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synced 2025-03-15 11:17:15 +08:00
282 lines
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Executable File
282 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
namespace SakuraPanel;
class Smtp {
public $smtp_port;
public $time_out;
public $host_name;
public $log_file;
public $relay_host;
public $debug;
public $auth;
public $user;
public $pass;
private $sock;
public function __construct($relay_host = "", $smtp_port = 25, $auth = false, $user, $pass)
$this->debug = false;
$this->smtp_port = $smtp_port;
$this->relay_host = $relay_host;
$this->time_out = 30;
$this->auth = $auth;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->host_name = "localhost";
$this->log_file = "";
$this->sock = false;
public function sendMail($to, $from, $subject = "", $body = "", $mailtype, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $additional_headers = "")
$header = "";
$mail_from = $this->getAddress($this->stripComment($from));
$body = mb_ereg_replace("(^|(\r\n))(\\.)", "\\1.\\3", $body);
$header .= "MIME-Version:1.0\r\n";
if ($mailtype == "HTML") {
$header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n";
$header .= "To: {$to}\r\n";
if ($cc != "") {
$header .= "Cc: {$cc}\r\n";
$header .= "From: {$from}\r\n";
$header .= "Subject: {$subject}\r\n";
$header .= $additional_headers;
$header .= "Date: " . date("r") . "\r\n";
$header .= "X-Mailer: By (SakuraPanel)\r\n";
list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$header .= "Message-ID: <" . date("YmdHis", $sec) . "." . ($msec * 1000000) . ".{$mail_from}>\r\n";
$TO = explode(",", $this->stripComment($to));
if ($cc != "") {
$TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->stripComment($cc)));
if ($bcc != "") {
$TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->stripComment($bcc)));
$sent = true;
foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to) {
$rcpt_to = $this->getAddress($rcpt_to);
if (!$this->smtpSockopen($rcpt_to)) {
$this->logWrite("Error: Cannot send email to {$rcpt_to}\n");
$sent = false;
if ($this->smtpSend($this->host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $header, $body)) {
$this->logWrite("E-mail has been sent to <{$rcpt_to}>\n");
} else {
$this->logWrite("Error: Cannot send email to <{$rcpt_to}>\n");
$sent = false;
$this->logWrite("Disconnected from remote host\n");
return $sent;
private function smtpSend($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = "")
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("HELO", $helo)) {
return $this->smtpError("sending HELO command");
if ($this->auth) {
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("AUTH LOGIN", base64_encode($this->user))) {
return $this->smtpError("sending HELO command");
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("", base64_encode($this->pass))) {
return $this->smtpError("sending HELO command");
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("MAIL", "FROM:<{$from}>")) {
return $this->smtpError("sending MAIL FROM command");
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("RCPT", "TO:<{$to}>")) {
return $this->smtpError("sending RCPT TO command");
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("DATA")) {
return $this->smtpError("sending DATA command");
if (!$this->smtpMessage($header, $body)) {
return $this->smtpError("sending message");
if (!$this->smtpEom()) {
return $this->smtpError("sending <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> [EOM]");
if (!$this->smtpPutcmd("QUIT")) {
return $this->smtpError("sending QUIT command");
return true;
private function smtpSockopen($address)
if ($this->relay_host == "") {
return $this->smtpSockopenMx($address);
} else {
return $this->smtpSockopenRelay();
private function smtpSockopenRelay()
$this->logWrite("Trying to {$this->relay_host}:{$this->smtp_port}\n");
$this->sock = @fsockopen($this->relay_host, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);
if (!($this->sock && $this->smtpOk())) {
$this->logWrite("Error: Cannot connenct to relay host {$this->relay_host}\n");
$this->logWrite("Error: {$errstr} ({$errno})\n");
return false;
$this->logWrite("Connected to relay host {$this->relay_host}\n");
return true;;
private function smtpSockopenMx($address)
$domain = ereg_replace("^.+@([^@]+)$", "\\1", $address);
if (!@getmxrr($domain, $MXHOSTS)) {
$this->logWrite("Error: Cannot resolve MX \"{$domain}\"\n");
return false;
foreach ($MXHOSTS as $host) {
$this->logWrite("Trying to {$host}:{$this->smtp_port}\n");
$this->sock = @fsockopen($host, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);
if (!($this->sock && $this->smtpOk())) {
$this->logWrite("Warning: Cannot connect to mx host {$host}\n");
$this->logWrite("Error: {$errstr} ({$errno})\n");
$this->logWrite("Connected to mx host {$host}\n");
return true;
$this->logWrite("Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts (" . implode(", ", $MXHOSTS) . ")\n");
return false;
private function smtpMessage($header, $body)
fputs($this->sock, "{$header}\r\n" . $body);
$this->smtpDebug("> " . str_replace("\r\n", "\n> ", "{$header}\n> {$body}\n> "));
return true;
private function smtpEom()
fputs($this->sock, "\r\n.\r\n");
$this->smtpDebug(". [EOM]\n");
return $this->smtpOk();
private function smtpOk()
$response = str_replace("\r\n", "", fgets($this->sock, 512));
if (!mb_ereg("^[23]", $response)) {
fputs($this->sock, "QUIT\r\n");
fgets($this->sock, 512);
$this->logWrite("Error: Remote host returned \"{$response}\"\n");
return false;
return true;
private function smtpPutcmd($cmd, $arg = "")
if ($arg != "") {
$cmd = empty($cmd) ? $arg : "{$cmd} {$arg}";
fputs($this->sock, "{$cmd}\r\n");
$this->smtpDebug("> {$cmd}\n");
return $this->smtpOk();
private function smtpError($string)
$this->logWrite("Error: Error occurred while {$string}.\n");
return false;
private function logWrite($message)
if ($this->log_file == "") {
return true;
$message = date("M d H:i:s ") . get_current_user() . "[" . getmypid() . "]: {$message}";
if (!@file_exists($this->log_file) || !($fp = @fopen($this->log_file, "a"))) {
$this->smtpDebug("Warning: Cannot open log file \"{$this->log_file}\"\n");
return false;
flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
fputs($fp, $message);
return true;
private function stripComment($address)
$comment = "\\([^()]*\\)";
while (mb_ereg($comment, $address)) {
$address = mb_ereg_replace($comment, "", $address);
return $address;
private function getAddress($address)
$address = mb_ereg_replace("([ \t\r\n])+", "", $address);
$address = mb_ereg_replace("^.*<(.+)>.*$", "\\1", $address);
return $address;
private function smtpDebug($message)
if ($this->debug) {
echo $message;
private function getAttachType($image_tag)
$filedata = array();
$img_file_con = fopen($image_tag, "r");
while ($tem_buffer = addslashes(fread($img_file_con, filesize($image_tag)))) {
$image_data .= $tem_buffer;
$filedata['context'] = $image_data;
$filedata['filename'] = basename($image_tag);
$extension = substr($image_tag, strrpos($image_tag, "."), strlen($image_tag) - strrpos($image_tag, "."));
$extensions = Array(
".gif" => "image/gif",
".gz" => "application/x-gzip",
".htm" => "text/html",
".html" => "text/html",
".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
".png" => "image/png",
".bmp" => "image/bmp",
".gif" => "image/gif",
".tar" => "application/x-tar",
".txt" => "text/plain",
".zip" => "application/zip"
$filedata['type'] = $extensions[$extension] ?? "application/octet-stream";
return $filedata;