
425 lines
11 KiB

using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance;
using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance.Buffers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class JenkHash
public JenkHashInputEncoding Encoding { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public int HashInt { get; set; }
public uint HashUint { get; set; }
public string HashHex { get; set; }
public JenkHash(string text, JenkHashInputEncoding encoding)
Encoding = encoding;
Text = text;
HashUint = GenHash(text, encoding);
HashInt = (int)HashUint;
HashHex = "0x" + HashUint.ToString("X");
private const int minInclusive = 'A';
private const int maxInclusive = 'Z' - minInclusive;
public static byte ToLower(char c)
return ToLower((byte)c);
//return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? (byte)(c - 'A' + 'a') : (byte)c;
public static byte ToLower(byte c)
return ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ? (byte)(c | 0x20) : c;
public static uint GenHash(string text, JenkHashInputEncoding encoding)
uint h = 0;
byte[] chars;
switch (encoding)
case JenkHashInputEncoding.UTF8:
chars = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
case JenkHashInputEncoding.ASCII:
chars = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text);
for (uint i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
h += chars[i];
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashLowerInline(string text)
return GenHashLower(text.AsSpan());
public static uint GenHashLower(string text)
return GenHashLower(text.AsSpan());
public static uint GenHash(ReadOnlySpan<char> text)
uint h = 0;
foreach(var c in text)
h += (byte)c;
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashInline(string text)
return GenHash(text.AsSpan());
public static uint GenHash(string text)
return GenHash(text.AsSpan());
public static uint GenHashLower(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
uint h = 0;
foreach(var b in data)
h += ToLower(b);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashLower(ReadOnlySpan<char> text)
uint h = 0;
foreach(var c in text)
h += ToLower(c);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHashLower(ReadOnlySpan<char> text, ReadOnlySpan<char> str2)
uint h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
h += ToLower(text[i]);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
for (int i = 0; i < str2.Length; i++)
h += ToLower(str2[i]);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public static uint GenHash(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
uint h = 0;
foreach(var c in data)
h += c;
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
public enum JenkHashInputEncoding
UTF8 = 0,
ASCII = 1,
public class JenkIndMatch
public string Hash { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public double Score { get; set; }
public JenkIndMatch(string hash, string val)
Hash = hash;
Value = val;
public void CalculateScore()
int wordlength = 0;
int wordrank = 0;
string okwordsymbs = " _-.";
string goodwordsymbs = "_";
for (int i = 0; i < Value.Length; i++)
char c = Value[i];
bool wordchar = (char.IsLetter(c) || char.IsDigit(c) || goodwordsymbs.Contains(c));
if (wordchar)
else if (okwordsymbs.Contains(c))
//wordlength++; //don't add this to the score, but allow it to continue the chain
if (wordlength > 2)
wordrank += wordlength; //linear word increment, ignoring 1-2char matches
wordlength = 0;
//wordrank += wordlength; //each sequential letter in a word contributes more to the rank, ie. 1+2+3+4+...
if (wordlength > 2)
wordrank += wordlength; //linear word increment, ignoring 1-2char matches
if (Value.Length > 0)
//the max value for a given length when 1+2+3+4+5+..n = n(n+1)/2
//double n = (double)Value.Length;
//double maxscore = n * (n + 1.0) * 0.5;
double n = (double)Value.Length;
Score = (((double)wordrank) / n);
//Score = (((double)wordrank));
Score = 0.0;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} -> {1} ({2:0.##})", Hash, Value, Score);
public class JenkIndProblem
public string Filename { get; set; }
public string Excuse { get; set; }
public int Line { get; set; }
public JenkIndProblem(string filepath, string excuse, int line)
Filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath);
Excuse = excuse;
Line = line;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} : {1} at line {2}", Filename, Excuse, Line);
public static class JenkIndex
//public static ConcurrentDictionary<uint, string> Index = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, string>(Environment.ProcessorCount * 2, 2000000);
public static ConcurrentDictionary<uint, string> Index = new ConcurrentDictionary<uint, string>(Environment.ProcessorCount, 2097152);
public static void Ensure(string str)
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHashInline(str);
addString(str, hash);
private static void addString(string str, uint hash)
Index.TryAdd(hash, str);
public static void Ensure(string str, uint hash)
if (hash == 0)
addString(str, hash);
public static void Ensure(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, uint hash)
if (hash == 0)
if (Index.ContainsKey(hash))
var str = StringPool.Shared.GetOrAdd(span);
addString(str, hash);
public static void Ensure(ReadOnlySpan<byte> str, uint hash)
if (hash == 0)
if (Index.ContainsKey(hash))
addString(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(str), hash);
public static void EnsureLower(string str)
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHashLowerInline(str);
Ensure(str, hash);
public static void EnsureLower(ReadOnlySpan<char> str)
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(str);
Ensure(str, hash);
public static void EnsureBoth(string str)
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHashInline(str);
uint hashLower = JenkHash.GenHashLowerInline(str);
Ensure(str, hash);
if (hash != hashLower)
Ensure(str, hashLower);
public static void EnsureBoth(ReadOnlySpan<char> strSpan)
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHash(strSpan);
uint hashLower = JenkHash.GenHashLower(strSpan);
var contains = Index.ContainsKey(hash);
var containsLower = Index.ContainsKey(hashLower);
if (contains && containsLower)
var str = StringPool.Shared.GetOrAdd(strSpan);
addString(str, hash);
if (hash != hashLower)
addString(str, hashLower);
public static string GetString(uint hash)
string res;
if (!Index.TryGetValue(hash, out res))
res = hash.ToString();
return res;
public static string TryGetString(uint hash)
string res;
if (!Index.TryGetValue(hash, out res))
res = string.Empty;
return res;
public static bool TryGetString(uint hash, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string res) => Index.TryGetValue(hash, out res);
public static ICollection<string> GetAllStrings()
var res = Index.Values;
return res;