None,
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
const double trail_generation_interval = 16;
if (Time.Current - catcherTrails.LastDashTrailTime >= trail_generation_interval)
if (Time.Current - CatcherTrails.LastDashTrailTime >= trail_generation_interval)
displayCatcherTrail(Catcher.HyperDashing ? CatcherTrailAnimation.HyperDashing : CatcherTrailAnimation.Dashing);
@ -170,6 +170,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
private void displayCatcherTrail(CatcherTrailAnimation animation) => catcherTrails.Add(new CatcherTrailEntry(Time.Current, Catcher.CurrentState, Catcher.X, Catcher.BodyScale, animation));
private void displayCatcherTrail(CatcherTrailAnimation animation) => CatcherTrails.Add(new CatcherTrailEntry(Time.Current, Catcher.CurrentState, Catcher.X, Catcher.BodyScale, animation));

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ using osu.Framework.Graphics.Pooling;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Skinning;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Pooling;
using osu.Game.Skinning;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Graphics;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
@ -55,6 +57,25 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI
/// <summary>
/// Update the scale of all trails.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scale">The new body scale of the Catcher</param>
public void UpdateCatcherTrailsScale(Vector2 scale)
var oldEntries = Entries.ToList();
foreach (var oldEntry in oldEntries)
// use magnitude of the new scale while preserving the sign of the old one in the X direction.
// the end effect is preserving the direction in which the trail sprites face, which is important.
var targetScale = new Vector2(Math.Abs(scale.X) * Math.Sign(oldEntry.Scale.X), Math.Abs(scale.Y));
Add(new CatcherTrailEntry(oldEntry.LifetimeStart, oldEntry.CatcherState, oldEntry.Position, targetScale, oldEntry.Animation));
protected override void LoadComplete()

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components;
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Editor
AddStep("select everything", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.AddRange(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects));
AddStep("start drag", () =>
InputManager.MoveMouseTo(this.ChildrenOfType<NoteSelectionBlueprint>().Single(blueprint => blueprint.IsSelected && blueprint.HitObject.StartTime == 0));
AddStep("end drag", () =>
@ -118,5 +119,45 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Editor
AddAssert("all objects in last column", () => EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.All(ho => ((ManiaHitObject)ho).Column == 3));
AddAssert("all objects remain selected", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.SequenceEqual(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects));
public void TestOffScreenObjectsRemainSelectedOnHorizontalFlip()
AddStep("create objects", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
EditorBeatmap.Add(new Note { StartTime = 1000 * i, Column = i % 4 });
AddStep("select everything", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.AddRange(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects));
AddStep("flip", () =>
AddAssert("all objects remain selected", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.SequenceEqual(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects));
public void TestOffScreenObjectsRemainSelectedOnVerticalFlip()
AddStep("create objects", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
EditorBeatmap.Add(new Note { StartTime = 1000 * i, Column = i % 4 });
AddStep("select everything", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.AddRange(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects));
AddStep("flip", () =>
AddAssert("all objects remain selected", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.SequenceEqual(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.Reverse()));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests
public class ManiaScoreProcessorTest
[TestCase(ScoreRank.X, 1, HitResult.Perfect)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.X, 0.99, HitResult.Great)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.D, 0.1, HitResult.Great)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.X, 0.99, HitResult.Perfect, HitResult.Great)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.X, 0.99, HitResult.Great, HitResult.Great)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Perfect, HitResult.Good)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Perfect, HitResult.Ok)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Perfect, HitResult.Meh)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Perfect, HitResult.Miss)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Great, HitResult.Good)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Great, HitResult.Ok)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Great, HitResult.Meh)]
[TestCase(ScoreRank.S, 0.99, HitResult.Great, HitResult.Miss)]
public void TestRanks(ScoreRank expected, double accuracy, params HitResult[] results)
var scoreProcessor = new ManiaScoreProcessor();
Dictionary<HitResult, int> resultsDict = new Dictionary<HitResult, int>();
foreach (var result in results)
resultsDict[result] = resultsDict.GetValueOrDefault(result) + 1;
Assert.That(scoreProcessor.RankFromScore(accuracy, resultsDict), Is.EqualTo(expected));

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Autoplay = true,
Beatmap = new ManiaBeatmap(new StageDefinition(1))
CreateBeatmap = () => new ManiaBeatmap(new StageDefinition(1))
HitObjects = new List<ManiaHitObject>

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(Player.ScoreProcessor.Accuracy.Value, 0.9836, 0.01)
&& Player.ScoreProcessor.TotalScore.Value == 946_049,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
BeatmapInfo = { Ruleset = new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo },
Difficulty = { OverallDifficulty = 10 },
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
&& Player.ScoreProcessor.Accuracy.Value == 1
&& Player.ScoreProcessor.TotalScore.Value == (long)(1_000_000 * doubleTime.ScoreMultiplier),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
BeatmapInfo = { Ruleset = new ManiaRuleset().RulesetInfo },
Difficulty = { OverallDifficulty = 10 },

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Mod = new ManiaModHidden(),
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(i => (HitObject)new Note { StartTime = 1000 + 200 * i }).ToList(),
Breaks = { new BreakPeriod(2000, 28000) }

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Mod = new ManiaModHidden(),
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(i => (HitObject)new Note { StartTime = 1000 + 200 * i }).ToList(),
Breaks = { new BreakPeriod(2000, 28000) }

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
Mod = new ManiaModPerfect(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(false),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
Mod = new ManiaModPerfect(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(true) && Player.Results.Count == 2,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
Mod = new ManiaModSuddenDeath(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(false),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Tests.Mods
Mod = new ManiaModSuddenDeath(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(true) && Player.Results.Count == 2,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="..\osu.TestProject.props" />
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Configuration
SetDefault(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed, 8, 1, 40);
SetDefault(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed, 8.0, 1.0, 40.0, 0.1);
SetDefault(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollDirection, ManiaScrollingDirection.Down);
SetDefault(ManiaRulesetSetting.TimingBasedNoteColouring, false);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Configuration
if (Get<double?>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollTime) is double scrollTime)
SetValue(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed, (int)Math.Round(DrawableManiaRuleset.MAX_TIME_RANGE / scrollTime));
SetValue(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed, Math.Round(DrawableManiaRuleset.MAX_TIME_RANGE / scrollTime));
SetValue<double?>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollTime, null);
#pragma warning restore CS0618
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Configuration
public override TrackedSettings CreateTrackedSettings() => new TrackedSettings
new TrackedSetting<int>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed,
new TrackedSetting<double>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed,
speed => new SettingDescription(
rawValue: speed,
name: RulesetSettingsStrings.ScrollSpeed,

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Skills;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods;
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Difficulty.Skills
// 0.0 +--------+-+---------------> Release Difference / ms
// release_threshold
if (isOverlapping)
holdAddition = 1 / (1 + Math.Exp(0.27 * (release_threshold - closestEndTime)));
holdAddition = DifficultyCalculationUtils.Logistic(x: closestEndTime, multiplier: 0.27, midpointOffset: release_threshold);
// Decay and increase individualStrains in own column
individualStrains[column] = applyDecay(individualStrains[column], startTime - startTimes[column], individual_decay_base);

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@ -3,21 +3,39 @@
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Default;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components
public partial class EditBodyPiece : DefaultBodyPiece
public partial class EditBodyPiece : CompositeDrawable
private readonly Container border;
public EditBodyPiece()
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
border = new Container
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Masking = true,
BorderThickness = 3,
Child = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Alpha = 0,
AlwaysPresent = true,
private void load(OsuColour colours)
AccentColour.Value = colours.Yellow;
Background.Alpha = 0.5f;
border.BorderColour = colours.YellowDarker;
protected override Drawable CreateForeground() => base.CreateForeground().With(d => d.Alpha = 0);

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
using System;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.Color4Extensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
@ -26,10 +27,11 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components
Height = DefaultNotePiece.NOTE_HEIGHT;
CornerRadius = 5;
Masking = true;
InternalChild = new DefaultNotePiece();
InternalChild = new EditNotePiece
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Height = 1,
protected override void LoadComplete()
@ -60,19 +62,23 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components
protected override void OnDragEnd(DragEndEvent e)
private void updateState()
InternalChild.Colour = Colour4.White;
var colour = colours.Yellow;
if (IsHovered)
if (IsHovered || IsDragged)
colour = colour.Lighten(1);
Colour = colour;

View File

@ -2,28 +2,63 @@
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Default;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI.Scrolling;
using osuTK;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components
public partial class EditNotePiece : CompositeDrawable
private readonly Container border;
private readonly Box box;
private Column? column { get; set; }
public EditNotePiece()
Height = DefaultNotePiece.NOTE_HEIGHT;
CornerRadius = 5;
Masking = true;
InternalChild = new DefaultNotePiece();
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
border = new Container
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Masking = true,
BorderThickness = 3,
Child = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Alpha = 0,
AlwaysPresent = true,
box = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
Height = 3,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre,
Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
private void load(OsuColour colours)
Colour = colours.Yellow;
border.BorderColour = colours.YellowDark;
box.Colour = colours.YellowLight;
protected override void Update()
if (column != null)
Scale = new Vector2(1, column.ScrollingInfo.Direction.Value == ScrollingDirection.Down ? 1 : -1);

View File

@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
using System;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects;
@ -17,9 +19,9 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
public partial class HoldNotePlacementBlueprint : ManiaPlacementBlueprint<HoldNote>
private readonly EditBodyPiece bodyPiece;
private readonly EditNotePiece headPiece;
private readonly EditNotePiece tailPiece;
private EditBodyPiece bodyPiece = null!;
private Circle headPiece = null!;
private Circle tailPiece = null!;
private IScrollingInfo scrollingInfo { get; set; } = null!;
@ -28,14 +30,29 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
public HoldNotePlacementBlueprint()
: base(new HoldNote())
private void load(OsuColour colours)
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
bodyPiece = new EditBodyPiece { Origin = Anchor.TopCentre },
headPiece = new EditNotePiece { Origin = Anchor.Centre },
tailPiece = new EditNotePiece { Origin = Anchor.Centre }
headPiece = new Circle
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
Colour = colours.Yellow,
Height = 10
tailPiece = new Circle
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
Colour = colours.Yellow,
Height = 10

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects.Drawables;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI.Scrolling;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit;
using osuTK;
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
public partial class HoldNoteSelectionBlueprint : ManiaSelectionBlueprint<HoldNote>
private OsuColour colours { get; set; } = null!;
private IEditorChangeHandler? changeHandler { get; set; }
@ -29,9 +26,12 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
private IPositionSnapProvider? positionSnapProvider { get; set; }
private EditBodyPiece body = null!;
private EditHoldNoteEndPiece head = null!;
private EditHoldNoteEndPiece tail = null!;
protected new DrawableHoldNote DrawableObject => (DrawableHoldNote)base.DrawableObject;
public HoldNoteSelectionBlueprint(HoldNote hold)
: base(hold)
@ -42,9 +42,17 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
body = new EditBodyPiece
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre,
Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
head = new EditHoldNoteEndPiece
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre,
Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
DragStarted = () => changeHandler?.BeginChange(),
Dragging = pos =>
@ -64,6 +72,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
tail = new EditHoldNoteEndPiece
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre,
Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
DragStarted = () => changeHandler?.BeginChange(),
Dragging = pos =>
@ -79,19 +89,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
DragEnded = () => changeHandler?.EndChange(),
new Container
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Masking = true,
BorderThickness = 1,
BorderColour = colours.Yellow,
Child = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Alpha = 0,
AlwaysPresent = true,
@ -99,11 +96,23 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
head.Height = DrawableObject.Head.DrawHeight;
head.Y = HitObjectContainer.PositionAtTime(HitObject.Head.StartTime, HitObject.StartTime);
tail.Height = DrawableObject.Tail.DrawHeight;
tail.Y = HitObjectContainer.PositionAtTime(HitObject.Tail.StartTime, HitObject.StartTime);
Height = HitObjectContainer.LengthAtTime(HitObject.StartTime, HitObject.EndTime) + tail.DrawHeight;
protected override void OnDirectionChanged(ValueChangedEvent<ScrollingDirection> direction)
Origin = direction.NewValue == ScrollingDirection.Down ? Anchor.BottomCentre : Anchor.TopCentre;
foreach (var child in InternalChildren)
child.Anchor = Origin;
head.Scale = tail.Scale = body.Scale = new Vector2(1, direction.NewValue == ScrollingDirection.Down ? 1 : -1);
public override Quad SelectionQuad => ScreenSpaceDrawQuad;
public override Vector2 ScreenSpaceSelectionPoint => head.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre;

View File

@ -37,16 +37,10 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
protected override void LoadComplete()
directionBindable.BindValueChanged(onDirectionChanged, true);
directionBindable.BindValueChanged(OnDirectionChanged, true);
private void onDirectionChanged(ValueChangedEvent<ScrollingDirection> direction)
var anchor = direction.NewValue == ScrollingDirection.Up ? Anchor.TopCentre : Anchor.BottomCentre;
Anchor = Origin = anchor;
foreach (var child in InternalChildren)
child.Anchor = child.Origin = anchor;
protected abstract void OnDirectionChanged(ValueChangedEvent<ScrollingDirection> direction);
protected override void Update()

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@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
using osu.Game.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects;
using osuTK.Input;
@ -12,14 +14,25 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
public partial class NotePlacementBlueprint : ManiaPlacementBlueprint<Note>
private readonly EditNotePiece piece;
private Circle piece = null!;
public NotePlacementBlueprint()
: base(new Note())
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
InternalChild = piece = new EditNotePiece { Origin = Anchor.Centre };
private void load(OsuColour colours)
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
Masking = true;
InternalChild = piece = new Circle
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
Colour = colours.Yellow,
Height = 10
public override void UpdateTimeAndPosition(SnapResult result)

View File

@ -1,18 +1,42 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using osu.Framework.Bindables;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI.Scrolling;
using osuTK;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Blueprints
public partial class NoteSelectionBlueprint : ManiaSelectionBlueprint<Note>
private readonly EditNotePiece notePiece;
public NoteSelectionBlueprint(Note note)
: base(note)
AddInternal(new EditNotePiece { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X });
Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre;
Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre;
AddInternal(notePiece = new EditNotePiece
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre,
Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
protected override void Update()
notePiece.Height = DrawableObject.DrawHeight;
protected override void OnDirectionChanged(ValueChangedEvent<ScrollingDirection> direction)
notePiece.Scale = new Vector2(1, direction.NewValue == ScrollingDirection.Down ? 1 : -1);

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
protected override void Update()
TargetTimeRange = TimelineTimeRange == null || ShowSpeedChanges.Value ? ComputeScrollTime(Config.Get<int>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed)) : TimelineTimeRange.Value;
TargetTimeRange = TimelineTimeRange == null || ShowSpeedChanges.Value ? ComputeScrollTime(Config.Get<double>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed)) : TimelineTimeRange.Value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects.Drawables;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
public partial class EditorColumn : Column
public EditorColumn(int index, bool isSpecial)
: base(index, isSpecial)
protected override void OnNewDrawableHitObject(DrawableHitObject drawableHitObject)
drawableHitObject.ApplyCustomUpdateState += (dho, state) =>
switch (dho)
// hold note heads are exempt from what follows due to the "freezing" mechanic
// which already ensures they'll never fade away on their own.
case DrawableHoldNoteHead:
// mania features instantaneous hitobject fade-outs.
// this means that without manual intervention stopping the clock at the precise time of hitting the object
// means the object will fade out.
// this is anti-user in editor contexts, as the user is expecting to continue the see the note on the receptor line.
// therefore, apply a crude workaround to prevent it from going away.
if (state == ArmedState.Hit)

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
public partial class EditorStage : Stage
public EditorStage(int firstColumnIndex, StageDefinition definition, ref ManiaAction columnStartAction)
: base(firstColumnIndex, definition, ref columnStartAction)
protected override Column CreateColumn(int index, bool isSpecial) => new EditorColumn(index, isSpecial);

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@ -13,5 +13,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
: base(stages)
protected override Stage CreateStage(int firstColumnIndex, StageDefinition stageDefinition, ref ManiaAction columnAction)
=> new EditorStage(firstColumnIndex, stageDefinition, ref columnAction);

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
if (screenWithTimeline?.TimelineArea.Timeline != null)
drawableRuleset.TimelineTimeRange = EditorClock.TrackLength / screenWithTimeline.TimelineArea.Timeline.CurrentZoom / 2;
drawableRuleset.TimelineTimeRange = EditorClock.TrackLength / screenWithTimeline.TimelineArea.Timeline.CurrentZoom.Value / 2;

View File

@ -54,9 +54,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
int firstColumn = flipOverOrigin ? 0 : selectedObjects.Min(ho => ho.Column);
int lastColumn = flipOverOrigin ? (int)EditorBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.Difficulty.CircleSize - 1 : selectedObjects.Max(ho => ho.Column);
EditorBeatmap.PerformOnSelection(hitObject =>
performOnSelection(maniaObject =>
var maniaObject = (ManiaHitObject)hitObject;
maniaObject.Column = firstColumn + (lastColumn - maniaObject.Column);
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
double selectionStartTime = selectedObjects.Min(ho => ho.StartTime);
double selectionEndTime = selectedObjects.Max(ho => ho.GetEndTime());
EditorBeatmap.PerformOnSelection(hitObject =>
performOnSelection(hitObject =>
hitObject.StartTime = selectionStartTime + (selectionEndTime - hitObject.GetEndTime());
@ -117,14 +116,21 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit
columnDelta = Math.Clamp(columnDelta, -minColumn, maniaPlayfield.TotalColumns - 1 - maxColumn);
EditorBeatmap.PerformOnSelection(h =>
performOnSelection(h =>
((ManiaHitObject)h).Column += columnDelta;
h.Column += columnDelta;
// `HitObjectUsageEventBuffer`'s usage transferal flows and the playfield's `SetKeepAlive()` functionality do not combine well with this operation's usage pattern,
private void performOnSelection(Action<ManiaHitObject> action)
var selectedObjects = EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.OfType<ManiaHitObject>().ToArray();
EditorBeatmap.PerformOnSelection(h => action.Invoke((ManiaHitObject)h));
// `HitObjectUsageEventBuffer`'s usage transferal flows and the playfield's `SetKeepAlive()` functionality do not combine well with mania's usage patterns,
// leading to selections being sometimes partially dropped if some of the objects being moved are off screen
// (check blame for detailed explanation).
// thus, ensure that selection is preserved manually.

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Setup
Caption = "Use special (N+1) style",
HintText = "Changes one column to act as a classic \"scratch\" or \"special\" column, which can be moved around by the user's skin (to the left/right/centre). Generally used in 6K (5+1) or 8K (7+1) configurations.",
Current = { Value = Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.SpecialStyle }
Current = { Value = Beatmap.SpecialStyle }
healthDrainSlider = new FormSliderBar<float>
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Edit.Setup
// for now, update these on commit rather than making BeatmapMetadata bindables.
// after switching database engines we can reconsider if switching to bindables is a good direction.
Beatmap.Difficulty.CircleSize = keyCountSlider.Current.Value;
Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.SpecialStyle = specialStyle.Current.Value;
Beatmap.SpecialStyle = specialStyle.Current.Value;
Beatmap.Difficulty.DrainRate = healthDrainSlider.Current.Value;
Beatmap.Difficulty.OverallDifficulty = overallDifficultySlider.Current.Value;
Beatmap.Difficulty.SliderMultiplier = baseVelocitySlider.Current.Value;

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@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania
LabelText = RulesetSettingsStrings.ScrollingDirection,
Current = config.GetBindable<ManiaScrollingDirection>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollDirection)
new SettingsSlider<int, ManiaScrollSlider>
new SettingsSlider<double, ManiaScrollSlider>
LabelText = RulesetSettingsStrings.ScrollSpeed,
Current = config.GetBindable<int>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed),
KeyboardStep = 5
Current = config.GetBindable<double>(ManiaRulesetSetting.ScrollSpeed),
KeyboardStep = 1
new SettingsCheckbox
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania
private partial class ManiaScrollSlider : RoundedSliderBar<int>
private partial class ManiaScrollSlider : RoundedSliderBar<double>
public override LocalisableString TooltipText => RulesetSettingsStrings.ScrollSpeedTooltip((int)DrawableManiaRuleset.ComputeScrollTime(Current.Value), Current.Value);

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using osu.Game.Rulesets.Judgements;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring;
using osu.Game.Scoring;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Scoring
@ -58,6 +59,24 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Scoring
return GetBaseScoreForResult(result);
public override ScoreRank RankFromScore(double accuracy, IReadOnlyDictionary<HitResult, int> results)
ScoreRank rank = base.RankFromScore(accuracy, results);
if (rank != ScoreRank.S)
return rank;
// SS is expected as long as all hitobjects have been hit with either a GREAT or PERFECT result.
bool anyImperfect =
results.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Good) > 0
|| results.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Ok) > 0
|| results.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Meh) > 0
|| results.GetValueOrDefault(HitResult.Miss) > 0;
return anyImperfect ? rank : ScoreRank.X;
private class JudgementOrderComparer : IComparer<HitObject>
public static readonly JudgementOrderComparer DEFAULT = new JudgementOrderComparer();

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@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 1: return colour_cyan;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 3:
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 2: return colour_cyan;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 4:
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 3: return colour_purple;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 5:
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 4: return colour_cyan;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 6:
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 5: return colour_pink;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 7:
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 6: return colour_pink;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 8:
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 7: return colour_purple;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 9:
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 8: return colour_purple;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
case 10:
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 9: return colour_purple;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Argon
case 5: return colour_green;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columnIndex));

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@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Legacy
columnBackgrounds = new ColumnFlow<Drawable>(stageDefinition)
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
Masking = false,
new HitTargetInsetContainer
@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Legacy
new Container
X = isLastColumn ? -0.16f : 0,
Anchor = Anchor.TopRight,
Origin = Anchor.TopRight,
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
Width = rightLineWidth,
Scale = new Vector2(0.740f, 1),

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@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Skinning.Legacy
private Drawable getResult(HitResult result)
if (!hit_result_mapping.ContainsKey(result))
if (!hit_result_mapping.TryGetValue(result, out var value))
return null;
string filename = this.GetManiaSkinConfig<string>(hit_result_mapping[result])?.Value
string filename = this.GetManiaSkinConfig<string>(value)?.Value
?? default_hit_result_skin_filenames[result];
var animation = this.GetAnimation(filename, true, true, frameLength: 1000 / 20d);

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@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
private readonly FillFlowContainer<Container<TContent>> columns;
private readonly StageDefinition stageDefinition;
public new bool Masking
get => base.Masking;
set => base.Masking = value;
public ColumnFlow(StageDefinition stageDefinition)
this.stageDefinition = stageDefinition;

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
protected new ManiaRulesetConfigManager Config => (ManiaRulesetConfigManager)base.Config;
private readonly Bindable<ManiaScrollingDirection> configDirection = new Bindable<ManiaScrollingDirection>();
private readonly BindableInt configScrollSpeed = new BindableInt();
private readonly BindableDouble configScrollSpeed = new BindableDouble();
private double currentTimeRange;
protected double TargetTimeRange;
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scrollSpeed">The scroll speed.</param>
/// <returns>The scroll time.</returns>
public static double ComputeScrollTime(int scrollSpeed) => MAX_TIME_RANGE / scrollSpeed;
public static double ComputeScrollTime(double scrollSpeed) => MAX_TIME_RANGE / scrollSpeed;
public override PlayfieldAdjustmentContainer CreatePlayfieldAdjustmentContainer() => new ManiaPlayfieldAdjustmentContainer();

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Primitives;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.Beatmaps;
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
for (int i = 0; i < stageDefinitions.Count; i++)
var newStage = new Stage(firstColumnIndex, stageDefinitions[i], ref columnAction);
var newStage = CreateStage(firstColumnIndex, stageDefinitions[i], ref columnAction);
playfieldGrid.Content[0][i] = newStage;
@ -82,6 +83,9 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
protected virtual Stage CreateStage(int firstColumnIndex, StageDefinition stageDefinition, ref ManiaAction columnAction) => new Stage(firstColumnIndex, stageDefinition, ref columnAction);
public override void Add(HitObject hitObject) => getStageByColumn(((ManiaHitObject)hitObject).Column).Add(hitObject);
public override bool Remove(HitObject hitObject) => getStageByColumn(((ManiaHitObject)hitObject).Column).Remove(hitObject);

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using osu.Framework.Allocation;
using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
@ -134,12 +135,14 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
bool isSpecial = definition.IsSpecialColumn(i);
var column = new Column(firstColumnIndex + i, isSpecial)
var action = columnStartAction;
var column = CreateColumn(firstColumnIndex + i, isSpecial).With(c =>
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Width = 1,
Action = { Value = columnStartAction++ }
c.RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
c.Width = 1;
c.Action.Value = action;
@ -154,6 +157,9 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Mania.UI
RegisterPool<BarLine, DrawableBarLine>(50, 200);
protected virtual Column CreateColumn(int index, bool isSpecial) => new Column(index, isSpecial);
private void load(ISkinSource skin)

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@ -17,4 +17,8 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\osu.Game\osu.Game.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu\osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.csproj" />
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="DeepEqual" Version="2.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.17.2" />

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@ -231,6 +231,36 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
AddAssert("slider still has 2 anchors", () => secondSlider.Path.ControlPoints.Count, () => Is.EqualTo(2));
public void TestControlClickDoesNotDiscardExistingSelectionEvenIfNothingHit()
var firstSlider = new Slider
StartTime = 0,
Position = new Vector2(0, 0),
Path = new SliderPath
ControlPoints =
new PathControlPoint(),
new PathControlPoint(new Vector2(100))
AddStep("add object", () => EditorBeatmap.AddRange([firstSlider]));
AddStep("select first slider", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.AddRange([firstSlider]));
AddStep("move mouse to middle of playfield", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(blueprintContainer.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre));
AddStep("control-click left mouse", () =>
AddAssert("selection preserved", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Count, () => Is.EqualTo(1));
private ComposeBlueprintContainer blueprintContainer
=> Editor.ChildrenOfType<ComposeBlueprintContainer>().First();

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit.Blueprints.HitCircles;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components;
using osu.Game.Tests.Visual;
using osu.Game.Utils;
@ -129,6 +130,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
private void gridActive<T>(bool active) where T : PositionSnapGrid
AddAssert($"grid type is {typeof(T).Name}", () => this.ChildrenOfType<T>().Any());
AddStep("choose placement tool", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Number2));
AddStep("move cursor to spacing + (1, 1)", () =>
@ -161,7 +163,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
return grid switch
RectangularPositionSnapGrid rectangular => rectangular.StartPosition.Value + GeometryUtils.RotateVector(rectangular.Spacing.Value, -rectangular.GridLineRotation.Value),
TriangularPositionSnapGrid triangular => triangular.StartPosition.Value + GeometryUtils.RotateVector(new Vector2(triangular.Spacing.Value / 2, triangular.Spacing.Value / 2 * MathF.Sqrt(3)), -triangular.GridLineRotation.Value),
TriangularPositionSnapGrid triangular => triangular.StartPosition.Value + GeometryUtils.RotateVector(
new Vector2(triangular.Spacing.Value / 2, triangular.Spacing.Value / 2 * MathF.Sqrt(3)), -triangular.GridLineRotation.Value),
CircularPositionSnapGrid circular => circular.StartPosition.Value + GeometryUtils.RotateVector(new Vector2(circular.Spacing.Value, 0), -45),
_ => Vector2.Zero
@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
public void TestGridSizeToggling()
AddStep("enable rectangular grid", () => InputManager.Key(Key.T));
AddStep("enable rectangular grid", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Y));
AddUntilStep("rectangular grid visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Any());
@ -188,6 +191,98 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
private void gridSizeIs(int size)
=> AddAssert($"grid size is {size}", () => this.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single().Spacing.Value == new Vector2(size)
&& EditorBeatmap.BeatmapInfo.GridSize == size);
&& EditorBeatmap.GridSize == size);
public void TestGridTypeToggling()
AddStep("enable rectangular grid", () => InputManager.Key(Key.T));
AddUntilStep("rectangular grid visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Any());
private void nextGridTypeIs<T>() where T : PositionSnapGrid
AddStep("toggle to next grid type", () =>
public void TestGridPlacementTool()
AddStep("enable rectangular grid", () => InputManager.Key(Key.T));
AddStep("start grid placement", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Number5));
AddStep("move cursor to slider head + (1, 1)", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
InputManager.MoveMouseTo(composer.ToScreenSpace(((Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.First()).Position + new Vector2(1, 1)));
AddStep("left click", () => InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left));
AddStep("move cursor to slider tail + (1, 1)", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
InputManager.MoveMouseTo(composer.ToScreenSpace(((Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.First()).EndPosition + new Vector2(1, 1)));
AddStep("left click", () => InputManager.Click(MouseButton.Left));
AddAssert("grid position at slider head", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
return Precision.AlmostEquals(((Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.First()).Position, composer.StartPosition.Value);
AddAssert("grid spacing is distance to slider tail", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
return Precision.AlmostEquals(composer.Spacing.Value.X, 32.05, 0.01)
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(composer.Spacing.Value.X, composer.Spacing.Value.Y);
AddAssert("grid rotation points to slider tail", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
return Precision.AlmostEquals(composer.GridLineRotation.Value, 0.09, 0.01);
AddStep("start grid placement", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Number5));
AddStep("move cursor to slider tail + (1, 1)", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
InputManager.MoveMouseTo(composer.ToScreenSpace(((Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.First()).EndPosition + new Vector2(1, 1)));
AddStep("double click", () =>
AddStep("move cursor to (0, 0)", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
AddAssert("grid position at slider tail", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
return Precision.AlmostEquals(((Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.First()).EndPosition, composer.StartPosition.Value);
AddAssert("grid spacing and rotation unchanged", () =>
var composer = Editor.ChildrenOfType<RectangularPositionSnapGrid>().Single();
return Precision.AlmostEquals(composer.Spacing.Value.X, 32.05, 0.01)
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(composer.Spacing.Value.X, composer.Spacing.Value.Y)
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(composer.GridLineRotation.Value, 0.09, 0.01);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Graphics;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
using osu.Framework.Input;
using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit.Blueprints.Sliders;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Components.RadioButtons;
using osu.Game.Screens.Edit.Compose.Components;
using osu.Game.Tests.Beatmaps;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Input;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
public partial class TestSceneSliderDrawing : TestSceneOsuEditor
protected override IBeatmap CreateBeatmap(RulesetInfo ruleset) => new TestBeatmap(ruleset, false);
public void TestTouchInputPlaceHitCircleDirectly()
AddStep("tap circle", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<EditorRadioButton>().Single(b => b.Button.Label == "HitCircle")));
AddStep("tap to place circle", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single()));
AddAssert("circle placed correctly", () =>
var circle = (HitCircle)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.Single(h => h.StartTime == EditorClock.CurrentTimeAccurate);
Assert.Multiple(() =>
Assert.That(circle.Position.X, Is.EqualTo(256f).Within(0.01f));
Assert.That(circle.Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(192f).Within(0.01f));
return true;
public void TestTouchInputPlaceCircleAfterTouchingComposeArea()
AddStep("tap circle", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<EditorRadioButton>().Single(b => b.Button.Label == "HitCircle")));
AddStep("tap playfield", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single()));
AddAssert("circle placed", () => EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.Single(h => h.StartTime == EditorClock.CurrentTimeAccurate) is HitCircle);
AddStep("move forward", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Right));
AddStep("tap to place circle", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single()));
AddAssert("circle placed correctly", () =>
var circle = (HitCircle)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.Single(h => h.StartTime == EditorClock.CurrentTimeAccurate);
Assert.Multiple(() =>
Assert.That(circle.Position.X, Is.EqualTo(256f).Within(0.01f));
Assert.That(circle.Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(192f).Within(0.01f));
return true;
public void TestTouchInputPlaceSliderDirectly()
AddStep("tap slider", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<EditorRadioButton>().Single(b => b.Button.Label == "Slider")));
AddStep("hold to draw slider", () => InputManager.BeginTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single().ToScreenSpace(new Vector2(50, 20)))));
AddStep("drag to draw", () => InputManager.MoveTouchTo(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single().ToScreenSpace(new Vector2(200, 50)))));
AddAssert("selection not initiated", () => this.ChildrenOfType<DragBox>().All(d => d.State == Visibility.Hidden));
AddAssert("blueprint visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType<SliderPlacementBlueprint>().Single().Alpha > 0);
AddStep("end", () => InputManager.EndTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, InputManager.CurrentState.Touch.GetTouchPosition(TouchSource.Touch1)!.Value)));
AddAssert("slider placed correctly", () =>
var slider = (Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.Single(h => h.StartTime == EditorClock.CurrentTimeAccurate);
Assert.Multiple(() =>
Assert.That(slider.Position.X, Is.EqualTo(50f).Within(0.01f));
Assert.That(slider.Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(20f).Within(0.01f));
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints[0].Position, Is.EqualTo(Vector2.Zero));
// the final position may be slightly off from the mouse position when drawing, account for that.
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints[1].Position.X, Is.EqualTo(150).Within(5));
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints[1].Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(30).Within(5));
return true;
public void TestTouchInputPlaceSliderAfterTouchingComposeArea()
AddStep("tap slider", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<EditorRadioButton>().Single(b => b.Button.Label == "Slider")));
AddStep("tap playfield", () => tap(this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single()));
AddStep("tap and hold another spot", () => hold(this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single(), new Vector2(50, 0)));
AddUntilStep("wait for slider placement", () => EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.SingleOrDefault(h => h.StartTime == EditorClock.CurrentTimeAccurate) is Slider);
AddStep("end", () => InputManager.EndTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, InputManager.CurrentState.Touch.GetTouchPosition(TouchSource.Touch1)!.Value)));
AddStep("move forward", () => InputManager.Key(Key.Right));
AddStep("hold to draw slider", () => InputManager.BeginTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single().ToScreenSpace(new Vector2(50, 20)))));
AddStep("drag to draw", () => InputManager.MoveTouchTo(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, this.ChildrenOfType<Playfield>().Single().ToScreenSpace(new Vector2(200, 50)))));
AddAssert("selection not initiated", () => this.ChildrenOfType<DragBox>().All(d => d.State == Visibility.Hidden));
AddAssert("blueprint visible", () => this.ChildrenOfType<SliderPlacementBlueprint>().Single().IsPresent);
AddStep("end", () => InputManager.EndTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, InputManager.CurrentState.Touch.GetTouchPosition(TouchSource.Touch1)!.Value)));
AddAssert("slider placed correctly", () =>
var slider = (Slider)EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.Single(h => h.StartTime == EditorClock.CurrentTimeAccurate);
Assert.Multiple(() =>
Assert.That(slider.Position.X, Is.EqualTo(50f).Within(0.01f));
Assert.That(slider.Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(20f).Within(0.01f));
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints[0].Position, Is.EqualTo(Vector2.Zero));
// the final position may be slightly off from the mouse position when drawing, account for that.
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints[1].Position.X, Is.EqualTo(150).Within(5));
Assert.That(slider.Path.ControlPoints[1].Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(30).Within(5));
return true;
private void tap(Drawable drawable, Vector2 offset = default) => tap(drawable.ToScreenSpace(drawable.LayoutRectangle.Centre + offset));
private void tap(Vector2 position)
InputManager.EndTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, position));
private void hold(Drawable drawable, Vector2 offset = default) => hold(drawable.ToScreenSpace(drawable.LayoutRectangle.Centre + offset));
private void hold(Vector2 position)
InputManager.BeginTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, position));

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Input;
using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Edit;
@ -392,6 +393,29 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
assertFinalControlPointType(3, null);
public void TestSliderDrawingViaTouch()
Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2(200);
AddStep("move mouse to a random point", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(InputManager.ToScreenSpace(Vector2.Zero)));
AddStep("begin touch at start point", () => InputManager.BeginTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, InputManager.ToScreenSpace(startPoint))));
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
addTouchMovementStep(startPoint + new Vector2(i * 40, MathF.Sin(i * MathF.PI / 5) * 50));
AddStep("release touch at end point", () => InputManager.EndTouch(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, InputManager.CurrentState.Touch.GetTouchPosition(TouchSource.Touch1)!.Value)));
assertLength(808, tolerance: 10);
assertFinalControlPointType(0, PathType.BSpline(4));
assertFinalControlPointType(1, null);
assertFinalControlPointType(2, null);
assertFinalControlPointType(3, null);
assertFinalControlPointType(4, null);
public void TestPlacePerfectCurveSegmentAlmostLinearlyExterior()
@ -492,6 +516,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
private void addMovementStep(Vector2 position) => AddStep($"move mouse to {position}", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(InputManager.ToScreenSpace(position)));
private void addTouchMovementStep(Vector2 position) => AddStep($"move touch1 to {position}", () => InputManager.MoveTouchTo(new Touch(TouchSource.Touch1, InputManager.ToScreenSpace(position))));
private void addClickStep(MouseButton button)
AddStep($"click {button}", () => InputManager.Click(button));

View File

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
if (slider == null) return;
sample = new HitSampleInfo("hitwhistle", HitSampleInfo.BANK_SOFT, volume: 70);
sample = new HitSampleInfo("hitwhistle", HitSampleInfo.BANK_SOFT, volume: 70, editorAutoBank: false);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Edit.Blueprints.Sliders.Components;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
using osu.Game.Tests.Visual;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Input;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Editor
public partial class TestSceneToolSwitching : EditorTestScene
protected override Ruleset CreateEditorRuleset() => new OsuRuleset();
public void TestSliderAnchorMoveOperationEndsOnSwitchingTool()
var initialPosition = Vector2.Zero;
AddStep("store original anchor position", () => initialPosition = EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType<Slider>().First().Path.ControlPoints.ElementAt(1).Position);
AddStep("select first slider", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Add(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType<Slider>().First()));
AddStep("move to second anchor", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(this.ChildrenOfType<PathControlPointPiece<Slider>>().ElementAt(1)));
AddStep("start dragging", () => InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Left));
AddStep("drag away", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(InputManager.CurrentState.Mouse.Position + new Vector2(0, -200)));
AddStep("switch tool", () => InputManager.PressButton(MouseButton.Button1));
AddStep("undo", () => Editor.Undo());
AddAssert("anchor back at original position",
() => EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType<Slider>().First().Path.ControlPoints.ElementAt(1).Position,
() => Is.EqualTo(initialPosition));
public void TestSliderAnchorCreationOperationEndsOnSwitchingTool()
AddStep("select first slider", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Add(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType<Slider>().First()));
AddStep("move to second anchor", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(this.ChildrenOfType<PathControlPointPiece<Slider>>().ElementAt(1), new Vector2(-50, 0)));
AddStep("quick-create anchor", () =>
AddStep("drag away", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(InputManager.CurrentState.Mouse.Position + new Vector2(0, -200)));
AddStep("switch tool", () => InputManager.PressKey(Key.Number3));
AddStep("drag away further", () => InputManager.MoveMouseTo(InputManager.CurrentState.Mouse.Position + new Vector2(0, -200)));
AddStep("select first slider", () => EditorBeatmap.SelectedHitObjects.Add(EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType<Slider>().First()));
AddStep("undo", () => Editor.Undo());
AddAssert("slider has three anchors again", () => EditorBeatmap.HitObjects.OfType<Slider>().First().Path.ControlPoints, () => Has.Count.EqualTo(3));

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModAlternate(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 4,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModAlternate(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 0 && Player.ScoreProcessor.HighestCombo.Value == 1,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModAlternate(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 1,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModAlternate(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 0 && Player.ScoreProcessor.HighestCombo.Value == 2,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
Breaks =

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Autoplay = true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
Mod = mod,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects =

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
public void TestNoAdjustment() => CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Mod = new OsuModDifficultyAdjust(),
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
BeatmapInfo = new BeatmapInfo

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Player.GameplayClockContainer.CurrentTime < 1000 && Player.ChildrenOfType<ModFlashlight<OsuHitObject>.Flashlight>().Single().FlashlightDim > 0;
return Player.GameplayState.HasPassed && !sliderDimmedBeforeStartTime;
Beatmap = new OsuBeatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new OsuBeatmap
HitObjects = new List<OsuHitObject>
@ -83,10 +83,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
BeatmapInfo =
StackLeniency = 0,
StackLeniency = 0,
ReplayFrames = new List<ReplayFrame>
@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Player.GameplayClockContainer.CurrentTime >= 1000 && Player.ChildrenOfType<ModFlashlight<OsuHitObject>.Flashlight>().Single().FlashlightDim > 0;
return Player.GameplayState.HasPassed && sliderDimmed;
Beatmap = new OsuBeatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new OsuBeatmap
HitObjects = new List<OsuHitObject>
@ -153,7 +150,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Player.GameplayClockContainer.CurrentTime >= 1000 && Player.ChildrenOfType<ModFlashlight<OsuHitObject>.Flashlight>().Single().FlashlightDim > 0;
return Player.GameplayState.HasPassed && sliderDimmed;
Beatmap = new OsuBeatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new OsuBeatmap
HitObjects = new List<OsuHitObject>

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new TestOsuModHidden(),
Autoplay = true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new TestOsuModHidden(),
Autoplay = true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new TestOsuModHidden(),
Autoplay = true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModHidden { OnlyFadeApproachCircles = { Value = true } },
Autoplay = true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Framework.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Mods;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.UI;
using osuTK;
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
public partial class TestSceneOsuModMirror : OsuModTestScene
public void TestCorrectReflections([Values] OsuModMirror.MirrorType type, [Values] bool withStrictTracking) => CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Autoplay = true,
CreateBeatmap = () => new OsuBeatmap
HitObjects =
new Slider
Position = new Vector2(0),
Path = new SliderPath
ControlPoints =
new PathControlPoint(),
new PathControlPoint(new Vector2(100, 0))
TickDistanceMultiplier = 0.5,
RepeatCount = 1,
Mods = withStrictTracking
? [new OsuModMirror { Reflection = { Value = type } }, new OsuModStrictTracking()]
: [new OsuModMirror { Reflection = { Value = type } }],
PassCondition = () =>
var slider = this.ChildrenOfType<DrawableSlider>().SingleOrDefault();
var playfield = this.ChildrenOfType<OsuPlayfield>().Single();
if (slider == null)
return false;
return Precision.AlmostEquals(playfield.ToLocalSpace(slider.HeadCircle.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre), slider.HitObject.Position)
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(playfield.ToLocalSpace(slider.TailCircle.ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre), slider.HitObject.Position)
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(playfield.ToLocalSpace(slider.NestedHitObjects.OfType<DrawableSliderRepeat>().Single().ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre),
slider.HitObject.Position + slider.HitObject.Path.PositionAt(1))
&& Precision.AlmostEquals(playfield.ToLocalSpace(slider.NestedHitObjects.OfType<DrawableSliderTick>().First().ScreenSpaceDrawQuad.Centre),
slider.HitObject.Position + slider.HitObject.Path.PositionAt(0.7f));

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModPerfect(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(true),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
AngleSharpness = { Value = angleSharpness }
Beatmap = jumpBeatmap,
CreateBeatmap = jumpBeatmap,
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true
@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
AngleSharpness = { Value = angleSharpness }
Beatmap = streamBeatmap,
CreateBeatmap = streamBeatmap,
Autoplay = true,
PassCondition = () => true
private OsuBeatmap jumpBeatmap =>
private OsuBeatmap jumpBeatmap() =>
createHitCircleBeatmap(new[] { 100, 200, 300, 400 }, 8, 300, 2 * 300);
private OsuBeatmap streamBeatmap =>
private OsuBeatmap streamBeatmap() =>
createHitCircleBeatmap(new[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 }, 16, 150, 4 * 150);
private OsuBeatmap createHitCircleBeatmap(IEnumerable<int> spacings, int objectsPerSpacing, int interval, int beatLength)
@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
BeatmapInfo = new BeatmapInfo
StackLeniency = 0,
Difficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty
ApproachRate = 8.5f
StackLeniency = 0,
ControlPointInfo = controlPointInfo

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSingleTap(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 2,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSingleTap(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 0 && Player.ScoreProcessor.HighestCombo.Value == 1,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSingleTap(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 1,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSingleTap(),
PassCondition = () => Player.ScoreProcessor.Combo.Value == 0 && Player.ScoreProcessor.HighestCombo.Value == 2,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
Breaks =

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSpunOut(),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = singleSpinnerBeatmap,
CreateBeatmap = singleSpinnerBeatmap,
PassCondition = () =>
// Bind to the first spinner's results for further tracking.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mods = mods,
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = singleSpinnerBeatmap,
CreateBeatmap = singleSpinnerBeatmap,
PassCondition = () =>
var counter = Player.ChildrenOfType<SpinnerSpmCalculator>().SingleOrDefault();
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSpunOut(),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = singleSpinnerBeatmap,
CreateBeatmap = singleSpinnerBeatmap,
PassCondition = () =>
// Bind to the first spinner's results for further tracking.
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
private Beatmap singleSpinnerBeatmap => new Beatmap
private Beatmap singleSpinnerBeatmap() => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModStrictTracking(),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSuddenDeath(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(false),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests.Mods
Mod = new OsuModSuddenDeath(),
PassCondition = () => ((ModFailConditionTestPlayer)Player).CheckFailed(true),
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = new List<HitObject>

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests
Autoplay = false,
Mod = new TestAutoMod(),
Beatmap = new Beatmap
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = { new HitCircle { Position = new Vector2(256, 192) } }
@ -47,18 +47,16 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests
public void TestMissViaNotHitting()
var beatmap = new Beatmap
HitObjects = { new HitCircle { Position = new Vector2(256, 192) } }
var hitWindows = new OsuHitWindows();
CreateModTest(new ModTestData
Autoplay = false,
Beatmap = beatmap,
CreateBeatmap = () => new Beatmap
HitObjects = { new HitCircle { Position = new Vector2(256, 192) } }
PassCondition = () => Player.Results.Count > 0 && Player.Results[0].TimeOffset >= hitWindows.WindowFor(HitResult.Meh) && !Player.Results[0].IsHit

View File

@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Tests
private void performTest(List<ReplayFrame> frames, Beatmap<OsuHitObject> beatmap)
beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset = new OsuRuleset().RulesetInfo;
beatmap.BeatmapInfo.StackLeniency = 0;
beatmap.StackLeniency = 0;
beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Difficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty
SliderMultiplier = 4,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="..\osu.TestProject.props" />
<ItemGroup Label="Package References">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.11.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.18.4" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.14.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="4.5.0" />

View File

@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps
h.StackHeight = 0;
if (beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BeatmapVersion >= 6)
applyStacking(beatmap.BeatmapInfo, hitObjects, 0, hitObjects.Count - 1);
applyStacking(beatmap, hitObjects, 0, hitObjects.Count - 1);
applyStackingOld(beatmap.BeatmapInfo, hitObjects);
applyStackingOld(beatmap, hitObjects);
private static void applyStacking(BeatmapInfo beatmapInfo, List<OsuHitObject> hitObjects, int startIndex, int endIndex)
private static void applyStacking(IBeatmap beatmap, List<OsuHitObject> hitObjects, int startIndex, int endIndex)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(startIndex, endIndex);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps
double endTime = stackBaseObject.GetEndTime();
double stackThreshold = objectN.TimePreempt * beatmapInfo.StackLeniency;
double stackThreshold = objectN.TimePreempt * beatmap.StackLeniency;
if (objectN.StartTime - endTime > stackThreshold)
// We are no longer within stacking range of the next object.
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps
OsuHitObject objectI = hitObjects[i];
if (objectI.StackHeight != 0 || objectI is Spinner) continue;
double stackThreshold = objectI.TimePreempt * beatmapInfo.StackLeniency;
double stackThreshold = objectI.TimePreempt * beatmap.StackLeniency;
/* If this object is a hitcircle, then we enter this "special" case.
* It either ends with a stack of hitcircles only, or a stack of hitcircles that are underneath a slider.
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps
private static void applyStackingOld(BeatmapInfo beatmapInfo, List<OsuHitObject> hitObjects)
private static void applyStackingOld(IBeatmap beatmap, List<OsuHitObject> hitObjects)
for (int i = 0; i < hitObjects.Count; i++)
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps
for (int j = i + 1; j < hitObjects.Count; j++)
double stackThreshold = hitObjects[i].TimePreempt * beatmapInfo.StackLeniency;
double stackThreshold = hitObjects[i].TimePreempt * beatmap.StackLeniency;
if (hitObjects[j].StartTime - stackThreshold > startTime)

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
using System;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
var osuLastObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current.Previous(0);
var osuLastLastObj = (OsuDifficultyHitObject)current.Previous(1);
const int radius = OsuDifficultyHitObject.NORMALISED_RADIUS;
const int diameter = OsuDifficultyHitObject.NORMALISED_DIAMETER;
// Calculate the velocity to the current hitobject, which starts with a base distance / time assuming the last object is a hitcircle.
double currVelocity = osuCurrObj.LazyJumpDistance / osuCurrObj.StrainTime;
@ -77,14 +81,14 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
wideAngleBonus = calcWideAngleBonus(currAngle);
acuteAngleBonus = calcAcuteAngleBonus(currAngle);
if (osuCurrObj.StrainTime > 100) // Only buff deltaTime exceeding 300 bpm 1/2.
if (DifficultyCalculationUtils.MillisecondsToBPM(osuCurrObj.StrainTime, 2) < 300) // Only buff deltaTime exceeding 300 bpm 1/2.
acuteAngleBonus = 0;
acuteAngleBonus *= calcAcuteAngleBonus(lastAngle) // Multiply by previous angle, we don't want to buff unless this is a wiggle type pattern.
* Math.Min(angleBonus, 125 / osuCurrObj.StrainTime) // The maximum velocity we buff is equal to 125 / strainTime
* Math.Min(angleBonus, diameter * 1.25 / osuCurrObj.StrainTime) // The maximum velocity we buff is equal to 125 / strainTime
* Math.Pow(Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 * Math.Min(1, (100 - osuCurrObj.StrainTime) / 25)), 2) // scale buff from 150 bpm 1/4 to 200 bpm 1/4
* Math.Pow(Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 * (Math.Clamp(osuCurrObj.LazyJumpDistance, 50, 100) - 50) / 50), 2); // Buff distance exceeding 50 (radius) up to 100 (diameter).
* Math.Pow(Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 * (Math.Clamp(osuCurrObj.LazyJumpDistance, radius, diameter) - radius) / radius), 2); // Buff distance exceeding radius up to diameter.
// Penalize wide angles if they're repeated, reducing the penalty as the lastAngle gets more acute.
@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
double distRatio = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(Math.PI / 2 * Math.Abs(prevVelocity - currVelocity) / Math.Max(prevVelocity, currVelocity)), 2);
// Reward for % distance up to 125 / strainTime for overlaps where velocity is still changing.
double overlapVelocityBuff = Math.Min(125 / Math.Min(osuCurrObj.StrainTime, osuLastObj.StrainTime), Math.Abs(prevVelocity - currVelocity));
double overlapVelocityBuff = Math.Min(diameter * 1.25 / Math.Min(osuCurrObj.StrainTime, osuLastObj.StrainTime), Math.Abs(prevVelocity - currVelocity));
velocityChangeBonus = overlapVelocityBuff * distRatio;

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
// repeated island (ex: triplet -> triplet)
double power = logistic(island.Delta, 2.75, 0.24, 14);
double power = DifficultyCalculationUtils.Logistic(island.Delta, maxValue: 2.75, multiplier: 0.24, midpointOffset: 58.33);
effectiveRatio *= Math.Min(3.0 / islandCount.Count, Math.Pow(1.0 / islandCount.Count, power));
islandCounts[countIndex] = (islandCount.Island, islandCount.Count);
@ -172,8 +173,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
return Math.Sqrt(4 + rhythmComplexitySum * rhythm_overall_multiplier) / 2.0; // produces multiplier that can be applied to strain. range [1, infinity) (not really though)
private static double logistic(double x, double maxValue, double multiplier, double offset) => (maxValue / (1 + Math.Pow(Math.E, offset - (multiplier * x))));
private class Island : IEquatable<Island>
private readonly double deltaDifferenceEpsilon;

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
using System;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Difficulty.Utils;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Preprocessing;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects;
@ -10,8 +11,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
public static class SpeedEvaluator
private const double single_spacing_threshold = 125; // 1.25 circles distance between centers
private const double min_speed_bonus = 75; // ~200BPM
private const double single_spacing_threshold = OsuDifficultyHitObject.NORMALISED_DIAMETER * 1.25; // 1.25 circles distance between centers
private const double min_speed_bonus = 200; // 200 BPM 1/4th
private const double speed_balancing_factor = 40;
private const double distance_multiplier = 0.94;
@ -43,8 +44,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Difficulty.Evaluators
double speedBonus = 0.0;
// Add additional scaling bonus for streams/bursts higher than 200bpm
if (strainTime < min_speed_bonus)
speedBonus = 0.75 * Math.Pow((min_speed_bonus - strainTime) / speed_balancing_factor, 2);
if (DifficultyCalculationUtils.MillisecondsToBPM(strainTime) > min_speed_bonus)
speedBonus = 0.75 * Math.Pow((DifficultyCalculationUtils.BPMToMilliseconds(min_speed_bonus) - strainTime) / speed_balancing_factor, 2);
double travelDistance = osuPrevObj?.TravelDistance ?? 0;
double distance = travelDistance + osuCurrObj.MinimumJumpDistance;

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