
10209 lines
365 KiB

using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using CodeWalker.Properties;
using SharpDX.Direct3D11;
using SharpDX.DXGI;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using CodeWalker.Rendering;
using Device = SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device;
using Buffer = SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer;
using DriverType = SharpDX.Direct3D.DriverType;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using CodeWalker.World;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SharpDX;
using CodeWalker.Utils;
using System.Globalization;
using CodeWalker.Project;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using SharpDX.XInput;
namespace CodeWalker
public partial class WorldForm : Form, DXForm
public Form Form { get { return this; } } //for DXForm/DXManager use
DXManager dxman = new DXManager();
public DXManager DXMan { get { return dxman; } }
Device currentdevice;
public Device Device { get { return currentdevice; } }
object rendersyncroot = new object();
public object RenderSyncRoot { get { return rendersyncroot; } }
ShaderManager shaders;
volatile bool formopen = false;
volatile bool running = false;
volatile bool pauserendering = false;
volatile bool initialised = false;
Stopwatch frametimer = new Stopwatch();
Camera camera = new Camera();
Space space = new Space();
Timecycle timecycle = new Timecycle();
Weather weather = new Weather();
Clouds clouds = new Clouds();
Water water = new Water();
Trains trains = new Trains();
Scenarios scenarios = new Scenarios();
PopZones popzones = new PopZones();
AudioZones audiozones = new AudioZones();
bool MouseLButtonDown = false;
bool MouseRButtonDown = false;
int MouseX;
int MouseY;
System.Drawing.Point MouseDownPoint;
System.Drawing.Point MouseLastPoint;
bool rendermaps = false;
bool renderworld = false;
int startupviewmode = 0; //0=world, 1=ymap, 2=model
string modelname = "dt1_tc_dufo_core";//"dt1_11_fount_decal";//
string[] ymaplist;
bool rendertimedents = Settings.Default.ShowTimedEntities;
bool rendertimedentsalways = false;
bool renderinteriors = true;
bool renderproxies = false;
bool renderchildents = false;
Vector3 prevworldpos = new Vector3(0, 0, 100); //also the start pos
bool usedynamiclod = Settings.Default.DynamicLOD;
float lodthreshold = 50.0f / (0.1f + (float)Settings.Default.DetailDist); //to match formula for the DetailTrackBar value
bool waitforchildrentoload = true;
public GameFileCache GameFileCache { get { return gameFileCache; } }
GameFileCache gameFileCache = new GameFileCache();
RenderableCache renderableCache = new RenderableCache();
WorldControlMode ControlMode = WorldControlMode.Free;
object MouseControlSyncRoot = new object();
int MouseControlX = 0;
int MouseControlY = 0;
int MouseControlWheel = 0;
MouseButtons MouseControlButtons = MouseButtons.None;
MouseButtons MouseControlButtonsPrev = MouseButtons.None;
bool ControlFireToggle = false;
Entity camEntity = new Entity();
PedEntity pedEntity = new PedEntity();
volatile bool kbmovefwd = false;
volatile bool kbmovebck = false;
volatile bool kbmovelft = false;
volatile bool kbmovergt = false;
volatile bool kbmoveup = false;
volatile bool kbmovedn = false;
volatile bool kbjump = false;
KeyBindings keyBindings = new KeyBindings(Settings.Default.KeyBindings);
bool iseditmode = false;
List<MapIcon> Icons;
MapIcon MarkerIcon = null;
MapIcon LocatorIcon = null;
MapMarker LocatorMarker = null;
MapMarker GrabbedMarker = null;
MapMarker SelectedMarker = null;
MapMarker MousedMarker = null;
List<MapMarker> Markers = new List<MapMarker>();
List<MapMarker> SortedMarkers = new List<MapMarker>();
List<MapMarker> MarkerBatch = new List<MapMarker>();
bool RenderLocator = false;
bool markerdepthclip = Settings.Default.MarkerDepthClip;
object markersyncroot = new object();
object markersortedsyncroot = new object();
UnitQuad markerquad = null;
BoundsShaderMode boundsmode = BoundsShaderMode.None;
bool renderboundsclip = Settings.Default.BoundsDepthClip;
float renderboundsmaxrad = 20000.0f;
float renderboundsmaxdist = 10000.0f;
List<MapBox> BoundingBoxes = new List<MapBox>();
List<MapSphere> BoundingSpheres = new List<MapSphere>();
List<MapSphere> HilightSpheres = new List<MapSphere>();
List<MapBox> HilightBoxes = new List<MapBox>();
List<MapBox> SelectionBoxes = new List<MapBox>();
List<MapBox> WhiteBoxes = new List<MapBox>();
List<MapSphere> SelectionSpheres = new List<MapSphere>();
List<MapSphere> WhiteSpheres = new List<MapSphere>();
bool controllightdir = false; //if not, use timecycle
float lightdirx = 2.25f;//radians // approx. light dir on map satellite view
float lightdiry = 0.65f;//radians - used for manual light placement
bool renderskydome = Settings.Default.Skydome;
bool rendercollisionmeshes = Settings.Default.ShowCollisionMeshes;
List<BoundsStoreItem> collisionitems = new List<BoundsStoreItem>();
int collisionmeshrange = Settings.Default.CollisionMeshRange;
bool[] collisionmeshlayers = { true, true, true };
bool collisionmeshlayerdrawable = true;
List<YmapEntityDef> renderworldentities = new List<YmapEntityDef>();
List<RenderableEntity> renderworldrenderables = new List<RenderableEntity>();
Dictionary<MetaHash, YmapFile> renderworldVisibleYmapDict = new Dictionary<MetaHash, YmapFile>();
Dictionary<uint, bool> renderworldHideFlags = new Dictionary<uint, bool>();
Unk_1264241711 renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD;
float renderworldLodDistMult = 1.0f;
float renderworldDetailDistMult = 1.0f;
bool worldymaptimefilter = true;
bool worldymapweatherfilter = true;
bool rendergrass = true;
bool renderdistlodlights = true;
bool rendernaturalambientlight = true;
bool renderartificialambientlight = true;
ShaderGlobalLights globalLights = new ShaderGlobalLights();
bool renderpathbounds = true;
bool renderpaths = false;
List<YndFile> renderpathynds = new List<YndFile>();
bool renderwaterquads = true;
List<WaterQuad> renderwaterquadlist = new List<WaterQuad>();
bool rendertraintracks = false;
List<TrainTrack> rendertraintracklist = new List<TrainTrack>();
bool rendernavmeshes = false;
List<YnvFile> rendernavmeshynvs = new List<YnvFile>();
bool renderscenariobounds = false;
bool renderscenarios = false;
List<YmtFile> renderscenariolist = new List<YmtFile>();
bool renderpopzones = false;
bool renderaudiozones = false;
float timeofday = 12.0f;
bool controltimeofday = true;
bool timerunning = false;
float timespeed = 0.5f;//min/sec
string weathertype = "";
string individualcloudfrag = "contrails";
Vector4 currentWindVec = Vector4.Zero;
float currentWindTime = 0.0f;
bool MapViewEnabled = false;
float MapViewDetail = 1.0f;
int MapViewDragX = 0;
int MapViewDragY = 0;
bool ShowScriptedYmaps = true;
bool MouseSelectEnabled = false;
bool ShowSelectionBounds = true;
bool SelectByGeometry = false; //select by geometry needs more work
MapSelection CurMouseHit = new MapSelection();
MapSelection LastMouseHit = new MapSelection();
MapSelection PrevMouseHit = new MapSelection();
bool MouseRayCollisionEnabled = true;
bool MouseRayCollisionVisible = true;
SpaceRayIntersectResult MouseRayCollision = new SpaceRayIntersectResult();
string SelectionModeStr = "Entity";
MapSelectionMode SelectionMode = MapSelectionMode.Entity;
MapSelection SelectedItem;
List<MapSelection> SelectedItems = new List<MapSelection>();
WorldInfoForm InfoForm = null;
Dictionary<DrawableModel, bool> SelectionModelDrawFlags = new Dictionary<DrawableModel, bool>();
Dictionary<DrawableGeometry, bool> SelectionGeometryDrawFlags = new Dictionary<DrawableGeometry, bool>();
List<VertexTypePC> SelectionLineVerts = new List<VertexTypePC>();
List<VertexTypePC> SelectionTriVerts = new List<VertexTypePC>();
YmapEntityDef SelectedCarGenEntity = new YmapEntityDef();
TransformWidget Widget = new TransformWidget();
TransformWidget GrabbedWidget = null;
bool ShowWidget = true;
bool CtrlPressed = false;
bool ShiftPressed = false;
ProjectForm ProjectForm = null;
Stack<UndoStep> UndoSteps = new Stack<UndoStep>();
Stack<UndoStep> RedoSteps = new Stack<UndoStep>();
Vector3 UndoStartPosition;
Quaternion UndoStartRotation;
Vector3 UndoStartScale;
YmapEntityDef CopiedEntity = null;
YmapCarGen CopiedCarGen = null;
YndNode CopiedPathNode = null;
YnvPoly CopiedNavPoly = null;
TrainTrackNode CopiedTrainNode = null;
ScenarioNode CopiedScenarioNode = null;
public bool EditEntityPivot { get; set; } = false;
SettingsForm SettingsForm = null;
WorldSearchForm SearchForm = null;
Controller xbcontroller = null;
State xbcontrollerstate;
State xbcontrollerstateprev;
Vector4 xbmainaxes = Vector4.Zero;
Vector4 xbmainaxesprev = Vector4.Zero;
Vector2 xbtrigs = Vector2.Zero;
Vector2 xbtrigsprev = Vector2.Zero;
float xbcontrolvelocity = 0.0f;
bool toolspanelexpanded = false;
int toolspanellastwidth;
bool toolsPanelResizing = false;
int toolsPanelResizeStartX = 0;
int toolsPanelResizeStartLeft = 0;
int toolsPanelResizeStartRight = 0;
double currentRealTime = 0;
int framecount = 0;
float fcelapsed = 0.0f;
int fps = 0;
bool initedOk = false;
public WorldForm()
initedOk = dxman.Init(this, false);
private void Init()
//called from WorldForm_Load
if (!initedOk)
MouseWheel += WorldForm_MouseWheel;
string fldr = Settings.Default.GTAFolder;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fldr) || !Directory.Exists(fldr))
SelectFolderForm f = new SelectFolderForm();
if (f.Result == DialogResult.OK)
fldr = f.SelectedFolder;
//MessageBox.Show("No GTAV folder was chosen. CodeWalker will now exit.");
if (!Directory.Exists(fldr))
MessageBox.Show("The specified folder does not exist:\n" + fldr);
if (!File.Exists(fldr + "\\gta5.exe"))
MessageBox.Show("GTA5.exe not found in folder:\n" + fldr);
Settings.Default.GTAFolder = fldr; //seems ok, save it for later
Widget.Position = new Vector3(1.0f, 10.0f, 100.0f);
Widget.Rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
Widget.Scale = Vector3.One;
Widget.Visible = false;
Widget.OnPositionChange += Widget_OnPositionChange;
Widget.OnRotationChange += Widget_OnRotationChange;
Widget.OnScaleChange += Widget_OnScaleChange;
ymaplist = YmapsTextBox.Text.Split(new[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
ViewModeComboBox.SelectedIndex = startupviewmode;
BoundsStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //LoadSettings will handle this
SelectionModeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Entity mode
toolspanellastwidth = ToolsPanel.Width * 2; //default expanded size
Icons = new List<MapIcon>();
AddIcon("Google Marker", "icon_google_marker_64x64.png", 64, 64, 11.0f, 40.0f, 1.0f);
AddIcon("Glokon Marker", "icon_glokon_normal_32x32.png", 32, 32, 11.0f, 32.0f, 1.0f);
AddIcon("Glokon Debug", "icon_glokon_debug_32x32.png", 32, 32, 11.5f, 32.0f, 1.0f);
MarkerIcon = Icons[1];
LocatorIcon = Icons[2];
foreach (MapIcon icon in Icons)
MarkerStyleComboBox.SelectedItem = MarkerIcon; //LoadSettings will handle this
LocatorStyleComboBox.SelectedItem = LocatorIcon;
LocatorMarker = new MapMarker();
LocatorMarker.Icon = LocatorIcon;
LocatorMarker.IsMovable = true;
//AddDefaultMarkers(); //some POI to start with
MetaName[] texsamplers = RenderableGeometry.GetTextureSamplerList();
foreach (var texsampler in texsamplers)
//TextureSamplerComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //LoadSettings will handle this
//RenderModeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Default
WorldMaxLodComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;//should this be a setting?
WeatherComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;//show "<Loading...>" until weather types are loaded
CameraModeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //"Perspective"
DlcLevelComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //show "<Loading...>" until DLC list is loaded
private void InitController()
xbcontroller = new Controller(UserIndex.One);
if (!xbcontroller.IsConnected)
var controllers = new[] { new Controller(UserIndex.Two), new Controller(UserIndex.Three), new Controller(UserIndex.Four) };
foreach (var selectControler in controllers)
if (selectControler.IsConnected)
xbcontroller = selectControler;
xbcontrollerstate = xbcontroller.GetState();
xbcontrollerstateprev = xbcontrollerstate;
xbcontrollerstate = xbcontroller.GetState();
xbcontrollerstateprev = xbcontrollerstate;
private MapIcon AddIcon(string name, string filename, int texw, int texh, float centerx, float centery, float scale)
string filepath = "icons\\" + filename;
MapIcon mi = new MapIcon(name, filepath, texw, texh, centerx, centery, scale);
return mi;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Could not load map icon " + filepath + " for " + name + "!\n\n" + ex.ToString());
return null;
public void InitScene(Device device)
currentdevice = device;
int width = ClientSize.Width;
int height = ClientSize.Height;
shaders = new ShaderManager(device, dxman);
shaders.OnWindowResize(width, height); //init the buffers
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error loading shaders!\n" + ex.ToString());
if (Icons != null)
foreach (MapIcon icon in Icons)
icon.LoadTexture(device, LogError);
markerquad = new UnitQuad(device);
camera.OnWindowResize(width, height); //init the projection stuff
camera.FollowEntity = camEntity;
camera.FollowEntity.Position = (startupviewmode!=2) ? prevworldpos : Vector3.Zero;// new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f);
camera.FollowEntity.Orientation = Quaternion.LookAtLH(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up, Vector3.ForwardLH);
formopen = true;
new Thread(new ThreadStart(ContentThread)).Start();
public void CleanupScene()
formopen = false;
if (Icons != null)
foreach (MapIcon icon in Icons)
int count = 0;
while (running && (count < 5000)) //wait for the content thread to exit gracefully
currentdevice = null;
public void BuffersResized(int w, int h)
lock (rendersyncroot)
camera.OnWindowResize(w, h);
shaders.OnWindowResize(w, h);
public void RenderScene(DeviceContext context)
float elapsed = (float)frametimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
fcelapsed += elapsed;
if (fcelapsed >= 0.5f)
fps = framecount * 2;
framecount = 0;
fcelapsed -= 0.5f;
if (elapsed > 0.1f) elapsed = 0.1f;
currentRealTime += elapsed;
if (pauserendering) return;
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(rendersyncroot, 50))
{ return; } //couldn't get a lock, try again next time
camera.SetMousePosition(MouseLastPoint.X, MouseLastPoint.Y);
shaders.BeginFrame(context, currentRealTime, elapsed);
shaders.EnsureShaderTextures(gameFileCache, renderableCache);
if (renderworld || rendermaps)
if (rendermaps)
shaders.RenderQueued(context, camera, currentWindVec);
private void UpdateTimeOfDayLabel()
int v = TimeOfDayTrackBar.Value;
float fh = v / 60.0f;
int ih = (int)fh;
int im = v - (ih * 60);
if (ih == 24) ih = 0;
TimeOfDayLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", ih, im);
private void UpdateTimeOfDay(float elapsed)
if (timerunning)
float helapsed = elapsed * timespeed / 60.0f;
timeofday += helapsed;
while (timeofday >= 24.0f) timeofday -= 24.0f;
while (timeofday < 0.0f) timeofday += 24.0f;
private void UpdateGlobalLights()
Vector3 lightdir = Vector3.Zero;//will be updated before each frame from X and Y vars
Color4 lightdircolour = Color4.White;
Color4 lightdirambcolour = new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
Color4 lightnaturalupcolour = new Color4(0.0f);
Color4 lightnaturaldowncolour = new Color4(0.0f);
Color4 lightartificialupcolour = new Color4(0.0f);
Color4 lightartificialdowncolour = new Color4(0.0f);
bool hdr = shaders.hdr;
float hdrint = 1.0f;
Vector3 sundir = Vector3.Up;
Vector3 moondir = Vector3.Down;
Vector3 moonax = Vector3.UnitZ;
if (controllightdir)
float cryd = (float)Math.Cos(lightdiry);
lightdir.X = -(float)Math.Sin(-lightdirx) * cryd;
lightdir.Y = -(float)Math.Cos(-lightdirx) * cryd;
lightdir.Z = (float)Math.Sin(lightdiry);
lightdircolour = Color4.White;
lightdirambcolour = new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
if (hdr && (weather != null) && (weather.Inited))
lightdircolour *= weather.CurrentValues.skyHdr;
lightdircolour.Alpha = 1.0f;
lightdirambcolour *= weather.CurrentValues.skyHdr;
lightdirambcolour.Alpha = 1.0f;
hdrint = weather.CurrentValues.skyHdr;
sundir = lightdir;
moondir = -lightdir;
float sunroll = timecycle.sun_roll * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f; //122
float moonroll = timecycle.moon_roll * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f; //-122
float moonwobamp = timecycle.moon_wobble_amp; //0.2
float moonwobfreq = timecycle.moon_wobble_freq; //2
float moonwoboffs = timecycle.moon_wobble_offset; //0.375
float dayval = (0.5f + (timeofday - 6.0f) / 14.0f);
float nightval = (((timeofday>12.0f)?(timeofday - 7.0f):(timeofday+17.0f)) / 9.0f);
float daycyc = (float)Math.PI * dayval;
float nightcyc = (float)Math.PI * nightval;
Vector3 sdir = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin(daycyc), -(float)Math.Cos(daycyc), 0.0f);
Vector3 mdir = new Vector3(-(float)Math.Sin(nightcyc), 0.0f, -(float)Math.Cos(nightcyc));
Quaternion saxis = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(0.0f, sunroll, 0.0f);
Quaternion maxis = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(0.0f, -moonroll, 0.0f);
sundir = Vector3.Normalize(saxis.Multiply(sdir));
moondir = Vector3.Normalize(maxis.Multiply(mdir));
moonax = Vector3.Normalize(maxis.Multiply(Vector3.UnitY));
//bool usemoon = false;
lightdir = sundir;
//if (lightdir.Z < -0.5f) lightdir.Z = -lightdir.Z; //make sure the lightsource is always above the horizon...
if ((timeofday < 5.0f) || (timeofday > 21.0f))
lightdir = moondir;
//usemoon = true;
if (lightdir.Z < 0)
lightdir.Z = 0; //don't let the light source go below the horizon...
//lightdir = Vector3.Normalize(weather.CurrentValues.sunDirection);
if (weather != null && weather.Inited)
lightdircolour = (Color4)weather.CurrentValues.lightDirCol;
lightdirambcolour = (Color4)weather.CurrentValues.lightDirAmbCol;
lightnaturalupcolour = (Color4)weather.CurrentValues.lightNaturalAmbUp;
lightnaturaldowncolour = (Color4)weather.CurrentValues.lightNaturalAmbDown;
lightartificialupcolour = (Color4)weather.CurrentValues.lightArtificialExtUp;
lightartificialdowncolour = (Color4)weather.CurrentValues.lightArtificialExtDown;
float lamult = weather.CurrentValues.lightDirAmbIntensityMult;
float abounce = weather.CurrentValues.lightDirAmbBounce;
float minmult = hdr ? 0.1f : 0.5f;
lightdircolour *= Math.Max(lightdircolour.Alpha, minmult);
lightdirambcolour *= lightdirambcolour.Alpha * lamult; // 0.1f * lamult;
//if (usemoon)
// lightdircolour *= weather.CurrentValues.skyMoonIten;
lightnaturalupcolour *= lightnaturalupcolour.Alpha * weather.CurrentValues.lightNaturalAmbUpIntensityMult;
lightnaturaldowncolour *= lightnaturaldowncolour.Alpha;
lightartificialupcolour *= lightartificialupcolour.Alpha;
lightartificialdowncolour *= lightartificialdowncolour.Alpha;
if (!hdr)
Color4 maxdirc = new Color4(1.0f);
Color4 maxambc = new Color4(0.5f);
lightdircolour = Color4.Min(lightdircolour, maxdirc);
lightdirambcolour = Color4.Min(lightdirambcolour, maxambc);
lightnaturalupcolour = Color4.Min(lightnaturalupcolour, maxambc);
lightnaturaldowncolour = Color4.Min(lightnaturaldowncolour, maxambc);
lightartificialupcolour = Color4.Min(lightartificialupcolour, maxambc);
lightartificialdowncolour = Color4.Min(lightartificialdowncolour, maxambc);
hdrint = weather.CurrentValues.skyHdr;//.lightDirCol.W;
globalLights.Weather = weather;
globalLights.HdrEnabled = hdr;
globalLights.SpecularEnabled = !MapViewEnabled;//disable specular for map view.
globalLights.HdrIntensity = Math.Max(hdrint, 1.0f);
globalLights.CurrentSunDir = sundir;
globalLights.CurrentMoonDir = moondir;
globalLights.MoonAxis = moonax;
globalLights.Params.LightDir = lightdir;
globalLights.Params.LightDirColour = lightdircolour;
globalLights.Params.LightDirAmbColour = lightdirambcolour;
globalLights.Params.LightNaturalAmbUp = rendernaturalambientlight ? lightnaturalupcolour : Color4.Black;
globalLights.Params.LightNaturalAmbDown = rendernaturalambientlight ? lightnaturaldowncolour : Color4.Black;
globalLights.Params.LightArtificialAmbUp = renderartificialambientlight ? lightartificialupcolour : Color4.Black;
globalLights.Params.LightArtificialAmbDown = renderartificialambientlight ? lightartificialdowncolour : Color4.Black;
if (shaders != null)
private void UpdateWindVector(float elapsed)
//wind still needs a lot of work.
//currently just feed the wind vector with small oscillations...
currentWindTime += elapsed;
if (currentWindTime >= 200.0f) currentWindTime -= 200.0f;
float dirval = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.01 * Math.PI);
float dirval1 = (float)Math.Sin(currentWindTime * 0.100 * Math.PI) * 0.3f;
float dirval2 = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.333 * Math.PI);
float dirval3 = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.5 * Math.PI);
float dirval4 = (float)Math.Sin(currentWindTime * 0.223 * Math.PI) * 0.4f;
float dirval5 = (float)Math.Sin(currentWindTime * 0.4 * Math.PI) * 5.5f;
currentWindVec.Z = (float)Math.Sin(dirval) * dirval1 + (float)Math.Cos(dirval2) * dirval4;
currentWindVec.W = (float)Math.Cos(dirval) * dirval5 + (float)Math.Sin(dirval3) * dirval4;
float strval = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.1 * Math.PI);
float strval2 = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.825 * Math.PI);
float strval3 = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.333 * Math.PI);
float strval4 = (float)(currentWindTime * 0.666 * Math.PI);
float strbase = 0.1f * ((float)Math.Sin(strval * 0.5));
float strbase2 = 0.02f * ((float)Math.Sin(strval2 * 0.1));
currentWindVec.X = (float)Math.Sin(strval) * strbase + ((float)Math.Cos(strval3) * strbase2);
currentWindVec.Y = (float)Math.Cos(strval2) * strbase + ((float)Math.Sin(strval4 - strval3) * strbase2);
private void UpdateControlInputs(float elapsed)
var s = Settings.Default;
float moveSpeed = 50.0f;
bool xbenable = (xbcontroller != null) && (xbcontroller.IsConnected);
float lx = 0, ly = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, lt = 0, rt = 0; //input axes
if (xbenable)
xbcontrollerstateprev = xbcontrollerstate;
xbcontrollerstate = xbcontroller.GetState();
xbmainaxesprev = xbmainaxes;
xbtrigsprev = xbtrigs;
xbmainaxes = ControllerMainAxes();
xbtrigs = ControllerTriggers();
lx = xbmainaxes.X;
ly = xbmainaxes.Y;
rx = xbmainaxes.Z;
ry = xbmainaxes.W;
lt = xbtrigs.X;
rt = xbtrigs.Y;
float lamt = s.XInputLThumbSensitivity * elapsed;
float ramt = s.XInputRThumbSensitivity * elapsed;
ly = s.XInputLThumbInvert ? ly : -ly;
ry = s.XInputRThumbInvert ? ry : -ry;
lx *= lamt;
ly *= lamt;
rx *= ramt;
ry *= ramt;
if (ControllerButtonJustPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.Start))
SetControlMode(ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free ? WorldControlMode.Ped : WorldControlMode.Free);
if (ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free)
Vector3 movevec = Vector3.Zero;
if (ShiftPressed)
moveSpeed *= 5.0f;
if (CtrlPressed)
moveSpeed *= 0.2f;
if (MapViewEnabled)
if (kbmovefwd) movevec.Y += 1.0f;
if (kbmovebck) movevec.Y -= 1.0f;
if (kbmovelft) movevec.X -= 1.0f;
if (kbmovergt) movevec.X += 1.0f;
if (kbmoveup) movevec.Y += 1.0f;
if (kbmovedn) movevec.Y -= 1.0f;
movevec *= elapsed * moveSpeed * Math.Min(camera.OrthographicTargetSize * 0.01f, 50.0f);
float mapviewscale = 1.0f / camera.Height;
float fdx = MapViewDragX * mapviewscale;
float fdy = MapViewDragY * mapviewscale;
movevec.X -= fdx * camera.OrthographicSize;
movevec.Y += fdy * camera.OrthographicSize;
//normal movement
if (kbmovefwd) movevec.Z -= 1.0f;
if (kbmovebck) movevec.Z += 1.0f;
if (kbmovelft) movevec.X -= 1.0f;
if (kbmovergt) movevec.X += 1.0f;
if (kbmoveup) movevec.Y += 1.0f;
if (kbmovedn) movevec.Y -= 1.0f;
movevec *= elapsed * moveSpeed * Math.Min(camera.TargetDistance, 20.0f);
Vector3 movewvec = camera.ViewInvQuaternion.Multiply(movevec);
camEntity.Position += movewvec;
MapViewDragX = 0;
MapViewDragY = 0;
if (xbenable)
camera.ControllerRotate(lx + rx, ly + ry);
float zoom = 0.0f;
float zoomspd = s.XInputZoomSpeed;
float zoomamt = zoomspd * elapsed;
if (ControllerButtonPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp)) zoom += zoomamt;
if (ControllerButtonPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown)) zoom -= zoomamt;
float acc = 0.0f;
float accspd = s.XInputMoveSpeed;//actually accel speed...
acc += rt * accspd;
acc -= lt * accspd;
Vector3 newdir = camera.ViewDirection; //maybe use the "vehicle" direction...?
xbcontrolvelocity += (acc * elapsed);
if (ControllerButtonPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.A | GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder)) //handbrake...
xbcontrolvelocity *= Math.Max(0.75f - elapsed, 0);//not ideal for low fps...
//xbcontrolvelocity = 0.0f;
if (Math.Abs(xbcontrolvelocity) < 0.001f) xbcontrolvelocity = 0.0f;
camEntity.Velocity = newdir * xbcontrolvelocity;
camEntity.Position += camEntity.Velocity * elapsed;
if (ControllerButtonJustPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder))
//"play" mode
int mcx, mcy, mcw;
MouseButtons mcb, mcbp;
bool mlb = false, mrb = false;
bool mlbjustpressed = false, mrbjustpressed = false;
lock (MouseControlSyncRoot)
mcx = MouseControlX;
mcy = MouseControlY;
mcw = MouseControlWheel;
mcb = MouseControlButtons;
mcbp = MouseControlButtonsPrev;
mlb = ((mcb & MouseButtons.Left) > 0);
mrb = ((mcb & MouseButtons.Right) > 0);
mlbjustpressed = mlb && ((mcbp & MouseButtons.Left) == 0);
mrbjustpressed = mrb && ((mcbp & MouseButtons.Right) == 0);
MouseControlX = 0;
MouseControlY = 0;
MouseControlWheel = 0;
MouseControlButtonsPrev = MouseControlButtons;
//MouseControlButtons = MouseButtons.None;
camera.MouseRotate(mcx, mcy);
if (xbenable)
camera.ControllerRotate(rx, ry);
Vector2 movecontrol = new Vector2(xbmainaxes.X, xbmainaxes.Y); //(L stick)
if (kbmovelft) movecontrol.X -= 1.0f;
if (kbmovergt) movecontrol.X += 1.0f;
if (kbmovefwd) movecontrol.Y += 1.0f;
if (kbmovebck) movecontrol.Y -= 1.0f;
movecontrol.X = Math.Min(movecontrol.X, 1.0f);
movecontrol.X = Math.Max(movecontrol.X, -1.0f);
movecontrol.Y = Math.Min(movecontrol.Y, 1.0f);
movecontrol.Y = Math.Max(movecontrol.Y, -1.0f);
Vector3 fwd = camera.ViewDirection;
Vector3 fwdxy = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(fwd.X, fwd.Y, 0));
Vector3 lftxy = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(fwd, Vector3.UnitZ));
Vector3 move = lftxy * movecontrol.X + fwdxy * movecontrol.Y;
Vector2 movexy = new Vector2(move.X, move.Y);
pedEntity.ControlMovement = movexy;
pedEntity.ControlJump = kbjump || ControllerButtonPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.X);
pedEntity.ControlBoost = ShiftPressed || ControllerButtonPressed(GamepadButtonFlags.A | GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder | GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder);
//Vector3 pedfwd = pedEntity.Orientation.Multiply(Vector3.UnitZ);
bool fire = mlb || (xbtrigs.Y > 0);
if (fire && !ControlFireToggle)
ControlFireToggle = fire;
private Vector4 ControllerMainAxes()
var gp = xbcontrollerstate.Gamepad;
var ldz = Gamepad.LeftThumbDeadZone;
var rdz = Gamepad.RightThumbDeadZone;
float ltnrng = -(short.MinValue + ldz);
float ltprng = (short.MaxValue - ldz);
float rtnrng = -(short.MinValue + rdz);
float rtprng = (short.MaxValue - rdz);
float lx = (gp.LeftThumbX < 0) ? Math.Min((gp.LeftThumbX + ldz) / ltnrng, 0) :
(gp.LeftThumbX > 0) ? Math.Max((gp.LeftThumbX - ldz) / ltprng, 0) : 0;
float ly = (gp.LeftThumbY < 0) ? Math.Min((gp.LeftThumbY + ldz) / ltnrng, 0) :
(gp.LeftThumbY > 0) ? Math.Max((gp.LeftThumbY - ldz) / ltprng, 0) : 0;
float rx = (gp.RightThumbX < 0) ? Math.Min((gp.RightThumbX + rdz) / rtnrng, 0) :
(gp.RightThumbX > 0) ? Math.Max((gp.RightThumbX - rdz) / rtprng, 0) : 0;
float ry = (gp.RightThumbY < 0) ? Math.Min((gp.RightThumbY + rdz) / rtnrng, 0) :
(gp.RightThumbY > 0) ? Math.Max((gp.RightThumbY - rdz) / rtprng, 0) : 0;
return new Vector4(lx, ly, rx, ry);
private Vector2 ControllerTriggers()
var gp = xbcontrollerstate.Gamepad;
var tt = Gamepad.TriggerThreshold;
float trng = byte.MaxValue - tt;
float lt = Math.Max((gp.LeftTrigger - tt) / trng, 0);
float rt = Math.Max((gp.RightTrigger - tt) / trng, 0);
return new Vector2(lt, rt);
private bool ControllerButtonPressed(GamepadButtonFlags b)
return ((xbcontrollerstate.Gamepad.Buttons & b) != 0);
private bool ControllerButtonJustPressed(GamepadButtonFlags b)
return (((xbcontrollerstate.Gamepad.Buttons & b) != 0) && ((xbcontrollerstateprev.Gamepad.Buttons & b) == 0));
private DrawableBase TryGetDrawable(Archetype arche)
if (arche == null) return null;
uint drawhash = arche.Hash;
DrawableBase drawable = null;
if ((arche.DrawableDict != 0))// && (arche.DrawableDict != arche.Hash))
//try get drawable from ydd...
YddFile ydd = gameFileCache.GetYdd(arche.DrawableDict);
if (ydd != null)
if (ydd.Loaded && (ydd.Dict != null))
Drawable d;
ydd.Dict.TryGetValue(drawhash, out d); //can't out to base class?
drawable = d;
if (drawable == null)
return null; //drawable wasn't in dict!!
return null; //ydd not loaded yet, or has no dict
//return null; //couldn't find drawable dict... quit now?
if (drawable == null)
//try get drawable from ydr.
YdrFile ydr = gameFileCache.GetYdr(drawhash);
if (ydr != null)
if (ydr.Loaded)
drawable = ydr.Drawable;
YftFile yft = gameFileCache.GetYft(drawhash);
if (yft != null)
if (yft.Loaded)
if (yft.Fragment != null)
drawable = yft.Fragment.Drawable;
return drawable;
private Renderable TryGetRenderable(Archetype arche, DrawableBase drawable, uint txdHash = 0)
if (drawable == null) return null;
//BUG: only last texdict used!! needs to cache textures per archetype........
//(but is it possible to have the same drawable with different archetypes?)
uint texDict = (arche != null) ? arche.TextureDict.Hash : txdHash;
uint clipDict = (arche != null) ? arche.ClipDict.Hash : 0;
Renderable rndbl = renderableCache.GetRenderable(drawable);
if (rndbl == null) return null;
if (clipDict != 0)
YcdFile ycd = gameFileCache.GetYcd(clipDict);
if ((ycd != null) && (ycd.Loaded))
MetaHash ahash = arche.Hash;
MetaHash ahashuv1 = ahash + 1;
MetaHash ahashuv2 = ahash + 2;
ClipMapEntry cme, cmeuv1, cmeuv2; //this goes to at least uv5! (from uv0) - see hw1_09.ycd
bool found = false;
if (ycd.ClipMap.TryGetValue(ahash, out cme))
found = true;
if (ycd.ClipMap.TryGetValue(ahashuv1, out cmeuv1))
found = true;
if (ycd.ClipMap.TryGetValue(ahashuv2, out cmeuv2))
found = true;
if (!found)
bool alltexsloaded = true;
int missingtexcount = 0;
for (int mi = 0; mi < rndbl.HDModels.Length; mi++)
var model = rndbl.HDModels[mi];
//if (!RenderIsModelFinalRender(model) && !renderproxies)
// continue; //filter out reflection proxy models...
foreach (var geom in model.Geometries)
if (geom.Textures != null)
for (int i = 0; i < geom.Textures.Length; i++)
var tex = geom.Textures[i];
var ttex = tex as Texture;
RenderableTexture rdtex = null;
if ((ttex == null) && (tex != null))
//TextureRef means this RenderableTexture needs to be loaded from texture dict...
if (texDict != 0)
YtdFile ytd = gameFileCache.GetYtd(texDict);
if ((ytd != null) && (ytd.Loaded) && (ytd.TextureDict != null))
var dtex = ytd.TextureDict.Lookup(tex.NameHash);
if (dtex == null)
//not present in dictionary... check already loaded texture dicts...
var ytd2 = gameFileCache.TryGetTextureDictForTexture(tex.NameHash);
if ((ytd2 != null) && (ytd2.Loaded) && (ytd2.TextureDict != null))
dtex = ytd2.TextureDict.Lookup(tex.NameHash);
//couldn't find texture dict?
//first try going through ytd hierarchy...
dtex = gameFileCache.TryFindTextureInParent(tex.NameHash, texDict);
//if (dtex == null)
//{ //try for a texture dict with the same hash as the archetype?
// dtex = gameFileCache.TryFindTextureInParent(tex.TextureRef.NameHash, arche.Hash);
// if (dtex != null)
// { }
if (dtex != null)
geom.Textures[i] = dtex; //cache it for next time to avoid the lookup...
rdtex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(dtex);
if (rdtex == null)
{ } //nothing to see here :(
else if ((ytd == null))
Texture dtex = null;
if (drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary != null)
dtex = drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary.Lookup(tex.NameHash);
if (dtex == null)
//dtex = drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary.Textures.data_items[0];
if (dtex == null)
var ytd2 = gameFileCache.TryGetTextureDictForTexture(tex.NameHash);
if ((ytd2 != null) && (ytd2.Loaded) && (ytd2.TextureDict != null))
dtex = ytd2.TextureDict.Lookup(tex.NameHash);
if (dtex == null)
dtex = gameFileCache.TryFindTextureInParent(tex.NameHash, texDict);
rdtex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(dtex);
if (rdtex == null)
{ missingtexcount -= 2; } //(give extra chance..) couldn't find the texture! :(
else if (ytd != null)
alltexsloaded = false;//ytd not loaded yet
else //no texdict specified, nothing to see here..
var ytd2 = gameFileCache.TryGetTextureDictForTexture(tex.NameHash);
if ((ytd2 != null) && (ytd2.Loaded) && (ytd2.TextureDict != null))
var dtex = ytd2.TextureDict.Lookup(tex.NameHash);
rdtex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(dtex);
else if (ttex != null) //ensure embedded renderable texture
rdtex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(ttex);
else if (tex == null)
{ } //tex wasn't loaded? shouldn't happen..
geom.RenderableTextures[i] = rdtex;
if (rdtex != null)
if (!rdtex.IsLoaded)
alltexsloaded = false;
//alltexsloaded = false;
rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded = alltexsloaded || (missingtexcount < 2);
return rndbl;
private bool LodDistTest(ref Vector3 p, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, float lodDist)
//for AABB only! for oriented BBs p must be transformed first...
if (p.X < (min.X - lodDist)) return false;
if (p.X > (max.X + lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Y < (min.Y - lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Y > (max.Y + lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Z < (min.Z - lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Z > (max.Z + lodDist)) return false;
return true;
private bool LodDistTest(Vector3 p, Vector3 min, Vector3 max, float lodDist)
//for AABB only! for oriented BBs p must be transformed first...
if (p.X < (min.X - lodDist)) return false;
if (p.X > (max.X + lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Y < (min.Y - lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Y > (max.Y + lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Z < (min.Z - lodDist)) return false;
if (p.Z > (max.Z + lodDist)) return false;
return true;
private void RenderSky(DeviceContext context)
if (MapViewEnabled) return;
if (!renderskydome) return;
if (!weather.Inited) return;
var shader = shaders.Skydome;
shader.UpdateSkyLocals(weather, globalLights);
DrawableBase skydomeydr = null;
YddFile skydomeydd = gameFileCache.GetYdd(2640562617); //skydome hash
if ((skydomeydd != null) && (skydomeydd.Loaded) && (skydomeydd.Dict != null))
skydomeydr = skydomeydd.Dict.Values.FirstOrDefault();
Texture starfield = null;
Texture moon = null;
YtdFile skydomeytd = gameFileCache.GetYtd(2640562617); //skydome hash
if ((skydomeytd != null) && (skydomeytd.Loaded) && (skydomeytd.TextureDict != null) && (skydomeytd.TextureDict.Dict != null))
skydomeytd.TextureDict.Dict.TryGetValue(1064311147, out starfield); //starfield hash
skydomeytd.TextureDict.Dict.TryGetValue(234339206, out moon); //moon-new hash
Renderable sdrnd = null;
if (skydomeydr != null)
sdrnd = renderableCache.GetRenderable(skydomeydr);
RenderableTexture sftex = null;
if (starfield != null)
sftex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(starfield);
RenderableTexture moontex = null;
if (moon != null)
moontex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(moon);
if ((sdrnd != null) && (sdrnd.IsLoaded) && (sftex != null) && (sftex.IsLoaded))
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, DepthStencilMode.DisableAll);
shaders.SetRasterizerMode(context, RasterizerMode.Solid);
RenderableInst rinst = new RenderableInst();
rinst.Position = Vector3.Zero;
rinst.CamRel = Vector3.Zero;
rinst.Distance = 0.0f;
rinst.BBMin = skydomeydr.BoundingBoxMin.XYZ();
rinst.BBMax = skydomeydr.BoundingBoxMax.XYZ();
rinst.BSCenter = Vector3.Zero;
rinst.Radius = skydomeydr.BoundingSphereRadius;
rinst.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
rinst.Scale = Vector3.One;
rinst.TintPaletteIndex = 0;
rinst.Renderable = sdrnd;
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.PTT);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
shader.SetEntityVars(context, ref rinst);
RenderableModel rmod = ((sdrnd.HDModels != null) && (sdrnd.HDModels.Length > 0)) ? sdrnd.HDModels[0] : null;
RenderableGeometry rgeom = ((rmod != null) && (rmod.Geometries != null) && (rmod.Geometries.Length > 0)) ? rmod.Geometries[0] : null;
if ((rgeom != null) && (rgeom.VertexType == VertexType.PTT))
shader.SetModelVars(context, rmod);
shader.SetTextures(context, sftex);
//shaders.SetRasterizerMode(context, RasterizerMode.SolidDblSided);
//shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, DepthStencilMode.Enabled);
shader.RenderSun(context, camera, weather, globalLights);
if ((moontex != null) && (moontex.IsLoaded))
shader.RenderMoon(context, camera, weather, globalLights, moontex);
private void RenderClouds(DeviceContext context)
if (MapViewEnabled) return;
if (!renderskydome) return;
if (!weather.Inited) return;
if (!clouds.Inited) return;
var shader = shaders.Clouds;
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, DepthStencilMode.DisableAll);
shaders.SetRasterizerMode(context, RasterizerMode.Solid);
shader.UpdateCloudsLocals(clouds, globalLights);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
var vtype = (VertexType)0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(individualcloudfrag))
//render one cloud fragment.
CloudHatFrag frag = clouds.HatManager.FindFrag(individualcloudfrag);
if (frag == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < frag.Layers.Length; i++)
CloudHatFragLayer layer = frag.Layers[i];
uint dhash = JenkHash.GenHash(layer.Filename.ToLowerInvariant());
Archetype arch = gameFileCache.GetArchetype(dhash);
if (arch == null)
{ continue; }
if (Math.Max(camera.Position.Z, 0.0f) < layer.HeightTigger) continue;
var drw = TryGetDrawable(arch);
var rnd = TryGetRenderable(arch, drw);
if ((rnd == null) || (rnd.IsLoaded == false) || (rnd.AllTexturesLoaded == false))
{ continue; }
RenderableInst rinst = new RenderableInst();
rinst.Position = frag.Position;// Vector3.Zero;
rinst.CamRel = Vector3.Zero;// - camera.Position;
rinst.Distance = rinst.CamRel.Length();
rinst.BBMin = arch.BBMin;
rinst.BBMax = arch.BBMax;
rinst.BSCenter = frag.Position;
rinst.Radius = arch.BSRadius;
rinst.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
rinst.Scale = frag.Scale;// Vector3.One;
rinst.TintPaletteIndex = 0;
rinst.Renderable = rnd;
shader.SetEntityVars(context, ref rinst);
for (int mi = 0; mi < rnd.HDModels.Length; mi++)
var model = rnd.HDModels[mi];
for (int gi = 0; gi < model.Geometries.Length; gi++)
var geom = model.Geometries[gi];
if (geom.VertexType != vtype)
vtype = geom.VertexType;
shader.SetInputLayout(context, vtype);
shader.SetGeomVars(context, geom);
private void RenderWorld()
//start point for world view mode rendering.
//also used for the water, paths, collisions, nav mesh, and the project window items.
int hour = worldymaptimefilter ? (int)timeofday : -1;
MetaHash weathertype = worldymapweatherfilter ? ((weather.CurrentWeatherType != null) ? weather.CurrentWeatherType.NameHash : new MetaHash(0)) : new MetaHash(0);
if (renderworld)
space.GetVisibleYmaps(camera, hour, weathertype, renderworldVisibleYmapDict);
foreach (var ae in space.TemporaryEntities)
if (ae.EntityDef == null) continue; //nothing to render...
RenderWorldCalcEntityVisibility(camera, ae.EntityDef);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.GetVisibleYmaps(camera, renderworldVisibleYmapDict);
//float minZ = float.MaxValue;
float maxZ = float.MinValue;
float cvwidth = camera.OrthographicSize * camera.AspectRatio*0.5f;
float cvheight = camera.OrthographicSize*0.5f;
float cvwmin = camera.Position.X - cvwidth;
float cvwmax = camera.Position.X + cvwidth;
float cvhmin = camera.Position.Y - cvheight;
float cvhmax = camera.Position.Y + cvheight;
foreach (var ymap in renderworldVisibleYmapDict.Values)
if (!RenderWorldYmapIsVisible(ymap)) continue;
if (ymap.AllEntities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.AllEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = ymap.AllEntities[i];
ent.LargestChildLodDist = 0;
ent.ChildrenLoading = false;
ent.Rendered = false;
ent.ChildRendered = false;
if (MapViewEnabled)
//find the max Z value for positioning camera in map view, to help shadows
if ((ent.Position.Z<1000.0f)&&(ent.BSRadius < 500.0f))
float r = ent.BSRadius;
if (((ent.Position.X + r) > cvwmin) && ((ent.Position.X - r) < cvwmax) && ((ent.Position.Y + r) > cvhmin) && ((ent.Position.Y - r) < cvhmax))
//minZ = Math.Min(minZ, ent.BBMin.Z);
maxZ = Math.Max(maxZ, ent.BBMax.Z+50.0f);//add some bias to avoid clipping things...
if (MapViewEnabled)
//move the camera closer to the geometry, to help shadows in map view.
if (maxZ == float.MinValue) maxZ = 1000.0f;
camera.Position.Z = Math.Min(maxZ, 1000.0f);
foreach (var ymap in renderworldVisibleYmapDict.Values)
if (!RenderWorldYmapIsVisible(ymap)) continue;
if (ymap.RootEntities != null)
YmapFile pymap;
renderworldVisibleYmapDict.TryGetValue(ymap.CMapData.parent, out pymap);
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.RootEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = ymap.RootEntities[i];
int pind = ent.CEntityDef.parentIndex;
if (pind >= 0) //connect root entities to parents if they have them..
YmapEntityDef p = null;
if ((pymap != null) && (pymap.AllEntities != null))
if ((pind < pymap.AllEntities.Length))
p = pymap.AllEntities[pind];
ent.Parent = p;
ent.ParentGuid = p.CEntityDef.guid;
ent.ParentName = p.CEntityDef.archetypeName;
{ }//should only happen if parent ymap not loaded yet...
RenderWorldRecurseCalcEntityVisibility(camera, ent);
foreach (var ymap in renderworldVisibleYmapDict.Values)
if (!RenderWorldYmapIsVisible(ymap)) continue;
if (ymap.RootEntities != null)
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.RootEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = ymap.RootEntities[i];
RenderWorldRecurseAddEntities(ent, renderworldentities);
//go through the render list, and try ensure renderables and textures for all.
//if an entity is not fully loaded, set a flag for its parent, then traverse to root
//until found an entity that is fully loaded.
//on a second loop, build a final render list based on the flags.
for (int i = 0; i < renderworldentities.Count; i++)
var ent = renderworldentities[i];
var arch = ent.Archetype;
var pent = ent.Parent;
if (renderinteriors && ent.IsMlo) //render Mlo child entities...
if ((ent.MloInstance != null) && (ent.MloInstance.Entities != null))
for (int j = 0; j < ent.MloInstance.Entities.Length; j++)
var intent = ent.MloInstance.Entities[j];
var intarch = intent.Archetype;
if (intarch == null) continue; //missing archetype...
if (!RenderIsEntityFinalRender(intent)) continue; //proxy or something..
intent.CamRel = intent.Position - camera.Position;
intent.Distance = intent.CamRel.Length();
intent.IsVisible = true;
var bscent = intent.CamRel + intent.BSCenter;
float bsrad = intent.BSRadius;
if (!camera.ViewFrustum.ContainsSphereNoClipNoOpt(ref bscent, bsrad))
continue; //frustum cull interior ents
var intdrbl = TryGetDrawable(intarch);
var intrndbl = TryGetRenderable(intarch, intdrbl);
if (intrndbl == null) continue; //no renderable
if (!(intrndbl.IsLoaded && (intrndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))) continue; //not loaded yet
RenderableEntity intrent = new RenderableEntity();
intrent.Entity = intent;
intrent.Renderable = intrndbl;
if (rendercollisionmeshes)
ent.Rendered = true;
var drawable = TryGetDrawable(arch);
Renderable rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arch, drawable);
if ((rndbl != null) && rndbl.IsLoaded && (rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))
RenderableEntity rent = new RenderableEntity();
rent.Entity = ent;
rent.Renderable = rndbl;
if (pent != null)
pent.ChildRendered = true;
else if (waitforchildrentoload)
//todo: render parent if children loading.......
for (int i = 0; i < renderworldrenderables.Count; i++)
var ent = renderworldrenderables[i].Entity;
if (ent.ChildRendered && !ent.ChildrenLoading)
ent.ChildrenRendered = true;
for (int i = 0; i < renderworldrenderables.Count; i++)
var rent = renderworldrenderables[i];
var ent = rent.Entity;
var arch = ent.Archetype;
RenderArchetype(arch, ent, rent.Renderable, false);
if (rendergrass)
foreach (var ymap in renderworldVisibleYmapDict.Values)
if (ymap.GrassInstanceBatches != null)
if (renderdistlodlights && timecycle.IsNightTime)
foreach (var ymap in renderworldVisibleYmapDict.Values)
if (ymap.DistantLODLights != null)
if (renderwaterquads || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.WaterQuad))
if (rendercollisionmeshes || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Collision))
if (renderpaths || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Path))
if (rendertraintracks || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.TrainTrack))
if (rendernavmeshes || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.NavMesh))
if (renderscenarios || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Scenario))
if (renderpopzones || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.PopZone))
if (renderaudiozones || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Audio))
private bool RenderWorldYmapIsVisible(YmapFile ymap)
if (!ShowScriptedYmaps)
if ((ymap._CMapData.flags & 1) > 0)
return false;
return true;
private void RenderWorldCalcEntityVisibility(Camera cam, YmapEntityDef ent)
ent.CamRel = ent.Position - cam.Position;
ent.Distance = ent.CamRel.Length();
float distval = ent.Distance;
if (MapViewEnabled)
distval = cam.OrthographicSize / MapViewDetail;
var loddist = ent.CEntityDef.lodDist;
var cloddist = ent.CEntityDef.childLodDist;
var loddistmultdef = renderworldLodDistMult * 1.0f;
var loddistmultorph = renderworldDetailDistMult * 1.5f;
var loddistmultarch = renderworldLodDistMult * 1.0f;
if (loddist <= 0.0f)//usually -1 or -2
if (ent.Archetype != null)
loddist = ent.Archetype.LodDist * loddistmultarch;
else if (ent.CEntityDef.lodLevel == Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD)
loddist *= loddistmultorph; //orphan view dist adjustment...
loddist *= loddistmultdef;
if (cloddist <= 0)
if (ent.Archetype != null)
cloddist = ent.Archetype.LodDist * loddistmultarch;
//cloddist = ent.Archetype.BSRadius * 50.0f;
cloddist *= loddistmultdef;
if (cloddist == 0)
//cloddist = loddist;//always try to show children, based on their loddist
ent.IsVisible = (distval <= loddist);
ent.ChildrenVisible = (distval <= cloddist) && (ent.CEntityDef.numChildren > 0);
ent.ChildrenLoading = false;
if ((ent.Parent != null) && (ent.CEntityDef.lodLevel != Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD))
if (ent.Parent.CEntityDef.childLodDist == 0.0f)
ent.Parent.LargestChildLodDist = Math.Max(ent.Parent.LargestChildLodDist, loddist);
if (renderworldMaxLOD != Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD)
if ((ent.CEntityDef.lodLevel == Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD) ||
(ent.CEntityDef.lodLevel < renderworldMaxLOD))
ent.IsVisible = false;
ent.ChildrenVisible = false;
if (ent.CEntityDef.lodLevel == renderworldMaxLOD)
ent.ChildrenVisible = false;
if (!ent.IsVisible)
ent.ChildrenRendered = false;
private void RenderWorldRecurseCalcEntityVisibility(Camera cam, YmapEntityDef ent)
RenderWorldCalcEntityVisibility(cam, ent);
if (ent.ChildrenVisible)
if (ent.Children != null)
for (int i = 0; i < ent.Children.Length; i++)
var child = ent.Children[i];
if (child.Ymap == ent.Ymap)
RenderWorldRecurseCalcEntityVisibility(cam, child);
private void RenderWorldRecurseAddEntities(YmapEntityDef ent, List<YmapEntityDef> res)
//bool useclod = false; //(ent.CEntityDef.childLodDist == 0.0f);
//bool hide = useclod ? (ent.AnyChildVisible /*&& !ent.AnyChildInvisible*/) : ent.ChildrenVisible;
//bool force = !useclod && (ent.Parent != null) && ent.Parent.ChildrenVisible && !hide;
bool hide = ent.ChildrenVisible;
bool force = (ent.Parent != null) && ent.Parent.ChildrenVisible && !hide;
if (force || (ent.IsVisible && !hide))
if (ent.Archetype != null)
if (!RenderIsEntityFinalRender(ent)) return;
var bscent = ent.CamRel + ent.BSCenter;
float bsrad = ent.BSRadius;
if (!camera.ViewFrustum.ContainsSphereNoClipNoOpt(ref bscent, bsrad))
return; //frustum cull
{ }
if (ent.IsVisible && ent.ChildrenVisible && (ent.Children != null))
for (int i = 0; i < ent.Children.Length; i++)
var child = ent.Children[i];
if (child.Ymap == ent.Ymap)
RenderWorldRecurseAddEntities(ent.Children[i], res);
private void RenderWorldWaterQuads()
water.GetVisibleQuads(camera, renderwaterquadlist);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.GetVisibleWaterQuads(camera, renderwaterquadlist);
foreach (var quad in renderwaterquadlist)
RenderableWaterQuad rquad = renderableCache.GetRenderableWaterQuad(quad);
if ((rquad != null) && (rquad.IsLoaded))
rquad.CamRel = -camera.Position;
private void RenderWorldPaths()
space.GetVisibleYnds(camera, renderpathynds);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.GetVisibleYnds(camera, renderpathynds);
foreach (var ynd in renderpathynds)
RenderablePathBatch rnd = renderableCache.GetRenderablePathBatch(ynd);
if ((rnd != null) && (rnd.IsLoaded))
private void RenderWorldTrainTracks()
if (!trains.Inited) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.GetVisibleTrainTracks(camera, rendertraintracklist);
foreach (var track in rendertraintracklist)
RenderablePathBatch rnd = renderableCache.GetRenderablePathBatch(track);
if ((rnd != null) && (rnd.IsLoaded))
private void RenderWorldNavMeshes()
space.GetVisibleYnvs(camera, rendernavmeshynvs);
if (ProjectForm != null)
//ProjectForm.GetVisibleYnvs(camera, rendernavmeshynvs);
foreach (var ynv in rendernavmeshynvs)
RenderablePathBatch rnd = renderableCache.GetRenderablePathBatch(ynv);
if ((rnd != null) && (rnd.IsLoaded))
private void RenderWorldScenarios()
if (!scenarios.Inited) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.GetVisibleScenarios(camera, renderscenariolist);
foreach (var scenario in renderscenariolist)
RenderablePathBatch rnd = renderableCache.GetRenderablePathBatch(scenario.ScenarioRegion);
if ((rnd != null) && (rnd.IsLoaded))
private void RenderWorldPopZones()
if (!popzones.Inited) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
//ProjectForm.GetVisiblePopZones(camera, renderpopzonelist);
RenderablePathBatch rnd = renderableCache.GetRenderablePathBatch(popzones);
if ((rnd != null) && (rnd.IsLoaded))
private void RenderWorldAudioZones()
if (!audiozones.Inited) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
//ProjectForm.GetVisibleAudioZones(camera, renderaudzonelist);
//RenderablePathBatch rnd = renderableCache.GetRenderablePathBatch(audiozones);
//if ((rnd != null) && (rnd.IsLoaded))
// shaders.Enqueue(rnd);
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
BoundingSphere bsph = new BoundingSphere();
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
MapBox lastHitOuterBox = new MapBox();
MapSphere lastHitOuterSphere = new MapSphere();
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
MapSphere ms = new MapSphere();
for (int i = 0; i < audiozones.AllItems.Count; i++)
var placement = audiozones.AllItems[i];
switch (placement.Shape)
case Dat151ZoneShape.Box:
case Dat151ZoneShape.Line:
mb.CamRelPos = placement.InnerPos - camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = placement.InnerMin;
mb.BBMax = placement.InnerMax;
mb.Orientation = placement.InnerOri;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
mb.CamRelPos = placement.OuterPos - camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = placement.OuterMin;
mb.BBMax = placement.OuterMax;
mb.Orientation = placement.OuterOri;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
Vector3 hbcamrel = (placement.HitboxPos - camera.Position);
Ray mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = placement.HitboxOriInv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position - hbcamrel);
mraytrn.Direction = placement.HitboxOriInv.Multiply(mray.Direction);
bbox.Minimum = placement.HitboxMin;
bbox.Maximum = placement.HitboxMax;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.Audio = placement;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = hbcamrel;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
lastHitOuterBox = mb; //highlight the outer box
case Dat151ZoneShape.Sphere:
if ((placement.InnerPos != Vector3.Zero) && (placement.OuterPos != Vector3.Zero))
ms.CamRelPos = placement.InnerPos - camera.Position;
ms.Radius = placement.InnerRad;
ms.CamRelPos = placement.OuterPos - camera.Position;
ms.Radius = placement.OuterRad;
bsph.Center = placement.HitboxPos;
bsph.Radius = placement.HitSphereRad;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bsph, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.Audio = placement;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = placement.HitboxPos - camera.Position;
CurMouseHit.AABB = new BoundingBox(); //no box here
CurMouseHit.BSphere = bsph;
lastHitOuterSphere = ms; //highlight the outer sphere
{ }
break;//shouldn't get here
if (CurMouseHit.Audio != null)
//hilight the outer bounds of moused item
switch (CurMouseHit.Audio.Shape)
case Dat151ZoneShape.Box:
case Dat151ZoneShape.Line:
case Dat151ZoneShape.Sphere:
private void RenderSingleItem()
//start point for model view mode rendering
uint hash = 0;// JenkHash.GenHash(modelname);
if (!uint.TryParse(modelname, out hash)) //try use a hash directly
hash = JenkHash.GenHash(modelname);
Archetype arche = gameFileCache.GetArchetype(hash);
Archetype selarch = null;
DrawableBase seldrwbl = null;
YmapEntityDef selent = null;
if (arche != null)
RenderArchetype(arche, null);
selarch = arche;
YmapFile ymap = gameFileCache.GetYmap(hash);
if (ymap != null)
//not a ymap... see if it's a ydr or yft
YdrFile ydr = gameFileCache.GetYdr(hash);
if (ydr != null)
if (ydr.Loaded)
RenderDrawable(ydr.Drawable, null, null, -camera.Position, hash);
seldrwbl = ydr.Drawable;
YftFile yft = gameFileCache.GetYft(hash);
if (yft != null)
if (yft.Loaded)
if (yft.Fragment != null)
var f = yft.Fragment;
RenderFragment(null, null, f, hash);
seldrwbl = f.Drawable;
//TODO: collision bounds single model...
//YbnFile ybn = gameFileCache.GetYbn(hash);
if ((selarch != null) && (seldrwbl == null))
seldrwbl = TryGetDrawable(selarch);
//select this item for viewing by the UI...
if ((SelectedItem.Archetype != selarch) || (SelectedItem.Drawable != seldrwbl) || (SelectedItem.EntityDef != selent))
SelectedItem.Archetype = selarch;
SelectedItem.Drawable = seldrwbl;
SelectedItem.EntityDef = selent;
private void RenderYmaps()
//start point for ymap view mode rendering
foreach (string lod in ymaplist)
uint hash = JenkHash.GenHash(lod);
YmapFile ymap = gameFileCache.GetYmap(hash);
private void RenderYmap(YmapFile ymap)
if (ymap == null) return;
if (!ymap.Loaded) return;
if ((ymap.AllEntities != null) && (ymap.RootEntities != null))
if (usedynamiclod)
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.RootEntities.Length; i++)
RenderYmapLOD(ymap.RootEntities[i].Ymap, ymap.RootEntities[i]);
var ents = renderchildents ? ymap.AllEntities : ymap.RootEntities;
for (int i = 0; i < ents.Length; i++)
var ent = ents[i];
if (renderchildents && ent.Children != null) continue;
//if (rootent.CEntityDef.parentIndex == -1) continue;
Archetype arch = ent.Archetype;
if (arch != null)
bool timed = (arch.Type == MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef);
if (!timed || (rendertimedents && (rendertimedentsalways || arch.IsActive(timeofday))))
ent.CamRel = ent.Position - camera.Position;
RenderArchetype(arch, ent);
//couldn't find archetype...
if (rendergrass && (ymap.GrassInstanceBatches != null))
if (renderdistlodlights && timecycle.IsNightTime && (ymap.DistantLODLights != null))
private bool RenderYmapLOD(YmapFile ymap, YmapEntityDef entity)
if (!ymap.Loaded) return false;
Archetype arch = entity.Archetype;
if (arch != null)
bool timed = (arch.Type == MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef);
if (!timed || (rendertimedents && (rendertimedentsalways || arch.IsActive(timeofday))))
bool usechild = false;
entity.CamRel = entity.Position - camera.Position;
float dist = (entity.CamRel + entity.BSCenter).Length();
float rad = arch.BSRadius;
float loddist = entity.CEntityDef.lodDist;
if (loddist < 1.0f)
loddist = 200.0f;
float mindist = Math.Max(dist - rad, 1.0f) * lodthreshold;
if (mindist < loddist)
var children = entity.ChildrenMerged;
if ((children != null))
usechild = true;
for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
var childe = children[i];
if (!RenderYmapLOD(childe.Ymap, childe))
if (waitforchildrentoload)
usechild = false; //might cause some overlapping, but should reduce things disappearing
if (!entity.ChildrenRendered)
entity.ChildrenRendered = usechild;
entity.ChildrenRendered = false;
if (!usechild && !entity.ChildrenRendered)
if (renderinteriors && entity.IsMlo) //render Mlo child entities...
if ((entity.MloInstance != null) && (entity.MloInstance.Entities != null))
for (int j = 0; j < entity.MloInstance.Entities.Length; j++)
var intent = entity.MloInstance.Entities[j];
var intarch = intent.Archetype;
if (intarch == null) continue; //missing archetype...
if (!RenderIsEntityFinalRender(intent)) continue; //proxy or something..
intent.CamRel = intent.Position - camera.Position;
intent.Distance = intent.CamRel.Length();
intent.IsVisible = true;
RenderArchetype(intarch, intent);
if (rendercollisionmeshes)
return RenderArchetype(arch, entity);
return true;
return false;
private void RenderYmapGrass(YmapFile ymap)
//enqueue ymap grass instance batches for rendering
if (ymap.GrassInstanceBatches == null) return;
foreach (var batch in ymap.GrassInstanceBatches)
batch.CamRel = batch.Position - camera.Position;
//batch.Distance = batch.CamRel.Length();
float lodDist = batch.Batch.lodDist * renderworldDetailDistMult;//maybe add grass dist mult
//if (batch.Distance > lodDist) continue; //too far away..
lodDist *= 0.75f; //reduce it just a bit to improve performance... remove this later
float cx = camera.Position.X;
float cy = camera.Position.Y;
float cz = camera.Position.Z;
if (cx < (batch.AABBMin.X - lodDist)) continue;
if (cx > (batch.AABBMax.X + lodDist)) continue;
if (cy < (batch.AABBMin.Y - lodDist)) continue;
if (cy > (batch.AABBMax.Y + lodDist)) continue;
if (cz < (batch.AABBMin.Z - lodDist)) continue;
if (cz > (batch.AABBMax.Z + lodDist)) continue;
var bscent = batch.CamRel;
float bsrad = batch.Radius;
if (!camera.ViewFrustum.ContainsSphereNoClipNoOpt(ref bscent, bsrad))
continue; //frustum cull grass batches...
var arch = batch.Archetype;
var drbl = TryGetDrawable(arch);
var rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arch, drbl);
var instb = renderableCache.GetRenderableInstanceBatch(batch);
if (rndbl == null) continue; //no renderable
if (!(rndbl.IsLoaded && (rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))) continue; //not loaded yet
if ((instb == null) || !instb.IsLoaded) continue;
RenderableInstanceBatchInst binst = new RenderableInstanceBatchInst();
binst.Batch = instb;
binst.Renderable = rndbl;
private void RenderYmapDistantLODLights(YmapFile ymap)
//enqueue ymap DistantLODLights instance batch for rendering
if (ymap.DistantLODLights == null) return;
switch (ymap.DistantLODLights.CDistantLODLight.category)
case 0: //distlodlights_small009.ymap
case 1: //distlodlights_medium000.ymap
case 2: //distlodlights_large000.ymap
RenderableDistantLODLights lights = renderableCache.GetRenderableDistantLODLights(ymap.DistantLODLights);
if (!lights.IsLoaded) return;
uint ytdhash = 3154743001; //"graphics"
uint texhash = 2236244673; //"distant_light"
YtdFile graphicsytd = gameFileCache.GetYtd(ytdhash);
Texture lighttex = null;
if ((graphicsytd != null) && (graphicsytd.Loaded) && (graphicsytd.TextureDict != null) && (graphicsytd.TextureDict.Dict != null))
graphicsytd.TextureDict.Dict.TryGetValue(texhash, out lighttex); //starfield hash
if (lighttex == null) return;
RenderableTexture lightrtex = null;
if (lighttex != null)
lightrtex = renderableCache.GetRenderableTexture(lighttex);
if (lightrtex == null) return;
if (!lightrtex.IsLoaded) return;
lights.Texture = lightrtex;
private bool RenderIsEntityFinalRender(YmapEntityDef ent)
var arch = ent.Archetype;
bool isshadowproxy = false;
bool isreflproxy = false;
uint archflags = arch._BaseArchetypeDef.flags;
if (arch.Type == MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef)
if (!(rendertimedents && (rendertimedentsalways || arch.IsActive(timeofday)))) return false;
//archflags = arch._BaseArchetypeDef.flags;
//else if (arch.Type == MetaName.CMloArchetypeDef)
// archflags = arch._BaseArchetypeDef.flags;
////switch (archflags)
//// //case 8192: //8192: is YTYP no shadow rendering - CP
//// case 2048: //000000000000000000100000000000 shadow proxies...
//// case 536872960: //100000000000000000100000000000 tunnel refl/shadow prox?
//// isshadowproxy = true; break;
if ((archflags & 2048) > 0)
isshadowproxy = true;
//if ((ent.CEntityDef.flags & 1572864) == 1572864)
// isreflproxy = true;
switch (ent._CEntityDef.flags)
case 135790592: //001000000110000000000000000000 prewater proxy (golf course)
case 135790593: //001000000110000000000000000001 water refl proxy? (mike house)
case 672661504: //101000000110000000000000000000 vb_ca_prop_tree_reflprox_2
case 536870912: //100000000000000000000000000000 vb_05_emissive_mirroronly
case 35127296: //000010000110000000000000000000 tunnel refl proxy?
case 39321602: //000010010110000000000000000010 mlo reflection?
isreflproxy = true; break;
//nonproxy is: //000000000110000000000000001000 (1572872)
// //000000000110000000000000000000
if (isshadowproxy || isreflproxy)
return renderproxies; //filter out proxy entities...
return true;
private bool RenderIsModelFinalRender(RenderableModel model)
if ((model.Unk2Ch & 1) == 0) //smallest bit is proxy/"final render" bit? seems to work...
return renderproxies;
return true;
//switch (model.Unk2Ch)
// case 65784: //0000010000000011111000 //reflection proxy?
// case 65788: //0000010000000011111100
// case 131312: //0000100000000011110000 //reflection proxy?
// case 131320: //0000100000000011111000 //reflection proxy?
// case 131324: //0000100000000011111100 //shadow/reflection proxy?
// case 196834: //0000110000000011100010 //shadow proxy? (tree branches)
// case 196848: //0000110000000011110000 //reflection proxy?
// case 196856: //0000110000000011111000 //reflection proxy? hotel nr golf course
// case 262392: //0001000000000011111000 //reflection proxy?
// case 327932: //0001010000000011111100 //reflection proxy? (alamo/sandy shores)
// case 983268: //0011110000000011100100 //big reflection proxy?
// case 2293988://1000110000000011100100 //big reflection proxy?
// //case 1442047://golf course water proxy, but other things also
// //case 1114367://mike house water proxy, but other things also
// return renderproxies;
//return true;
private bool RenderFragment(Archetype arch, YmapEntityDef ent, FragType f, uint txdhash=0)
var pos = ent?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero;
RenderDrawable(f.Drawable, arch, ent, pos-camera.Position, txdhash);
if (f.Unknown_F8h_Data != null) //cloth
RenderDrawable(f.Unknown_F8h_Data, arch, ent, pos-camera.Position, txdhash);
//vehicle wheels...
if ((f.PhysicsLODGroup != null) && (f.PhysicsLODGroup.PhysicsLOD1 != null))
var pl1 = f.PhysicsLODGroup.PhysicsLOD1;
if ((pl1.Children != null) && (pl1.Children.data_items != null))
for (int i = 0; i < pl1.Children.data_items.Length; i++)
var pch = pl1.Children.data_items[i];
if ((pch.Drawable1 != null) && (pch.Drawable1.AllModels.Length != 0))
//RenderDrawable(pch.Drawable1, arch, ent, -camera.Position, hash);
return true;
private bool RenderArchetype(Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, Renderable rndbl = null, bool cull = true)
//enqueue a single archetype for rendering.
if (arche == null) return false;
Vector3 camrel = (entity != null) ? entity.CamRel : -camera.Position;
Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
Vector3 scale = Vector3.One;
Vector3 bscent = camrel;
if (entity != null)
orientation = entity.Orientation;
scale = entity.Scale;
bscent += entity.BSCenter;
bscent += arche.BSCenter;
float bsrad = arche.BSRadius;// * scale;
if (cull)
if (!camera.ViewFrustum.ContainsSphereNoClipNoOpt(ref bscent, bsrad))
return true; //culled - not visible; don't render, but pretend we did for LOD purposes..
float dist = bscent.Length();
if (boundsmode == BoundsShaderMode.Sphere)
if ((bsrad < renderboundsmaxrad) && (dist < renderboundsmaxdist))
MapSphere ms = new MapSphere();
ms.CamRelPos = bscent;
ms.Radius = bsrad;
if (boundsmode == BoundsShaderMode.Box)
if ((dist < renderboundsmaxdist))
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = camrel;
mb.BBMin = arche.BBMin;
mb.BBMax = arche.BBMax;
mb.Orientation = orientation;
mb.Scale = scale;
bool res = false;
if (rndbl == null)
var drawable = TryGetDrawable(arche);
rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, drawable);
if (rndbl != null)
res = RenderRenderable(rndbl, arche, entity, camrel);
//fragments have extra drawables! need to render those too... TODO: handle fragments properly...
FragDrawable fd = rndbl.Key as FragDrawable;
if (fd != null)
var frag = fd.OwnerFragment;
if ((frag != null) && (frag.Unknown_F8h_Data != null)) //cloth...
rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, frag.Unknown_F8h_Data);
if (rndbl != null)
bool res2 = RenderRenderable(rndbl, arche, entity, camrel);
res = res || res2;
return res;
private bool RenderDrawable(DrawableBase drawable, Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, Vector3 camrel, uint txdHash = 0)
//enqueue a single drawable for rendering.
if (drawable == null)
return false;
Renderable rndbl = TryGetRenderable(arche, drawable, txdHash);
if (rndbl == null)
return false;
return RenderRenderable(rndbl, arche, entity, camrel);
private bool RenderRenderable(Renderable rndbl, Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, Vector3 camrel)
//enqueue a single renderable for rendering.
if (!rndbl.IsLoaded) return false;
if (((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Entity) || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.EntityExtension) || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.ArchetypeExtension)))
UpdateMouseHit(rndbl, arche, entity, camrel);
bool isselected = (rndbl.Key == SelectedItem.Drawable);
Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 scale = Vector3.One;
Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
uint tintPaletteIndex = 0;
Vector3 bbmin = (arche != null) ? arche.BBMin : rndbl.Key.BoundingBoxMin.XYZ();
Vector3 bbmax = (arche != null) ? arche.BBMax : rndbl.Key.BoundingBoxMax.XYZ();
Vector3 bscen = (arche != null) ? arche.BSCenter : rndbl.Key.BoundingCenter;
float radius = (arche != null) ? arche.BSRadius : rndbl.Key.BoundingSphereRadius;
float distance = (camrel + bscen).Length();
if (entity != null)
position = entity.Position;
scale = entity.Scale;
orientation = entity.Orientation;
tintPaletteIndex = entity.CEntityDef.tintValue;
bbmin = entity.BBMin;
bbmax = entity.BBMax;
bscen = entity.BSCenter;
if (rendercollisionmeshes && collisionmeshlayerdrawable)
Drawable sdrawable = rndbl.Key as Drawable;
if ((sdrawable != null) && (sdrawable.Bound != null))
RenderCollisionMesh(sdrawable.Bound, entity);
bool retval = true;// false;
if (rndbl.IsLoaded && (rndbl.AllTexturesLoaded || !waitforchildrentoload))
RenderableGeometryInst rginst = new RenderableGeometryInst();
rginst.Inst.Renderable = rndbl;
rginst.Inst.CamRel = camrel;
rginst.Inst.Position = position;
rginst.Inst.Scale = scale;
rginst.Inst.Orientation = orientation;
rginst.Inst.TintPaletteIndex = tintPaletteIndex;
rginst.Inst.BBMin = bbmin;
rginst.Inst.BBMax = bbmax;
rginst.Inst.BSCenter = bscen;
rginst.Inst.Radius = radius;
rginst.Inst.Distance = distance;
RenderableModel[] models = isselected ? rndbl.AllModels : rndbl.HDModels;
for (int mi = 0; mi < models.Length; mi++)
var model = models[mi];
if (isselected)
if (SelectionModelDrawFlags.ContainsKey(model.DrawableModel))
{ continue; } //filter out models in selected item that aren't flagged for drawing.
if (!RenderIsModelFinalRender(model) && !renderproxies)
{ continue; } //filter out reflection proxy models...
for (int gi = 0; gi < model.Geometries.Length; gi++)
var geom = model.Geometries[gi];
if (isselected)
if (SelectionGeometryDrawFlags.ContainsKey(geom.DrawableGeom))
{ continue; } //filter out geometries in selected item that aren't flagged for drawing.
rginst.Geom = geom;
retval = false;
return retval;
private void RenderCar(Vector3 pos, Quaternion ori, MetaHash modelHash, MetaHash modelSetHash)
uint carhash = modelHash;
if ((carhash == 0) && (modelSetHash != 0))
//find the pop group... and choose a vehicle..
var stypes = Scenarios.ScenarioTypes;
if (stypes != null)
var modelset = stypes.GetVehicleModelSet(modelSetHash);
if ((modelset != null) && (modelset.Models != null) && (modelset.Models.Length > 0))
carhash = JenkHash.GenHash(modelset.Models[0].NameLower);
if (carhash == 0) carhash = 418536135; //"infernus"
YftFile caryft = gameFileCache.GetYft(carhash);
if ((caryft != null) && (caryft.Loaded) && (caryft.Fragment != null))
RenderFragment(null, SelectedCarGenEntity, caryft.Fragment, carhash);
private void RenderWorldCollisionMeshes()
//enqueue collision meshes for rendering - from the world grid
space.GetVisibleBounds(camera, collisionmeshrange, collisionmeshlayers, collisionitems);
foreach (var item in collisionitems)
YbnFile ybn = gameFileCache.GetYbn(item.Name);
if ((ybn != null) && (ybn.Loaded))
RenderCollisionMesh(ybn.Bounds, null);
private void RenderInteriorCollisionMesh(YmapEntityDef mlo)
//enqueue interior collison meshes for rendering.
if (mlo.Archetype == null) return;
var hash = mlo.Archetype.Hash;
YbnFile ybn = gameFileCache.GetYbn(hash);
if ((ybn != null) && (ybn.Loaded))
RenderCollisionMesh(ybn.Bounds, mlo);
if (ybn == null)
{ }
private void RenderCollisionMesh(Bounds bounds, YmapEntityDef entity)
//enqueue a single collision mesh for rendering.
Vector3 position;
Vector3 scale;
Quaternion orientation;
if (entity != null)
position = entity.Position;
scale = entity.Scale;
orientation = entity.Orientation;
position = Vector3.Zero;
scale = Vector3.One;
orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
switch (bounds.Type)
case 10: //BoundComposite
BoundComposite boundcomp = bounds as BoundComposite;
if (boundcomp != null)
RenderableBoundComposite rndbc = renderableCache.GetRenderableBoundComp(boundcomp);
if (rndbc.IsLoaded)
RenderableBoundGeometryInst rbginst = new RenderableBoundGeometryInst();
rbginst.Inst.Renderable = rndbc;
rbginst.Inst.Orientation = orientation;
rbginst.Inst.Scale = scale;
foreach (var geom in rndbc.Geometries)
if (geom == null) continue;
rbginst.Geom = geom;
rbginst.Inst.Position = position + orientation.Multiply(geom.BoundGeom.CenterGeom * scale);
rbginst.Inst.CamRel = rbginst.Inst.Position - camera.Position;
UpdateMouseHits(rndbc, entity);
{ }
case 3: //BoundBox - found in drawables - TODO
BoundBox boundbox = bounds as BoundBox;
if (boundbox == null)
{ }
case 0: //BoundSphere - found in drawables - TODO
BoundSphere boundsphere = bounds as BoundSphere;
if (boundsphere == null)
{ }
private void RenderBounds(DeviceContext context)
//immediately render the entity bounding boxes/spheres - depending on boundsmode
bool clip = renderboundsclip;
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.WaterQuad:
case MapSelectionMode.MloInstance:
clip = false;
Vector3 colour = new Vector3(0, 0, 1) * globalLights.HdrIntensity;
Vector3 colourhi = new Vector3(0, 1, 1) * globalLights.HdrIntensity;
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, clip ? DepthStencilMode.Enabled : DepthStencilMode.DisableAll);
var shader = shaders.Bounds;
if ((BoundingBoxes.Count > 0) || (HilightBoxes.Count > 0))
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colour, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < BoundingBoxes.Count; i++)
MapBox mb = BoundingBoxes[i];
shader.SetBoxVars(context, mb.CamRelPos, mb.BBMin, mb.BBMax, mb.Orientation, mb.Scale);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colourhi, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < HilightBoxes.Count; i++)
MapBox mb = HilightBoxes[i];
shader.SetBoxVars(context, mb.CamRelPos, mb.BBMin, mb.BBMax, mb.Orientation, mb.Scale);
if ((BoundingSpheres.Count > 0) || (HilightSpheres.Count > 0))
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colour, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < BoundingSpheres.Count; i++)
MapSphere ms = BoundingSpheres[i];
shader.SetSphereVars(context, ms.CamRelPos, ms.Radius);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colourhi, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < HilightSpheres.Count; i++)
MapSphere ms = HilightSpheres[i];
shader.SetSphereVars(context, ms.CamRelPos, ms.Radius);
private void RenderMoused(DeviceContext context)
//immediately render the bounding box of the currently moused entity.
if (!MouseSelectEnabled)
{ return; }
PrevMouseHit = LastMouseHit;
LastMouseHit = CurMouseHit;
bool change = (LastMouseHit.EntityDef != PrevMouseHit.EntityDef);
if (SelectByGeometry)
change = change || (LastMouseHit.Geometry != PrevMouseHit.Geometry);
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.EntityExtension:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.EntityExtension != PrevMouseHit.EntityExtension);
case MapSelectionMode.ArchetypeExtension:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.ArchetypeExtension != PrevMouseHit.ArchetypeExtension);
case MapSelectionMode.TimeCycleModifier:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.TimeCycleModifier != PrevMouseHit.TimeCycleModifier);
case MapSelectionMode.CarGenerator:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.CarGenerator != PrevMouseHit.CarGenerator);
case MapSelectionMode.MloInstance:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.MloEntityDef != PrevMouseHit.MloEntityDef);
case MapSelectionMode.DistantLodLights:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.DistantLodLights != PrevMouseHit.DistantLodLights);
case MapSelectionMode.Grass:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.GrassBatch != PrevMouseHit.GrassBatch);
case MapSelectionMode.WaterQuad:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.WaterQuad != PrevMouseHit.WaterQuad);
case MapSelectionMode.Collision:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.CollisionBounds != PrevMouseHit.CollisionBounds);
case MapSelectionMode.NavMesh:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.NavPoly != PrevMouseHit.NavPoly);
case MapSelectionMode.Path:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.PathNode != PrevMouseHit.PathNode);
case MapSelectionMode.TrainTrack:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.TrainTrackNode != PrevMouseHit.TrainTrackNode);
case MapSelectionMode.Scenario:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.ScenarioNode != PrevMouseHit.ScenarioNode);
case MapSelectionMode.Audio:
change = change || (LastMouseHit.Audio != PrevMouseHit.Audio);
if (change)
string text = LastMouseHit.GetFullNameString(string.Empty);
{ return; }
if (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.NavMesh)
return;//navmesh mode isn't needing a selection box..
Vector3 colour = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
colour *= globalLights.HdrIntensity * 5.0f;
bool clip = renderboundsclip;
BoundsShaderMode mode = BoundsShaderMode.Box;
float bsphrad = CurMouseHit.BSphere.Radius;
Vector3 bbmin = CurMouseHit.AABB.Minimum;
Vector3 bbmax = CurMouseHit.AABB.Maximum;
Vector3 camrel = CurMouseHit.CamRel;
Vector3 scale = Vector3.One;
Quaternion ori = Quaternion.Identity;
bool ext = (CurMouseHit.ArchetypeExtension != null) || (CurMouseHit.EntityExtension != null) || (CurMouseHit.CollisionBounds != null);
if (CurMouseHit.EntityDef != null)
scale = ext ? Vector3.One : CurMouseHit.EntityDef.Scale;
ori = CurMouseHit.EntityDef.Orientation;
if (CurMouseHit.Archetype != null)
bbmin = CurMouseHit.Archetype.BBMin;
bbmax = CurMouseHit.Archetype.BBMax;
if ((CurMouseHit.Geometry != null) || ext)
bbmin = CurMouseHit.AABB.Minimum; //override archetype AABB..
bbmax = CurMouseHit.AABB.Maximum;
if (CurMouseHit.CarGenerator != null)
ori = CurMouseHit.CarGenerator.Orientation;
if (CurMouseHit.MloEntityDef != null)
scale = Vector3.One;
clip = false;
if (CurMouseHit.WaterQuad != null)
clip = false;
if (CurMouseHit.ScenarioNode != null)
var sp = CurMouseHit.ScenarioNode.MyPoint;
if (sp == null) sp = CurMouseHit.ScenarioNode.ClusterMyPoint;
if (sp != null) //orientate the moused box for the correct scenario point direction...
ori = sp.Orientation;
if (CurMouseHit.Audio != null)
ori = CurMouseHit.Audio.HitboxOri;
if (CurMouseHit.Audio.Shape == Dat151ZoneShape.Sphere)
mode = BoundsShaderMode.Sphere;
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, clip ? DepthStencilMode.Enabled : DepthStencilMode.DisableAll);
//render moused object box.
var shader = shaders.Bounds;
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colour, 1)); //white box
if (mode == BoundsShaderMode.Box)
shader.SetBoxVars(context, camrel, bbmin, bbmax, ori, scale);
else if (mode == BoundsShaderMode.Sphere)
shader.SetSphereVars(context, camrel, bsphrad);
private void RenderSelection()
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
for (int i = 0; i < SelectedItems.Count; i++)
var item = SelectedItems[i];
RenderSelection(ref item);
RenderSelection(ref SelectedItem);
private void RenderSelection(ref MapSelection selectionItem)
//immediately render the bounding box of the current selection. also, arrows.
const uint cgrn = 4278255360;// (uint)new Color4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
const uint cblu = 4294901760;// (uint)new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
if (MouseRayCollisionEnabled && MouseRayCollisionVisible)
if (MouseRayCollision.Hit)
var arup = GetPerpVec(MouseRayCollision.Normal);
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(MouseRayCollision.Position, MouseRayCollision.Normal, arup, Quaternion.Identity, 2.0f, 0.15f, cgrn);
if (!ShowSelectionBounds)
{ return; }
if (!selectionItem.HasValue)
{ return; }
Vector3 colour = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
colour *= globalLights.HdrIntensity * 5.0f;
bool clip = renderboundsclip;
BoundsShaderMode mode = BoundsShaderMode.Box;
float bsphrad = selectionItem.BSphere.Radius;
Vector3 bbmin = selectionItem.AABB.Minimum;
Vector3 bbmax = selectionItem.AABB.Maximum;
Vector3 camrel = -camera.Position;
Vector3 scale = Vector3.One;
Quaternion ori = Quaternion.Identity;
var arch = selectionItem.Archetype;
var ent = selectionItem.EntityDef;
if (selectionItem.Archetype != null)
bbmin = selectionItem.Archetype.BBMin;
bbmax = selectionItem.Archetype.BBMax;
if (selectionItem.EntityDef != null)
camrel = ent.Position - camera.Position;
scale = ent.Scale;
ori = ent.Orientation;
if (EditEntityPivot)
if (selectionItem.CarGenerator != null)
var cg = selectionItem.CarGenerator;
camrel = cg.Position - camera.Position;
ori = cg.Orientation;
bbmin = cg.BBMin;
bbmax = cg.BBMax;
float arrowlen = cg._CCarGen.perpendicularLength;
float arrowrad = arrowlen * 0.066f;
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(cg.Position, Vector3.UnitX, Vector3.UnitY, ori, arrowlen, arrowrad, cgrn);
Quaternion cgtrn = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, (float)Math.PI * -0.5f); //car fragments currently need to be rotated 90 deg right...
Quaternion cgori = Quaternion.Multiply(ori, cgtrn);
RenderCar(cg.Position, cgori, cg._CCarGen.carModel, cg._CCarGen.popGroup);
if (selectionItem.PathNode != null)
camrel = selectionItem.PathNode.Position - camera.Position;
if (selectionItem.TrainTrackNode != null)
camrel = selectionItem.TrainTrackNode.Position - camera.Position;
if (selectionItem.ScenarioNode != null)
camrel = selectionItem.ScenarioNode.Position - camera.Position;
var sn = selectionItem.ScenarioNode;
//render direction arrow for ScenarioPoint
ori = sn.Orientation;
float arrowlen = 2.0f;
float arrowrad = 0.25f;
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(sn.Position, Vector3.UnitY, Vector3.UnitZ, ori, arrowlen, arrowrad, cgrn);
MCScenarioPoint vpoint = sn.MyPoint ?? sn.ClusterMyPoint;
if ((vpoint != null) && (vpoint?.Type?.IsVehicle ?? false))
var vhash = vpoint.ModelSet?.NameHash ?? vpoint.Type?.VehicleModelSetHash ?? 0;
if ((vhash == 0) && (sn.ChainingNode?.Chain?.Edges != null) && (sn.ChainingNode.Chain.Edges.Length > 0))
var fedge = sn.ChainingNode.Chain.Edges[0]; //for chain nodes, show the first node's model...
var fnode = fedge?.NodeFrom?.ScenarioNode;
if (fnode != null)
vpoint = fnode.MyPoint ?? fnode.ClusterMyPoint;
vhash = vpoint.ModelSet?.NameHash ?? vpoint.Type?.VehicleModelSetHash ?? 0;
RenderCar(sn.Position, sn.Orientation, 0, vhash);
if (selectionItem.ScenarioEdge != null)
//render scenario edge arrow
var se = selectionItem.ScenarioEdge;
var sn1 = se.NodeFrom;
var sn2 = se.NodeTo;
if ((sn1 != null) && (sn2 != null))
var dirp = sn2.Position - sn1.Position;
float dl = dirp.Length();
Vector3 dir = dirp * (1.0f / dl);
Vector3 dup = Vector3.UnitZ;
var aori = Quaternion.Invert(Quaternion.RotationLookAtRH(dir, dup));
float arrowrad = 0.25f;
float arrowlen = Math.Max(dl - arrowrad*5.0f, 0);
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(sn1.Position, -Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitY, aori, arrowlen, arrowrad, cblu);
if (selectionItem.MloEntityDef != null)
bbmin = selectionItem.AABB.Minimum;
bbmax = selectionItem.AABB.Maximum;
clip = false;
if ((selectionItem.GrassBatch != null) || (selectionItem.ArchetypeExtension != null) || (selectionItem.EntityExtension != null) || (selectionItem.CollisionBounds != null))
bbmin = selectionItem.AABB.Minimum;
bbmax = selectionItem.AABB.Maximum;
scale = Vector3.One;
if (selectionItem.WaterQuad != null)
clip = false;
if (selectionItem.NavPoly != null)
//return;//don't render a selection box for nav mesh
//clip = false;
if (selectionItem.Audio != null)
var au = selectionItem.Audio;
camrel = au.HitboxPos - camera.Position;
ori = au.HitboxOri;
bbmin = au.HitboxMin;
bbmax = au.HitboxMax;
if (selectionItem.Audio.Shape == Dat151ZoneShape.Sphere)
mode = BoundsShaderMode.Sphere;
MapSphere wsph = new MapSphere();
wsph.CamRelPos = au.OuterPos - camera.Position;
wsph.Radius = au.OuterRad;
MapBox wbox = new MapBox();
wbox.CamRelPos = au.OuterPos - camera.Position;
wbox.BBMin = au.OuterMin;
wbox.BBMax = au.OuterMax;
wbox.Orientation = au.OuterOri;
wbox.Scale = scale;
if (mode == BoundsShaderMode.Box)
MapBox box = new MapBox();
box.CamRelPos = camrel;
box.BBMin = bbmin;
box.BBMax = bbmax;
box.Orientation = ori;
box.Scale = scale;
else if (mode == BoundsShaderMode.Sphere)
MapSphere sph = new MapSphere();
sph.CamRelPos = camrel;
sph.Radius = bsphrad;
private void RenderSelectionEntityPivot(YmapEntityDef ent)
uint cred = (uint)new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
uint cgrn = (uint)new Color4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
uint cblu = (uint)new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
var pos = ent.WidgetPosition;
var ori = ent.WidgetOrientation;
float pxsize = 120.0f;
float sssize = pxsize / camera.Height;
float dist = (pos - camera.Position).Length();
float size = sssize * dist;
if (camera.IsMapView || camera.IsOrthographic)
size = sssize * camera.OrthographicSize;
float rad = size * 0.066f;
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(pos, Vector3.UnitX, Vector3.UnitY, ori, size, rad, cred);
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(pos, Vector3.UnitY, Vector3.UnitX, ori, size, rad, cgrn);
RenderSelectionArrowOutline(pos, Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitY, ori, size, rad, cblu);
private void RenderSelectionArrowOutline(Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, Vector3 up, Quaternion ori, float len, float rad, uint colour)
Vector3 ax = Vector3.Cross(dir, up);
Vector3 sx = ax * rad;
Vector3 sy = up * rad;
Vector3 sz = dir * len;
VertexTypePC[] c = new VertexTypePC[8];
Vector3 d0 = - sx - sy;
Vector3 d1 = - sx + sy;
Vector3 d2 = + sx - sy;
Vector3 d3 = + sx + sy;
c[0].Position = d0;
c[1].Position = d1;
c[2].Position = d2;
c[3].Position = d3;
c[4].Position = d0 + sz;
c[5].Position = d1 + sz;
c[6].Position = d2 + sz;
c[7].Position = d3 + sz;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
c[i].Colour = colour;
c[i].Position = pos + ori.Multiply(c[i].Position);
c[0].Position = pos + ori.Multiply(dir * (len + rad * 5.0f));
c[4].Position += ori.Multiply(d0);
c[5].Position += ori.Multiply(d1);
c[6].Position += ori.Multiply(d2);
c[7].Position += ori.Multiply(d3);
private void RenderSelectionNavPoly(YnvPoly poly)
////draw poly triangles
var pcolour = new Color4(0.6f, 0.95f, 0.6f, 1.0f);
var colourval = (uint)pcolour.ToRgba();
var ynv = poly.Ynv;
var ic = poly._RawData.IndexCount;
var startid = poly._RawData.IndexID;
var endid = startid + ic;
var lastid = endid - 1;
var vc = ynv.Vertices.Count;
var startind = ynv.Indices[startid];
VertexTypePC v0 = new VertexTypePC();
VertexTypePC v1 = new VertexTypePC();
VertexTypePC v2 = new VertexTypePC();
v0.Position = ynv.Vertices[startind];
v0.Colour = colourval;
v1.Colour = colourval;
v2.Colour = colourval;
int tricount = ic - 2;
for (int t = 0; t < tricount; t++)
int tid = startid + t;
int ind1 = ynv.Indices[tid + 1];
int ind2 = ynv.Indices[tid + 2];
if ((ind1 >= vc) || (ind2 >= vc))
{ continue; }
v1.Position = ynv.Vertices[ind1];
v2.Position = ynv.Vertices[ind2];
private void RenderSelectionGeometry(DeviceContext context)
bool clip = true;
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.NavMesh:
case MapSelectionMode.WaterQuad:
case MapSelectionMode.MloInstance:
clip = false;
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, clip ? DepthStencilMode.Enabled : DepthStencilMode.DisableAll);
var pshader = shaders.Paths;
if (SelectionTriVerts.Count > 0)
pshader.RenderTriangles(context, SelectionTriVerts, camera, shaders.GlobalLights);
if (SelectionLineVerts.Count > 0)
pshader.RenderLines(context, SelectionLineVerts, camera, shaders.GlobalLights);
Vector3 coloursel = new Vector3(0, 1, 0) * globalLights.HdrIntensity * 5.0f;
Vector3 colourwht = new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * globalLights.HdrIntensity * 10.0f;
var shader = shaders.Bounds;
if ((WhiteBoxes.Count > 0) || (SelectionBoxes.Count > 0))
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colourwht, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < WhiteBoxes.Count; i++)
MapBox mb = WhiteBoxes[i];
shader.SetBoxVars(context, mb.CamRelPos, mb.BBMin, mb.BBMax, mb.Orientation, mb.Scale);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(coloursel, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < SelectionBoxes.Count; i++)
MapBox mb = SelectionBoxes[i];
shader.SetBoxVars(context, mb.CamRelPos, mb.BBMin, mb.BBMax, mb.Orientation, mb.Scale);
if ((WhiteSpheres.Count > 0) || (SelectionSpheres.Count > 0))
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(colourwht, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < WhiteSpheres.Count; i++)
MapSphere ms = WhiteSpheres[i];
shader.SetSphereVars(context, ms.CamRelPos, ms.Radius);
shader.SetColourVars(context, new Vector4(coloursel, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < SelectionSpheres.Count; i++)
MapSphere ms = SelectionSpheres[i];
shader.SetSphereVars(context, ms.CamRelPos, ms.Radius);
private void RenderMarkers(DeviceContext context)
//immediately render all the current markers.
lock (markersyncroot) //should only cause delays if markers moved/updated
foreach (var marker in Markers)
marker.CamRelPos = marker.WorldPos - camera.Position;
marker.Distance = marker.CamRelPos.Length();
marker.ScreenPos = camera.ViewProjMatrix.MultiplyW(marker.CamRelPos);
lock (markersortedsyncroot) //stop collisions with mouse testing
if (RenderLocator)
LocatorMarker.CamRelPos = LocatorMarker.WorldPos - camera.Position;
LocatorMarker.Distance = LocatorMarker.CamRelPos.Length();
LocatorMarker.ScreenPos = camera.ViewProjMatrix.MultiplyW(LocatorMarker.CamRelPos);
SortedMarkers.Sort((m1, m2) => m2.Distance.CompareTo(m1.Distance));
shaders.SetRasterizerMode(context, RasterizerMode.SolidDblSided); //hmm they are backwards
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, markerdepthclip ? DepthStencilMode.Enabled : DepthStencilMode.DisableAll);
var shader = shaders.Marker;
shader.SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
shader.SetSceneVars(context, camera, null, globalLights);
MapIcon icon = null;
foreach (var marker in MarkerBatch)
icon = marker.Icon;
Vector2 texs = new Vector2(icon.TexWidth, icon.TexHeight);
Vector2 size = texs * marker.Distance;
Vector2 offset = (new Vector2(texs.X, -texs.Y) - new Vector2(icon.Center.X, -icon.Center.Y) * 2.0f) * marker.Distance;
shader.SetMarkerVars(context, marker.CamRelPos, size, offset);
shader.SetTexture(context, icon.TexView);
private void RenderWidgets(DeviceContext context)
if (!ShowWidget) return;
var dsmode = DepthStencilMode.Enabled;
if (Widget.Mode == WidgetMode.Rotation)
dsmode = DepthStencilMode.DisableAll;
shaders.SetRasterizerMode(context, RasterizerMode.SolidDblSided);
shaders.SetDepthStencilMode(context, dsmode);
shaders.ClearDepth(context, false);
var shader = shaders.Widgets;
Widget.Render(context, camera, shader);
private void UpdateWidgets()
if (!ShowWidget) return;
private void Widget_OnPositionChange(Vector3 newpos, Vector3 oldpos)
//called during UpdateWidgets()
if (newpos == oldpos) return;
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
if (EditEntityPivot)
var dpos = newpos - oldpos;
for (int i = 0; i < SelectedItems.Count; i++)
var refpos = SelectedItems[i].WidgetPosition;
SelectedItems[i].SetPosition(refpos + dpos, refpos, false);
SelectedItem.MultipleSelectionCenter = newpos;
SelectedItem.SetPosition(newpos, oldpos, EditEntityPivot);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.OnWorldSelectionModified(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
private void Widget_OnRotationChange(Quaternion newrot, Quaternion oldrot)
//called during UpdateWidgets()
if (newrot == oldrot) return;
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
if (EditEntityPivot)
SelectedItem.SetRotation(newrot, oldrot, EditEntityPivot);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.OnWorldSelectionModified(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
private void Widget_OnScaleChange(Vector3 newscale, Vector3 oldscale)
//called during UpdateWidgets()
if (newscale == oldscale) return;
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
if (EditEntityPivot)
{//editing pivot scale is sort of meaningless..
SelectedItem.SetScale(newscale, oldscale, EditEntityPivot);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.OnWorldSelectionModified(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
public void SetWidgetPosition(Vector3 pos, bool enableUndo = false)
if (enableUndo)
Widget.Position = pos;
if (enableUndo)
public void SetWidgetRotation(Quaternion q, bool enableUndo = false)
if (enableUndo)
Widget.Rotation = q;
if (enableUndo)
public void SetWidgetScale(Vector3 s, bool enableUndo = false)
if (enableUndo)
Widget.Scale = s;
if (enableUndo)
public void UpdatePathYndGraphics(YndFile ynd, bool fullupdate)
if (fullupdate)
lock (rendersyncroot)
public void UpdatePathNodeGraphics(YndNode pathnode, bool fullupdate)
if (pathnode == null) return;
UpdatePathYndGraphics(pathnode.Ynd, fullupdate);
public YndNode GetPathNodeFromSpace(ushort areaid, ushort nodeid)
return space.NodeGrid.GetYndNode(areaid, nodeid);
public void UpdateNavYnvGraphics(YnvFile ynv, bool fullupdate)//TODO!
public void UpdateNavPolyGraphics(YnvPoly poly, bool fullupdate)//TODO!
public void UpdateTrainTrackGraphics(TrainTrack tt, bool fullupdate)
//if (fullupdate)
// //space.BuildYndData(ynd);
// //space.BuildYndVerts(ynd);
lock (rendersyncroot)
public void UpdateTrainTrackNodeGraphics(TrainTrackNode node, bool fullupdate)
if (node == null) return;
UpdateTrainTrackGraphics(node.Track, fullupdate);
public void UpdateScenarioGraphics(YmtFile ymt, bool fullupdate)
var scenario = ymt.ScenarioRegion;
if (scenario == null) return;
lock (rendersyncroot)
public Vector3 GetCameraPosition()
//currently used by ProjectForm when creating entities
lock (rendersyncroot)
return camera.Position;
public Vector3 GetCameraViewDir()
//currently used by ProjectForm when creating entities
lock (rendersyncroot)
return camera.ViewDirection;
public void SetCameraSensitivity(float sensitivity, float smoothing)
camera.Sensitivity = sensitivity;
camera.Smoothness = smoothing;
public void SetKeyBindings(KeyBindings kb)
keyBindings = kb.Copy();
private void UpdateToolbarShortcutsText()
ToolbarSelectButton.ToolTipText = string.Format("Select objects / Exit edit mode ({0}, {1})", keyBindings.ToggleMouseSelect, keyBindings.ExitEditMode);
ToolbarMoveButton.ToolTipText = string.Format("Move ({0})", keyBindings.EditPosition);
ToolbarRotateButton.ToolTipText = string.Format("Rotate ({0})", keyBindings.EditRotation);
ToolbarScaleButton.ToolTipText = string.Format("Scale ({0})", keyBindings.EditScale);
ShowToolbarCheckBox.Text = string.Format("Show Toolbar ({0})", keyBindings.ToggleToolbar);
private MapBox GetExtensionBox(Vector3 camrel, MetaWrapper ext)
MapBox b = new MapBox();
Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero;
float size = 0.5f;
if (ext is MCExtensionDefLightEffect)
var le = ext as MCExtensionDefLightEffect;
pos = le.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride)
var spo = ext as MCExtensionDefSpawnPointOverride;
pos = spo.Data.offsetPosition;
size = spo.Data.Radius;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefDoor)
var door = ext as MCExtensionDefDoor;
pos = door.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is Mrage__phVerletClothCustomBounds)
var cb = ext as Mrage__phVerletClothCustomBounds;
if ((cb.CollisionData != null) && (cb.CollisionData.Length > 0))
pos = cb.CollisionData[0].Data.Position;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefParticleEffect)
var pe = ext as MCExtensionDefParticleEffect;
pos = pe.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings)
var acs = ext as MCExtensionDefAudioCollisionSettings;
pos = acs.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefAudioEmitter)
var ae = ext as MCExtensionDefAudioEmitter;
pos = ae.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint)
var sp = ext as MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint;
pos = sp.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefExplosionEffect)
var ee = ext as MCExtensionDefExplosionEffect;
pos = ee.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefLadder)
var ld = ext as MCExtensionDefLadder;
pos = ld.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefBuoyancy)
var bu = ext as MCExtensionDefBuoyancy;
pos = bu.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefExpression)
var exp = ext as MCExtensionDefExpression;
pos = exp.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefLightShaft)
var ls = ext as MCExtensionDefLightShaft;
pos = ls.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefWindDisturbance)
var wd = ext as MCExtensionDefWindDisturbance;
pos = wd.Data.offsetPosition;
else if (ext is MCExtensionDefProcObject)
var po = ext as MCExtensionDefProcObject;
pos = po.Data.offsetPosition;
b.BBMin = pos - size;
b.BBMax = pos + size;
b.CamRelPos = camrel;
return b;
public static Vector3 GetPerpVec(Vector3 n)
//make a vector perpendicular to the given one
float nx = Math.Abs(n.X);
float ny = Math.Abs(n.Y);
float nz = Math.Abs(n.Z);
if ((nx < ny) && (nx < nz))
return Vector3.Cross(n, Vector3.Right);
else if (ny < nz)
return Vector3.Cross(n, Vector3.Up);
return Vector3.Cross(n, Vector3.ForwardLH);
private void SpawnTestEntity(bool cameraCenter = false)
if (!space.Inited) return;
Vector3 dir = (cameraCenter ? camera.ViewDirection : camera.MouseRay.Direction);
Vector3 ofs = (cameraCenter ? Vector3.Zero : camera.MouseRay.Position);
Vector3 pos = ofs + camera.Position + (dir * 1.5f);
Vector3 vel = dir * 50.0f; //m/s
var hash = JenkHash.GenHash("prop_alien_egg_01");
var arch = GameFileCache.GetArchetype(hash);
if (arch == null) return;
CEntityDef cent = new CEntityDef();
cent.archetypeName = hash;
cent.rotation = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);
cent.scaleXY = 1.0f;
cent.scaleZ = 1.0f;
cent.flags = 1572872;
cent.parentIndex = -1;
cent.lodDist = 200.0f;
cent.lodLevel = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD;
cent.priorityLevel = Unk_648413703.PRI_REQUIRED;
cent.ambientOcclusionMultiplier = 255;
cent.artificialAmbientOcclusion = 255;
cent.position = pos;
YmapEntityDef ent = new YmapEntityDef(null, 0, ref cent);
Entity e = new Entity();
e.Position = pos;
e.Velocity = vel;
e.Mass = 10.0f;
e.Momentum = vel * e.Mass;
e.EntityDef = ent;
e.Radius = arch.BSRadius * 0.7f;
e.EnableCollisions = true;
e.Enabled = true;
lock (rendersyncroot)
public void SetControlMode(WorldControlMode mode)
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action(() => { SetControlMode(mode); }));
{ }
if (mode == ControlMode) return;
bool wasfree = (ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free);
bool isfree = (mode == WorldControlMode.Free);
if (isfree && !wasfree)
camEntity.Position = pedEntity.Position;
pedEntity.Enabled = false;
timerunning = false;
camera.TargetDistance = 1.0f; //default?
camera.Smoothness = Settings.Default.CameraSmoothing;
else if (!isfree && wasfree)
pedEntity.Position = camEntity.Position;
pedEntity.Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
pedEntity.Enabled = true;
timerunning = true;
camera.TargetDistance = 0.01f; //1cm
camera.Smoothness = 20.0f;
//center the mouse in the window
System.Drawing.Point centerp = new System.Drawing.Point(ClientSize.Width / 2, ClientSize.Height / 2);
MouseLastPoint = centerp;
MouseX = centerp.X;
MouseY = centerp.Y;
Cursor.Position = PointToScreen(centerp);
ControlMode = mode;
private void BeginMouseHitTest()
//reset variables for beginning the mouse hit test
MouseRayCollisionEnabled = CtrlPressed; //temporary...!
if (MouseRayCollisionEnabled)
if (space.Inited && space.Grid != null)
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
MouseRayCollision = space.RayIntersect(mray);
private void UpdateMouseHit(Renderable rndbl, Archetype arche, YmapEntityDef entity, Vector3 camrel)
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Entity) && !MouseSelectEnabled) return; //performance improvement when not selecting entities...
//test the selected entity/archetype for mouse hit.
//first test the bounding sphere for mouse hit..
Quaternion orinv;
Ray mraytrn;
float hitdist = 0.0f;
var drawable = rndbl.Key;
int geometryIndex = 0;
DrawableGeometry geometry = null;
BoundingBox geometryAABB = new BoundingBox();
BoundingSphere bsph = new BoundingSphere();
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
BoundingBox gbbox = new BoundingBox();
Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
Vector3 scale = Vector3.One;
if (entity != null)
orientation = entity.Orientation;
scale = entity.Scale;
if (arche != null)
bsph.Center = camrel + orientation.Multiply(arche.BSCenter);//could use entity.BSCenter
bsph.Radius = arche.BSRadius;
bbox.Minimum = arche.BBMin * scale;
bbox.Maximum = arche.BBMax * scale;
bsph.Center = camrel + drawable.BoundingCenter;
bsph.Radius = drawable.BoundingSphereRadius;
bbox.Minimum = drawable.BoundingBoxMin.XYZ() * scale;
bbox.Maximum = drawable.BoundingBoxMax.XYZ() * scale;
bool mousespherehit = camera.MouseRay.Intersects(ref bsph);
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.EntityExtension) || (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.ArchetypeExtension))
//transform the mouse ray into the entity space.
orinv = Quaternion.Invert(orientation);
mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position-camrel);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Direction);
if (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.EntityExtension)
if ((entity != null) && (entity.Extensions != null))
for (int i = 0; i < entity.Extensions.Length; i++)
var extension = entity.Extensions[i];
MapBox mb = GetExtensionBox(camrel, extension);
mb.Orientation = orientation;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;// scale;
mb.BBMin *= scale;
mb.BBMax *= scale;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin; //TODO: refactor this!
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.EntityDef = entity;
CurMouseHit.Archetype = arche;
CurMouseHit.EntityExtension = extension;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
return; //only test extensions when in select extension mode...
if (SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.ArchetypeExtension)
if ((arche != null) && (arche.Extensions != null))
for (int i = 0; i < arche.Extensions.Length; i++)
var extension = arche.Extensions[i];
MapBox mb = GetExtensionBox(camrel, extension);
mb.Orientation = orientation;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;// scale;
mb.BBMin *= scale;
mb.BBMax *= scale;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin; //TODO: refactor this!
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.EntityDef = entity;
CurMouseHit.Archetype = arche;
CurMouseHit.ArchetypeExtension = extension;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
return; //only test extensions when in select extension mode...
if (!mousespherehit)
{ return; } //no sphere hit, so no entity hit.
bool usegeomboxes = SelectByGeometry;
var dmodels = drawable.DrawableModelsHigh;
{ usegeomboxes = false; }
if (usegeomboxes)
for (int i = 0; i < dmodels.data_items.Length; i++)
var m = dmodels.data_items[i];
if (m.Unknown_18h_Data == null)
{ usegeomboxes = false; break; }
//transform the mouse ray into the entity space.
orinv = Quaternion.Invert(orientation);
mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position-camrel);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Direction);
hitdist = 0.0f;
if (usegeomboxes)
//geometry bounding boxes version
float ghitdist = float.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < dmodels.data_items.Length; i++)
var m = dmodels.data_items[i];
int gbbcount = m.Unknown_18h_Data.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < gbbcount; j++) //first box seems to be whole model
var gbox = m.Unknown_18h_Data[j];
gbbox.Minimum = gbox.Min.XYZ();
gbbox.Maximum = gbox.Max.XYZ();
bbox.Minimum = gbbox.Minimum * scale;
bbox.Maximum = gbbox.Maximum * scale;
bool usehit = false;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist))
if ((j == 0) && (gbbcount > 1)) continue;//ignore a model hit
//bool firsthit = (mousehit.EntityDef == null);
if (hitdist > 0.0f) //firsthit || //ignore when inside the box
bool nearer = ((hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist < ghitdist));
bool radsm = true;
if (CurMouseHit.Geometry != null)
var b1 = (gbbox.Maximum - gbbox.Minimum) * scale;
var b2 = (CurMouseHit.AABB.Maximum - CurMouseHit.AABB.Minimum) * scale;
float r1 = b1.Length() * 0.5f;
float r2 = b2.Length() * 0.5f;
radsm = (r1 < (r2));// * 0.5f));
if ((nearer&&radsm) || radsm) usehit = true;
else if (j == 0) //no hit on model box
break; //don't try this model's geometries
if (usehit)
int gind = (j > 0) ? j - 1 : 0;
ghitdist = hitdist;
geometry = m.Geometries[gind];
geometryAABB = gbbox;
geometryIndex = gind;
if (geometry == null)
return; //no geometry hit.
hitdist = ghitdist;
//archetype/drawable bounding boxes version
bool outerhit = false;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist)) //test primary box
bool firsthit = (CurMouseHit.EntityDef == null);
if (firsthit || (hitdist > 0.0f)) //ignore when inside the box..
bool nearer = (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist); //closer than the last..
bool radsm = true;
if ((CurMouseHit.Archetype != null) && (arche != null)) //compare hit archetype sizes...
//var b1 = (arche.BBMax - arche.BBMin) * scale;
//var b2 = (mousehit.Archetype.BBMax - mousehit.Archetype.BBMin) * scale;
float r1 = arche.BSRadius;
float r2 = CurMouseHit.Archetype.BSRadius;
radsm = (r1 <= (r2));// * 0.5f)); //prefer selecting smaller things
if ((nearer&&radsm) || radsm)
outerhit = true;
if (!outerhit)
{ return; } //no hit.
CurMouseHit.HitDist = (hitdist > 0.0f) ? hitdist : CurMouseHit.HitDist;
CurMouseHit.EntityDef = entity;
CurMouseHit.Archetype = arche;
CurMouseHit.Drawable = drawable;
CurMouseHit.Geometry = geometry;
CurMouseHit.AABB = geometryAABB;
CurMouseHit.GeometryIndex = geometryIndex;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = camrel;
//go through geometries...? need to use skeleton?
//if (drawable.DrawableModelsHigh == null)
//{ return; }
//if (drawable.DrawableModelsHigh.data_items == null)
//{ return; }
//for (int i = 0; i < drawable.DrawableModelsHigh.data_items.Length; i++)
// var model = drawable.DrawableModelsHigh.data_items[i];
// if ((model.Geometries == null) || (model.Geometries.data_items == null))
// { continue; }
// if ((model.Unknown_18h_Data == null))
// { continue; }
// int boffset = 0;
// if ((model.Unknown_18h_Data.Length > model.Geometries.data_items.Length))
// { boffset = 1; }
// for (int j = 0; j < model.Geometries.data_items.Length; j++)
// {
// var geom = model.Geometries.data_items[j];
// var gbox = model.Unknown_18h_Data[j + boffset];
// bbox.Minimum = gbox.AABB_Max.XYZ();
// bbox.Maximum = gbox.AABB_Min.XYZ();
// if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist)) //test geom box
// {
// bool firsthit = (mousehit.EntityDef == null);
// if (firsthit || (hitdist > 0.0f)) //ignore when inside the box..
// {
// bool nearer = (hitdist < mousehit.HitDist); //closer than the last..
// if (nearer)
// {
// mousehit.HitDist = (hitdist > 0.0f) ? hitdist : mousehit.HitDist;
// mousehit.EntityDef = entity;
// mousehit.Archetype = arche;
// mousehit.Drawable = drawable;
// mousehit.CamRel = camrel;
// }
// }
// }
// }
//Bounds b = null;
//var dd = drawable as Drawable;
//if (dd != null)
// b = dd.Bound;
// var fd = drawable as FragDrawable;
// if (fd != null)
// {
// b = fd.Bound;
// }
//if (b == null)
//{ return; }
//{ }
private void UpdateMouseHits(YmapFile ymap)
//find mouse hits for things like time cycle mods and car generators in ymaps.
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.TimeCycleModifier) && (ymap.TimeCycleModifiers != null))
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.TimeCycleModifiers.Length; i++)
var tcm = ymap.TimeCycleModifiers[i];
if ((((tcm.BBMin + tcm.BBMax) * 0.5f) - camera.Position).Length() > renderboundsmaxdist) continue;
//if (!LodDistTest(camera.Position, tcm.BBMin, tcm.BBMax, renderboundsmaxdist)) continue;
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = tcm.BBMin;
mb.BBMax = tcm.BBMax;
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.TimeCycleModifier = tcm;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.CarGenerator) && (ymap.CarGenerators != null))
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CarGenerators.Length; i++)
var cg = ymap.CarGenerators[i];
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = cg.Position - camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = cg.BBMin;
mb.BBMax = cg.BBMax;
mb.Orientation = cg.Orientation;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
Quaternion orinv = Quaternion.Invert(cg.Orientation);
Ray mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position - mb.CamRelPos);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(mray.Direction);
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.CarGenerator = cg;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator != null)
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.MloInstance) && (ymap.MloEntities != null))
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.MloEntities.Length; i++)
var ent = ymap.MloEntities[i];
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = ent.Position - camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = /*ent?.BBMin ??*/ new Vector3(-1.5f);
mb.BBMax = /*ent?.BBMax ??*/ new Vector3(1.5f);
mb.Orientation = ent?.Orientation ?? Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = /*ent?.Scale ??*/ Vector3.One;
Quaternion orinv = Quaternion.Invert(mb.Orientation);
Ray mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position - mb.CamRelPos);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(mray.Direction);
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.MloEntityDef = ent;
CurMouseHit.EntityDef = ent;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = new BoundingBox(mb.BBMin, mb.BBMax);
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.Grass) && (ymap.GrassInstanceBatches != null))
for (int i = 0; i < ymap.GrassInstanceBatches.Length; i++)
var gb = ymap.GrassInstanceBatches[i];
if ((gb.Position - camera.Position).Length() > renderboundsmaxdist) continue;
//if (!LodDistTest(camera.Position, gb.AABBMin, gb.AABBMax, renderboundsmaxdist)) continue;
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = gb.AABBMin;
mb.BBMax = gb.AABBMax;
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.GrassBatch = gb;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
if ((SelectionMode == MapSelectionMode.DistantLodLights) && (ymap.DistantLODLights != null))
var dll = ymap.DistantLODLights;
if ((((dll.BBMin + dll.BBMax) * 0.5f) - camera.Position).Length() <= renderboundsmaxdist)
//if (LodDistTest(camera.Position, dll.BBMin, dll.BBMax, renderboundsmaxdist))
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = dll.BBMin;
mb.BBMax = dll.BBMax;
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.DistantLodLights = dll;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
private void UpdateMouseHits(List<WaterQuad> waterquads)
if (SelectionMode != MapSelectionMode.WaterQuad) return;
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var quad in waterquads)
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = new Vector3(quad.minX, quad.minY, quad.z);
mb.BBMax = new Vector3(quad.maxX, quad.maxY, quad.z);
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.WaterQuad = quad;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
private void UpdateMouseHits(RenderableBoundComposite rndbc, YmapEntityDef entity)
if (SelectionMode != MapSelectionMode.Collision) return;
var position = entity?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero;
var orientation = entity?.Orientation ?? Quaternion.Identity;
var scale = entity?.Scale ?? Vector3.One;
var camrel = position - camera.Position;
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
Quaternion orinv = Quaternion.Invert(orientation);
Ray mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position - camrel);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(mray.Direction);
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = camrel;// rbginst.Inst.CamRel;
mb.Orientation = orientation;
mb.Scale = scale;
foreach (var geom in rndbc.Geometries)
if (geom == null) continue;
mb.BBMin = geom.BoundGeom.BoundingBoxMin;
mb.BBMax = geom.BoundGeom.BoundingBoxMax;
var cent = camrel + (mb.BBMin + mb.BBMax) * 0.5f;
if (cent.Length() > renderboundsmaxdist) continue;
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin * scale;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax * scale;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.CollisionBounds = geom.BoundGeom;
CurMouseHit.EntityDef = entity;
CurMouseHit.Archetype = entity?.Archetype;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = camrel;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
private void UpdateMouseHits(List<YnvFile> ynvs)
if (SelectionMode != MapSelectionMode.NavMesh) return;
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
foreach (var ynv in ynvs)
if (renderpathbounds)
if (ynv.Nav == null) continue;
if (ynv.Nav.SectorTree == null) continue;
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = ynv.Nav.SectorTree.AABBMin.XYZ();
mb.BBMax = ynv.Nav.SectorTree.AABBMax.XYZ();
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if ((ynv.Nav != null) && (ynv.Vertices != null) && (ynv.Indices != null) && (ynv.Polys != null))
UpdateMouseHits(ynv, ynv.Nav.SectorTree, ynv.Nav.SectorTree, ref mray);
if ((CurMouseHit.NavPoly != null) && MouseSelectEnabled)
var colour = Color4.White;
var colourval = (uint)colour.ToRgba();
var poly = CurMouseHit.NavPoly;
var ynv = poly.Ynv;
var ic = poly._RawData.IndexCount;
var startid = poly._RawData.IndexID;
var endid = startid + ic;
var lastid = endid - 1;
var vc = ynv.Vertices.Count;
var startind = ynv.Indices[startid];
////draw poly outline
VertexTypePC v = new VertexTypePC();
v.Colour = colourval;
VertexTypePC v0 = new VertexTypePC();
for (int id = startid; id < endid; id++)
var ind = ynv.Indices[id];
if (ind >= vc)
{ continue; }
v.Position = ynv.Vertices[ind];
if (id == startid)
v0 = v;
if (id == lastid)
////draw poly triangles
//VertexTypePC v0 = new VertexTypePC();
//VertexTypePC v1 = new VertexTypePC();
//VertexTypePC v2 = new VertexTypePC();
//v0.Position = ynv.Vertices[startind];
//v0.Colour = colourval;
//v1.Colour = colourval;
//v2.Colour = colourval;
//int tricount = ic - 2;
//for (int t = 0; t < tricount; t++)
// int tid = startid + t;
// int ind1 = ynv.Indices[tid + 1];
// int ind2 = ynv.Indices[tid + 2];
// if ((ind1 >= vc) || (ind2 >= vc))
// { continue; }
// v1.Position = ynv.Vertices[ind1];
// v2.Position = ynv.Vertices[ind2];
// SelectionTriVerts.Add(v0);
// SelectionTriVerts.Add(v1);
// SelectionTriVerts.Add(v2);
// SelectionTriVerts.Add(v0);
// SelectionTriVerts.Add(v2);
// SelectionTriVerts.Add(v1);
private void UpdateMouseHits(YnvFile ynv, NavMeshSector navsector, NavMeshSector rootsec, ref Ray mray)
if (navsector == null) return;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
bbox.Minimum = navsector.AABBMin.XYZ();
bbox.Maximum = navsector.AABBMax.XYZ();
if (rootsec != null) //apparently the Z values are incorrect :(
bbox.Minimum.Z = rootsec.AABBMin.Z;
bbox.Maximum.Z = rootsec.AABBMax.Z;
float fhd;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bbox, out fhd)) //ray intersects this node... check children for hits!
////test vis
//MapBox mb = new MapBox();
//mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
//mb.BBMin = bbox.Minimum;
//mb.BBMax = bbox.Maximum;
//mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
//mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if (navsector.SubTree1 != null)
UpdateMouseHits(ynv, navsector.SubTree1, rootsec, ref mray);
if (navsector.SubTree2 != null)
UpdateMouseHits(ynv, navsector.SubTree2, rootsec, ref mray);
if (navsector.SubTree3 != null)
UpdateMouseHits(ynv, navsector.SubTree3, rootsec, ref mray);
if (navsector.SubTree4 != null)
UpdateMouseHits(ynv, navsector.SubTree4, rootsec, ref mray);
if ((navsector.Data != null) && (navsector.Data.PolyIDs != null))
BoundingBox cbox = new BoundingBox();
cbox.Minimum = bbox.Minimum - camera.Position;
cbox.Maximum = bbox.Maximum - camera.Position;
var polys = ynv.Polys;
var polyids = navsector.Data.PolyIDs;
for (int i = 0; i < polyids.Length; i++)
var polyid = polyids[i];
if (polyid >= polys.Count)
{ continue; }
var poly = polys[polyid];
var ic = poly._RawData.IndexCount;
var startid = poly._RawData.IndexID;
var endid = startid + ic;
if (startid >= ynv.Indices.Count)
{ continue; }
if (endid > ynv.Indices.Count)
{ continue; }
var vc = ynv.Vertices.Count;
var startind = ynv.Indices[startid];
if (startind >= vc)
{ continue; }
Vector3 p0 = ynv.Vertices[startind];
//test triangles for the poly.
int tricount = ic - 2;
for (int t = 0; t < tricount; t++)
int tid = startid + t;
int ind1 = ynv.Indices[tid + 1];
int ind2 = ynv.Indices[tid + 2];
if ((ind1 >= vc) || (ind2 >= vc))
{ continue; }
Vector3 p1 = ynv.Vertices[ind1];
Vector3 p2 = ynv.Vertices[ind2];
if (mray.Intersects(ref p0, ref p1, ref p2, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
var cellaabb = poly._RawData.CellAABB;
CurMouseHit.NavPoly = poly;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.AABB = new BoundingBox(cellaabb.Min, cellaabb.Max);
break;//no need to test further tris in this poly
private void UpdateMouseHits(List<YndFile> ynds)
if (SelectionMode != MapSelectionMode.Path) return;
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
foreach (var ynd in ynds)
if (renderpathbounds)
float minz = (ynd.BVH != null) ? ynd.BVH.Box.Minimum.Z : 0.0f;
float maxz = (ynd.BVH != null) ? ynd.BVH.Box.Maximum.Z : 0.0f;
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = new Vector3(ynd.BBMin.X, ynd.BBMin.Y, minz);
mb.BBMax = new Vector3(ynd.BBMax.X, ynd.BBMax.Y, maxz);
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if (ynd.BVH != null)
UpdateMouseHits(ynd.BVH, ref mray);
if (SelectedItem.PathNode != null)
float linkrad = 0.25f;
var n = SelectedItem.PathNode;
if (n.Links != null)
foreach (var ln in n.Links)
if (ln.Node2 == null) continue;//invalid links can hit here...
Vector3 dv = n.Position - ln.Node2.Position;
float dl = dv.Length();
Vector3 dir = dv * (1.0f / dl);
Vector3 dup = Vector3.UnitZ;
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
int lanestot = ln.LaneCountForward + ln.LaneCountBackward;
float lanewidth = n.IsPedNode ? 0.5f : 5.5f;
float inner = ln.LaneOffset * lanewidth;// 0.0f;
float outer = inner + Math.Max(lanewidth * ln.LaneCountForward, 0.5f);
float totwidth = lanestot * lanewidth;
float halfwidth = totwidth * 0.5f;
if (ln.LaneCountBackward == 0)
inner -= halfwidth;
outer -= halfwidth;
if (ln.LaneCountForward == 0)
inner += halfwidth;
outer += halfwidth;
mb.CamRelPos = n.Position - camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = new Vector3(-linkrad - outer, -linkrad, 0.0f);
mb.BBMax = new Vector3(linkrad - inner, linkrad, dl);
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Invert(Quaternion.RotationLookAtRH(dir, dup));
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if (ln == SelectedItem.PathLink)
private void UpdateMouseHits(List<TrainTrack> tracks)
if (SelectionMode != MapSelectionMode.TrainTrack) return;
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
foreach (var track in tracks)
if (renderpathbounds)
//MapBox mb = new MapBox();
//mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
//mb.BBMin = track.BVH?.Box.Minimum ?? Vector3.Zero;
//mb.BBMax = track.BVH?.Box.Maximum ?? Vector3.Zero;
//mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
//mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if (track.BVH != null)
UpdateMouseHits(track.BVH, ref mray);
if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode != null)
float linkrad = 0.25f;
var n = SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode;
if (n.Links != null)
foreach (var ln in n.Links)
if (ln == null) continue;
Vector3 dv = n.Position - ln.Position;
float dl = dv.Length();
Vector3 dir = dv * (1.0f / dl);
Vector3 dup = Vector3.UnitZ;
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = n.Position - camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = new Vector3(-linkrad, -linkrad, 0.0f);
mb.BBMax = new Vector3(linkrad, linkrad, dl);
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Invert(Quaternion.RotationLookAtRH(dir, dup));
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
private void UpdateMouseHits(List<YmtFile> scenarios)
if (SelectionMode != MapSelectionMode.Scenario) return;
Ray mray = new Ray();
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
foreach (var scenario in scenarios)
var sr = scenario.ScenarioRegion;
if (sr == null) continue;
if (renderscenariobounds)
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = sr?.BVH?.Box.Minimum ?? Vector3.Zero;
mb.BBMax = sr?.BVH?.Box.Maximum ?? Vector3.Zero;
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if (sr.BVH != null)
UpdateMouseHits(sr.BVH, ref mray);
if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode != null) //move this stuff to renderselection..?
var n = SelectedItem.ScenarioNode;
var nc = n.ChainingNode?.Chain;
var ncl = n.Cluster;
//float linkrad = 0.25f;
//if (n.Links != null)
// foreach (var ln in n.Links)
// {
// if (ln == null) continue;
// Vector3 dv = n.Position - ln.Position;
// float dl = dv.Length();
// Vector3 dir = dv * (1.0f / dl);
// Vector3 dup = Vector3.UnitZ;
// MapBox mb = new MapBox();
// mb.CamRelPos = n.Position - camera.Position;
// mb.BBMin = new Vector3(-linkrad, -linkrad, 0.0f);
// mb.BBMax = new Vector3(linkrad, linkrad, dl);
// mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Invert(Quaternion.RotationLookAtRH(dir, dup));
// mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
// BoundingBoxes.Add(mb);
// }
var sr = SelectedItem.ScenarioNode.Ymt.ScenarioRegion;
//if (renderscenariobounds)
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = -camera.Position;
mb.BBMin = sr?.BVH?.Box.Minimum ?? Vector3.Zero;
mb.BBMax = sr?.BVH?.Box.Maximum ?? Vector3.Zero;
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
if (renderscenariobounds)
if (ncl != null)
//hilight the cluster itself
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
mb.BBMin = new Vector3(-0.5f);
mb.BBMax = new Vector3(0.5f);
mb.CamRelPos = ncl.Position - camera.Position;
mb.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
//show boxes for points in the cluster
if ((ncl.Points != null) && (ncl.Points.MyPoints != null))
foreach (var clpoint in ncl.Points.MyPoints)
if (clpoint == n.ClusterMyPoint) continue; //don't highlight the selected node...
mb = new MapBox();
mb.Scale = Vector3.One;
mb.BBMin = new Vector3(-0.5f);
mb.BBMax = new Vector3(0.5f);
mb.CamRelPos = clpoint.Position - camera.Position;
mb.Orientation = clpoint.Orientation;
private void UpdateMouseHits(PathBVHNode pathbvhnode, ref Ray mray)
float nrad = 0.5f;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
BoundingSphere bsph = new BoundingSphere();
bsph.Radius = nrad;
BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox();
bbox.Minimum = pathbvhnode.Box.Minimum - nrad;
bbox.Maximum = pathbvhnode.Box.Maximum + nrad;
BoundingBox nbox = new BoundingBox();
nbox.Minimum = new Vector3(-nrad);
nbox.Maximum = new Vector3(nrad);
float fhd;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bbox, out fhd)) //ray intersects this node... check children for hits!
if ((pathbvhnode.Node1 != null) && (pathbvhnode.Node2 != null)) //node is split. recurse
UpdateMouseHits(pathbvhnode.Node1, ref mray);
UpdateMouseHits(pathbvhnode.Node2, ref mray);
else if (pathbvhnode.Nodes != null) //leaf node. test contaned pathnodes
foreach (var n in pathbvhnode.Nodes)
bsph.Center = n.Position;
if (mray.Intersects(ref bsph, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.PathNode = n as YndNode;
CurMouseHit.TrainTrackNode = n as TrainTrackNode;
CurMouseHit.ScenarioNode = n as ScenarioNode;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = (n.Position - camera.Position);
CurMouseHit.AABB = nbox;
public void SelectItem(MapSelection? mhit = null, bool addSelection = false)
var mhitv = mhit.HasValue ? mhit.Value : new MapSelection();
if (mhit != null)
if ((mhitv.Archetype == null) && (mhitv.EntityDef != null))
mhitv.Archetype = mhitv.EntityDef.Archetype; //use the entity archetype if no archetype given
if (mhitv.GrassBatch != null)
mhitv.Archetype = mhitv.GrassBatch.Archetype;
if ((mhitv.Archetype != null) && (mhitv.Drawable == null))
mhitv.Drawable = TryGetDrawable(mhitv.Archetype); //no drawable given.. try to get it from the cache.. if it's not there, drawable info won't display...
bool change = false;
if (mhit != null)
change = SelectedItem.CheckForChanges(mhitv);
change = SelectedItem.CheckForChanges();
if (addSelection)
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
if (mhitv.HasValue) //incoming selection isn't empty...
//search the list for a match, remove it if already there, otherwise add it.
bool found = false;
foreach (var item in SelectedItems)
if (!item.CheckForChanges(mhitv))
found = true;
if (found)
if (SelectedItems.Count == 1)
mhitv = SelectedItems[0];
else if (SelectedItems.Count <= 0)
SelectedItems.Clear();//this shouldn't really happen..
mhitv.MultipleSelection = false;
change = true;
else //empty incoming value... do nothing?
else //current selection is single item, or empty
if (change) //incoming selection item is different from the current one
if (mhitv.HasValue) //incoming selection isn't empty, add it to the list
if (SelectedItem.HasValue) //add the existing item to the selection list, if it's not empty
SelectedItem.MultipleSelection = false;
mhitv.MultipleSelection = false;
SelectedItem.MultipleSelection = true;
else //empty incoming value... do nothing?
else //same thing was selected a 2nd time, just clear the selection.
mhit = null; //dont's wants to selects it agains!
change = true;
if (SelectedItems.Count > 1)
//iterate the selected items, and calculate the selection position
var center = Vector3.Zero;
foreach (var item in SelectedItems)
center += item.WidgetPosition;
if (SelectedItems.Count > 0)
center *= (1.0f / SelectedItems.Count);
mhitv.MultipleSelection = true;
mhitv.MultipleSelectionCenter = center;
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
change = true;
SelectedItem.MultipleSelection = false;
if (!change)
if (mhit.HasValue)
//make sure the path link gets changed (sub-selection!)
lock (rendersyncroot)
SelectedItem.PathLink = mhitv.PathLink;
SelectedItem.ScenarioEdge = mhitv.ScenarioEdge;
lock (rendersyncroot) //drawflags is used when rendering.. need that lock
if (mhit.HasValue)
SelectedItem = mhitv;
if (change)
Widget.Visible = SelectedItem.CanShowWidget;
if (Widget.Visible)
Widget.Position = SelectedItem.WidgetPosition;
Widget.Rotation = SelectedItem.WidgetRotation;
Widget.RotationWidget.EnableAxes = SelectedItem.WidgetRotationAxes;
Widget.Scale = SelectedItem.WidgetScale;
if (change && (ProjectForm != null))
public void SelectMulti(MapSelection[] items)
if (items != null)
foreach (var item in items)
SelectItem(item, true);
public void SelectEntity(YmapEntityDef entity)
if (entity == null)
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.EntityDef = entity;
ms.Archetype = entity?.Archetype;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(entity.BBMin, entity.BBMax);
public void SelectCarGen(YmapCarGen cargen)
if (cargen == null)
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.CarGenerator = cargen;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(cargen.BBMin, cargen.BBMax);
public void SelectNavPoly(YnvPoly poly)
if (poly == null)
var sect = poly.Ynv?.Nav?.SectorTree;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.NavPoly = poly;
var cellaabb = poly._RawData.CellAABB;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(cellaabb.Min, cellaabb.Max);
//if (sect != null)
// ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(sect.AABBMin.XYZ(), sect.AABBMax.XYZ());
public void SelectPathNode(YndNode node)
if (node == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.PathNode = node;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
public void SelectPathLink(YndLink link)
var node = link?.Node1;
if (node == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.PathNode = node;
ms.PathLink = link;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
public void SelectTrainTrackNode(TrainTrackNode node)
if (node == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.TrainTrackNode = node;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
public void SelectScenarioNode(ScenarioNode node)
if (node == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.ScenarioNode = node;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
public void SelectScenarioEdge(ScenarioNode node, MCScenarioChainingEdge edge)
if (node == null)
float nrad = 0.5f;
MapSelection ms = new MapSelection();
ms.ScenarioNode = node;
ms.ScenarioEdge = edge;
ms.AABB = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-nrad), new Vector3(nrad));
private void SelectMousedItem()
//when clicked, select the currently moused item and update the selection info UI
if (!MouseSelectEnabled)
{ return; }
SelectItem(LastMouseHit, CtrlPressed);
private void UpdateSelectionUI(bool wait)
if (InvokeRequired)
if (wait)
Invoke(new Action(() => { UpdateSelectionUI(wait); }));
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateSelectionUI(wait); }));
if (InfoForm != null)
InfoForm.SetSelection(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
catch { }
private void SetSelectionUI(MapSelection item)
SelectionNameTextBox.Text = item.GetNameString("Nothing selected");
//SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.EntityDef;
SelArchetypePropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.Archetype;
SelDrawablePropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.Drawable;
if (item.Drawable != null)
AddSelectionDrawableModelsTreeNodes(item.Drawable.DrawableModelsHigh, "High Detail", true);
AddSelectionDrawableModelsTreeNodes(item.Drawable.DrawableModelsMedium, "Medium Detail", false);
AddSelectionDrawableModelsTreeNodes(item.Drawable.DrawableModelsLow, "Low Detail", false);
AddSelectionDrawableModelsTreeNodes(item.Drawable.DrawableModelsVeryLow, "Very Low Detail", false);
//AddSelectionDrawableModelsTreeNodes(item.Drawable.DrawableModelsX, "X Detail", false);
YmapFile ymap = null;
YnvFile ynv = null;
YndFile ynd = null;
TrainTrack traintr = null;
YmtFile scenario = null;
ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = false;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = false;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete";
if (item.MultipleSelection)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Multiple items";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = SelectedItems.ToArray();
else if (item.TimeCycleModifier != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "TCMod";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.TimeCycleModifier;
else if (item.CarGenerator != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "CarGen";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.CarGenerator;
ymap = item.CarGenerator.Ymap;
ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete car generator";
else if (item.DistantLodLights != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "DistLodLight";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.DistantLodLights;
else if (item.GrassBatch != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Grass";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.GrassBatch;
else if (item.WaterQuad != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "WaterQuad";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.WaterQuad;
else if (item.PathNode != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "PathNode";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.PathNode;
ynd = item.PathNode.Ynd;
ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete path node";
else if (item.NavPoly != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "NavPoly";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.NavPoly;
ynv = item.NavPoly.Ynv;
//ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
//ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete nav poly";
else if (item.TrainTrackNode != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "TrainNode";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.TrainTrackNode;
traintr = item.TrainTrackNode.Track;
ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete train track node";
else if (item.ScenarioNode != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = item.ScenarioNode.ShortTypeName;
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.ScenarioNode;
scenario = item.ScenarioNode.Ymt;
ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete scenario point";
else if (item.Audio != null)
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = item.Audio.ShortTypeName;
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.Audio;
SelectionEntityTabPage.Text = "Entity";
SelEntityPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.EntityDef;
if (item.EntityDef != null)
ymap = item.EntityDef?.Ymap;
ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarDeleteItemButton.Text = "Delete entity";
if (item.EntityExtension != null)
SelExtensionPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.EntityExtension;
else if (item.ArchetypeExtension != null)
SelExtensionPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.ArchetypeExtension;
else if (item.CollisionBounds != null)
SelExtensionPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = item.CollisionBounds;
ShowSelectedExtensionTab(true, "Coll");
SelExtensionPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = null;
//var ent = SelectedItem.EntityDef;
//ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = false;
////ToolbarAddEntityButton.Enabled = false;
//ToolbarCopyButton.Enabled = (ent != null);
//if (ent != null)
// ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = true;
// //ToolbarAddEntityButton.Enabled = true;
// //if (ProjectForm != null)
// //{
// // ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = ProjectForm.IsCurrentEntity(ent);
// //}
//bool enableymapui = (ent != null) && (ent.Ymap != null);
//var ymap = ent?.Ymap;
bool enableymapui = (ymap != null);
EnableYmapUI(enableymapui, (ymap != null) ? ymap.Name : "");
if (ynd != null)
EnableYndUI(true, ynd.Name);
if (ynv != null)
EnableYnvUI(true, ynv.Name);
if (traintr != null)
EnableTrainsUI(true, traintr.Name);
if (scenario != null)
EnableScenarioUI(true, scenario.Name);
private void ShowSelectedExtensionTab(bool show, string text = "Ext")
SelectionExtensionTabPage.Text = text;
if (show)
if (!SelectionTabControl.TabPages.Contains(SelectionExtensionTabPage))
SelectionTabControl.SelectedTab = SelectionExtensionTabPage;
if (SelectionTabControl.TabPages.Contains(SelectionExtensionTabPage))
private void AddSelectionDrawableModelsTreeNodes(ResourcePointerList64<DrawableModel> models, string prefix, bool check)
if (models == null) return;
if (models.data_items == null) return;
for (int mi = 0; mi < models.data_items.Length; mi++)
var model = models.data_items[mi];
string mprefix = prefix + " " + (mi + 1).ToString();
var mnode = SelDrawableModelsTreeView.Nodes.Add(mprefix + " " + model.ToString());
mnode.Tag = model;
mnode.Checked = check;
var tmnode = SelDrawableTexturesTreeView.Nodes.Add(mprefix + " " + model.ToString());
tmnode.Tag = model;
if (!check)
SelectionModelDrawFlags[model] = false;
if ((model.Geometries == null) || (model.Geometries.data_items == null)) continue;
foreach (var geom in model.Geometries.data_items)
var gname = geom.ToString();
var gnode = mnode.Nodes.Add(gname);
gnode.Tag = geom;
gnode.Checked = true;// check;
var tgnode = tmnode.Nodes.Add(gname);
tgnode.Tag = geom;
if ((geom.Shader != null) && (geom.Shader.ParametersList != null) && (geom.Shader.ParametersList.Hashes != null))
var pl = geom.Shader.ParametersList;
var h = pl.Hashes;
var p = pl.Parameters;
for (int ip = 0; ip < h.Length; ip++)
var hash = pl.Hashes[ip];
var parm = pl.Parameters[ip];
var tex = parm.Data as TextureBase;
if (tex != null)
var t = tex as Texture;
var tstr = tex.Name.Trim();
if (t != null)
tstr = string.Format("{0} ({1}x{2}, embedded)", tex.Name, t.Width, t.Height);
var tnode = tgnode.Nodes.Add(hash.ToString().Trim() + ": " + tstr);
tnode.Tag = tex;
private void UpdateSelectionDrawFlags(TreeNode node)
//update the selection draw flags depending on tag and checked/unchecked
var model = node.Tag as DrawableModel;
var geom = node.Tag as DrawableGeometry;
bool rem = node.Checked;
lock (rendersyncroot)
if (model != null)
if (rem)
if (SelectionModelDrawFlags.ContainsKey(model))
SelectionModelDrawFlags[model] = false;
if (geom != null)
if (rem)
if (SelectionGeometryDrawFlags.ContainsKey(geom))
SelectionGeometryDrawFlags[geom] = false;
public void SyncSelDrawableModelsTreeNode(TreeNode node)
//called by the info form when a selection treeview node is checked/unchecked.
foreach (TreeNode mnode in SelDrawableModelsTreeView.Nodes)
if (mnode.Tag == node.Tag)
if (mnode.Checked != node.Checked)
mnode.Checked = node.Checked;
foreach (TreeNode gnode in mnode.Nodes)
if (gnode.Tag == node.Tag)
if (gnode.Checked != node.Checked)
gnode.Checked = node.Checked;
private void ShowInfoForm()
if (InfoForm == null)
InfoForm = new WorldInfoForm(this);
InfoForm.SetSelection(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
InfoForm.SetSelectionMode(SelectionModeStr, MouseSelectEnabled);
if (InfoForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
InfoForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
ToolbarInfoWindowButton.Checked = true;
public void OnInfoFormSelectionModeChanged(string mode, bool enableSelect)
//called by the WorldInfoForm
public void OnInfoFormClosed()
//called by the WorldInfoForm when it's closed.
InfoForm = null;
ToolbarInfoWindowButton.Checked = false;
private void ShowProjectForm()
if (ProjectForm == null)
ProjectForm = new ProjectForm(this);
if (ProjectForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
ProjectForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
ToolbarProjectWindowButton.Checked = true;
public void OnProjectFormClosed()
ProjectForm = null;
ToolbarProjectWindowButton.Checked = false;
private void ShowSearchForm()
if (SearchForm == null)
SearchForm = new WorldSearchForm(this);
if (SearchForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
SearchForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
//ToolbarSearchWindowButton.Checked = true;
public void OnSearchFormClosed()
SearchForm = null;
//ToolbarSearchWindowButton.Checked = false;
public void ShowModel(string name)
ViewModeComboBox.Text = "Model view";
ModelComboBox.Text = name;
modelname = name;
public void GoToEntity(YmapEntityDef entity)
if (entity == null) return;
ViewModeComboBox.Text = "World view";
private void LoadWorld()
UpdateStatus("Loading timecycles...");
timecycle.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus);
UpdateStatus("Loading materials...");
UpdateStatus("Loading weather...");
weather.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus, timecycle);
UpdateStatus("Loading clouds...");
clouds.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus, weather);
UpdateStatus("Loading water...");
water.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus);
UpdateStatus("Loading trains...");
trains.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus);
UpdateStatus("Loading scenarios...");
scenarios.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus, timecycle);
UpdateStatus("Loading popzones...");
popzones.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus);
UpdateStatus("Loading audio zones...");
audiozones.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus);
UpdateStatus("Loading world...");
space.Init(gameFileCache, UpdateStatus);
UpdateStatus("World loaded");
private void SetDlcLevel(string dlc, bool enable)
if (!initialised) return;
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Task.Run(() =>
lock (rendersyncroot)
if (gameFileCache.SetDlcLevel(dlc, enable))
Invoke(new Action(()=> {
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void SetModsEnabled(bool enable)
if (!initialised) return;
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Task.Run(() =>
lock (rendersyncroot)
if (gameFileCache.SetModsEnabled(enable))
Invoke(new Action(() => {
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void ContentThread()
//main content loading thread.
running = true;
GTA5Keys.LoadFromPath(Settings.Default.GTAFolder); //now loads from magic
MessageBox.Show("Keys not found! This shouldn't happen.");
gameFileCache.Init(UpdateStatus, LogError);
initialised = true;
while (formopen && !IsDisposed) //main asset loop
if (!(gameFileCache.ItemsStillPending || renderableCache.ItemsStillPending))
Thread.Sleep(1); //sleep if there's nothing to do
running = false;
private void UpdateStatus(string text)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateStatus(text); }));
StatusLabel.Text = text;
catch { }
private void UpdateMousedLabel(string text)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateMousedLabel(text); }));
MousedLabel.Text = text;
catch { }
private void UpdateWeatherTypesComboBox(Weather weather)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateWeatherTypesComboBox(weather); }));
//MessageBox.Show("sky_hdr: " + weather.GetDynamicValue("sky_hdr").ToString() + "\n" +
// "Timecycle index: " + weather.Timecycle.CurrentSampleIndex + "\n" +
// "Timecycle blend: " + weather.Timecycle.CurrentSampleBlend + "\n");
foreach (string wt in weather.WeatherTypes.Keys)
WeatherComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
WeatherRegionComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
catch { }
private void UpdateCloudTypesComboBox(Clouds clouds)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateCloudTypesComboBox(clouds); }));
foreach (var frag in clouds.HatManager.CloudHatFrags)
CloudsComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(CloudsComboBox.FindString(individualcloudfrag), 0);
foreach (var setting in clouds.AnimSettings.Values)
CloudParamComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
catch { }
private void UpdateDlcListComboBox(List<string> dlcnames)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateDlcListComboBox(dlcnames); }));
foreach (var dlcname in dlcnames)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameFileCache.SelectedDlc))
DlcLevelComboBox.SelectedIndex = dlcnames.Count - 1;
int idx = DlcLevelComboBox.FindString(gameFileCache.SelectedDlc);
DlcLevelComboBox.SelectedIndex = (idx > 0) ? idx : (dlcnames.Count - 1);
catch { }
private void LogError(string text)
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action(() => { LogError(text); }));
ConsoleTextBox.AppendText(text + "\r\n");
catch { }
private void UpdateMarkerSelectionPanelInvoke()
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateMarkerSelectionPanel(); }));
catch { }
private void UpdateMarkerSelectionPanel()
if (!SelectedMarkerPanel.Visible) return;
if (SelectedMarker == null)
SelectedMarkerPanel.Visible = false;
int ox = -90; //screen offset from actual marker world pos
int oy = -76;
float spx = ((SelectedMarker.ScreenPos.X * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * camera.Width;
float spy = ((SelectedMarker.ScreenPos.Y * -0.5f) + 0.5f) * camera.Height;
int px = (int)Math.Round(spx, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + ox;
int py = (int)Math.Round(spy, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + oy;
int sx = SelectedMarkerPanel.Width;
int sy = SelectedMarkerPanel.Height;
SelectedMarkerPanel.SetBounds(px, py, sx, sy);
private void ShowMarkerSelectionInfo(MapMarker marker)
SelectedMarkerNameTextBox.Text = SelectedMarker.Name;
SelectedMarkerPositionTextBox.Text = SelectedMarker.Get3DWorldPosString();
SelectedMarkerPanel.Visible = true;
private void HideMarkerSelectionInfo()
SelectedMarkerPanel.Visible = false;
private MapMarker FindMousedMarker()
lock (markersortedsyncroot)
float mx = MouseLastPoint.X;
float my = MouseLastPoint.Y;
if (ShowLocatorCheckBox.Checked)
if (IsMarkerUnderPoint(LocatorMarker, mx, my))
return LocatorMarker;
//search backwards through the render markers (front to back)
for (int i = SortedMarkers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
MapMarker m = SortedMarkers[i];
if (IsMarkerUnderPoint(m, mx, my))
return m;
return null;
private bool IsMarkerUnderPoint(MapMarker marker, float x, float y)
if (marker.ScreenPos.Z <= 0.0f) return false; //behind the camera...
float dx = x - ((marker.ScreenPos.X * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * camera.Width;
float dy = y - ((marker.ScreenPos.Y * -0.5f) + 0.5f) * camera.Height;
float mcx = marker.Icon.Center.X;
float mcy = marker.Icon.Center.Y;
bool bx = ((dx >= -mcx) && (dx <= mcx));
bool by = ((dy <= 0.0f) && (dy >= -mcy));
return (bx && by);
private void GoToMarker(MapMarker m)
//////adjust the target to account for the main panel...
////Vector3 view = m.TexturePos;
////view.X += ((float)(MainPanel.Width + 4) * 0.5f) / CurrentZoom;
////TargetViewCenter = view;
camera.FollowEntity.Position = m.WorldPos;
public void GoToPosition(Vector3 p)
camera.FollowEntity.Position = p;
private MapMarker AddMarker(Vector3 pos, string name, bool addtotxtbox = false)
string str = pos.X.ToString() + ", " + pos.Y.ToString() + ", " + pos.Z.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
str += ", " + name;
if (addtotxtbox)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if ((sb.Length > 0) && (!MultiFindTextBox.Text.EndsWith("\n")))
MultiFindTextBox.Text = sb.ToString();
return AddMarker(str);
private MapMarker AddMarker(string markerstr)
lock (markersyncroot)
MapMarker m = new MapMarker();
m.Icon = MarkerIcon;
//ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { m.Name, m.WorldPos.X.ToString(), m.WorldPos.Y.ToString(), m.WorldPos.Z.ToString() });
//lvi.Tag = m;
return m;
private void AddDefaultMarkers()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//sb.AppendLine("1972.606, 3817.044, 0.0, Trevor Bed");
//sb.AppendLine("94.5723, -1290.082, 0.0, Strip Club Bed");
//sb.AppendLine("-1151.746, -1518.136, 0.0, Trevor City Bed");
//sb.AppendLine("-1154.11, -2715.203, 0.0, Flight School");
//sb.AppendLine("-1370.625, 56.1227, 52.82404, Golf");
//sb.AppendLine("-1109.213, 4914.744, 0.0, Altruist Cult");
//sb.AppendLine("-1633.087, 4736.784, 0.0, Deal Gone Wrong");
sb.AppendLine("-2052, 3237, 1449.036, Zancudo UFO");
sb.AppendLine("2490, 3777, 2400, Hippy UFO");
sb.AppendLine("2577.396, 3301.573, 52.52076, Sand glyph");
sb.AppendLine("-804.8452, 176.4936, 75.40561, bh1_48_michaels");
sb.AppendLine("-5.757423, 529.674, 171.1747, ch2_05c_b1");
sb.AppendLine("1971.208, 3818.237, 33.46632, cs4_10_trailer003b");
sb.AppendLine("760.4618, 7392.803, -126.0774, cs1_09_sea_ufo");
sb.AppendLine("501.4398, 5603.96, 795.9738, cs1_10_redeye");
sb.AppendLine("51.3909, 5957.7568, 209.614, cs1_10_clue_moon02");
sb.AppendLine("400.7087, 5714.5645, 605.0978, cs1_10_clue_rain01");
sb.AppendLine("703.442, 6329.8936, 76.4973, cs1_10_clue_rain02");
sb.AppendLine("228.7844, 5370.585, 577.2613, cs1_10_clue_moon01");
sb.AppendLine("366.4871, 5518.0742, 704.3185, cs1_10_clue_mountain01");
sb.AppendLine("41.64376, -779.9391, 832.4024, hw1_22_shipint");
sb.AppendLine("-1255.392, 6795.764, -181.9927, cs1_08_sea_base");
sb.AppendLine("4285.036, 2967.639, -184.1908, cs5_1_sea_hatch");
sb.AppendLine("3041.498, 5584.321, 196.4748, cs2_08_generic02");
sb.AppendLine("3406.483, 5498.655, 23.50577, cs2_08_generic01a");
sb.AppendLine("1507.081, 6565.075, 8.681923, cs1_09_props_elec_spider1");
sb.AppendLine("455.7852, 5586.104, 779.4382, cs1_10_elec_spider_spline052b");
sb.AppendLine("3861.661, -4959.252, 91.49448, plg_01_nico_new");
sb.AppendLine("-1689.308, 2174.457, 107.2592, ch1_09b_vinesleaf_28");
sb.AppendLine("440.8488, 5810.079, 563.4703, Cock face");
sb.AppendLine("-3955.667, -4675.212, -1274.563, Interesting...");
sb.AppendLine("4512.627, 2623.241, 2500, Interesting...");
sb.AppendLine("228.6058, -992.0537, -100, v_garagel");
MultiFindTextBox.Text = sb.ToString();
string[] lines = MultiFindTextBox.Text.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string line in lines)
private void LoadSettings()
var s = Settings.Default;
WindowState = s.WindowMaximized ? FormWindowState.Maximized : WindowState;
FullScreenCheckBox.Checked = s.FullScreen;
WireframeCheckBox.Checked = s.Wireframe;
HDRRenderingCheckBox.Checked = s.HDR;
ShadowsCheckBox.Checked = s.Shadows;
SkydomeCheckBox.Checked = s.Skydome;
GrassCheckBox.Checked = s.Grass;
TimedEntitiesCheckBox.Checked = s.ShowTimedEntities;
CollisionMeshesCheckBox.Checked = s.ShowCollisionMeshes;
CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Value = s.CollisionMeshRange;
DynamicLODCheckBox.Checked = s.DynamicLOD;
DetailTrackBar.Value = s.DetailDist;
WaitForChildrenCheckBox.Checked = s.WaitForChildren;
RenderModeComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(RenderModeComboBox.FindString(s.RenderMode), 0);
TextureSamplerComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(TextureSamplerComboBox.FindString(s.RenderTextureSampler), 0);
TextureCoordsComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(TextureCoordsComboBox.FindString(s.RenderTextureSamplerCoord), 0);
MarkerStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(MarkerStyleComboBox.FindString(s.MarkerStyle), 0);
LocatorStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(LocatorStyleComboBox.FindString(s.LocatorStyle), 0);
MarkerDepthClipCheckBox.Checked = s.MarkerDepthClip;
AnisotropicFilteringCheckBox.Checked = s.AnisotropicFiltering;
BoundsStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(BoundsStyleComboBox.FindString(s.BoundsStyle), 0);
BoundsDepthClipCheckBox.Checked = s.BoundsDepthClip;
BoundsRangeTrackBar.Value = s.BoundsRange;
ErrorConsoleCheckBox.Checked = s.ShowErrorConsole;
StatusBarCheckBox.Checked = s.ShowStatusBar;
EnableModsCheckBox.Checked = s.EnableMods;
DlcLevelComboBox.Text = s.DLC;
gameFileCache.SelectedDlc = s.DLC;
EnableDlcCheckBox.Checked = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.DLC);
private void SaveSettings()
var s = Settings.Default;
s.WindowMaximized = (WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized);
s.FullScreen = FullScreenCheckBox.Checked;
s.Wireframe = WireframeCheckBox.Checked;
s.HDR = HDRRenderingCheckBox.Checked;
s.Shadows = ShadowsCheckBox.Checked;
s.Skydome = SkydomeCheckBox.Checked;
s.Grass = GrassCheckBox.Checked;
s.ShowTimedEntities = TimedEntitiesCheckBox.Checked;
s.ShowCollisionMeshes = CollisionMeshesCheckBox.Checked;
s.CollisionMeshRange = CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Value;
s.DynamicLOD = DynamicLODCheckBox.Checked;
s.DetailDist = DetailTrackBar.Value;
s.WaitForChildren = WaitForChildrenCheckBox.Checked;
s.RenderMode = RenderModeComboBox.Text;
s.RenderTextureSampler = TextureSamplerComboBox.Text;
s.RenderTextureSamplerCoord = TextureCoordsComboBox.Text;
s.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyleComboBox.Text;
s.LocatorStyle = LocatorStyleComboBox.Text;
s.MarkerDepthClip = MarkerDepthClipCheckBox.Checked;
s.AnisotropicFiltering = AnisotropicFilteringCheckBox.Checked;
s.BoundsStyle = BoundsStyleComboBox.Text;
s.BoundsDepthClip = BoundsDepthClipCheckBox.Checked;
s.BoundsRange = BoundsRangeTrackBar.Value;
s.ShowErrorConsole = ErrorConsoleCheckBox.Checked;
s.ShowStatusBar = StatusBarCheckBox.Checked;
//additional settings from gamefilecache...
s.EnableMods = gameFileCache.EnableMods;
s.DLC = gameFileCache.EnableDlc ? gameFileCache.SelectedDlc : "";
private void ShowSettingsForm(string tab = "")
if (SettingsForm == null)
SettingsForm = new SettingsForm(this);
if (SettingsForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
SettingsForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tab))
public void OnSettingsFormClosed()
//called by the SettingsForm when it's closed.
SettingsForm = null;
private void MarkUndoStart(Widget w)
bool canundo = false;
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef != null) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator != null) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.PathNode != null) canundo = true;
//if (SelectedItem.NavPoly != null) hasval = true;
if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode != null) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode != null) canundo = true;
if (!canundo) return;
if (Widget is TransformWidget)
UndoStartPosition = Widget.Position;
UndoStartRotation = Widget.Rotation;
UndoStartScale = Widget.Scale;
private void MarkUndoEnd(Widget w)
bool canundo = false;
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef != null) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator != null) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.PathNode != null) canundo = true;
//if (SelectedItem.NavPoly != null) hasval = true;
if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode != null) canundo = true;
if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode != null) canundo = true;
if (!canundo) return;
var ent = SelectedItem.EntityDef;
var cargen = SelectedItem.CarGenerator;
var pathnode = SelectedItem.PathNode;
var trainnode = SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode;
var scenarionode = SelectedItem.ScenarioNode;
TransformWidget tw = Widget as TransformWidget;
UndoStep s = null;
if (tw != null)
if (SelectedItem.MultipleSelection)
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new MultiPositionUndoStep(SelectedItem, SelectedItems.ToArray(), UndoStartPosition, this); break;
else if (ent != null)
if (EditEntityPivot)
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new EntityPivotPositionUndoStep(ent, UndoStartPosition); break;
case WidgetMode.Rotation: s = new EntityPivotRotationUndoStep(ent, UndoStartRotation); break;
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new EntityPositionUndoStep(ent, UndoStartPosition); break;
case WidgetMode.Rotation: s = new EntityRotationUndoStep(ent, UndoStartRotation); break;
case WidgetMode.Scale: s = new EntityScaleUndoStep(ent, UndoStartScale); break;
else if (cargen != null)
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new CarGenPositionUndoStep(cargen, UndoStartPosition); break;
case WidgetMode.Rotation: s = new CarGenRotationUndoStep(cargen, UndoStartRotation); break;
case WidgetMode.Scale: s = new CarGenScaleUndoStep(cargen, UndoStartScale); break;
else if (pathnode != null)
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new PathNodePositionUndoStep(pathnode, UndoStartPosition, this); break;
else if (trainnode != null)
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new TrainTrackNodePositionUndoStep(trainnode, UndoStartPosition, this); break;
else if (scenarionode != null)
switch (tw.Mode)
case WidgetMode.Position: s = new ScenarioNodePositionUndoStep(scenarionode, UndoStartPosition, this); break;
case WidgetMode.Rotation: s = new ScenarioNodeRotationUndoStep(scenarionode, UndoStartRotation, this); break;
if (s != null)
private void Undo()
if (UndoSteps.Count == 0) return;
var s = UndoSteps.Pop();
s.Undo(this, ref SelectedItem);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.OnWorldSelectionModified(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
private void Redo()
if (RedoSteps.Count == 0) return;
var s = RedoSteps.Pop();
s.Redo(this, ref SelectedItem);
if (ProjectForm != null)
ProjectForm.OnWorldSelectionModified(SelectedItem, SelectedItems);
private void UpdateUndoUI()
int i = 0;
foreach (var step in UndoSteps)
var button = ToolbarUndoButton.DropDownItems.Add(step.ToString());
button.Tag = step;
button.Click += ToolbarUndoListButton_Click;
if (i >= 10) break;
i = 0;
foreach (var step in RedoSteps)
var button = ToolbarRedoButton.DropDownItems.Add(step.ToString());
button.Tag = step;
button.Click += ToolbarRedoListButton_Click;
if (i >= 10) break;
ToolbarUndoButton.Enabled = (UndoSteps.Count > 0);
ToolbarRedoButton.Enabled = (RedoSteps.Count > 0);
private void EnableCacheDependentUI()
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { EnableCacheDependentUI(); }));
ToolbarNewButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarOpenButton.Enabled = true;
ToolbarProjectWindowButton.Enabled = true;
ToolsMenuProjectWindow.Enabled = true;
ToolsMenuJenkInd.Enabled = true;
catch { }
private void EnableDLCModsUI()
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { EnableDLCModsUI(); }));
EnableDlcCheckBox.Enabled = true;
EnableModsCheckBox.Enabled = true;
DlcLevelComboBox.Enabled = true;
catch { }
public void SetCurrentSaveItem(string filename)
bool enable = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename);
ToolbarSaveButton.ToolTipText = enable ? ("Save " + filename) : "Save";
ToolbarSaveButton.Enabled = enable;
ToolbarSaveAllButton.Enabled = enable;
public void EnableYmapUI(bool enable, string filename)
string type = "entity";
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.CarGenerator: type = "car generator"; break;
ToolbarAddItemButton.ToolTipText = "Add " + type + (enable ? (" to " + filename) : "");
ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled = enable;
//ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = enable;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedEntity != null) && enable;
public void EnableYndUI(bool enable, string filename)
string type = "node";
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.Path: type = "node"; break;
if (enable) //only do something if a ynd is selected - EnableYmapUI will handle the no selection case..
ToolbarAddItemButton.ToolTipText = "Add " + type + (enable ? (" to " + filename) : "");
ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled = enable;
//ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = enable;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedPathNode != null) && enable;
public void EnableYnvUI(bool enable, string filename)
string type = "polygon";
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.NavMesh: type = "polygon"; break;
if (enable) //only do something if a ynv is selected - EnableYmapUI will handle the no selection case..
ToolbarAddItemButton.ToolTipText = "Add " + type + (enable ? (" to " + filename) : "");
ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled = enable;
//ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = enable;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedNavPoly != null) && enable;
public void EnableTrainsUI(bool enable, string filename)
string type = "node";
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.TrainTrack: type = "node"; break;
if (enable) //only do something if a track is selected - EnableYmapUI will handle the no selection case..
ToolbarAddItemButton.ToolTipText = "Add " + type + (enable ? (" to " + filename) : "");
ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled = enable;
//ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = enable;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = false;// (CopiedTrainNode != null) && enable;
public void EnableScenarioUI(bool enable, string filename)
string type = "scenario point";
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.Scenario: type = "scenario point"; break;
if (enable) //only do something if a scenario is selected - EnableYmapUI will handle the no selection case..
ToolbarAddItemButton.ToolTipText = "Add " + type + (enable ? (" to " + filename) : "");
ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled = enable;
//ToolbarDeleteEntityButton.Enabled = enable;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedScenarioNode != null) && enable;
private void New()
if (ProjectForm.IsProjectLoaded)
private void NewProject()
private void NewYmap()
private void NewYnd()
private void NewYnv()
private void NewTrainTrack()
private void NewScenario()
private void Open()
if (ProjectForm.IsProjectLoaded)
private void OpenProject()
private void OpenYmap()
private void OpenYnd()
private void OpenYnv()
private void OpenTrainTrack()
private void OpenScenario()
private void Save()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void SaveAll()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void AddItem()
switch (SelectionMode)
case MapSelectionMode.Entity: AddEntity(); break;
case MapSelectionMode.CarGenerator: AddCarGen(); break;
case MapSelectionMode.Path: AddPathNode(); break;
case MapSelectionMode.NavMesh: AddNavPoly(); break;
case MapSelectionMode.TrainTrack: AddTrainNode(); break;
case MapSelectionMode.Scenario: AddScenarioNode(); break;
private void DeleteItem()
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef != null) DeleteEntity();
else if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator != null) DeleteCarGen();
else if (SelectedItem.PathNode != null) DeletePathNode();
else if (SelectedItem.NavPoly != null) DeleteNavPoly();
else if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode != null) DeleteTrainNode();
else if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode != null) DeleteScenarioNode();
private void CopyItem()
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef != null) CopyEntity();
else if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator != null) CopyCarGen();
else if (SelectedItem.PathNode != null) CopyPathNode();
else if (SelectedItem.NavPoly != null) CopyNavPoly();
else if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode != null) CopyTrainNode();
else if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode != null) CopyScenarioNode();
private void PasteItem()
if (CopiedEntity != null) PasteEntity();
else if (CopiedCarGen != null) PasteCarGen();
else if (CopiedPathNode != null) PastePathNode();
else if (CopiedNavPoly != null) PasteNavPoly();
else if (CopiedTrainNode != null) PasteTrainNode();
else if (CopiedScenarioNode != null) PasteScenarioNode();
private void CloneItem()
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef != null) CloneEntity();
else if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator != null) CloneCarGen();
else if (SelectedItem.PathNode != null) ClonePathNode();
else if (SelectedItem.NavPoly != null) CloneNavPoly();
else if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode != null) CloneTrainNode();
else if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode != null) CloneScenarioNode();
private void AddEntity()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void DeleteEntity()
var ent = SelectedItem.EntityDef;
if (ent == null) return;
if ((ProjectForm != null) && (ProjectForm.IsCurrentEntity(ent)))
if (!ProjectForm.DeleteEntity())
//MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete this entity from the current project. Make sure the entity's ymap exists in the current project.");
//project not open, or entity not selected there, just remove the entity from the ymap...
var ymap = ent.Ymap;
if (ymap == null)
MessageBox.Show("Sorry, deleting interior entities is not currently supported.");
else if (!ymap.RemoveEntity(ent))
MessageBox.Show("Unable to remove entity.");
private void CopyEntity()
CopiedEntity = SelectedItem.EntityDef;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedEntity != null) && ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled;
private void PasteEntity()
if (CopiedEntity == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void CloneEntity()
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
ProjectForm.NewEntity(SelectedItem.EntityDef, true);
private void AddCarGen()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void DeleteCarGen()
var cargen = SelectedItem.CarGenerator;
if (cargen == null) return;
if ((ProjectForm != null) && (ProjectForm.IsCurrentCarGen(cargen)))
if (!ProjectForm.DeleteCarGen())
//MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete this car generator from the current project. Make sure the car generator's ymap exists in the current project.");
//project not open, or cargen not selected there, just remove the cargen from the ymap...
var ymap = cargen.Ymap;
if (!ymap.RemoveCarGen(cargen))
MessageBox.Show("Unable to remove car generator.");
private void CopyCarGen()
CopiedCarGen = SelectedItem.CarGenerator;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedCarGen != null) && ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled;
private void PasteCarGen()
if (CopiedCarGen == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void CloneCarGen()
if (SelectedItem.CarGenerator == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
ProjectForm.NewCarGen(SelectedItem.CarGenerator, true);
private void AddPathNode()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void DeletePathNode()
var pathnode = SelectedItem.PathNode;
if (pathnode == null) return;
if ((ProjectForm != null) && (ProjectForm.IsCurrentPathNode(pathnode)))
if (!ProjectForm.DeletePathNode())
//MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete this path node from the current project. Make sure the path node's ynd exists in the current project.");
//project not open, or cargen not selected there, just remove the cargen from the ymap...
var ynd = pathnode.Ynd;
if (!ynd.RemoveNode(pathnode))
MessageBox.Show("Unable to remove path node.");
UpdatePathNodeGraphics(pathnode, false);
private void CopyPathNode()
CopiedPathNode = SelectedItem.PathNode;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedPathNode != null) && ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled;
private void PastePathNode()
if (CopiedPathNode == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void ClonePathNode()
if (SelectedItem.PathNode == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
ProjectForm.NewPathNode(SelectedItem.PathNode, true);
private void AddNavPoly()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void DeleteNavPoly()
var navpoly = SelectedItem.NavPoly;
if (navpoly == null) return;
if ((ProjectForm != null) && (ProjectForm.IsCurrentNavPoly(navpoly)))
if (!ProjectForm.DeleteNavPoly())
//MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete this nav poly from the current project. Make sure the nav poly's ynv exists in the current project.");
//project not open, or nav poly not selected there, just remove the poly from the ynv...
var ynv = navpoly.Ynv;
if (!ynv.RemovePoly(navpoly))
MessageBox.Show("Unable to remove nav poly. NavMesh editing TODO!");
UpdateNavPolyGraphics(navpoly, false);
private void CopyNavPoly()
CopiedNavPoly = SelectedItem.NavPoly;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedNavPoly != null) && ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled;
private void PasteNavPoly()
if (CopiedNavPoly == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void CloneNavPoly()
if (SelectedItem.NavPoly == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
ProjectForm.NewNavPoly(SelectedItem.NavPoly, true);
private void AddTrainNode()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void DeleteTrainNode()
var trainnode = SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode;
if (trainnode == null) return;
if ((ProjectForm != null) && (ProjectForm.IsCurrentTrainNode(trainnode)))
if (!ProjectForm.DeleteTrainNode())
//MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete this train track node from the current project. Make sure the path train track file exists in the current project.");
//project not open, or train node not selected there, just remove the node from the train track...
var track = trainnode.Track;
if (!track.RemoveNode(trainnode))
MessageBox.Show("Unable to remove train track node.");
UpdateTrainTrackNodeGraphics(trainnode, false);
private void CopyTrainNode()
CopiedTrainNode = SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedTrainNode != null) && ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled;
private void PasteTrainNode()
if (CopiedTrainNode == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void CloneTrainNode()
if (SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
ProjectForm.NewTrainNode(SelectedItem.TrainTrackNode, true);
private void AddScenarioNode()
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void DeleteScenarioNode()
var scenariopt = SelectedItem.ScenarioNode;
if (scenariopt == null) return;
if ((ProjectForm != null) && (ProjectForm.IsCurrentScenarioNode(scenariopt)))
if (!ProjectForm.DeleteScenarioNode())
//MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete this scenario point from the current project. Make sure the scenario file exists in the current project.");
//project not open, or scenario point not selected there, just remove the point from the region...
var region = scenariopt.Region.Ymt.ScenarioRegion;
if (!region.RemoveNode(scenariopt))
MessageBox.Show("Unable to remove scenario point.");
UpdateScenarioGraphics(scenariopt.Ymt, false);
private void CopyScenarioNode()
CopiedScenarioNode = SelectedItem.ScenarioNode;
ToolbarPasteButton.Enabled = (CopiedScenarioNode != null) && ToolbarAddItemButton.Enabled;
private void PasteScenarioNode()
if (CopiedScenarioNode == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
private void CloneScenarioNode()
if (SelectedItem.ScenarioNode == null) return;
if (ProjectForm == null) return;
ProjectForm.NewScenarioNode(SelectedItem.ScenarioNode, true);
private void SetMouseSelect(bool enable)
MouseSelectEnabled = enable;
MouseSelectCheckBox.Checked = enable;
ToolbarSelectButton.Checked = enable;
if (InfoForm != null)
InfoForm.SetSelectionMode(SelectionModeStr, MouseSelectEnabled);
private void SetWidgetMode(string mode)
ToolbarMoveButton.Checked = false;
ToolbarRotateButton.Checked = false;
ToolbarScaleButton.Checked = false;
lock (rendersyncroot)
switch (mode)
case "Default":
Widget.Mode = WidgetMode.Default;
iseditmode = false;
case "Position":
Widget.Mode = WidgetMode.Position;
iseditmode = true;
ToolbarMoveButton.Checked = true;
case "Rotation":
Widget.Mode = WidgetMode.Rotation;
iseditmode = true;
ToolbarRotateButton.Checked = true;
case "Scale":
Widget.Mode = WidgetMode.Scale;
iseditmode = true;
ToolbarScaleButton.Checked = true;
private void SetWidgetSpace(string space)
foreach (var child in ToolbarTransformSpaceButton.DropDownItems)
var childi = child as ToolStripMenuItem;
if (childi != null)
childi.Checked = false;
lock (rendersyncroot)
switch (space)
case "World space":
Widget.ObjectSpace = false;
ToolbarTransformSpaceButton.Image = ToolbarWorldSpaceButton.Image;
ToolbarWorldSpaceButton.Checked = true;
case "Object space":
Widget.ObjectSpace = true;
ToolbarTransformSpaceButton.Image = ToolbarObjectSpaceButton.Image;
ToolbarObjectSpaceButton.Checked = true;
private void ToggleWidgetSpace()
SetWidgetSpace(Widget.ObjectSpace ? "World space" : "Object space");
private void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen)
if (fullscreen)
FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;
private void SetBoundsMode(string modestr)
BoundsShaderMode mode = BoundsShaderMode.None;
switch (modestr)
case "Boxes":
mode = BoundsShaderMode.Box;
case "Spheres":
mode = BoundsShaderMode.Sphere;
boundsmode = mode;
private void SetSelectionMode(string modestr)
foreach (var child in ToolbarSelectButton.DropDownItems)
var childi = child as ToolStripMenuItem;
if (childi != null)
childi.Checked = false;
MapSelectionMode mode = MapSelectionMode.Entity;
switch (modestr)
case "Entity":
mode = MapSelectionMode.Entity;
ToolbarSelectEntityButton.Checked = true;
case "Entity Extension":
mode = MapSelectionMode.EntityExtension;
ToolbarSelectEntityExtensionButton.Checked = true;
case "Archetype Extension":
mode = MapSelectionMode.ArchetypeExtension;
ToolbarSelectArchetypeExtensionButton.Checked = true;
case "Time Cycle Modifier":
mode = MapSelectionMode.TimeCycleModifier;
ToolbarSelectTimeCycleModifierButton.Checked = true;
case "Car Generator":
mode = MapSelectionMode.CarGenerator;
ToolbarSelectCarGeneratorButton.Checked = true;
case "Grass":
mode = MapSelectionMode.Grass;
ToolbarSelectGrassButton.Checked = true;
case "Water Quad":
mode = MapSelectionMode.WaterQuad;
ToolbarSelectWaterQuadButton.Checked = true;
case "Collision":
mode = MapSelectionMode.Collision;
ToolbarSelectCollisionButton.Checked = true;
case "Nav Mesh":
mode = MapSelectionMode.NavMesh;
ToolbarSelectNavMeshButton.Checked = true;
case "Path":
mode = MapSelectionMode.Path;
ToolbarSelectPathButton.Checked = true;
case "Train Track":
mode = MapSelectionMode.TrainTrack;
ToolbarSelectTrainTrackButton.Checked = true;
case "Distant Lod Lights":
mode = MapSelectionMode.DistantLodLights;
ToolbarSelectDistantLodLightsButton.Checked = true;
case "Mlo Instance":
mode = MapSelectionMode.MloInstance;
ToolbarSelectMloInstanceButton.Checked = true;
case "Scenario":
mode = MapSelectionMode.Scenario;
ToolbarSelectScenarioButton.Checked = true;
case "Audio":
mode = MapSelectionMode.Audio;
ToolbarSelectAudioButton.Checked = true;
SelectionMode = mode;
SelectionModeStr = modestr;
if (SelectionModeComboBox.Text != modestr)
SelectionModeComboBox.Text = modestr;
if (InfoForm != null)
InfoForm.SetSelectionMode(modestr, MouseSelectEnabled);
private void SetCameraMode(string modestr)
foreach (var child in ToolbarCameraModeButton.DropDownItems)
var childi = child as ToolStripMenuItem;
if (childi != null)
childi.Checked = false;
lock (rendersyncroot)
switch (modestr)
case "Perspective":
camera.IsOrthographic = false;
MapViewEnabled = false;
camera.UpdateProj = true;
ToolbarCameraModeButton.Image = ToolbarCameraPerspectiveButton.Image;
ToolbarCameraPerspectiveButton.Checked = true;
case "Orthographic":
camera.IsOrthographic = true;
MapViewEnabled = false;
ToolbarCameraModeButton.Image = ToolbarCameraOrthographicButton.Image;
ToolbarCameraOrthographicButton.Checked = true;
case "2D Map":
camera.IsOrthographic = true;
MapViewEnabled = true;
ToolbarCameraModeButton.Image = ToolbarCameraMapViewButton.Image;
ToolbarCameraMapViewButton.Checked = true;
camera.IsMapView = MapViewEnabled;
FieldOfViewTrackBar.Enabled = !MapViewEnabled;
MapViewDetailTrackBar.Enabled = MapViewEnabled;
if (CameraModeComboBox.Text != modestr)
CameraModeComboBox.Text = modestr;
private void ToggleCameraMode()
SetCameraMode(MapViewEnabled ? "Perspective" : "2D Map");
private void ToggleToolbar()
ToolbarPanel.Visible = !ToolbarPanel.Visible;
ShowToolbarCheckBox.Checked = ToolbarPanel.Visible;
private void StatsUpdateTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
int rgc = (shaders != null) ? shaders.RenderedGeometries : 0;
int crc = renderableCache.LoadedRenderableCount;
int ctc = renderableCache.LoadedTextureCount;
int tcrc = renderableCache.MemCachedRenderableCount;
int tctc = renderableCache.MemCachedTextureCount;
long vr = renderableCache.TotalGraphicsMemoryUse + (shaders != null ? shaders.TotalGraphicsMemoryUse : 0);
string vram = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(vr);
//StatsLabel.Text = string.Format("Drawn: {0} geom, Loaded: {1}/{5} dr, {2}/{6} tx, Vram: {3}, Fps: {4}", rgc, crc, ctc, vram, fps, tcrc, tctc);
StatsLabel.Text = string.Format("Drawn: {0} geom, Loaded: {1} dr, {2} tx, Vram: {3}, Fps: {4}", rgc, crc, ctc, vram, fps);
if (timerunning)
float fv = timeofday * 60.0f;
TimeOfDayTrackBar.Value = (int)fv;
CameraPositionTextBox.Text = FloatUtil.GetVector3String(camera.Position, "0.##");
private void WorldForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void WorldForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
//if (ProjectForm != null)
// if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to quit CodeWalker?", "Confirm quit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)
// {
// e.Cancel = true; //unfortunately this doesn't catch the event early enough! :(
// }
private void WorldForm_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
switch (e.Button)
case MouseButtons.Left: MouseLButtonDown = true; break;
case MouseButtons.Right: MouseRButtonDown = true; break;
MouseDownPoint = e.Location;
MouseLastPoint = MouseDownPoint;
if (ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free)
if (MouseLButtonDown)
if (MousedMarker != null)
if (MousedMarker.IsMovable)
GrabbedMarker = MousedMarker;
SelectedMarker = MousedMarker;
if (GrabbedWidget != null)
GrabbedWidget.IsDragging = false;
GrabbedWidget = null;
if (ShowWidget && Widget.IsUnderMouse)
GrabbedWidget = Widget;
GrabbedWidget.IsDragging = true;
if (ShiftPressed)
if (GrabbedWidget != null)
GrabbedWidget.IsDragging = false;
GrabbedWidget = null;
if (CtrlPressed)
GrabbedMarker = null;
if (MouseRButtonDown)
lock (MouseControlSyncRoot)
MouseControlButtons |= e.Button;
MouseX = e.X; //to stop jumps happening on mousedown, sometimes the last MouseMove event was somewhere else... (eg after clicked a menu)
MouseY = e.Y;
private void WorldForm_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
switch (e.Button)
case MouseButtons.Left: MouseLButtonDown = false; break;
case MouseButtons.Right: MouseRButtonDown = false; break;
lock (MouseControlSyncRoot)
MouseControlButtons &= ~e.Button;
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
GrabbedMarker = null;
if (GrabbedWidget != null)
GrabbedWidget.IsDragging = false;
GrabbedWidget = null;
if ((e.Location == MouseDownPoint) && (MousedMarker == null))
//was clicked. but not on a marker... deselect and hide the panel
SelectedMarker = null;
private void WorldForm_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
int dx = e.X - MouseX;
int dy = e.Y - MouseY;
if (ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free)
if (MouseLButtonDown)
if (GrabbedMarker == null)
if (GrabbedWidget == null)
if (MapViewEnabled == false)
camera.MouseRotate(dx, dy);
//need to move the camera entity XY with mouse in mapview mode...
MapViewDragX += dx;
MapViewDragY += dy;
//grabbed widget will move itself in Update() when IsDragging==true
//move the grabbed marker...
//float uptx = (CurrentMap != null) ? CurrentMap.UnitsPerTexelX : 1.0f;
//float upty = (CurrentMap != null) ? CurrentMap.UnitsPerTexelY : 1.0f;
//Vector3 wpos = GrabbedMarker.WorldPos;
//wpos.X += dx * uptx;
//wpos.Y += dy * upty;
//GrabbedMarker.WorldPos = wpos;
//if (GrabbedMarker == LocatorMarker)
// LocateTextBox.Text = LocatorMarker.ToString();
// WorldCoordTextBox.Text = LocatorMarker.Get2DWorldPosString();
// TextureCoordTextBox.Text = LocatorMarker.Get2DTexturePosString();
if (MouseRButtonDown)
if (controllightdir)
lightdirx += (dx * camera.Sensitivity);
lightdiry += (dy * camera.Sensitivity);
else if (controltimeofday)
timeofday += (dx - dy) / 30.0f;
while (timeofday >= 24.0f) timeofday -= 24.0f;
while (timeofday < 0.0f) timeofday += 24.0f;
float fv = timeofday * 60.0f;
TimeOfDayTrackBar.Value = (int)fv;
MouseX = e.X;
MouseY = e.Y;
MouseLastPoint = e.Location;
lock (MouseControlSyncRoot)
MouseControlX += dx;
MouseControlY += dy;
//MouseControlButtons = e.Button;
var newpos = PointToScreen(MouseLastPoint);
if (Cursor.Position != newpos)
Cursor.Position = newpos;
MousedMarker = FindMousedMarker();
if (Cursor != Cursors.WaitCursor)
if (MousedMarker != null)
if (MousedMarker.IsMovable)
Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void WorldForm_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Delta != 0)
if (ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free)
lock (MouseControlSyncRoot)
MouseControlWheel += e.Delta;
private void WorldForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (ActiveControl is TextBox)
var tb = ActiveControl as TextBox;
if (!tb.ReadOnly) return; //don't move the camera when typing!
if (ActiveControl is ComboBox)
var cb = ActiveControl as ComboBox;
if (cb.DropDownStyle != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) return; //nontypable combobox
var k = e.KeyCode;
bool ctrl = (e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) > 0;
bool shift = (e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) > 0;
CtrlPressed = ctrl;
ShiftPressed = shift;
bool enablemove = (!iseditmode) || (MouseLButtonDown && (GrabbedMarker == null) && (GrabbedWidget == null));
enablemove = enablemove && (!ctrl);
//WASD move the camera entity...
if (enablemove)
if (k == keyBindings.MoveForward) kbmovefwd = true;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveBackward) kbmovebck = true;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveLeft) kbmovelft = true;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveRight) kbmovergt = true;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveUp) kbmoveup = true;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveDown) kbmovedn = true;
if (k == keyBindings.Jump) kbjump = true;
bool moving = kbmovefwd || kbmovebck || kbmovelft || kbmovergt || kbmoveup || kbmovedn || kbjump;
if (!ctrl)
if (k == keyBindings.MoveSlowerZoomIn)
if (k == keyBindings.MoveFasterZoomOut)
if (!moving) //don't trigger further actions if moving.
if (!ctrl)
//switch widget modes and spaces.
if ((k == keyBindings.ExitEditMode))
if (Widget.Mode == WidgetMode.Default) ToggleWidgetSpace();
else SetWidgetMode("Default");
if ((k == keyBindings.EditPosition))// && !enablemove)
if (Widget.Mode == WidgetMode.Position) ToggleWidgetSpace();
else SetWidgetMode("Position");
if ((k == keyBindings.EditRotation))// && !enablemove)
if (Widget.Mode == WidgetMode.Rotation) ToggleWidgetSpace();
else SetWidgetMode("Rotation");
if ((k == keyBindings.EditScale))// && !enablemove)
if (Widget.Mode == WidgetMode.Scale) ToggleWidgetSpace();
else SetWidgetMode("Scale");
if (k == keyBindings.ToggleMouseSelect)
if (k == keyBindings.ToggleToolbar)
if (k == keyBindings.FirstPerson)
SetControlMode((ControlMode == WorldControlMode.Free) ? WorldControlMode.Ped : WorldControlMode.Free);
switch (k)
case Keys.N:
case Keys.O:
case Keys.S:
if (shift) SaveAll();
else Save();
case Keys.Z:
case Keys.Y:
case Keys.C:
case Keys.V:
case Keys.U:
ToolsPanelShowButton.Visible = !ToolsPanelShowButton.Visible;
if (k == Keys.Escape) //temporary? panic get cursor back when in first person mode
if (ControlMode != WorldControlMode.Free) SetControlMode(WorldControlMode.Free);
if (ControlMode != WorldControlMode.Free)
e.Handled = true;
private void WorldForm_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
bool ctrl = (e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) > 0;
bool shift = (e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) > 0;
CtrlPressed = ctrl;
ShiftPressed = shift;
if (ActiveControl is TextBox)
var tb = ActiveControl as TextBox;
if (!tb.ReadOnly) return; //don't move the camera when typing!
if (ActiveControl is ComboBox)
var cb = ActiveControl as ComboBox;
if (cb.DropDownStyle != ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList) return; //non-typable combobox
var k = e.KeyCode;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveForward) kbmovefwd = false;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveBackward) kbmovebck = false;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveLeft) kbmovelft = false;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveRight) kbmovergt = false;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveUp) kbmoveup = false;
if (k == keyBindings.MoveDown) kbmovedn = false;
if (k == keyBindings.Jump) kbjump = false;
if (ControlMode != WorldControlMode.Free)
e.Handled = true;
private void WorldForm_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
//try not to lock keyboard movement if the form loses focus.
kbmovefwd = false;
kbmovebck = false;
kbmovelft = false;
kbmovergt = false;
kbmoveup = false;
kbmovedn = false;
kbjump = false;
private void ViewModeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool prevmodel = !(rendermaps || renderworld);
string mode = (string)ViewModeComboBox.SelectedItem;
switch (mode)
case "World view":
rendermaps = false;
renderworld = true;
ViewTabControl.SelectedTab = ViewWorldTabPage;
case "Ymap view":
rendermaps = true;
renderworld = false;
ViewTabControl.SelectedTab = ViewYmapsTabPage;
case "Model view":
rendermaps = false;
renderworld = false;
ViewTabControl.SelectedTab = ViewModelTabPage;
if ((camera == null) || (camera.FollowEntity == null)) return;
if (rendermaps || renderworld)
if (prevmodel) //only change location if the last mode was model mode
camera.FollowEntity.Position = prevworldpos;
prevworldpos = camera.FollowEntity.Position;
camera.FollowEntity.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
private void ModelComboBox_TextUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e)
modelname = ModelComboBox.Text;
private void ModelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
modelname = ModelComboBox.Text;
private void YmapsTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ymaplist = YmapsTextBox.Text.Split(new[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
private void ToolsPanelHideButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolsPanel.Visible = false;
private void ToolsPanelShowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolsPanel.Visible = true;
private void WireframeCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
shaders.wireframe = WireframeCheckBox.Checked;
private void GrassCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
rendergrass = GrassCheckBox.Checked;
private void TimedEntitiesCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lock (rendersyncroot)
rendertimedents = TimedEntitiesCheckBox.Checked;
private void TimedEntitiesAlwaysOnCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
rendertimedentsalways = TimedEntitiesAlwaysOnCheckBox.Checked;
private void InteriorsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderinteriors = InteriorsCheckBox.Checked;
private void WaterQuadsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderwaterquads = WaterQuadsCheckBox.Checked;
private void ProxiesCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lock (rendersyncroot)
renderproxies = ProxiesCheckBox.Checked;
private void PathsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderpaths = PathsCheckBox.Checked;
private void PathBoundsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderpathbounds = PathBoundsCheckBox.Checked;
private void TrainPathsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
rendertraintracks = TrainPathsCheckBox.Checked;
private void NavMeshesCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
rendernavmeshes = NavMeshesCheckBox.Checked;
private void PathsDepthClipCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
shaders.PathsDepthClip = PathsDepthClipCheckBox.Checked;
private void ErrorConsoleCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ConsolePanel.Visible = ErrorConsoleCheckBox.Checked;
private void DynamicLODCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
usedynamiclod = DynamicLODCheckBox.Checked;
ShowYmapChildrenCheckBox.Enabled = !usedynamiclod;
private void DetailTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
lodthreshold = 50.0f / (0.1f + (float)DetailTrackBar.Value);
private void WaitForChildrenCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
waitforchildrentoload = WaitForChildrenCheckBox.Checked;
private void ReloadShadersButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (currentdevice == null) return; //can't do this with no device
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
pauserendering = true;
lock (rendersyncroot)
if (shaders != null)
shaders = new ShaderManager(currentdevice, dxman);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error loading shaders!\n" + ex.ToString());
pauserendering = false;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void MarkerStyleComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MapIcon icon = MarkerStyleComboBox.SelectedItem as MapIcon;
if (icon != MarkerIcon)
MarkerIcon = icon;
foreach (MapMarker m in Markers)
m.Icon = icon;
private void LocatorStyleComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MapIcon icon = LocatorStyleComboBox.SelectedItem as MapIcon;
if (icon != LocatorIcon)
LocatorIcon = icon;
LocatorMarker.Icon = icon;
private void ShowLocatorCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
RenderLocator = ShowLocatorCheckBox.Checked;
private void LocateTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (GrabbedMarker == LocatorMarker) return; //don't try to update the marker if it's being dragged
if (LocatorMarker == null) return; //this shouldn't happen, but anyway
private void GoToButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void AddMarkersButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] lines = MultiFindTextBox.Text.Split('\n');
foreach (string line in lines)
private void ClearMarkersButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MultiFindTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
private void ResetMarkersButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void AddCurrentPositonMarkerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AddMarker(camera.Position, "Marker", true);
private void AddSelectionMarkerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (SelectedItem.EntityDef == null)
{ return; }
Vector3 pos = SelectedItem.EntityDef.Position;
string name = SelectedItem.EntityDef.CEntityDef.archetypeName.ToString();
var marker = AddMarker(pos, name, true);
SelectedMarker = marker;
private void MarkerDepthClipCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
markerdepthclip = MarkerDepthClipCheckBox.Checked;
private void ShadowsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lock (rendersyncroot)
shaders.shadows = ShadowsCheckBox.Checked;
private void SkydomeCheckbox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderskydome = SkydomeCheckBox.Checked;
private void BoundsStyleComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var val = BoundsStyleComboBox.SelectedItem;
var strval = val as string;
private void BoundsDepthClipCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderboundsclip = BoundsDepthClipCheckBox.Checked;
private void BoundsRangeTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
float fv = BoundsRangeTrackBar.Value;
renderboundsmaxdist = fv * fv;
private void MouseSelectCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SelectionBoundsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShowSelectionBounds = SelectionBoundsCheckBox.Checked;
private void PopZonesCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderpopzones = PopZonesCheckBox.Checked;
private void ToolsPanelExpandButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
toolspanelexpanded = !toolspanelexpanded;
int oldwidth = ToolsPanel.Width;
if (toolspanelexpanded)
ToolsPanelExpandButton.Text = ">>";
ToolsPanelExpandButton.Text = "<<";
ToolsPanel.Width = toolspanellastwidth; //or extended width
ToolsPanel.Left -= (toolspanellastwidth - oldwidth);
toolspanellastwidth = oldwidth;
private void ToolsDragPanel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
toolsPanelResizing = true;
toolsPanelResizeStartX = e.X + ToolsPanel.Left;
toolsPanelResizeStartLeft = ToolsPanel.Left;
toolsPanelResizeStartRight = ToolsPanel.Right;
private void ToolsDragPanel_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
toolsPanelResizing = false;
private void ToolsDragPanel_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (toolsPanelResizing)
int rx = e.X + ToolsPanel.Left;
int dx = rx - toolsPanelResizeStartX;
ToolsPanel.Left = toolsPanelResizeStartLeft + dx;
ToolsPanel.Width = toolsPanelResizeStartRight - toolsPanelResizeStartLeft - dx;
private void FullScreenCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ControlSettingsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void AdvancedSettingsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ReloadSettingsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SaveSettingsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void QuitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Really quit?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
private void AboutButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AboutForm f = new AboutForm();
private void ToolsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolsMenu.Show(ToolsButton, 0, ToolsButton.Height);
private void ToolsMenuRPFBrowser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BrowseForm f = new BrowseForm();
private void ToolsMenuRPFExplorer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ExploreForm f = new ExploreForm();
private void ToolsMenuSelectionInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolsMenuProjectWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolsMenuWorldSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolsMenuBinarySearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BinarySearchForm f = new BinarySearchForm();
private void ToolsMenuJenkGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
JenkGenForm f = new JenkGenForm();
private void ToolsMenuJenkInd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
JenkIndForm f = new JenkIndForm(gameFileCache);
private void ToolsMenuExtractScripts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ExtractScriptsForm f = new ExtractScriptsForm();
private void ToolsMenuExtractTextures_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ExtractTexForm f = new ExtractTexForm();
private void ToolsMenuExtractRawFiles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ExtractRawForm f = new ExtractRawForm();
private void ToolsMenuExtractShaders_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ExtractShadersForm f = new ExtractShadersForm();
private void ToolsMenuOptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void StatusBarCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
StatusStrip.Visible = StatusBarCheckBox.Checked;
private void RenderModeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextureSamplerComboBox.Enabled = false;
TextureCoordsComboBox.Enabled = false;
switch (RenderModeComboBox.Text)
case "Default":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.Default;
case "Single texture":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.SingleTexture;
TextureSamplerComboBox.Enabled = true;
TextureCoordsComboBox.Enabled = true;
case "Vertex normals":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.VertexNormals;
case "Vertex tangents":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.VertexTangents;
case "Vertex colour 1":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.VertexColour;
shaders.RenderVertexColourIndex = 1;
case "Vertex colour 2":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.VertexColour;
shaders.RenderVertexColourIndex = 2;
case "Vertex colour 3":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.VertexColour;
shaders.RenderVertexColourIndex = 3;
case "Texture coord 1":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.TextureCoord;
shaders.RenderTextureCoordIndex = 1;
case "Texture coord 2":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.TextureCoord;
shaders.RenderTextureCoordIndex = 2;
case "Texture coord 3":
shaders.RenderMode = WorldRenderMode.TextureCoord;
shaders.RenderTextureCoordIndex = 3;
private void TextureSamplerComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TextureSamplerComboBox.SelectedItem is MetaName)
shaders.RenderTextureSampler = (MetaName)TextureSamplerComboBox.SelectedItem;
private void TextureCoordsComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (TextureCoordsComboBox.Text)
case "Texture coord 1":
shaders.RenderTextureSamplerCoord = 1;
case "Texture coord 2":
shaders.RenderTextureSamplerCoord = 2;
case "Texture coord 3":
shaders.RenderTextureSamplerCoord = 3;
private void CollisionMeshesCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
rendercollisionmeshes = CollisionMeshesCheckBox.Checked;
private void CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
collisionmeshrange = CollisionMeshRangeTrackBar.Value;
private void CollisionMeshLayer0CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
collisionmeshlayers[0] = CollisionMeshLayer0CheckBox.Checked;
private void CollisionMeshLayer1CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
collisionmeshlayers[1] = CollisionMeshLayer1CheckBox.Checked;
private void CollisionMeshLayer2CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
collisionmeshlayers[2] = CollisionMeshLayer2CheckBox.Checked;
private void CollisionMeshLayerDrawableCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
collisionmeshlayerdrawable = CollisionMeshLayerDrawableCheckBox.Checked;
private void ControlLightDirectionCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
controllightdir = ControlLightDirectionCheckBox.Checked;
if (controllightdir)
ControlTimeOfDayCheckBox.Checked = false;
private void ControlTimeOfDayCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
controltimeofday = ControlTimeOfDayCheckBox.Checked;
if (controltimeofday)
ControlLightDirectionCheckBox.Checked = false;
private void ShowYmapChildrenCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderchildents = ShowYmapChildrenCheckBox.Checked;
private void HDRRenderingCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lock (rendersyncroot)
shaders.hdr = HDRRenderingCheckBox.Checked;
private void AnisotropicFilteringCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
shaders.AnisotropicFiltering = AnisotropicFilteringCheckBox.Checked;
private void WorldMaxLodComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (WorldMaxLodComboBox.Text)
case "ORPHANHD":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD;
case "HD":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_HD;
case "LOD":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_LOD;
case "SLOD1":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD1;
case "SLOD2":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD2;
case "SLOD3":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD3;
case "SLOD4":
renderworldMaxLOD = Unk_1264241711.LODTYPES_DEPTH_SLOD4;
private void WorldLodDistTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
float loddist = ((float)WorldLodDistTrackBar.Value) * 0.1f;
renderworldLodDistMult = loddist;
WorldLodDistLabel.Text = loddist.ToString("0.0");
private void WorldDetailDistTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
float detdist = ((float)WorldDetailDistTrackBar.Value) * 0.1f;
renderworldDetailDistMult = detdist;
WorldDetailDistLabel.Text = detdist.ToString("0.0");
private void WorldScriptedYmapsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShowScriptedYmaps = WorldScriptedYmapsCheckBox.Checked;
private void WorldYmapTimeFilterCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
worldymaptimefilter = WorldYmapTimeFilterCheckBox.Checked;
private void WorldYmapWeatherFilterCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
worldymapweatherfilter = WorldYmapWeatherFilterCheckBox.Checked;
private void EnableModsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!initialised) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
MessageBox.Show("Please close the Project Window before enabling or disabling mods.");
private void EnableDlcCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!initialised) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
MessageBox.Show("Please close the Project Window before enabling or disabling DLC.");
SetDlcLevel(DlcLevelComboBox.Text, EnableDlcCheckBox.Checked);
private void DlcLevelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!initialised) return;
if (ProjectForm != null)
MessageBox.Show("Please close the Project Window before changing the DLC level.");
SetDlcLevel(DlcLevelComboBox.Text, EnableDlcCheckBox.Checked);
private void TimeOfDayTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
int v = TimeOfDayTrackBar.Value;
float fh = v / 60.0f;
lock (rendersyncroot)
timeofday = fh;
private void WeatherComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(rendersyncroot, 50))
{ return; } //couldn't get a lock...
weathertype = WeatherComboBox.Text;
private void WeatherRegionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
weather.Region = WeatherRegionComboBox.Text;
private void CloudsComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if (!Monitor.TryEnter(rendersyncroot, 50))
//{ return; } //couldn't get a lock...
individualcloudfrag = CloudsComboBox.Text;
private void DistantLODLightsCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderdistlodlights = DistantLODLightsCheckBox.Checked;
private void NaturalAmbientLightCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
rendernaturalambientlight = NaturalAmbientLightCheckBox.Checked;
private void ArtificialAmbientLightCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
renderartificialambientlight = ArtificialAmbientLightCheckBox.Checked;
private void TimeStartStopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
timerunning = !timerunning;
TimeStartStopButton.Text = timerunning ? "Stop" : "Start";
private void TimeSpeedTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
float tv = TimeSpeedTrackBar.Value * 0.01f;
//when tv=0, speed=0 min/sec
//when tv=0.5, speed=0.5 min/sec
//when tv=1, speed=128 min/sec
timespeed = 128.0f * tv * tv * tv * tv * tv * tv * tv * tv;
TimeSpeedLabel.Text = timespeed.ToString("0.###") + " min/sec";
private void CameraModeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void MapViewDetailTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
float det = ((float)MapViewDetailTrackBar.Value) * 0.1f;
MapViewDetailLabel.Text = det.ToString("0.0#");
lock (rendersyncroot)
MapViewDetail = det;
private void FieldOfViewTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
float fov = FieldOfViewTrackBar.Value * 0.01f;
FieldOfViewLabel.Text = fov.ToString("0.0#");
lock (rendersyncroot)
camera.FieldOfView = fov;
camera.UpdateProj = true;
private void CloudParamComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
CloudAnimSetting setting = CloudParamComboBox.SelectedItem as CloudAnimSetting;
if (setting != null)
float rng = setting.MaxValue - setting.MinValue;
float cval = (setting.CurrentValue - setting.MinValue) / rng;
int ival = (int)(cval * 200.0f);
ival = Math.Min(Math.Max(ival, 0), 200);
CloudParamTrackBar.Value = ival;
private void CloudParamTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
CloudAnimSetting setting = CloudParamComboBox.SelectedItem as CloudAnimSetting;
if (setting != null)
float rng = setting.MaxValue - setting.MinValue;
float fval = CloudParamTrackBar.Value / 200.0f;
float cval = (fval * rng) + setting.MinValue;
setting.CurrentValue = cval;
private void SelDrawableModelsTreeView_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
if (e.Node != null)
if (InfoForm != null)
private void SelDrawableModelsTreeView_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
if (e.Node != null)
e.Node.Checked = !e.Node.Checked;
private void SelDrawableModelsTreeView_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true; //stops annoying ding sound...
private void SelectionWidgetCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ShowWidget = SelectionWidgetCheckBox.Checked;
private void ShowToolbarCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolbarPanel.Visible = ShowToolbarCheckBox.Checked;
private void ToolbarNewButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarNewProjectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarNewYmapButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarNewYndButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarNewTrainsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarNewScenarioButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarOpenButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarOpenProjectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarOpenYmapButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarOpenYndButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarOpenTrainsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarOpenScenarioButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSaveAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectEntityButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectEntityExtensionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Entity Extension");
private void ToolbarSelectArchetypeExtensionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Archetype Extension");
private void ToolbarSelectTimeCycleModifierButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Time Cycle Modifier");
private void ToolbarSelectCarGeneratorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Car Generator");
private void ToolbarSelectGrassButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectWaterQuadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Water Quad");
private void ToolbarSelectCollisionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectNavMeshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Nav Mesh");
private void ToolbarSelectPathButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectTrainTrackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Train Track");
private void ToolbarSelectDistantLodLightsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Distant Lod Lights");
private void ToolbarSelectMloInstanceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionMode("Mlo Instance");
private void ToolbarSelectScenarioButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarSelectAudioButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarMoveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetWidgetMode(ToolbarMoveButton.Checked ? "Default" : "Position");
private void ToolbarRotateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetWidgetMode(ToolbarRotateButton.Checked ? "Default" : "Rotation");
private void ToolbarScaleButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetWidgetMode(ToolbarScaleButton.Checked ? "Default" : "Scale");
private void ToolbarTransformSpaceButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetWidgetSpace(Widget.ObjectSpace ? "World space" : "Object space");
private void ToolbarObjectSpaceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetWidgetSpace("Object space");
private void ToolbarWorldSpaceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetWidgetSpace("World space");
private void ToolbarUndoButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarUndoListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var tsi = sender as ToolStripItem;
if (tsi == null) return;
var step = tsi.Tag as UndoStep;
if (step == null) return;
if (UndoSteps.Count == 0) return;
var cstep = UndoSteps.Peek();
while (cstep != null)
if (cstep == step) break;
if (UndoSteps.Count == 0) break;
cstep = UndoSteps.Peek();
private void ToolbarRedoButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarRedoListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var tsi = sender as ToolStripItem;
if (tsi == null) return;
var step = tsi.Tag as UndoStep;
if (step == null) return;
if (RedoSteps.Count == 0) return;
var cstep = RedoSteps.Peek();
while (cstep != null)
if (cstep == step) break;
if (RedoSteps.Count == 0) break;
cstep = RedoSteps.Peek();
private void ToolbarInfoWindowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarProjectWindowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarAddItemButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarDeleteItemButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarCopyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarPasteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarCameraModeButton_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarCameraPerspectiveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ToolbarCameraMapViewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetCameraMode("2D Map");
private void ToolbarCameraOrthographicButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SelectionModeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SelectionModeComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void ViewModeComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void WorldMaxLodComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void DlcLevelComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void CameraModeComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void RenderModeComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void TextureSamplerComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void TextureCoordsComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void MarkerStyleComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void LocatorStyleComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void BoundsStyleComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void WeatherComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void WeatherRegionComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void CloudsComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void CloudParamComboBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
public enum WorldRenderMode
Default = 0,
SingleTexture = 1,
VertexNormals = 2,
VertexTangents = 3,
VertexColour = 4,
TextureCoord = 5,
public enum WorldControlMode
Free = 0,
Ped = 1,
Car = 2,
Heli = 3,
Plane = 4,
Jetpack = 10,
public class MapIcon
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Filepath { get; set; }
public Texture2D Tex { get; set; }
public ShaderResourceView TexView { get; set; }
public Vector3 Center { get; set; } //in image pixels
public float Scale { get; set; } //screen pixels per icon pixel
public int TexWidth { get; set; }
public int TexHeight { get; set; }
public MapIcon(string name, string filepath, int texw, int texh, float centerx, float centery, float scale)
Name = name;
Filepath = filepath;
TexWidth = texw;
TexHeight = texh;
Center = new Vector3(centerx, centery, 0.0f);
Scale = scale;
if (!File.Exists(filepath))
throw new Exception("File not found.");
public void LoadTexture(Device device, Action<string> errorAction)
if (device != null)
Tex = TextureLoader.CreateTexture2DFromBitmap(device, TextureLoader.LoadBitmap(new SharpDX.WIC.ImagingFactory2(), Filepath));
TexView = new ShaderResourceView(device, Tex);
catch (Exception ex)
errorAction("Could not load map icon " + Filepath + " for " + Name + "!\n\n" + ex.ToString());
public void UnloadTexture()
if (TexView != null)
TexView = null;
if (Tex != null)
Tex = null;
public override string ToString()
return Name;
public class MapMarker
public MapIcon Icon { get; set; }
public Vector3 WorldPos { get; set; } //actual world pos
public Vector3 CamRelPos { get; set; } //updated per frame
public Vector3 ScreenPos { get; set; } //position on screen (updated per frame)
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<string> Properties { get; set; } //additional data
public bool IsMovable { get; set; }
public float Distance { get; set; } //length of CamRelPos, updated per frame
public void Parse(string s)
Vector3 p = new Vector3(0.0f);
string[] ss = s.Split(',');
if (ss.Length > 1)
FloatUtil.TryParse(ss[0].Trim(), out p.X);
FloatUtil.TryParse(ss[1].Trim(), out p.Y);
if (ss.Length > 2)
FloatUtil.TryParse(ss[2].Trim(), out p.Z);
if (ss.Length > 3)
Name = ss[3].Trim();
Name = string.Empty;
for (int i = 4; i < ss.Length; i++)
if (Properties == null) Properties = new List<string>();
WorldPos = p;
public override string ToString()
string cstr = Get3DWorldPosString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
cstr += ", " + Name;
if (Properties != null)
foreach (string prop in Properties)
cstr += ", " + prop;
return cstr;
public string Get2DWorldPosString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}, {1}", WorldPos.X, WorldPos.Y);
public string Get3DWorldPosString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}, {1}, {2}", WorldPos.X, WorldPos.Y, WorldPos.Z);
public struct MapSphere
public Vector3 CamRelPos { get; set; }
public float Radius { get; set; }
public struct MapBox
public Vector3 CamRelPos { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; }
public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; }
public Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
public struct MapSelection
public YmapEntityDef EntityDef { get; set; }
public Archetype Archetype { get; set; }
public DrawableBase Drawable { get; set; }
public DrawableGeometry Geometry { get; set; }
public MetaWrapper EntityExtension { get; set; }
public MetaWrapper ArchetypeExtension { get; set; }
public YmapTimeCycleModifier TimeCycleModifier { get; set; }
public YmapCarGen CarGenerator { get; set; }
public YmapGrassInstanceBatch GrassBatch { get; set; }
public YmapDistantLODLights DistantLodLights { get; set; }
public YmapEntityDef MloEntityDef { get; set; }
public WaterQuad WaterQuad { get; set; }
public Bounds CollisionBounds { get; set; }
public YnvPoly NavPoly { get; set; }
public YndNode PathNode { get; set; }
public YndLink PathLink { get; set; }
public TrainTrackNode TrainTrackNode { get; set; }
public ScenarioNode ScenarioNode { get; set; }
public MCScenarioChainingEdge ScenarioEdge { get; set; }
public AudioPlacement Audio { get; set; }
public bool MultipleSelection { get; set; }
public Vector3 MultipleSelectionCenter { get; set; }
public BoundingBox AABB { get; set; }
public BoundingSphere BSphere { get; set; }
public int GeometryIndex { get; set; }
public Vector3 CamRel { get; set; }
public float HitDist { get; set; }
public bool HasValue
return (EntityDef != null) ||
(Archetype != null) ||
(Drawable != null) ||
(Geometry != null) ||
(EntityExtension != null) ||
(ArchetypeExtension != null) ||
(TimeCycleModifier != null) ||
(CarGenerator != null) ||
(GrassBatch != null) ||
(WaterQuad != null) ||
(CollisionBounds != null) ||
(NavPoly != null) ||
(PathNode != null) ||
(TrainTrackNode != null) ||
(DistantLodLights != null) ||
(MloEntityDef != null) ||
(ScenarioNode != null) ||
(Audio != null);
public bool HasHit
get { return (HitDist != float.MaxValue); }
public bool CheckForChanges(MapSelection mhit)
return (EntityDef != mhit.EntityDef)
|| (Archetype != mhit.Archetype)
|| (Drawable != mhit.Drawable)
|| (TimeCycleModifier != mhit.TimeCycleModifier)
|| (ArchetypeExtension != mhit.ArchetypeExtension)
|| (EntityExtension != mhit.EntityExtension)
|| (CarGenerator != mhit.CarGenerator)
|| (MloEntityDef != mhit.MloEntityDef)
|| (DistantLodLights != mhit.DistantLodLights)
|| (GrassBatch != mhit.GrassBatch)
|| (WaterQuad != mhit.WaterQuad)
|| (CollisionBounds != mhit.CollisionBounds)
|| (NavPoly != mhit.NavPoly)
|| (PathNode != mhit.PathNode)
|| (TrainTrackNode != mhit.TrainTrackNode)
|| (ScenarioNode != mhit.ScenarioNode)
|| (Audio != mhit.Audio);
public bool CheckForChanges()
return (EntityDef != null)
|| (Archetype != null)
|| (Drawable != null)
|| (TimeCycleModifier != null)
|| (ArchetypeExtension != null)
|| (EntityExtension != null)
|| (CarGenerator != null)
|| (MloEntityDef != null)
|| (DistantLodLights != null)
|| (GrassBatch != null)
|| (WaterQuad != null)
|| (CollisionBounds != null)
|| (NavPoly != null)
|| (PathNode != null)
|| (PathLink != null)
|| (TrainTrackNode != null)
|| (ScenarioNode != null)
|| (Audio != null);
public void Clear()
EntityDef = null;
Archetype = null;
Drawable = null;
Geometry = null;
EntityExtension = null;
ArchetypeExtension = null;
TimeCycleModifier = null;
CarGenerator = null;
GrassBatch = null;
WaterQuad = null;
CollisionBounds = null;
NavPoly = null;
PathNode = null;
PathLink = null;
TrainTrackNode = null;
DistantLodLights = null;
MloEntityDef = null;
ScenarioNode = null;
ScenarioEdge = null;
Audio = null;
MultipleSelection = false;
AABB = new BoundingBox();
GeometryIndex = 0;
CamRel = new Vector3();
HitDist = float.MaxValue;
public string GetNameString(string defval)
string name = defval;
if (MultipleSelection)
name = "Multiple items";
else if (EntityDef != null)
name = EntityDef.CEntityDef.archetypeName.ToString();
else if (Archetype != null)
name = Archetype.Hash.ToString();
else if (TimeCycleModifier != null)
name =;
else if (CarGenerator != null)
name = CarGenerator.CCarGen.carModel.ToString();
else if (DistantLodLights != null)
name = DistantLodLights.Ymap?.Name ?? "";
else if (CollisionBounds != null)
name = CollisionBounds.GetName();
if (EntityExtension != null)
name = EntityExtension.Name;
if (ArchetypeExtension != null)
name = ArchetypeExtension.Name;
if (WaterQuad != null)
name = "WaterQuad " + WaterQuad.ToString();
if (NavPoly != null)
name = "NavPoly " + NavPoly.ToString();
if (PathNode != null)
name = "PathNode " + PathNode.AreaID.ToString() + "." + PathNode.NodeID.ToString(); //+ FloatUtil.GetVector3String(PathNode.Position);
if (TrainTrackNode != null)
name = "TrainTrackNode " + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(TrainTrackNode.Position);
if (ScenarioNode != null)
name = ScenarioNode.ToString();
if (Audio != null)
name = Audio.ShortTypeName + " " + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(Audio.InnerPos);
return name;
public string GetFullNameString(string defval)
string name = defval;
if (MultipleSelection)
name = "Multiple items";
else if (EntityDef != null)
name = EntityDef.CEntityDef.archetypeName.ToString();
else if (Archetype != null)
name = Archetype.Hash.ToString();
else if (CollisionBounds != null)
name = CollisionBounds.GetName();
if (Geometry != null)
name += " (" + GeometryIndex.ToString() + ")";
if (TimeCycleModifier != null)
name =;
if (CarGenerator != null)
name = CarGenerator.NameString();
if (EntityExtension != null)
name += ": " + EntityExtension.Name;
if (ArchetypeExtension != null)
name += ": " + ArchetypeExtension.Name;
if (WaterQuad != null)
name = "WaterQuad " + WaterQuad.ToString();
if (NavPoly != null)
name = "NavPoly " + NavPoly.ToString();
if (PathNode != null)
name = "PathNode " + PathNode.AreaID.ToString() + "." + PathNode.NodeID.ToString();// + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(PathNode.Position);
if (TrainTrackNode != null)
name = "TrainTrackNode " + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(TrainTrackNode.Position);
if (ScenarioNode != null)
name = ScenarioNode.ToString();
if (Audio != null)
name = Audio.ShortTypeName + " " + FloatUtil.GetVector3String(Audio.InnerPos);
return name;
public bool CanShowWidget
bool res = false;
if (MultipleSelection)
res = true;
else if (EntityDef != null)
res = true;
else if (CarGenerator != null)
res = true;
else if (NavPoly != null)
res = true;
else if (PathNode != null)
res = true;
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
res = true;
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
res = true;
else if (Audio != null)
res = true;
return res;
public Vector3 WidgetPosition
if (MultipleSelection)
return MultipleSelectionCenter;
else if (EntityDef != null)
return EntityDef.WidgetPosition;
else if (CarGenerator != null)
return CarGenerator.Position;
else if (NavPoly != null)
return NavPoly.Position;
else if (PathNode != null)
return PathNode.Position;
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
return TrainTrackNode.Position;
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
return ScenarioNode.Position;
else if (Audio != null)
return Audio.InnerPos;
return Vector3.Zero;
public Quaternion WidgetRotation
if (MultipleSelection)
return Quaternion.Identity;
else if (EntityDef != null)
return EntityDef.WidgetOrientation;
else if (CarGenerator != null)
return CarGenerator.Orientation;
else if (NavPoly != null)
return Quaternion.Identity;
else if (PathNode != null)
return Quaternion.Identity;
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
return Quaternion.Identity;
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
return ScenarioNode.Orientation;
else if (Audio != null)
return Audio.HitboxOri;
return Quaternion.Identity;
public WidgetAxis WidgetRotationAxes
if (MultipleSelection)
return WidgetAxis.XYZ;
else if (EntityDef != null)
return WidgetAxis.XYZ;
else if (CarGenerator != null)
return WidgetAxis.Z;
else if (NavPoly != null)
return WidgetAxis.XYZ;
else if (PathNode != null)
return WidgetAxis.None;
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
return WidgetAxis.None;
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
return WidgetAxis.Z;
else if (Audio != null)
return WidgetAxis.XYZ;
return WidgetAxis.None;
public Vector3 WidgetScale
if (MultipleSelection)
return Vector3.One;
else if (EntityDef != null)
return EntityDef.Scale;
else if (CarGenerator != null)
return new Vector3(CarGenerator.CCarGen.perpendicularLength);
else if (NavPoly != null)
return Vector3.One;
else if (PathNode != null)
return Vector3.One;
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
return Vector3.One;
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
return Vector3.One;
else if (Audio != null)
return Vector3.One;
return Vector3.One;
public void SetPosition(Vector3 newpos, Vector3 oldpos, bool editPivot)
if (MultipleSelection)
//don't do anything here for multiselection
else if (EntityDef != null)
if (editPivot)
else if (CarGenerator != null)
else if (PathNode != null)
else if (NavPoly != null)
//if (projectForm != null)
// projectForm.OnWorldNavPolyModified(NavPoly);
else if (TrainTrackNode != null)
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
else if (Audio != null)
public void SetRotation(Quaternion newrot, Quaternion oldrot, bool editPivot)
if (EntityDef != null)
if (editPivot)
else if (CarGenerator != null)
else if (ScenarioNode != null)
else if (Audio != null)
public void SetScale(Vector3 newscale, Vector3 oldscale, bool editPivot)
if (EntityDef != null)
else if (CarGenerator != null)
AABB = new BoundingBox(CarGenerator.BBMin, CarGenerator.BBMax);
public override string ToString()
return GetFullNameString("[Empty]");
public enum MapSelectionMode
None = 0,
Entity = 1,
EntityExtension = 2,
ArchetypeExtension = 3,
TimeCycleModifier = 4,
CarGenerator = 5,
Grass = 6,
WaterQuad = 7,
Collision = 8,
NavMesh = 9,
Path = 10,
TrainTrack = 11,
DistantLodLights = 12,
MloInstance = 13,
Scenario = 14,
PopZone = 15,
Audio = 16,
public class KeyBindings
public Keys MoveForward = Keys.W;
public Keys MoveBackward = Keys.S;
public Keys MoveLeft = Keys.A;
public Keys MoveRight = Keys.D;
public Keys MoveUp = Keys.R;
public Keys MoveDown = Keys.F;
public Keys MoveSlowerZoomIn = Keys.Z;
public Keys MoveFasterZoomOut = Keys.X;
public Keys ToggleMouseSelect = Keys.C;
public Keys ToggleToolbar = Keys.T;
public Keys ExitEditMode = Keys.Q;
public Keys EditPosition = Keys.W;
public Keys EditRotation = Keys.E;
public Keys EditScale = Keys.R;
public Keys Jump = Keys.Space; //for control mode
public Keys FirstPerson = Keys.P;
public KeyBindings(StringCollection sc)
foreach (string s in sc)
string[] parts = s.Split(':');
if (parts.Length == 2)
string sval = parts[1].Trim();
Keys k = (Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), sval);
SetBinding(parts[0], k);
public void SetBinding(string name, Keys k)
switch (name)
case "Move Forwards": MoveForward = k; break;
case "Move Backwards": MoveBackward = k; break;
case "Move Left": MoveLeft = k; break;
case "Move Right": MoveRight = k; break;
case "Move Up": MoveUp = k; break;
case "Move Down": MoveDown = k; break;
case "Move Slower / Zoom In": MoveSlowerZoomIn = k; break;
case "Move Faster / Zoom Out": MoveFasterZoomOut = k; break;
case "Toggle Mouse Select": ToggleMouseSelect = k; break;
case "Toggle Toolbar": ToggleToolbar = k; break;
case "Exit Edit Mode": ExitEditMode = k; break;
case "Edit Position": EditPosition = k; break;
case "Edit Rotation": EditRotation = k; break;
case "Edit Scale": EditScale = k; break;
case "First Person Mode": FirstPerson = k; break;
public StringCollection GetSetting()
StringCollection sc = new StringCollection();
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Forwards", MoveForward));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Backwards", MoveBackward));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Left", MoveLeft));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Right", MoveRight));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Up", MoveUp));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Down", MoveDown));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Slower / Zoom In", MoveSlowerZoomIn));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Move Faster / Zoom Out", MoveFasterZoomOut));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Toggle Mouse Select", ToggleMouseSelect));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Toggle Toolbar", ToggleToolbar));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Exit Edit Mode", ExitEditMode));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Edit Position", EditPosition));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Edit Rotation", EditRotation));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("Edit Scale", EditScale));
sc.Add(GetSettingItem("First Person Mode", FirstPerson));
return sc;
private string GetSettingItem(string name, Keys val)
return name + ": " + val.ToString();
public KeyBindings Copy()
return (KeyBindings)MemberwiseClone();