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209 lines
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using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking;
namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
public partial class EditProjectManifestPanel : ProjectPanel
public ProjectForm ProjectForm { get; set; }
public ProjectFile CurrentProjectFile { get; set; }
public EditProjectManifestPanel(ProjectForm projectForm)
ProjectForm = projectForm;
Tag = "_manifest.ymf";
public override void SetTheme(ThemeBase theme)
var txtback = SystemColors.Window;
var indback = Color.WhiteSmoke;
if (theme is VS2015DarkTheme)
txtback = theme.ColorPalette.MainWindowActive.Background;
indback = theme.ColorPalette.MainWindowActive.Background;
ProjectManifestTextBox.BackColor = txtback;
ProjectManifestTextBox.IndentBackColor = indback;
public void SetProject(ProjectFile project)
//TODO: include _manifest.ymf in project and load/save
CurrentProjectFile = project;
private void GenerateProjectManifest()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var mapdeps = new Dictionary<string, YtypFile>();
var typdeps = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, YtypFile>>();
sb.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>");
sb.AppendLine(" <MapDataGroups/>");
sb.AppendLine(" <HDTxdBindingArray/>");
sb.AppendLine(" <imapDependencies/>");
var getYtypName = new Func<YtypFile, string>((ytyp) =>
var ytypname = ytyp?.RpfFileEntry?.NameLower;
if (ytyp != null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ytypname))
ytypname = ytyp.RpfFileEntry?.Name?.ToLowerInvariant();
if (ytypname == null) ytypname = "";
if (ytypname.EndsWith(".ytyp"))
ytypname = ytypname.Substring(0, ytypname.Length - 5);
return ytypname;
if ((CurrentProjectFile != null) && (CurrentProjectFile.YmapFiles.Count > 0))
sb.AppendLine(" <imapDependencies_2>");
foreach (var ymap in CurrentProjectFile.YmapFiles)
var ymapname = ymap.RpfFileEntry?.NameLower;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ymapname))
ymapname = ymap.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
if (ymapname.EndsWith(".ymap"))
ymapname = ymapname.Substring(0, ymapname.Length - 5);
if (ymap.AllEntities != null)
foreach (var ent in ymap.AllEntities)
var ytyp = ent.Archetype?.Ytyp;
var ytypname = getYtypName(ytyp);
if (ytyp != null)
mapdeps[ytypname] = ytyp;
if (ent.IsMlo)
if (ent.MloInstance?.Entities != null)
Dictionary<string, YtypFile> typdepdict;
if (!typdeps.TryGetValue(ytypname, out typdepdict))
typdepdict = new Dictionary<string, YtypFile>();
typdeps[ytypname] = typdepdict;
foreach (var ient in ent.MloInstance.Entities)
var iytyp = ient.Archetype?.Ytyp;
var iytypname = getYtypName(iytyp);
if ((iytyp != null) && (iytypname != ytypname))
typdepdict[iytypname] = iytyp;
if (ymap.GrassInstanceBatches != null)
foreach (var batch in ymap.GrassInstanceBatches)
var ytyp = batch.Archetype?.Ytyp;
var ytypname = getYtypName(ytyp);
if (ytyp != null)
mapdeps[ytypname] = ytyp;
sb.AppendLine(" <Item>");
sb.AppendLine(" <imapName>" + ymapname + "</imapName>");
sb.AppendLine(" <manifestFlags/>");
sb.AppendLine(" <itypDepArray>");
foreach (var kvp in mapdeps)
sb.AppendLine(" <Item>" + kvp.Key + "</Item>");
sb.AppendLine(" </itypDepArray>");
sb.AppendLine(" </Item>");
sb.AppendLine(" </imapDependencies_2>");
sb.AppendLine(" <imapDependencies_2/>");
if (typdeps.Count > 0)
sb.AppendLine(" <itypDependencies_2>");
foreach (var kvp1 in typdeps)
sb.AppendLine(" <Item>");
sb.AppendLine(" <itypName>" + kvp1.Key + "</itypName>");
sb.AppendLine(" <manifestFlags>INTERIOR_DATA</manifestFlags>");
sb.AppendLine(" <itypDepArray>");
foreach (var kvp2 in kvp1.Value)
sb.AppendLine(" <Item>" + kvp2.Key + "</Item>");
sb.AppendLine(" </itypDepArray>");
sb.AppendLine(" </Item>");
sb.AppendLine(" </itypDependencies_2>");
sb.AppendLine(" <itypDependencies_2/>");
sb.AppendLine(" <Interiors/>");
ProjectManifestTextBox.Text = sb.ToString();
Text = "_manifest.ymf*";
private void ProjectManifestGenerateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CurrentProjectFile = ProjectForm.CurrentProjectFile;