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synced 2024-12-14 10:12:54 +08:00
Merge pull request #16412 from smoogipoo/fix-chatlink-test
Fix incorrect action returned for wiki links in DEBUG mode
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,21 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
public class MessageFormatterTests
private string originalWebsiteRootUrl;
public void OneTimeSetUp()
originalWebsiteRootUrl = MessageFormatter.WebsiteRootUrl;
MessageFormatter.WebsiteRootUrl = "dev.ppy.sh";
public void OneTimeTearDown()
MessageFormatter.WebsiteRootUrl = originalWebsiteRootUrl;
public void TestBareLink()
@ -32,8 +47,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
[TestCase(LinkAction.External, "https://dev.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/discussions/123", "https://dev.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/discussions/123")]
public void TestBeatmapLinks(LinkAction expectedAction, string expectedArg, string link)
MessageFormatter.WebsiteRootUrl = "dev.ppy.sh";
Message result = MessageFormatter.FormatMessage(new Message { Content = link });
Assert.AreEqual(result.Content, result.DisplayContent);
@ -47,7 +60,10 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
public void TestMultipleComplexLinks()
Message result = MessageFormatter.FormatMessage(new Message { Content = "This is a http://test.io/link#fragment. (see https://twitter.com). Also, This string should not be altered. http://example.com/" });
Message result = MessageFormatter.FormatMessage(new Message
Content = "This is a http://test.io/link#fragment. (see https://twitter.com). Also, This string should not be altered. http://example.com/"
Assert.AreEqual(result.Content, result.DisplayContent);
Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Links.Count);
@ -104,7 +120,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
Assert.AreEqual("This is a Wiki Link.", result.DisplayContent);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Links.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki Link", result.Links[0].Url);
Assert.AreEqual("https://dev.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki Link", result.Links[0].Url);
Assert.AreEqual(10, result.Links[0].Index);
Assert.AreEqual(9, result.Links[0].Length);
@ -117,15 +133,15 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
Assert.AreEqual("This is a Wiki Link Wiki:LinkWiki.Link.", result.DisplayContent);
Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Links.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki Link", result.Links[0].Url);
Assert.AreEqual("https://dev.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki Link", result.Links[0].Url);
Assert.AreEqual(10, result.Links[0].Index);
Assert.AreEqual(9, result.Links[0].Length);
Assert.AreEqual("https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki:Link", result.Links[1].Url);
Assert.AreEqual("https://dev.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki:Link", result.Links[1].Url);
Assert.AreEqual(20, result.Links[1].Index);
Assert.AreEqual(9, result.Links[1].Length);
Assert.AreEqual("https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki.Link", result.Links[2].Url);
Assert.AreEqual("https://dev.ppy.sh/wiki/Wiki.Link", result.Links[2].Url);
Assert.AreEqual(29, result.Links[2].Index);
Assert.AreEqual(9, result.Links[2].Length);
@ -445,12 +461,15 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
public void TestLinkComplex()
Message result = MessageFormatter.FormatMessage(new Message { Content = "This is a [http://www.simple-test.com simple test] with some [traps] and [[wiki links]]. Don't forget to visit https://osu.ppy.sh (now!)[http://google.com]\uD83D\uDE12" });
Message result = MessageFormatter.FormatMessage(new Message
Content = "This is a [http://www.simple-test.com simple test] with some [traps] and [[wiki links]]. Don't forget to visit https://osu.ppy.sh (now!)[http://google.com]\uD83D\uDE12"
Assert.AreEqual("This is a simple test with some [traps] and wiki links. Don't forget to visit https://osu.ppy.sh now!\0\0\0", result.DisplayContent);
Assert.AreEqual(5, result.Links.Count);
Link f = result.Links.Find(l => l.Url == "https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/wiki links");
Link f = result.Links.Find(l => l.Url == "https://dev.ppy.sh/wiki/wiki links");
Assert.That(f, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.AreEqual(44, f.Index);
Assert.AreEqual(10, f.Length);
@ -514,8 +533,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Chat
[TestCase("https://dev.ppy.sh/home/changelog/lazer/2021.1012", "lazer/2021.1012")]
public void TestChangelogLinks(string link, string expectedArg)
MessageFormatter.WebsiteRootUrl = "dev.ppy.sh";
LinkDetails result = MessageFormatter.GetLinkDetails(link);
Assert.AreEqual(LinkAction.OpenChangelog, result.Action);
@ -50,63 +50,24 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online
Dependencies.Cache(new ChatOverlay());
private void clear() => AddStep("clear messages", textContainer.Clear);
private void addMessageWithChecks(string text, int linkAmount = 0, bool isAction = false, bool isImportant = false, params LinkAction[] expectedActions)
public void Setup() => Schedule(() =>
int index = textContainer.Count + 1;
var newLine = new ChatLine(new DummyMessage(text, isAction, isImportant, index));
AddAssert($"msg #{index} has {linkAmount} link(s)", () => newLine.Message.Links.Count == linkAmount);
AddAssert($"msg #{index} has the right action", hasExpectedActions);
//AddAssert($"msg #{index} is " + (isAction ? "italic" : "not italic"), () => newLine.ContentFlow.Any() && isAction == isItalic());
AddAssert($"msg #{index} shows {linkAmount} link(s)", isShowingLinks);
bool hasExpectedActions()
var expectedActionsList = expectedActions.ToList();
if (expectedActionsList.Count != newLine.Message.Links.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < newLine.Message.Links.Count; i++)
var action = newLine.Message.Links[i].Action;
if (action != expectedActions[i]) return false;
return true;
//bool isItalic() => newLine.ContentFlow.Where(d => d is OsuSpriteText).Cast<OsuSpriteText>().All(sprite => sprite.Font.Italics);
bool isShowingLinks()
bool hasBackground = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newLine.Message.Sender.Colour);
Color4 textColour = isAction && hasBackground ? Color4Extensions.FromHex(newLine.Message.Sender.Colour) : Color4.White;
var linkCompilers = newLine.ContentFlow.Where(d => d is DrawableLinkCompiler).ToList();
var linkSprites = linkCompilers.SelectMany(comp => ((DrawableLinkCompiler)comp).Parts);
return linkSprites.All(d => d.Colour == linkColour)
&& newLine.ContentFlow.Except(linkSprites.Concat(linkCompilers)).All(d => d.Colour == textColour);
private void testLinksGeneral()
public void TestLinksGeneral()
int messageIndex = 0;
addMessageWithChecks("https://dev.ppy.sh!", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
addMessageWithChecks("00:12:345 (1,2) - Test?", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.OpenEditorTimestamp);
addMessageWithChecks("Wiki link for tasty [[Performance Points]]", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
addMessageWithChecks("Wiki link for tasty [[Performance Points]]", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.OpenWiki);
addMessageWithChecks("(osu forums)[https://dev.ppy.sh/forum] (old link format)", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
addMessageWithChecks("[https://dev.ppy.sh/home New site] (new link format)", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
addMessageWithChecks("[osu forums](https://dev.ppy.sh/forum) (new link format 2)", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
@ -117,7 +78,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online
expectedActions: new[] { LinkAction.External, LinkAction.OpenBeatmap, LinkAction.External });
addMessageWithChecks("[https://dev.ppy.sh/home New link format with escaped [and \\[ paired] braces]", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
addMessageWithChecks("[Markdown link format with escaped [and \\[ paired] braces](https://dev.ppy.sh/home)", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.External);
addMessageWithChecks("(Old link format with escaped (and \\( paired) parentheses)[https://dev.ppy.sh/home] and [[also a rogue wiki link]]", 2, expectedActions: new[] { LinkAction.External, LinkAction.External });
addMessageWithChecks("(Old link format with escaped (and \\( paired) parentheses)[https://dev.ppy.sh/home] and [[also a rogue wiki link]]", 2,
expectedActions: new[] { LinkAction.External, LinkAction.OpenWiki });
// note that there's 0 links here (they get removed if a channel is not found)
addMessageWithChecks("#lobby or #osu would be blue (and work) in the ChatDisplay test (when a proper ChatOverlay is present).");
addMessageWithChecks("I am important!", 0, false, true);
@ -129,11 +91,60 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online
addMessageWithChecks("Join my osu://chan/#english.", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.OpenChannel);
addMessageWithChecks("Join my #english or #japanese channels.", 2, expectedActions: new[] { LinkAction.OpenChannel, LinkAction.OpenChannel });
addMessageWithChecks("Join my #english or #nonexistent #hashtag channels.", 1, expectedActions: LinkAction.OpenChannel);
void addMessageWithChecks(string text, int linkAmount = 0, bool isAction = false, bool isImportant = false, params LinkAction[] expectedActions)
ChatLine newLine = null;
int index = messageIndex++;
AddStep("add message", () =>
newLine = new ChatLine(new DummyMessage(text, isAction, isImportant, index));
AddAssert($"msg #{index} has {linkAmount} link(s)", () => newLine.Message.Links.Count == linkAmount);
AddAssert($"msg #{index} has the right action", hasExpectedActions);
//AddAssert($"msg #{index} is " + (isAction ? "italic" : "not italic"), () => newLine.ContentFlow.Any() && isAction == isItalic());
AddAssert($"msg #{index} shows {linkAmount} link(s)", isShowingLinks);
bool hasExpectedActions()
var expectedActionsList = expectedActions.ToList();
if (expectedActionsList.Count != newLine.Message.Links.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < newLine.Message.Links.Count; i++)
var action = newLine.Message.Links[i].Action;
if (action != expectedActions[i]) return false;
return true;
//bool isItalic() => newLine.ContentFlow.Where(d => d is OsuSpriteText).Cast<OsuSpriteText>().All(sprite => sprite.Font.Italics);
bool isShowingLinks()
bool hasBackground = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newLine.Message.Sender.Colour);
Color4 textColour = isAction && hasBackground ? Color4Extensions.FromHex(newLine.Message.Sender.Colour) : Color4.White;
var linkCompilers = newLine.ContentFlow.Where(d => d is DrawableLinkCompiler).ToList();
var linkSprites = linkCompilers.SelectMany(comp => ((DrawableLinkCompiler)comp).Parts);
return linkSprites.All(d => d.Colour == linkColour)
&& newLine.ContentFlow.Except(linkSprites.Concat(linkCompilers)).All(d => d.Colour == textColour);
private void testEcho()
public void TestEcho()
int echoCounter = 0;
int messageIndex = 0;
addEchoWithWait("sent!", "received!");
addEchoWithWait("https://dev.ppy.sh/home", null, 500);
@ -142,15 +153,16 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tests.Visual.Online
void addEchoWithWait(string text, string completeText = null, double delay = 250)
var newLine = new ChatLine(new DummyEchoMessage(text));
int index = messageIndex++;
AddStep($"send msg #{++echoCounter} after {delay}ms", () =>
AddStep($"send msg #{index} after {delay}ms", () =>
ChatLine newLine = new ChatLine(new DummyEchoMessage(text));
Scheduler.AddDelayed(() => newLine.Message = new DummyMessage(completeText ?? text), delay);
AddUntilStep($"wait for msg #{echoCounter}", () => textContainer.All(line => line.Message is DummyMessage));
AddUntilStep($"wait for msg #{index}", () => textContainer.All(line => line.Message is DummyMessage));
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Online.Chat
/// </summary>
public static string WebsiteRootUrl
get => websiteRootUrl;
set => websiteRootUrl = value
.Trim('/') // trim potential trailing slash/
.Split('/').Last(); // only keep domain name, ignoring protocol.
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Online.Chat
case "http":
case "https":
// length > 3 since all these links need another argument to work
if (args.Length > 3 && args[1].EndsWith(websiteRootUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (args.Length > 3 && args[1].EndsWith(WebsiteRootUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string mainArg = args[3];
@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Online.Chat
handleMatches(old_link_regex, "{1}", "{2}", result, startIndex, escapeChars: new[] { '(', ')' });
// handle wiki links
handleMatches(wiki_regex, "{1}", "https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/{1}", result, startIndex);
handleMatches(wiki_regex, "{1}", $"https://{WebsiteRootUrl}/wiki/{{1}}", result, startIndex);
// handle bare links
handleAdvanced(advanced_link_regex, result, startIndex);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user