publicstaticLocalisableStringBeatmapSubmissionDescription=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"beatmap_submission_description"),@"Share your beatmap with the world!");
/// "Before you continue, we ask you to check whether the content you are uploading has been cleared for upload. Please understand that you are responsible for the content you upload to the platform and if in doubt, should ask permission from the creators before uploading!"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringContentPermissionsDisclaimer=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"content_permissions_disclaimer"),@"Before you continue, we ask you to check whether the content you are uploading has been cleared for upload. Please understand that you are responsible for the content you upload to the platform and if in doubt, should ask permission from the creators before uploading!");
/// <summary>
/// "Check the content usage guidelines for more information"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringCheckContentUsageGuidelines=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"check_content_usage_guidelines"),@"Check the content usage guidelines for more information");
/// "Not sure you meet the guidelines? Check the list and speed up the ranking process!"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringBeatmapRankingCriteriaDescription=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"beatmap_ranking_criteria_description"),@"Not sure you meet the guidelines? Check the list and speed up the ranking process!");
/// "Unsure about the submission process? Check out the wiki entry!"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringSubmissionProcessDescription=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"submission_process_description"),@"Unsure about the submission process? Check out the wiki entry!");
/// <summary>
/// "Mapping help forum"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringMappingHelpForum=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"mapping_help_forum"),@"Mapping help forum");
/// <summary>
/// "Got some questions about mapping and submission? Ask them in the forums!"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringMappingHelpForumDescription=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"mapping_help_forum_description"),@"Got some questions about mapping and submission? Ask them in the forums!");
/// "Having trouble getting feedback? Why not ask in a mod queue!"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringModdingQueuesForumDescription=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"modding_queues_forum_description"),@"Having trouble getting feedback? Why not ask in a mod queue!");
publicstaticLocalisableStringBeatmapSubmissionTargetCaption=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"beatmap_submission_target_caption"),@"Where would you like to post your beatmap?");
/// "Works in Progress / Help (incomplete, not ready for ranking)"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringBeatmapSubmissionTargetWIP=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"beatmap_submission_target_wip"),@"Works in Progress / Help (incomplete, not ready for ranking)");
/// <summary>
/// "Pending (complete, ready for ranking)"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringBeatmapSubmissionTargetPending=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"beatmap_submission_target_pending"),@"Pending (complete, ready for ranking)");
/// <summary>
/// "Receive notifications for discussion replies"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringNotifyOnDiscussionReplies=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"notify_for_discussion_replies"),@"Receive notifications for discussion replies");
/// <summary>
/// "Load in browser after submission"
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringLoadInBrowserAfterSubmission=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"load_in_browser_after_submission"),@"Load in browser after submission");
/// "Note: In order to make it possible for users of all osu! versions to enjoy your beatmap, it will be exported in a backwards-compatible format. While we have made efforts to ensure that this process keeps the beatmap playable in its intended form, some data related to features that previous versions of osu! do not support may be lost."
publicstaticLocalisableStringLegacyExportDisclaimer=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"legacy_export_disclaimer"),@"Note: In order to make it possible for users of all osu! versions to enjoy your beatmap, it will be exported in a backwards-compatible format. While we have made efforts to ensure that this process keeps the beatmap playable in its intended form, some data related to features that previous versions of osu! do not support may be lost.");
publicstaticLocalisableStringEmptyBeatmapsCannotBeSubmitted=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"empty_beatmaps_cannot_be_submitted"),@"Empty beatmaps cannot be submitted.");