
419 lines
16 KiB

using CodeWalker.Core.GameFiles.Resources;
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.World
public class Ped
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public MetaHash NameHash { get; set; } = 0;//ped name hash
public CPedModelInfo__InitData? InitData { get; set; } = null; //ped init data
public YddFile? Ydd { get; set; } = null; //ped drawables
public YtdFile? Ytd { get; set; } = null; //ped textures
public YldFile? Yld { get; set; } = null; //ped clothes
public YcdFile? Ycd { get; set; } = null; //ped animations
public YedFile? Yed { get; set; } = null; //ped expressions
public YftFile? Yft { get; set; } = null; //ped skeleton YFT
public PedFile? Ymt { get; set; } = null; //ped variation info
public PedsFiles PedsFiles { get; set; }
public ICollection<PedFile> Ymts { get; set; } = new List<PedFile>();
public ICollection<MetaHash> Dlcs { get; set; } = new List<MetaHash>();
public PedsDlcFiles? PedsDlcFiles { get; set; } = null;
public IDictionary<MetaHash, RpfFileEntry>? DrawableFilesDict { get; set; } = null;
public IDictionary<MetaHash, RpfFileEntry>? TextureFilesDict { get; set; } = null;
public IDictionary<MetaHash, RpfFileEntry>? ClothFilesDict { get; set; } = null;
public RpfFileEntry[]? DrawableFiles { get; set; } = null;
public RpfFileEntry[]? TextureFiles { get; set; } = null;
public RpfFileEntry[]? ClothFiles { get; set; } = null;
public ClipMapEntry? AnimClip { get; set; } = null;
public Expression? Expression { get; set; } = null;
public string[] DrawableNames { get; set; } = new string[12];
public Drawable[] Drawables { get; set; } = new Drawable[12];
public Texture[] Textures { get; set; } = new Texture[12];
public Expression[] Expressions { get; set; } = new Expression[12];
public ClothInstance[] Clothes { get; set; } = new ClothInstance[12];
public bool EnableRootMotion { get; set; } = false; //used to toggle whether or not to include root motion when playing animations
public Skeleton? Skeleton { get; set; } = null;
public Vector3 Position { get; set; } = Vector3.Zero;
public Quaternion Rotation { get; set; } = Quaternion.Identity;
public YmapEntityDef RenderEntity = new YmapEntityDef(); //placeholder entity object for rendering
public async ValueTask InitAsync(string name, GameFileCache gfc, MetaHash? selectedDlc = null)
var hash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(name);
await InitAsync(hash, gfc, selectedDlc);
Name = name;
public async ValueTask InitAsync(MetaHash pedhash, GameFileCache gfc, MetaHash? selectedDlc = null)
Name = string.Empty;
NameHash = 0;
InitData = null;
Ydd = null;
Ytd = null;
Yld = null;
Ycd = null;
Yed = null;
Yft = null;
Ymt = null;
AnimClip = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
Drawables[i] = null;
Textures[i] = null;
Expressions[i] = null;
Console.WriteLine($"{selectedDlc} selected");
if (!gfc.PedsFiles.TryGetValue(pedhash, out var pedsFiles))
Console.WriteLine("PedsFile not found");
} else
PedsFiles = pedsFiles;
if (!gfc.PedsInitDict.TryGetValue(pedhash, out CPedModelInfo__InitData initdata))
var ycdhash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(initdata.ClipDictionaryName);
var yedhash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(initdata.ExpressionDictionaryName);
//bool pedchange = NameHash != pedhash;
//Name = pedname;
NameHash = pedhash;
InitData = initdata;
Ydd = gfc.GetYdd(pedhash);
Ytd = gfc.GetYtd(pedhash);
Ycd = gfc.GetYcd(ycdhash);
Yed = gfc.GetYed(yedhash);
Yft = gfc.GetYft(pedhash);
if (selectedDlc is not null)
Ymt = PedsFiles.Dlcs[selectedDlc.Value].PedFile;
} else
Ymt = PedsFiles.Dlcs.Values.First().PedFile;
var dlcsOrdered = pedsFiles.Dlcs.Where(p =>
if (GameFileCache.Instance.DlcNameLookup.TryGetValue(p.Key, out var dlcName))
if (dlcName.Contains("g9", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
return true;
}).OrderBy(p => p.Value.Index).ToList();
Ymts = dlcsOrdered.Select(p => p.Value.PedFile).ToList();
Dlcs = dlcsOrdered.Select(p => p.Key).ToList();
//if (gfc.PedVariationsDict?.TryGetValue(pedhash, out var pedFiles) ?? false)
// Ymt = pedFiles.First();
// Ymts = pedsFiles.Dlcs.Values.Select(p => p.PedFile).ToList();
//Ymt = selectedFile ?? Ymt;
Dictionary<MetaHash, RpfFileEntry> peddict = null;
if (PedsFiles.TryGetPedsDlcFiles(Ymt, out var pedsDlcFiles))
Console.WriteLine($"Found {Ymt.RpfFileEntry.Path} in pedsDlclist");
PedsDlcFiles = pedsDlcFiles;
DrawableFilesDict = PedsDlcFiles.Drawables;
TextureFilesDict = PedsDlcFiles.TextureDicts;
ClothFilesDict = PedsDlcFiles.ClothDicts;
Console.WriteLine($"{Ymt.RpfFileEntry.Path} not found in pedsDlclist");
gfc.PedDrawableDicts.TryGetValue(NameHash, out peddict);
DrawableFilesDict = peddict;
gfc.PedTextureDicts.TryGetValue(NameHash, out peddict);
TextureFilesDict = peddict;
gfc.PedClothDicts.TryGetValue(NameHash, out peddict);
ClothFilesDict = peddict;
DrawableFiles = DrawableFilesDict.Values.ToArray();
TextureFiles = TextureFilesDict.Values.ToArray();
ClothFiles = ClothFilesDict?.Values?.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty<RpfFileEntry>();
RpfFileEntry clothFile = null;
if (ClothFilesDict?.TryGetValue(pedhash, out clothFile) ?? false)
Yld = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YldFile>(clothFile);
while ((Yld != null) && (!Yld.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(Yld);
while ((Ydd != null) && (!Ydd.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(Ydd);
while ((Ytd != null) && (!Ytd.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(Ytd);
while ((Ycd != null) && (!Ycd.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(Ycd);
while ((Yed != null) && (!Yed.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(Yed);
while ((Yft != null) && (!Yft.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(Yft);
Skeleton = Yft?.Fragment?.Drawable?.Skeleton?.Clone();
MetaHash cliphash = JenkHash.GenHash("idle");
ClipMapEntry cme = null;
Ycd?.ClipMap?.TryGetValue(cliphash, out cme);
AnimClip = cme;
var exprhash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(initdata.ExpressionName);
Expression expr = null;
Yed?.ExprMap?.TryGetValue(exprhash, out expr);
Expression = expr;
public async ValueTask SetComponentDrawableAsync(int index, string name, string tex, MetaHash dlc, GameFileCache gfc)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
DrawableNames[index] = null;
Drawables[index] = null;
Textures[index] = null;
Expressions[index] = null;
Console.WriteLine($"{index}: {name} - {tex} - {dlc}");
MetaHash namehash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(name);
PedsDlcFiles pedsDlcFiles;
Drawable d = null;
if (Ydd?.Dict != null)
Ydd.Dict.TryGetValue(namehash, out d);
if (PedsFiles.TryGetPedsDlcFiles(dlc, out pedsDlcFiles))
if (pedsDlcFiles.Drawables.TryGetValue(namehash, out var file))
var ydd = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YddFile>(file);
while ((ydd != null) && (!ydd.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(ydd);
if (ydd?.Drawables?.Length > 0)
d = ydd.Drawables[0];//should only be one in this dict
if ((d == null) && (DrawableFilesDict != null))
if (DrawableFilesDict.TryGetValue(namehash, out var file))
var ydd = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YddFile>(file);
while ((ydd != null) && (!ydd.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(ydd);
if (ydd?.Drawables?.Length > 0)
d = ydd.Drawables[0];//should only be one in this dict
MetaHash texhash = JenkHash.GenHashLower(tex);
Texture? t = null;
if (t is null && PedsFiles.TryGetPedsDlcFiles(dlc, out pedsDlcFiles))
if (pedsDlcFiles.TextureDicts.TryGetValue(texhash, out var file))
var ytd = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YtdFile>(file);
while (ytd != null && !ytd.Loaded)
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(ytd);
if (ytd?.TextureDict?.Textures?.data_items.Length > 0)
t = ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items[0];//should only be one in this dict
Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't find texture file in PedsFiles");
if (t is null && Ytd?.TextureDict?.Dict != null)
Ytd.TextureDict.Dict.TryGetValue(texhash, out t);
if ((t == null) && (TextureFilesDict != null))
RpfFileEntry file = null;
if (TextureFilesDict.TryGetValue(texhash, out file))
var ytd = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YtdFile>(file);
while ((ytd != null) && (!ytd.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(ytd);
if (ytd?.TextureDict?.Textures?.data_items.Length > 0)
t = ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items[0];//should only be one in this dict
CharacterCloth cc = null;
if (Yld?.Dict != null)
Yld.Dict.TryGetValue(namehash, out cc);
if (cc == null && PedsFiles.TryGetPedsDlcFiles(dlc, out pedsDlcFiles))
if (pedsDlcFiles.TextureDicts.TryGetValue(namehash, out var file))
var yld = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YldFile>(file);
while ((yld != null) && (!yld.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(yld);
if (yld?.ClothDictionary?.Clothes?.data_items?.Length > 0)
cc = yld.ClothDictionary.Clothes.data_items[0];//should only be one in this dict
if ((cc == null) && (ClothFilesDict != null))
if (ClothFilesDict.TryGetValue(namehash, out RpfFileEntry file))
var yld = await gfc.GetFileUncachedAsync<YldFile>(file);
while ((yld != null) && (!yld.Loaded))
await Task.Delay(1);//kinda hacky
await gfc.TryLoadEnqueue(yld);
if (yld?.ClothDictionary?.Clothes?.data_items?.Length > 0)
cc = yld.ClothDictionary.Clothes.data_items[0];//should only be one in this dict
ClothInstance c = null;
if (cc != null)
c = new ClothInstance();
c.Init(cc, Skeleton);
Expression e = null;
if (Yed?.ExprMap != null)
Yed.ExprMap.TryGetValue(namehash, out e);
if (d != null) Drawables[index] = d.ShallowCopy() as Drawable;
if (t != null) Textures[index] = t;
if (c != null) Clothes[index] = c;
if (e != null) Expressions[index] = e;
DrawableNames[index] = name;
public async ValueTask SetComponentDrawableAsync(int index, int drawbl, int alt, int tex, GameFileCache gfc)
var vi = Ymt?.VariationInfo;
if (vi != null)
var compData = vi.GetComponentData(index);
if (compData?.DrawblData3 != null)
var item = (drawbl < (compData.DrawblData3?.Length ?? 0)) ? compData.DrawblData3[drawbl] : null;
if (item != null)
var name = item?.GetDrawableName(alt);
var texn = item?.GetTextureName(tex);
await SetComponentDrawableAsync(index, name, texn, 0, gfc);
public async ValueTask LoadDefaultComponentsAsync(GameFileCache gfc)
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
await SetComponentDrawableAsync(i, 0, 0, 0, gfc);
public void UpdateEntity()