/// "Mods provide different ways to enjoy gameplay. Some have an effect on the score you can achieve during ranked play. Others are just for fun."
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringModSelectDescription=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"mod_select_description"),@"Mods provide different ways to enjoy gameplay. Some have an effect on the score you can achieve during ranked play. Others are just for fun.");
/// "Performance points can be granted for the active mods."
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringRankedExplanation=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"ranked_explanation"),@"Performance points can be granted for the active mods.");
/// "Performance points will not be granted due to active mods."
/// </summary>
publicstaticLocalisableStringUnrankedExplanation=>newTranslatableString(getKey(@"ranked_explanation"),@"Performance points will not be granted due to active mods.");