
1865 lines
66 KiB

using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharpDX;
using System.Xml;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace CodeWalker.World
public class Scenarios
public volatile bool Inited = false;
public Timecycle Timecycle { get; set; }
public GameFileCache GameFileCache { get; set; }
public static ScenarioTypes ScenarioTypes { get; set; }
public List<YmtFile> ScenarioRegions { get; set; }
public void Init(GameFileCache gameFileCache, Action<string> updateStatus, Timecycle timecycle)
Timecycle = timecycle;
GameFileCache = gameFileCache;
ScenarioRegions = new List<YmtFile>();
//the non-replacement [XML] is hash 1074D56E
//replacement XML is 203D234 I think and replacement PSO A6F20ADA
//('replacement' implies 'when a DLC loads it it unloads the existing spmanifest first')
//- content.xml fileType for sp_manifest
//Vector2I maxgrid = new Vector2I(0, 0);
//List<Vector2I> griddims = new List<Vector2I>();
//int maxcells = 0;
var rpfman = gameFileCache.RpfMan;
string manifestfilename = "update\\update.rpf\\x64\\levels\\gta5\\sp_manifest.ymt";
YmtFile manifestymt = rpfman.GetFile<YmtFile>(manifestfilename);
if ((manifestymt != null) && (manifestymt.CScenarioPointManifest != null))
foreach (var region in manifestymt.CScenarioPointManifest.RegionDefs)
string regionfilename = region.Name.ToString() + ".ymt"; //JenkIndex lookup... ymt should have already loaded path strings into it! maybe change this...
string basefilename = regionfilename.Replace("platform:", "x64a.rpf");
string updfilename = regionfilename.Replace("platform:", "update\\update.rpf\\x64");
string usefilename = updfilename;
if (!gameFileCache.EnableDlc)
usefilename = basefilename;
YmtFile regionymt = rpfman.GetFile<YmtFile>(usefilename);
if (regionymt == null)
regionymt = rpfman.GetFile<YmtFile>(basefilename);
if (regionymt != null)
var sregion = regionymt.ScenarioRegion;
if (sregion != null)
////testing stuff...
//var gd = regionymt?.CScenarioPointRegion?.Data.AccelGrid.Dimensions ?? new Vector2I();
//maxgrid = new Vector2I(Math.Max(maxgrid.X, gd.X), Math.Max(maxgrid.Y, gd.Y));
//maxcells = Math.Max(maxcells, gd.X * gd.Y);
//byte[] data = regionymt.Save();
//System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\CodeWalker.Projects\\YmtTest\\AllYmts\\" + regionymt.Name, data);
Inited = true;
public static void EnsureScenarioTypes(GameFileCache gfc)
//if (ScenarioTypes == null)
var stypes = new ScenarioTypes();
ScenarioTypes = stypes;
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class ScenarioRegion : BasePathData
public VertexTypePC[] PathVerts { get; set; }
public VertexTypePC[] TriangleVerts { get; set; }
public Vector4[] NodePositions { get; set; }
public VertexTypePC[] GetPathVertices()
return PathVerts;
public VertexTypePC[] GetTriangleVertices()
return TriangleVerts;
public Vector4[] GetNodePositions()
return NodePositions;
public YmtFile Ymt { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
private Dictionary<Vector3, ScenarioNode> NodeDict { get; set; }
public List<ScenarioNode> Nodes { get; set; }
public PathBVH BVH { get; set; }
public bool Loaded { get; set; }
public void Load(YmtFile ymt)
Ymt = ymt;
Region = ymt?.CScenarioPointRegion;
Loaded = true;
public void LoadTypes()
if ((Ymt == null) || (Region == null))
{ return; }
if (Region.LookUps == null)
{ return; }
if (Scenarios.ScenarioTypes == null) //these are loaded by Scenarios.Init
{ return; }
if (Nodes == null) //nodes not loaded yet - BuildVertices needs to be called first!
{ return; }
foreach (var node in Nodes)
LoadTypes(Region, node.MyPoint);
LoadTypes(Region, node.ClusterMyPoint);
LoadTypes(Region, node.ChainingNode);
private void LoadTypes(MCScenarioPointRegion r, MCScenarioPoint scp)
if (scp == null) return;
var types = Scenarios.ScenarioTypes; //these are loaded by Scenarios.Init
if (types == null)
{ return; }
var typhashes = r.LookUps.TypeNames;
var pedhashes = r.LookUps.PedModelSetNames;
var vehhashes = r.LookUps.VehicleModelSetNames;
var inthashes = r.LookUps.InteriorNames;
var grphashes = r.LookUps.GroupNames;
var maphashes = r.LookUps.RequiredIMapNames;
bool isveh = false;
var tpind = scp.TypeId;
if (tpind < typhashes.Length)
var hash = typhashes[tpind];
scp.Type = types.GetScenarioType(hash);
if (scp.Type != null)
isveh = scp.Type.IsVehicle;
{ }
{ }
var msind = scp.ModelSetId;
if (isveh)
if (msind < vehhashes.Length)
var hash = vehhashes[msind];
scp.ModelSet = types.GetVehicleModelSet(hash);
if (scp.ModelSet != null)
{ }
else if (hash != 493038497)//"None"
{ }
{ }
if (msind < pedhashes.Length)
var hash = pedhashes[msind];
scp.ModelSet = types.GetPedModelSet(hash);
if (scp.ModelSet != null)
{ }
else if (hash != 493038497)//"None"
{ }
{ }
var intind = scp.InteriorId;
if (intind < inthashes.Length)
var hash = inthashes[intind];
scp.InteriorName = hash;
var grpid = scp.GroupId;
if (grpid < grphashes.Length)
var hash = grphashes[grpid];
scp.GroupName = hash;
var mapid = scp.IMapId;
if (mapid < maphashes.Length)
var hash = maphashes[mapid];
scp.IMapName = hash;
private void LoadTypes(MCScenarioPointRegion r, MCScenarioChainingNode spn)
if (spn == null) return;
var types = Scenarios.ScenarioTypes; //these are loaded by Scenarios.Init
if (types == null)
{ return; }
uint hash = spn._Data.ScenarioType;
if ((hash != 0) && (hash != 493038497))
bool isveh = false;
spn.Type = types.GetScenarioType(hash);
if (spn.Type != null)
isveh = spn.Type.IsVehicle;
{ }
if (isveh)
{ }
{ }
public void BuildNodes()
NodeDict = new Dictionary<Vector3, ScenarioNode>();
Nodes = new List<ScenarioNode>();
if ((Ymt != null) && (Ymt.CScenarioPointRegion != null))
var r = Ymt.CScenarioPointRegion;
if ((r.Paths != null) && (r.Paths.Nodes != null))
foreach (var node in r.Paths.Nodes)
List<MCScenarioChainingEdge> chainedges = new List<MCScenarioChainingEdge>();
if ((r.Paths.Chains != null) && (r.Paths.Edges != null))
var rp = r.Paths;
var rpc = rp.Chains;
var rpe = rp.Edges;
var rpn = rp.Nodes;
foreach (var chain in rpc)
foreach (var edgeId in chain.EdgeIds)
if (edgeId >= rpe.Length)
{ continue; }
var edge = rpe[edgeId];
if (edge.NodeIndexFrom >= rpn.Length)
{ continue; }
if (edge.NodeIndexTo >= rpn.Length)
{ continue; }
edge.NodeFrom = rpn[edge.NodeIndexFrom];
edge.NodeTo = rpn[edge.NodeIndexTo];
var nfc = edge.NodeFrom?.Chain;
var ntc = edge.NodeTo?.Chain;
if ((nfc != null) && (nfc != chain))
{ }
if ((ntc != null) && (ntc != chain))
{ }
if (edge.NodeFrom != null) edge.NodeFrom.Chain = chain;
if (edge.NodeTo != null) edge.NodeTo.Chain = chain;
chain.Edges = chainedges.ToArray();
if (r.Points != null)
if (r.Points.MyPoints != null)
foreach (var point in r.Points.MyPoints)
if (r.Points.LoadSavePoints != null)
foreach (var point in r.Points.LoadSavePoints)
EnsureNode(point); //no hits here - not used?
if (r.Clusters != null) //spawn groups
foreach (var cluster in r.Clusters)
if (cluster.Points != null)
if (cluster.Points.MyPoints != null)
foreach (var point in cluster.Points.MyPoints)
var node = EnsureClusterNode(point);
node.Cluster = cluster;
if (cluster.Points.LoadSavePoints != null)
foreach (var point in cluster.Points.LoadSavePoints)
var node = EnsureClusterNode(point); //no hits here - not used?
node.Cluster = cluster;
if (r.EntityOverrides != null)
foreach (var overr in r.EntityOverrides)
if (overr.ScenarioPoints != null)
foreach (var point in overr.ScenarioPoints)
var node = EnsureEntityNode(point);
node.Entity = overr;
//Nodes = NodeDict.Values.ToList();
public void BuildBVH()
BVH = new PathBVH(Nodes, 10);
public void BuildVertices()
List<VertexTypePC> pathverts = new List<VertexTypePC>();
uint cred = (uint)Color.Red.ToRgba();
uint cblu = (uint)Color.Blue.ToRgba();
uint cgrn = (uint)Color.Green.ToBgra();
uint cblk = (uint)Color.Black.ToBgra();
if ((Ymt != null) && (Ymt.CScenarioPointRegion != null))
var r = Ymt.CScenarioPointRegion;
VertexTypePC pv1 = new VertexTypePC();
VertexTypePC pv2 = new VertexTypePC();
if ((r.Paths != null) && (r.Paths.Nodes != null))
if ((r.Paths.Chains != null) && (r.Paths.Edges != null))
foreach (var chain in r.Paths.Chains)
if (chain.Edges == null) continue;
foreach (var edge in chain.Edges)
var vid1 = edge._Data.NodeIndexFrom;
var vid2 = edge._Data.NodeIndexTo;
if ((vid1 >= r.Paths.Nodes.Length) || (vid2 >= r.Paths.Nodes.Length)) continue;
var v1 = r.Paths.Nodes[vid1];
var v2 = r.Paths.Nodes[vid2];
byte cr1 = (v1.NotFirst) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cr2 = (v2.NotFirst) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cg = 0;// (chain._Data.Unk_1156691834 > 1) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = ((v1.Unk1 != 0) || (v2.Unk1 != 0)) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = (edge.Action == Unk_3609807418.Unk_7865678) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
//cg = ((v1.UnkValTest != 0) || (v2.UnkValTest != 0)) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
byte cb1 = (byte)(255 - cr1);
byte cb2 = (byte)(255 - cr2);
pv1.Position = v1.Position;
pv2.Position = v2.Position;
pv1.Colour = (uint)new Color(cr1, cg, cb1, (byte)255).ToRgba();// (v1._Data.Unk_407126079 == 1) ? cred : cblu;
pv2.Colour = (uint)new Color(cr2, cg, cb2, (byte)255).ToRgba();// (v2._Data.Unk_407126079 == 1) ? cred : cblu;
//if (r.Unk_3844724227 != null) //visualise AccelGrid...
// var grid = r._Data.AccelGrid;
// var minx = grid.Unk_MinX_860552138;
// var maxx = grid.Unk_MaxX_3824598937;
// var miny = grid.Unk_MinY_496029782;
// var maxy = grid.Unk_MaxY_3374647798;
// var cntx = (maxx - minx) + 1;
// var cnty = (maxy - miny) + 1;
// var calclen = cntx * cnty; //==r.Unk_3844724227.Length;
// var gscale = grid.Scale;
// var posz = BVH?.Box.Maximum.Z ?? 0;
// var minpos = new Vector3(grid.Min, posz);
// var sizx = cntx * gscale.X;
// var sizy = cnty * gscale.Y;
// for (var x = 0; x <= cntx; x++)
// {
// var fx = x * gscale.X;
// pv1.Position = minpos + new Vector3(fx, 0, 0);
// pv2.Position = pv1.Position + new Vector3(0, sizy, 0);
// pv1.Colour = cblk;
// pv2.Colour = cblk;
// pathverts.Add(pv1);
// pathverts.Add(pv2);
// }
// for (var y = 0; y <= cnty; y++)
// {
// var fy = y * gscale.Y;
// pv1.Position = minpos + new Vector3(0, fy, 0);
// pv2.Position = pv1.Position + new Vector3(sizx, 0, 0);
// pv1.Colour = cblk;
// pv2.Colour = cblk;
// pathverts.Add(pv1);
// pathverts.Add(pv2);
// }
if (pathverts.Count > 0)
PathVerts = pathverts.ToArray();
PathVerts = null;
List<Vector4> nodes = new List<Vector4>(Nodes.Count);
foreach (var node in Nodes)
nodes.Add(new Vector4(node.Position, 1.0f));
if (nodes.Count > 0)
NodePositions = nodes.ToArray();
NodePositions = null;
private ScenarioNode EnsureNode(MCScenarioChainingNode cnode)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(cnode.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.ChainingNode == null))
exnode.ChainingNode = cnode;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(cnode.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.ChainingNode = cnode;
exnode.Position = cnode.Position;
NodeDict[cnode.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureNode(MCScenarioPoint point)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(point.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.MyPoint == null))
exnode.MyPoint = point;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(point.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.MyPoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureNode(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint point)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(point.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.LoadSavePoint == null))
exnode.LoadSavePoint = point;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(point.ScenarioRegion?.Ymt);
exnode.LoadSavePoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureClusterNode(MCScenarioPointCluster cluster)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(cluster.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.Cluster == null))
exnode.Cluster = cluster;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(cluster.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.Cluster = cluster;
exnode.Position = cluster.Position;
NodeDict[cluster.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureClusterNode(MCScenarioPoint point)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(point.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.ClusterMyPoint == null))
exnode.ClusterMyPoint = point;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(point.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.ClusterMyPoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureClusterNode(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint point)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(point.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.ClusterLoadSavePoint == null))
exnode.ClusterLoadSavePoint = point;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(point.ScenarioRegion?.Ymt);
exnode.ClusterLoadSavePoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureEntityNode(MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint point)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(point.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.EntityPoint == null))
exnode.EntityPoint = point;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(point.ScenarioRegion?.Ymt);
exnode.EntityPoint = point;
exnode.Position = point.Position;
exnode.Orientation = point.Orientation;
NodeDict[point.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
private ScenarioNode EnsureEntityNode(MCScenarioEntityOverride entity)
ScenarioNode exnode;
if (NodeDict.TryGetValue(entity.Position, out exnode) && (exnode.Entity == null))
exnode.Entity = entity;
exnode = new ScenarioNode(entity.Region?.Ymt);
exnode.Entity = entity;
exnode.Position = entity.Position;
NodeDict[entity.Position] = exnode;
return exnode;
public ScenarioNode AddNode(ScenarioNode copy = null)
var n = new ScenarioNode(Ymt);
var rgn = Ymt.CScenarioPointRegion;
if (copy != null)
if (copy.MyPoint != null) n.MyPoint = new MCScenarioPoint(rgn, copy.MyPoint);
if (copy.LoadSavePoint != null) n.LoadSavePoint = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(rgn, copy.LoadSavePoint);
if (copy.ClusterMyPoint != null)
n.Cluster = copy.Cluster;
n.ClusterMyPoint = new MCScenarioPoint(rgn, copy.ClusterMyPoint);
else if (copy.ClusterLoadSavePoint != null)
n.Cluster = copy.Cluster;
n.ClusterLoadSavePoint = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(rgn, copy.ClusterLoadSavePoint);
else if (copy.Cluster != null)
n.Cluster = new MCScenarioPointCluster(rgn, copy.Cluster);
if (copy.EntityPoint != null)
n.Entity = copy.Entity;
n.EntityPoint = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint(rgn, copy.EntityPoint);
else if (copy.Entity != null)
n.Entity = new MCScenarioEntityOverride(rgn, copy.Entity);
if (copy.ChainingNode != null)
n.ChainingNode = new MCScenarioChainingNode(rgn, copy.ChainingNode);
n.MyPoint = new MCScenarioPoint(rgn);
n.MyPoint.InteriorName = 493038497; //JenkHash.GenHash("none");
n.MyPoint.GroupName = 493038497;
n.MyPoint.IMapName = 493038497;
n.MyPoint.TimeStart = 0;
n.MyPoint.TimeEnd = 24;
if ((Region != null) && (Region.Points != null))
if (n.MyPoint != null) Region.Points.AddMyPoint(n.MyPoint);
if (n.LoadSavePoint != null) Region.Points.AddLoadSavePoint(n.LoadSavePoint);
if ((n.Cluster != null) && (n.Cluster.Points != null))
if (n.ClusterMyPoint != null) n.Cluster.Points.AddMyPoint(n.ClusterMyPoint);
if (n.ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) n.Cluster.Points.AddLoadSavePoint(n.ClusterLoadSavePoint);
if ((n.Entity != null) && (n.Entity.ScenarioPoints != null))
if (n.EntityPoint != null) n.Entity.AddScenarioPoint(n.EntityPoint);
if ((Region != null) && (Region.Paths != null))
if (n.ChainingNode != null)
n.ChainingNode.Chain = copy?.ChainingNode?.Chain;
//create a new edge connecting from the existing node...
if ((copy?.ChainingNode != null) && (Region.Paths.Edges != null))
MCScenarioChainingEdge exEdge = null;
foreach (var edge in Region.Paths.Edges)
if (edge.NodeTo == copy.ChainingNode)
exEdge = edge;
if (exEdge != null)
MCScenarioChainingEdge newEdge = new MCScenarioChainingEdge(rgn, exEdge);
newEdge.NodeFrom = copy.ChainingNode;
newEdge.NodeIndexFrom = (ushort)copy.ChainingNode.NodeIndex;
newEdge.NodeTo = n.ChainingNode;
newEdge.NodeIndexTo = (ushort)n.ChainingNode.NodeIndex;
//chain start/end have these flags set... make sure they are updated!
copy.ChainingNode.NotLast = true;
n.ChainingNode.NotLast = false;
if (copy.Region == Region) //only add the new edge if we're in the same region...
//create a new chain..?
return n;
public bool RemoveNode(ScenarioNode node)
if (node == null) return false;
var rgn = Region;
if (rgn == null) return false;
bool res = true;
if (rgn.Points != null)
if (node.MyPoint != null)
res = res && rgn.Points.RemoveMyPoint(node.MyPoint);
if (node.LoadSavePoint != null)
res = res && rgn.Points.RemoveLoadSavePoint(node.LoadSavePoint);
if ((node.Cluster != null) && (node.Cluster.Points != null))
if (node.ClusterMyPoint != null)
res = res && node.Cluster.Points.RemoveMyPoint(node.ClusterMyPoint);
if (node.ClusterLoadSavePoint != null)
res = res && node.Cluster.Points.RemoveLoadSavePoint(node.ClusterLoadSavePoint);
if (node.Entity != null)
if (node.EntityPoint != null)
res = res && node.Entity.RemoveScenarioPoint(node.EntityPoint);
if ((node.ChainingNode != null) && (rgn.Paths != null))
res = res && rgn.Paths.RemoveNode(node.ChainingNode);
res = res && Nodes.Remove(node);
return res;
public byte[] Save()
if (Region == null) return null;
MetaBuilder mb = new MetaBuilder();
var ptr = Region.Save(mb);
Meta meta = mb.GetMeta();
byte[] data = ResourceBuilder.Build(meta, 2); //scenario ymt is version 2...
return data;
public void RebuildAccelGrid()
if (Region == null) return;
//find the grid extents, then sort points into the cell buckets.
//output cell end point indexes to the accel grid data.
Vector3 vmin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
Vector3 vmax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
var points = Region.Points?.MyPoints;
if ((points != null) && (points.Length > 0))
foreach (var point in points)
var pos = point.Position;
vmin = Vector3.Min(vmin, pos);
vmax = Vector3.Max(vmax, pos);
vmin = Vector3.Zero;
vmax = Vector3.Zero;
//need to first find the correct cell size - aim for a maximum of 999 cells
//start at 32x32 size, increment until cell count is within the limit.
float cellsize = 32;
Vector2 gmin = new Vector2(vmin.X / cellsize, vmin.Y / cellsize);
Vector2 gmax = new Vector2(vmax.X / cellsize, vmax.Y / cellsize);
Vector2I imin = new Vector2I(gmin);
Vector2I imax = new Vector2I(gmax);
Vector2I irng = new Vector2I(1, 1) + imax - imin;
int cellcount = irng.X * irng.Y;
while (cellcount > 999)
cellsize *= 2.0f;
gmin *= 0.5f;
gmax *= 0.5f;
imin = new Vector2I(gmin);
imax = new Vector2I(gmax);
irng = new Vector2I(1, 1) + imax - imin;
cellcount = irng.X * irng.Y;
List<MCScenarioPoint>[] cells = new List<MCScenarioPoint>[cellcount];
if ((points != null) && (points.Length > 0))
foreach (var point in points)
var pos = point.Position;
Vector2 gpos = new Vector2(pos.X / cellsize, pos.Y / cellsize);
Vector2I ipos = new Vector2I(gpos) - imin;
if (ipos.X < 0)
{ ipos.X = 0; }
if (ipos.Y < 0)
{ ipos.Y = 0; }
if (ipos.X >= irng.X)
{ ipos.X = irng.X - 1; }
if (ipos.Y >= irng.Y)
{ ipos.Y = irng.Y - 1; }
int idx = ipos.X + ipos.Y * irng.X;
if (idx < 0)
{ idx = 0; }
if (idx >= cellcount)
{ idx = cellcount - 1; }
var cell = cells[idx];
if (cell == null)
cell = new List<MCScenarioPoint>();
cells[idx] = cell;
List<MCScenarioPoint> newpoints = new List<MCScenarioPoint>();
List<ushort> newids = new List<ushort>();
foreach (var cell in cells)
if (cell != null)
Region.Unk_3844724227 = newids.ToArray();
rage__spdGrid2D grid = new rage__spdGrid2D();
grid.Unk_X_2690909759 = cellsize;
grid.Unk_Y_3691675019 = cellsize;
grid.Unk_MinX_860552138 = imin.X;
grid.Unk_MinY_496029782 = imin.Y;
grid.Unk_MaxX_3824598937 = imax.X;
grid.Unk_MaxY_3374647798 = imax.Y;
Region._Data.AccelGrid = grid;
//store the reordered points.
if (newpoints.Count > 0)
Region.Points.MyPoints = newpoints.ToArray();
Region.Points.MyPoints = null; //todo: error instead?
public void RebuildLookUps()
if (Region == null) return;
//find all unique hashes from the points, and assign new indices on points.
//var d = Region.LookUps.Data;
Dictionary<MetaHash, int> typeNames = new Dictionary<MetaHash, int>(); //scenario type hashes used by points
Dictionary<MetaHash, int> pedModelSetNames = new Dictionary<MetaHash, int>(); //ped names
Dictionary<MetaHash, int> vehicleModelSetNames = new Dictionary<MetaHash, int>(); //vehicle names
Dictionary<MetaHash, int> interiorNames = new Dictionary<MetaHash, int>();
Dictionary<MetaHash, int> groupNames = new Dictionary<MetaHash, int>(); //scenario group names?
Dictionary<MetaHash, int> imapNames = new Dictionary<MetaHash, int>(); //ymap names
var nonehash = JenkHash.GenHash("none");
//typeNames[nonehash] = 0;
pedModelSetNames[nonehash] = 0;
vehicleModelSetNames[nonehash] = 0;
interiorNames[nonehash] = 0;
groupNames[nonehash] = 0;
imapNames[nonehash] = 0;
foreach (var node in Nodes)
if (node.MyPoint != null)
var mp = node.MyPoint;
int typeid = 0;
int modelsetid = 0;
int interiorid = 0;
int groupid = 0;
int imapid = 0;
if ((mp.Type != null) && (!typeNames.TryGetValue(mp.Type.NameHash, out typeid)))
typeid = typeNames.Count;
typeNames[mp.Type.NameHash] = typeid;
if (mp.ModelSet != null)
bool isveh = mp.Type?.IsVehicle ?? false;
if (isveh)
if (!vehicleModelSetNames.TryGetValue(mp.ModelSet.NameHash, out modelsetid))
modelsetid = vehicleModelSetNames.Count;
vehicleModelSetNames[mp.ModelSet.NameHash] = modelsetid;
if (!pedModelSetNames.TryGetValue(mp.ModelSet.NameHash, out modelsetid))
modelsetid = pedModelSetNames.Count;
pedModelSetNames[mp.ModelSet.NameHash] = modelsetid;
if ((mp.InteriorName != 0) && (!interiorNames.TryGetValue(mp.InteriorName, out interiorid)))
interiorid = interiorNames.Count;
interiorNames[mp.InteriorName] = interiorid;
if ((mp.GroupName != 0) && (!groupNames.TryGetValue(mp.GroupName, out groupid)))
groupid = groupNames.Count;
groupNames[mp.GroupName] = groupid;
if ((mp.IMapName != 0) && (!imapNames.TryGetValue(mp.IMapName, out imapid)))
imapid = imapNames.Count;
imapNames[mp.IMapName] = imapid;
mp.TypeId = (byte)typeid;
mp.ModelSetId = (byte)modelsetid;
mp.InteriorId = (byte)interiorid;
mp.GroupId = (ushort)groupid;
mp.IMapId = (byte)imapid;
if (node.LoadSavePoint != null)
var sp = node.LoadSavePoint;
int typeid = 0;
int modelsetid = 0;
int interiorid = 0;
int groupid = 0;
int imapid = 0;
if ((sp.SpawnType != 0) && (!typeNames.TryGetValue(sp.SpawnType, out typeid)))
typeid = typeNames.Count;
typeNames[sp.SpawnType] = typeid;
if ((sp.PedType != 0) && (!pedModelSetNames.TryGetValue(sp.PedType, out modelsetid)))
modelsetid = pedModelSetNames.Count;
pedModelSetNames[sp.PedType] = modelsetid;
if ((sp.Group != 0) && (!groupNames.TryGetValue(sp.Group, out groupid)))
groupid = groupNames.Count;
groupNames[sp.Group] = groupid;
if ((sp.Interior != 0) && (!interiorNames.TryGetValue(sp.Interior, out interiorid)))
interiorid = interiorNames.Count;
interiorNames[sp.Interior] = interiorid;
if ((sp.RequiredImap != 0) && (!imapNames.TryGetValue(sp.RequiredImap, out imapid)))
imapid = imapNames.Count;
imapNames[sp.RequiredImap] = imapid;
if (node.Cluster != null)
var cl = node.Cluster;
if (node.ClusterMyPoint != null)
var mp = node.ClusterMyPoint;
int typeid = 0;
int modelsetid = 0;
int interiorid = 0;
int groupid = 0;
int imapid = 0;
if ((mp.Type != null) && (!typeNames.TryGetValue(mp.Type.NameHash, out typeid)))
typeid = typeNames.Count;
typeNames[mp.Type.NameHash] = typeid;
if (mp.ModelSet != null)
bool isveh = mp.Type?.IsVehicle ?? false;
if (isveh)
if (!vehicleModelSetNames.TryGetValue(mp.ModelSet.NameHash, out modelsetid))
modelsetid = vehicleModelSetNames.Count;
vehicleModelSetNames[mp.ModelSet.NameHash] = modelsetid;
if (!pedModelSetNames.TryGetValue(mp.ModelSet.NameHash, out modelsetid))
modelsetid = pedModelSetNames.Count;
pedModelSetNames[mp.ModelSet.NameHash] = modelsetid;
if ((mp.InteriorName != 0) && (!interiorNames.TryGetValue(mp.InteriorName, out interiorid)))
interiorid = interiorNames.Count;
interiorNames[mp.InteriorName] = interiorid;
if ((mp.GroupName != 0) && (!groupNames.TryGetValue(mp.GroupName, out groupid)))
groupid = groupNames.Count;
groupNames[mp.GroupName] = groupid;
if ((mp.IMapName != 0) && (!imapNames.TryGetValue(mp.IMapName, out imapid)))
imapid = imapNames.Count;
imapNames[mp.IMapName] = imapid;
mp.TypeId = (byte)typeid;
mp.ModelSetId = (byte)modelsetid;
mp.InteriorId = (byte)interiorid;
mp.GroupId = (ushort)groupid;
mp.IMapId = (byte)imapid;
if (node.ClusterLoadSavePoint != null)
var sp = node.ClusterLoadSavePoint;
//int typeid = 0;
//int modelsetid = 0;
//int interiorid = 0;
//int groupid = 0;
//int imapid = 0;
//if ((sp.SpawnType != 0) && (!typeNames.TryGetValue(sp.SpawnType, out typeid)))
// typeid = typeNames.Count;
// typeNames[sp.SpawnType] = typeid;
//if ((sp.PedType != 0) && (!pedModelSetNames.TryGetValue(sp.PedType, out modelsetid)))
// modelsetid = pedModelSetNames.Count;
// pedModelSetNames[sp.PedType] = modelsetid;
//if ((sp.Group != 0) && (!groupNames.TryGetValue(sp.Group, out groupid)))
// groupid = groupNames.Count;
// groupNames[sp.Group] = groupid;
//if ((sp.Interior != 0) && (!interiorNames.TryGetValue(sp.Interior, out interiorid)))
// interiorid = interiorNames.Count;
// interiorNames[sp.Interior] = interiorid;
//if ((sp.RequiredImap != 0) && (!imapNames.TryGetValue(sp.RequiredImap, out imapid)))
// imapid = imapNames.Count;
// imapNames[sp.RequiredImap] = imapid;
if (node.Entity != null)
var en = node.Entity;
if (node.EntityPoint != null)
var sp = node.EntityPoint;
//int typeid = 0;
//int modelsetid = 0;
//int interiorid = 0;
//int groupid = 0;
//int imapid = 0;
//if ((sp.SpawnType != 0) && (!typeNames.TryGetValue(sp.SpawnType, out typeid)))
// typeid = typeNames.Count;
// typeNames[sp.SpawnType] = typeid;
//if ((sp.PedType != 0) && (!pedModelSetNames.TryGetValue(sp.PedType, out modelsetid)))
// modelsetid = pedModelSetNames.Count;
// pedModelSetNames[sp.PedType] = modelsetid;
//if ((sp.Group != 0) && (!groupNames.TryGetValue(sp.Group, out groupid)))
// groupid = groupNames.Count;
// groupNames[sp.Group] = groupid;
//if ((sp.Interior != 0) && (!interiorNames.TryGetValue(sp.Interior, out interiorid)))
// interiorid = interiorNames.Count;
// interiorNames[sp.Interior] = interiorid;
//if ((sp.RequiredImap != 0) && (!imapNames.TryGetValue(sp.RequiredImap, out imapid)))
// imapid = imapNames.Count;
// imapNames[sp.RequiredImap] = imapid;
if (node.ChainingNode != null)
var cn = node.ChainingNode;
//int typeid = 0;
//if ((cn.Type != null) && (!typeNames.TryGetValue(cn.Type.NameHash, out typeid)))
// typeid = typeNames.Count;
// typeNames[cn.Type.NameHash] = typeid;
//cn.TypeHash = cn.Type?.NameHash ?? 0;
MetaHash[] htypeNames = new MetaHash[typeNames.Count];
MetaHash[] hpedModelSetNames = new MetaHash[pedModelSetNames.Count];
MetaHash[] hvehicleModelSetNames = new MetaHash[vehicleModelSetNames.Count];
MetaHash[] hinteriorNames = new MetaHash[interiorNames.Count];
MetaHash[] hgroupNames = new MetaHash[groupNames.Count];
MetaHash[] himapNames = new MetaHash[imapNames.Count];
foreach (var kvp in typeNames)
if (kvp.Value >= htypeNames.Length)
{ continue; }
htypeNames[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key;
foreach (var kvp in pedModelSetNames)
if (kvp.Value >= hpedModelSetNames.Length)
{ continue; }
hpedModelSetNames[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key;
foreach (var kvp in vehicleModelSetNames)
if (kvp.Value >= hvehicleModelSetNames.Length)
{ continue; }
hvehicleModelSetNames[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key;
foreach (var kvp in interiorNames)
if (kvp.Value >= hinteriorNames.Length)
{ continue; }
hinteriorNames[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key;
foreach (var kvp in groupNames)
if (kvp.Value >= hgroupNames.Length)
{ continue; }
hgroupNames[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key;
foreach (var kvp in imapNames)
if (kvp.Value >= himapNames.Length)
{ continue; }
himapNames[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key;
if (Region.LookUps == null)
Region.LookUps = new MCScenarioPointLookUps();
Region.LookUps.Region = Region;
var d = Region.LookUps;
d.TypeNames = htypeNames;
d.PedModelSetNames = hpedModelSetNames;
d.VehicleModelSetNames = hvehicleModelSetNames;
d.InteriorNames = hinteriorNames;
d.GroupNames = hgroupNames;
d.RequiredIMapNames = himapNames;
public void RebuildChains()
if (Region == null) return;
//update chain nodes array, update from/to indexes
//currently not necessary - editor updates indexes and arrays already.
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class ScenarioNode : BasePathNode
public YmtFile Ymt { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointRegion Region { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPoint MyPoint { get; set; }
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint LoadSavePoint { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPointCluster Cluster { get; set; }
public MCScenarioPoint ClusterMyPoint { get; set; }
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint ClusterLoadSavePoint { get; set; }
public MCScenarioEntityOverride Entity { get; set; }
public MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint EntityPoint { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingNode ChainingNode { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; } = Quaternion.Identity;
public string ShortTypeName
if (MyPoint != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
if (LoadSavePoint != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
if (ClusterMyPoint != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
if (ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
if (Cluster != null) return "ScenarioCluster";
if (EntityPoint != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
if (Entity != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
if (ChainingNode != null) return "ScenarioPoint";
return "ScenarioPoint";
public string FullTypeName
if (MyPoint != null) return "Scenario MyPoint";
if (LoadSavePoint != null) return "Scenario LoadSavePoint";
if (ClusterMyPoint != null) return "Scenario Cluster MyPoint";
if (ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) return "Scenario Cluster LoadSavePoint";
if (Cluster != null) return "Scenario Cluster";
if (EntityPoint != null) return "Scenario Entity Override Point";
if (Entity != null) return "Scenario Entity Override";
if (ChainingNode != null) return "Scenario Chaining Node";
return "Scenario Point";
public string MedTypeName
if (MyPoint != null) return "MyPoint";
if (LoadSavePoint != null) return "LoadSavePoint";
if (ClusterMyPoint != null) return "Cluster MyPoint";
if (ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) return "Cluster LoadSavePoint";
if (Cluster != null) return "Cluster";
if (EntityPoint != null) return "Entity Override Point";
if (Entity != null) return "Entity Override";
if (ChainingNode != null) return "Chaining Node";
return "Point";
public string StringText
if (MyPoint != null) return MyPoint.ToString();
if (LoadSavePoint != null) return LoadSavePoint.ToString();
if (ClusterMyPoint != null) return ClusterMyPoint.ToString();
if (ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) return ClusterLoadSavePoint.ToString();
if (Cluster != null) return Cluster.ToString();
if (EntityPoint != null) return EntityPoint.ToString();
if (Entity != null) return Entity.ToString();
if (ChainingNode != null) return ChainingNode.ToString();
return FloatUtil.GetVector3String(Position);
public ScenarioNode(YmtFile ymt)
Ymt = ymt;
Region = ymt.ScenarioRegion?.Region;
public void SetPosition(Vector3 position)
Position = position;
if (MyPoint != null) MyPoint.Position = position;
if (LoadSavePoint != null) LoadSavePoint.Position = position;
if (ClusterMyPoint != null) ClusterMyPoint.Position = position;
if (ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) ClusterLoadSavePoint.Position = position;
if ((Cluster != null) && (ClusterMyPoint == null) && (ClusterLoadSavePoint == null)) Cluster.Position = position;
if (EntityPoint != null) EntityPoint.Position = position;
if ((Entity != null) && (EntityPoint == null)) Entity.Position = position;
if (ChainingNode != null) ChainingNode.Position = position;
public void SetOrientation(Quaternion orientation)
Orientation = orientation;
if (MyPoint != null) MyPoint.Orientation = orientation;
if (LoadSavePoint != null) LoadSavePoint.Orientation = orientation;
if (ClusterMyPoint != null) ClusterMyPoint.Orientation = orientation;
if (ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) ClusterLoadSavePoint.Orientation = orientation;
//if (Cluster != null) Cluster.Orientation = orientation;
if (EntityPoint != null) EntityPoint.Orientation = orientation;
//if (Entity != null) Entity.Orientation = orientation;
//if (ChainingNode != null) ChainingNode.Orientation = orientation;
public override string ToString()
return MedTypeName + " " + StringText;
public class ScenarioTypes
private object SyncRoot = new object(); //keep this thread-safe.. technically shouldn't be necessary, but best to be safe
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioType> Types { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> PropSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> PedModelSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> VehicleModelSets { get; set; }
private Dictionary<uint, ConditionalAnimsGroup> AnimGroups { get; set; }
public void Load(GameFileCache gfc)
lock (SyncRoot)
Types = LoadTypes(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\scenarios.meta");
PropSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\propsets.meta");
PedModelSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\ambientpedmodelsets.meta");
VehicleModelSets = LoadModelSets(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\vehiclemodelsets.meta");
AnimGroups = LoadAnimGroups(gfc, "common:\\data\\ai\\conditionalanims.meta");
private XmlDocument LoadXml(GameFileCache gfc, string filename)
string comstr = filename.Replace("common:", "common.rpf");
string updstr = filename.Replace("common:", "update\\update.rpf\\common");
string usestr = gfc.EnableDlc ? updstr : comstr;
var xml = gfc.RpfMan.GetFileXml(usestr);
if ((xml == null) || (xml.DocumentElement == null))
xml = gfc.RpfMan.GetFileXml(comstr);
return xml;
private Dictionary<uint, ScenarioType> LoadTypes(GameFileCache gfc, string filename)
Dictionary<uint, ScenarioType> types = new Dictionary<uint, ScenarioType>();
var xml = LoadXml(gfc, filename);
if ((xml == null) || (xml.DocumentElement == null))
return types;
var typesxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = typesxml.SelectNodes("Scenarios/Item");
foreach (XmlNode item in items)
var typestr = Xml.GetStringAttribute(item, "type");
ScenarioType typeobj = null;
switch (typestr)
case "CScenarioPlayAnimsInfo":
typeobj = new ScenarioTypePlayAnims();
case "CScenarioWanderingInfo":
case "CScenarioJoggingInfo":
case "CScenarioFleeInfo":
case "CScenarioLookAtInfo":
typeobj = new ScenarioType();
case "CScenarioVehicleInfo":
case "CScenarioVehicleParkInfo":
typeobj = new ScenarioType();
typeobj.IsVehicle = true;
if (typeobj != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeobj.NameLower))
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHash(typeobj.NameLower);
types[hash] = typeobj;
{ }
return types;
private Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> LoadModelSets(GameFileCache gfc, string filename)
Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet> sets = new Dictionary<uint, AmbientModelSet>();
var xml = LoadXml(gfc, filename);
if ((xml == null) || (xml.DocumentElement == null))
return sets;
var setsxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = setsxml.SelectNodes("ModelSets/Item");
foreach (XmlNode item in items)
AmbientModelSet set = new AmbientModelSet();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(set.NameLower))
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHash(set.NameLower);
sets[hash] = set;
return sets;
private Dictionary<uint, ConditionalAnimsGroup> LoadAnimGroups(GameFileCache gfc, string filename)
Dictionary<uint, ConditionalAnimsGroup> groups = new Dictionary<uint, ConditionalAnimsGroup>();
var xml = LoadXml(gfc, filename);
if ((xml == null) || (xml.DocumentElement == null))
return groups;
var setsxml = xml.DocumentElement;
var items = setsxml.SelectNodes("ConditionalAnimsGroup/Item");
foreach (XmlNode item in items)
ConditionalAnimsGroup group = new ConditionalAnimsGroup();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.NameLower))
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHash(group.NameLower);
groups[hash] = group;
return groups;
public ScenarioType GetScenarioType(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (Types == null) return null;
ScenarioType st;
Types.TryGetValue(hash, out st);
return st;
public AmbientModelSet GetPropSet(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PropSets == null) return null;
AmbientModelSet ms;
PropSets.TryGetValue(hash, out ms);
return ms;
public AmbientModelSet GetPedModelSet(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PedModelSets == null) return null;
AmbientModelSet ms;
PedModelSets.TryGetValue(hash, out ms);
return ms;
public AmbientModelSet GetVehicleModelSet(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (VehicleModelSets == null) return null;
AmbientModelSet ms;
VehicleModelSets.TryGetValue(hash, out ms);
return ms;
public ConditionalAnimsGroup GetAnimGroup(uint hash)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (AnimGroups == null) return null;
ConditionalAnimsGroup ag;
AnimGroups.TryGetValue(hash, out ag);
return ag;
public ScenarioType[] GetScenarioTypes()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (Types == null) return null;
return Types.Values.ToArray();
public AmbientModelSet[] GetPropSets()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PropSets == null) return null;
return PropSets.Values.ToArray();
public AmbientModelSet[] GetPedModelSets()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (PedModelSets == null) return null;
return PedModelSets.Values.ToArray();
public AmbientModelSet[] GetVehicleModelSets()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (VehicleModelSets == null) return null;
return VehicleModelSets.Values.ToArray();
public ConditionalAnimsGroup[] GetAnimGroups()
lock (SyncRoot)
if (AnimGroups == null) return null;
return AnimGroups.Values.ToArray();
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class ScenarioType
public string OuterXml { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string NameLower { get; set; }
public MetaHash NameHash { get; set; }
public bool IsVehicle { get; set; }
public virtual void Load(XmlNode node)
OuterXml = node.OuterXml;
Name = Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "Name");
NameLower = Name.ToLowerInvariant();
NameHash = JenkHash.GenHash(NameLower);
public override string ToString()
return Name;
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class ScenarioTypePlayAnims : ScenarioType
public override void Load(XmlNode node)
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class AmbientModelSet
public string Name { get; set; }
public string NameLower { get; set; }
public MetaHash NameHash { get; set; }
public AmbientModel[] Models { get; set; }
public void Load(XmlNode node)
Name = Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "Name");
NameLower = Name.ToLowerInvariant();
NameHash = JenkHash.GenHash(NameLower);
var models = node.SelectNodes("Models/Item");
var modellist = new List<AmbientModel>();
foreach (XmlNode item in models)
AmbientModel model = new AmbientModel();
Models = modellist.ToArray();
public override string ToString()
return Name;
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class AmbientModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string NameLower { get; set; }
public float Probability { get; set; }
public string VariationsType { get; set; }
public AmbientModelVariation Variations { get; set; }
public void Load(XmlNode node)
Name = Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "Name");
NameLower = Name.ToLowerInvariant();
Probability = Xml.GetChildFloatAttribute(node, "Probability", "value");
VariationsType = Xml.GetChildStringAttribute(node, "Variations", "type");
var vars = node.SelectSingleNode("Variations");
switch (VariationsType)
case "NULL":
case "CAmbientPedModelVariations":
case "CAmbientVehicleModelVariations":
public override string ToString()
return Name + ", " + VariationsType;
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class AmbientModelVariation
public string Type { get; set; }
public void Load(XmlNode node)
public override string ToString()
return Type;
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class ConditionalAnimsGroup
public string OuterXml { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string NameLower { get; set; }
public void Load(XmlNode node)
OuterXml = node.OuterXml;
Name = Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "Name");
NameLower = Name.ToLowerInvariant();
public override string ToString()
return Name;