2018-04-13 18:19:50 +09:00
// Copyright (c) 2007-2018 ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>.
// Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
using osu.Framework.Lists ;
namespace osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints
public class ControlPointInfo
/// <summary>
/// All timing points.
/// </summary>
public SortedList < TimingControlPoint > TimingPoints { get ; private set ; } = new SortedList < TimingControlPoint > ( Comparer < TimingControlPoint > . Default ) ;
/// <summary>
/// All difficulty points.
/// </summary>
public SortedList < DifficultyControlPoint > DifficultyPoints { get ; private set ; } = new SortedList < DifficultyControlPoint > ( Comparer < DifficultyControlPoint > . Default ) ;
/// <summary>
/// All sound points.
/// </summary>
public SortedList < SampleControlPoint > SamplePoints { get ; private set ; } = new SortedList < SampleControlPoint > ( Comparer < SampleControlPoint > . Default ) ;
/// <summary>
/// All effect points.
/// </summary>
public SortedList < EffectControlPoint > EffectPoints { get ; private set ; } = new SortedList < EffectControlPoint > ( Comparer < EffectControlPoint > . Default ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the difficulty control point that is active at <paramref name="time"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The time to find the difficulty control point at.</param>
/// <returns>The difficulty control point.</returns>
2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
public DifficultyControlPoint DifficultyPointAt ( double time ) = > binarySearch ( DifficultyPoints , time ) ;
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/// <summary>
/// Finds the effect control point that is active at <paramref name="time"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The time to find the effect control point at.</param>
/// <returns>The effect control point.</returns>
2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
public EffectControlPoint EffectPointAt ( double time ) = > binarySearch ( EffectPoints , time ) ;
2018-04-13 18:19:50 +09:00
/// <summary>
/// Finds the sound control point that is active at <paramref name="time"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The time to find the sound control point at.</param>
/// <returns>The sound control point.</returns>
2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
public SampleControlPoint SamplePointAt ( double time ) = > binarySearch ( SamplePoints , time , SamplePoints . Count > 0 ? SamplePoints [ 0 ] : null ) ;
2018-04-13 18:19:50 +09:00
/// <summary>
/// Finds the timing control point that is active at <paramref name="time"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The time to find the timing control point at.</param>
/// <returns>The timing control point.</returns>
2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
public TimingControlPoint TimingPointAt ( double time ) = > binarySearch ( TimingPoints , time , TimingPoints . Count > 0 ? TimingPoints [ 0 ] : null ) ;
2018-04-13 18:19:50 +09:00
/// <summary>
/// Finds the maximum BPM represented by any timing control point.
/// </summary>
public double BPMMaximum = >
60000 / ( TimingPoints . OrderBy ( c = > c . BeatLength ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? ? new TimingControlPoint ( ) ) . BeatLength ;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the minimum BPM represented by any timing control point.
/// </summary>
public double BPMMinimum = >
60000 / ( TimingPoints . OrderByDescending ( c = > c . BeatLength ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? ? new TimingControlPoint ( ) ) . BeatLength ;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the mode BPM (most common BPM) represented by the control points.
/// </summary>
public double BPMMode = >
60000 / ( TimingPoints . GroupBy ( c = > c . BeatLength ) . OrderByDescending ( grp = > grp . Count ( ) ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? . FirstOrDefault ( ) ? ? new TimingControlPoint ( ) ) . BeatLength ;
/// <summary>
/// Binary searches one of the control point lists to find the active control point at <paramref name="time"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">The list to search.</param>
/// <param name="time">The time to find the control point at.</param>
/// <param name="prePoint">The control point to use when <paramref name="time"/> is before any control points. If null, a new control point will be constructed.</param>
/// <returns>The active control point at <paramref name="time"/>.</returns>
2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
private T binarySearch < T > ( SortedList < T > list , double time , T prePoint = null )
2018-04-13 18:19:50 +09:00
where T : ControlPoint , new ( )
if ( list = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( nameof ( list ) ) ;
if ( list . Count = = 0 )
return new T ( ) ;
if ( time < list [ 0 ] . Time )
return prePoint ? ? new T ( ) ;
2018-10-17 11:39:29 +09:00
if ( time > = list [ list . Count - 1 ] . Time )
return list [ list . Count - 1 ] ;
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int l = 0 ;
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int r = list . Count - 2 ;
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2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
while ( l < = r )
int pivot = l + ( ( r - l ) > > 1 ) ;
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2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
if ( list [ pivot ] . Time < time )
l = pivot + 1 ;
else if ( list [ pivot ] . Time > time )
r = pivot - 1 ;
return list [ pivot ] ;
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2018-10-17 11:23:18 +09:00
// l will be the first control point with Time > time, but we want the one before it
return list [ l - 1 ] ;
2018-04-13 18:19:50 +09:00